,a,�. ..
<br /> , , • ,:,-
<br /> y.a
<br /> • � • ,/r }, �r��
<br /> '1� r�%t.:'.
<br /> i•
<br /> 4 'f::�
<br /> � . ,__ _–_. _
<br /> -- _ _ . .�._._.,.�.r 93- i�954s
<br /> +1. c ot!�! _e�'l�.1►1�'r a.r Y..a ciwfle�. s«rower Y�u aw wMaa dWa tbe o���.,na int•r!x o+�. �
<br /> tbe dsbt e�nood by the Note w�d late char�es due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Mont619 P�7�b d'ltixM,6u�aNCe�d OtMr Cwe�. Bonower sh�ll include in eaah mS�h1Y PRY�nt.
<br /> togel}�r with the pdncipal�nd inteoeu u�et forth in the Note u�d�ny U��te chartes,�n inqallmant of�ny(�)taxe��nd
<br /> �peclal asaeasrr�eott kvied ar to 6e levled ag�inst the ProQecty.(b){ea�d�oW P�Ymenu or�raund reat�an tha PropertY•�nd
<br /> (c)pe�emiums foc inwranct rcquired by Pua�raph 4.
<br /> Each monthly inatnllment for items (a), (b) �nd(c)ahall equal one-twelflh of the annual amnunts,�s reawnab�y
<br /> tatlmatod by Lender. P�u�an �unoune aufflcient to m�intain w► additians�l b�l+wice of not mam th�ut.ono-�ixth uf the
<br /> .'_: e�matod artwunte. The{u►1 uu�wl �mount for each i�m studt be pccumulated by Lendor wlthln�pe�iad endinE aie
<br /> month befooe an item would become delinquetu. Lender�ll hold the at►xwnu coilected in truu W p�y itAmi tu).(b)md
<br /> (c)befoc�e they become delinquent.
<br /> — If at Any time the taal of the payments 1x1d by Lender far ltems(�).(b) and(c),together.with�lha futu�monthly
<br /> p�Yments fa such Items payable to l.ender pna to the due daus of wch items. exeeeda by maoc thtut.one•sixth the
<br /> estimsced art�ount of payma�ts requirod to pny such iums whea due,�nd if p+�ymaits on tho Note tue curnent,then l.ender
<br /> _ ��` ------- --- ahall either refund the cxcess over or►e•sucth of the estimxted pttyments or ciedjt ti�e exass ovor ona-sixth.af.tha estimated
<br /> _ — paymenta to subfeguent payments by Borrawer.at the aptia►of Bocrower. If the total���� ���tbY��
<br /> for item(a),(b).or(c)ia insufficient to pxy the ftem when due.then Bamwer�haU py Y
<br /> --�� make up the deC�ciency on or befon the date the item becomes due.
<br /> As used in this Securtry Insavment,"SaYetxry"means the Secret+q'of Housing�nd Urbnn L1ova1o�t�►t a hia or har
<br /> designee. In nny year!n wi3ch the Lender mustpay a mortgage insurance premfum to tha Sacretary.c h manthlY P49�nt
<br /> —�-�— shall dso include either: (i) en installment of the nnnwl mortgage insucance premium to be paid by l.ender to thc
<br /> � Secretary.or(ii)a monthly chuge instepd of a mortgAgc insurence p►emium if this Secu�ity Inctmmont Is held by the
<br />-� �t!!� Sectenry. Each monthly instaUment of the mortgage insurancc premium si�all be in an an�ount cuFf�ciaat to a�uawlatc the
<br /> ` � � full annu�l mortgage insurance premium with Lender one month prior to the date the f�ll ynnuai xnortgage�iasurance
<br /> � �, . .' . pcemlum is due to the Secretary:or if this Security Instrument is held by the Sectttary,each maiddy d�rge c1w111oe in an
<br /> ,. ;�r '�" "'' '� ` " a m o u n t e q u x l t o o n e-t w e l ft h o f o n e-h a l f p e r c e n t af the outgtandin g p r inci Pal balanco due on th�Note.
<br /> � �•''°. � °�� ,�� , If Borrower tenders to L,ender the full payment of all sums secured by this S e curity I r.strument.Borrower�accou n t
<br /> k�`�;;�'�;�`
<br /> shnll be credited with the balAnce remaining for all installmtnts for items(a).(b) �nd (c)and an mo�tgage insurance
<br /> q `.�i•;5,�".�;�,,;� .•.;:t; om tl zefund an
<br /> �k.,::�,;:� premium instalimcnt t�at Lender has not become obligated ta pay ro thc Secretary. and 1-enckr shal Pr P Y��w�ri
<br /> � '� +",ry :c�;,;`;°-�. :��''.. excess funds to Borrower. Irnmediately pdor to a foreclosure sale of the Property or iGq acqulsition by Lendu.
<br /> .���"�'1;`�`��r���'��;� �ccaunt shall be credited with any belance remaining for all installments for�tems(a),(b)and(c).
<br /> • ,��4 r:•,.t.,�,�,;'fa,,�r�'; 3. A ,licpiion at Puyments. All paymcnts undcr Paragrephs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender pa follows:
<br /> E�'���"'i� ►�� �� �]$�ta the mortgage insurance premium to be paid by l.ender to the Secretary or to the monthly charge by the
<br />�•� • '`' ''��'y�"t''�"��.','��'4fM Secretary instead of the monthiy moRgage insurance premium;
<br />�.�f:;. .?�ir.!"n�,.;'�<.�.'."•'" > ,-
<br /> , ��,�;���,�,,; �QZ(Q.to any taxcs.special avsessme��s,leasehald paymcnts or�round nnts,and fire.flood and other hazard
<br /> . , . • .+ , IIISY[BnCC piCtutUt�ix,�i.ti i2qUif��:
<br /> T}�j$Q,to interest due under the Note;
<br /> FOURTH,to amortiwtion of the principal of the Nou;
<br /> �,to late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Fire,Flood And Other Hazard InsurAnce. Borcowcr shall inxurc all improvements an the Ptoperty.whett�er now
<br /> • in existence or subsequently erccted.agxinst uny huzardz,c�.tiuKlties,und contingencies, including firc.for whieh L.ender
<br /> rcquirex insurance. This in,urancc�hull bc mainta�ncd in thc amountr und for thc periods that l.cnder nquircs. Borrower
<br /> shall alw insut�e All impmvcments on the Pirnpeny,whethcr now in existencc or subsequendy crected,against loss by floods
<br /> to thc extent rcyuircd by the Sccrctury All insurLncc zhull t+c rurried witb cump�niea�Pp�oved by Lender. 71�e insurance
<br /> ,- policic, ynd uny renewulr �hall lx• luld by I.enJer und .hali includc loss puyablo clauses in fawx af, and in a fam
<br /> _ acccptabic to,l.ender.
<br /> (n the cvent of loss,Borrow�cr+h•rll give Lendcr immrdiatc ncNicc by muil. l.ender muy make prouf of loss if not
<br /> mede promptly by Borrower. �::ch insurunce company roncerned ix hemby uuthnriied und dirccted to make payment for
<br /> _F, sucfi lass directly to l.ender,insuad uf to Bnrrower and to Lendcr joinAy. All or uny purt of tha insurance proceeds may be
<br /> applied by Lender,at its option,either tu)to the reduction��f the indebtedness under the Nota and thls Secunty lnstrucnent,
<br /> fint w any delinquent umount+upplied in thc ordcr in Purugruph 3. and then to prepuyment of principal.or(b)to tho
<br /> restoration or repair of the d�maged properly. Any upplicution of the proceed.to ihe pnnc�pul shall not extend or postpona
<br /> the due date of the monthly payntents wh�ch arc referrcd to in Purugruph.�.or chrnge the umount of such payments. Any
<br /> excess insurnnce pruceeds over un amount rryuired to pay ull out�t:u�dmb indebt�dness under the Note and this Seeurity
<br /> ' Instrument shall be paid to the entity Icgally entitled thereto.
<br /> In the event of foreclasute of this Securiry Instrument or othcr trunsfcr of title to the Property that extinguishes the
<br /> indebtednexs,aQ right,title und inten.t of Barrower in:md to in.ur.ince�licie, in 1'urce sha11 pa,.to the purchaser.
<br /> _ �N� S. Occupancy. Preservatiun. Muintenu�ce and Protection of the Property: Borrower's I.oan Appikation;
<br /> —.. � - I.eASeholds. Borrower�hall cxcnpy,establish,and u�r the Pro�xny rs Botrowtr,princip:d residence within sixty days
<br /> • after the execution of thi�Securiry Insttvment and yhall cominur tu�xtiupy the Property �s BoROwerE principal residence
<br /> w ;.-„r " far at le�ut one ycar after thc datc of curupancy,unlc..the Scrrrtary detennmc�thiti nyuircmrnt will cnuse unduc hordship
<br />� „ �����' - for Bortower, or unle+s extenu:►ting rircurristunres exi+t w•hich are beyc�nd Barrower� cont+nl. Borrower shull notify
<br /> :� ',F Lenden of any extenuating cinum�tance�. Borrower�hall n�n commit w•atite or de+truy,damuge or sub�tuntially ehnnge
<br />- thC Pfoperty or allow thc Properiy to dMCrio[utC.r�a.unable a•car und tcar excepted. Lendcr muy m.pect the Property if the
<br /> ,;�� � • propeRy is vacunt or ahundaned or the to:ui is in def'uult. Lender may tuke ma,anable action to protect and prexrve�uch
<br />:�+� vacant or Abandoned 1'roperi}•. Born�wer shall ul�o lx in defiiuh if Borrnwer.Juring thc lusn applicution process, guve
<br /> "� � � materially falsc or inatturutc infnrtnution or .tutrmrnt. tu I.rndcr (ur failcd to providc Lcndcr with :uiy mut�trial
<br /> " in(orn�ation)in connertion with the loun cvidenrrd hy the hute.including:lwt not limited eo,rcpre.enu►tions coneeming
<br /> ' Borrower's orrupanry of the Rn}xrty a,u principal re.idencr. lt'thi.Serur�ry In+trument i.im a lrusehold,Bomower shnll
<br />== comply with thc provision.of thc lra+r. if Rurn�wcr ucyuirr+fcc titic to thr Pirc�x:rty.thr Ic:�khold und fee tidc shull not
<br /> = be mer�ed unlcsti Lcndcr agrec+to Ihc mcrger in wnting.
<br />� 6. Charges to&►rrower and Protection uf Lender's Ri�;htx in the Property. Bu�rawrr.hall puy rll govemmcntul
<br /> =f_ " or municipal charges,f[nes and impositions thxt uro not included in Paragruph 2. Bortowcr shall p•ry thcse obligutions cx�
<br />-�. • . time directly to the entity which is owed the puyment. If fuiluR tu puy aould advencly uffcct Lr:nder's interest in thc
<br /> ___.� Property,upon Lender's reyucst Borrower sh•rll pramptly fumi,h w Lcndcr rcceipl.evidencing thcse payments.
<br /> If Borrower fails to makc these payments or the puyment.n�yuircd by Parugraph 2,or fails to pert'onn any other
<br /> ..�.a:...1.:..C.......:�.,t...tn�mnnt .x thNre�.:�I�wal nnreedinu that muv s�enificuntlY affect
<br /> ._.+--.�-.: •.s�. . . .-;� WYCIIiYIt��uai dg7�c�aci�Q;a.viiuiuw�.......,..�......� ......._..._.... _. _•._._ . .., . - -
<br /> _�,�'� '.i:::rr • ". :,
<br /> � Lender s rights in the Pcoperty(such as u proceeding in bankruptcy,for condemnution or to rnforec aws or rcgulntion�),
<br /> °� �`'D�'°�:�`>''';;;Y, then Lendcr may do and pay whatcver is ncces,ury to pmtect thc value of the Property and L�:nder's rights in the Property,
<br /> �-:. �;,�• . ..•.. . . . :;, ;<:.
<br /> ^"`"" ' including payment of taxes,hax�rd insurance and other items mentinned in Paragraph 2.
<br /> �;..°,`:.":.'��;;;`� Any amounts disbursed b Lender under thix Para�raph shall becomc an a d d itional debt uf Borrower und be securcd
<br /> . ,;;:, y
<br /> — '"� ��. �„�,a_`':,-„y�j� by this Security Inswment. 'fhese sunountl xhall bear mtercst from thc date of ditibutsement,at the Note rate,and at the
<br /> ,'�:t� option of Lender,shall he immediately due and payable.
<br /> �'�s:::��.•��,'%�;:, 7. Condemtwtian. The proceeds of any award or claim for damuge+,direct or conseyuentiul,in connection with any
<br /> �'•'K, condemnation or other taking of any parc of the 1'roperty,or for conveyancc in place of condcmnation,are hereby assigncd
<br /> ` �. ., �DO
<br /> ,, .,;;,:,,,r�t,� and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full nmount of thc indebtedness that remuins unpaid under thc Note und thix
<br /> �;� Security lnswment. Lender shall apply such proceeds to the mduction of the indebtedness under the Note:u►d this Security
<br /> Instrument, first to any delinquent amounts applied in the order provided in F�rnsruph 3. :uid then to pmpayment of
<br /> ru
<br /> �•,u princip�l. Any application of the proceeds to the principsl shall not extend or postpone the due date ot the monthly
<br /> `...,,, Y.�,•e,.f,;;:ti�..� •L �/MtRe 2 of i/Hlge�►
<br />. _........�—.�---.a-te1r..>>�i::'..r
<br />__ � +'
<br /> —,,:si ��.yhk.��.bV"." _ _ . . __ . _ __ ._ . _ _ _ _. ___ . _ _—. _
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<br />