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<br /> c�)�bnriw�r Mot Il��al.Exhn�lon of 1h�tim�tor wym«�c a modiflo�aon ol amora�uon a Ih�wnu wcurad ay tlds
<br /> Owe!of Tn11it�►n�Md b�►L��dor b any wcc�or(n Inanst of 8orrow�r�half aot op�aM b rM�sN.in any marwtK�M�IkbNMl�
<br /> aNh11 ai�IitNll NoROw�t 11nd 8ortowM�wao�o►s in InMrNt L�ndK�hall not b�rpulnd b oomm�no�p►oo�sdNp��p�irlrt
<br /> -�---° woh suaa�wr ar rotue�s ta exMnd tlrt+e M►Pyrm�nt a olh�rwlN modiy�morM�don of th�wnw Mcur�d by tlds OMd M Trwt
<br /> by rNnon M�nY d�nds mIKM by 11r�oripinal BoROwK and 8orrovwr'a wcc�uo►a In InNrMt
<br /> (b) I.Md�'���.Without afNatinp th�tlabllity of any oth�r pK�on Ilabt�fa th�pRymmR of�ny oblip�Na�tNnin �
<br /> m�ntipn�d,�nd wMhaulaftnaAn�th�1{m a chary�ot thlt ONd d Trust upon any poNon of th�Prop�rty notlhm atl�nMla�
<br /> rNwa�d u s�ou�lty tar tha tull�mount ot ali unpaid oblipaaon�.L�nd�r may�f�om tim�to dn��nd without notla(i)nINN�ny
<br /> p�twn�o Il�bla.(IU�xtAnd the m�Wrtty or alt�t�ny o(th�t�rm�ol�ny suah oblipatlOm,(Iii)pMn!olh�r indub�nc�s.(hr)rMNM
<br /> or rsco�wey,ar o�u�a ta aa rNMfed or reconvey�d at any UrrN at L�nd�►'�optlon any p�rcN,portlon or all ot th�Prcp�Ay,
<br /> _._ (�t�k�or reN�N�ny othar or additbnal wcuHty for any oblipadon h�rNn m�ntlon�d,a(�I)mak�composiUons a otlwr
<br /> �m�pan�nb with dabtarr�In rei�don thsrNo.
<br /> (a) FarbwMna�by I.�nd�Not a Waiwr•Any tab�aranc�by L�nd�r in�x�rcltin�any rtqht or nm�dy Iwr�undK,or
<br /> otherwla�dta►ded bp applb�bb law,shali not b�R w�iver of or pnclud�th��xwciss ol any wah�ht or �«n�dy.Tha
<br /> procurement of h�uranae or th�paym�nt of taxe�or othsr Ilens or ahary�s by Und�r�hall oot b�a wuv�r of L�nd�r's ri�htto
<br /> aacNp►at�the m�huity af the ind�btadness�tsaur�d by this Ds�d of Trust
<br /> (d) fuoo�a��nd A�pn�Ooundt Jokd and 8��1 WWIN�f:Captlom,The coventnb and�rMm�nts MrNn aon-
<br /> � pdnsd sh�ll bind,�nd tlte riphq h�r�under shatl inur�to,the nsp�aArs wco�seors snd as�tpns of l.end�r and Trwtor.All
<br /> cown�nt�and apraamsnb of Tru�ta�hait bs jolnt and ewwal.TM captiont and he�dinp.a u�e w��.pn.a u�s o..d or
<br /> - Trwt�rA tar aonwonbnce onty and�n�ot to be used W InterprN a datine the praviaon4 twrsot.
<br /> (�) 11pWM!1qr Nollo�.Ti»parfMs ha�by rpwat that s copy W any nofiaa of detau�t hsraundsr and a copy ot�ny noUcs
<br /> — of tale hareunder be m�ikd to sach perty to thfa Wed of Trust at th�addr�s�tst forth abova in the mann�r pr�crib�d by
<br /> applla�bW Mw.faccapt for any other notica nquir�d under apptioeble I�w to be piven in anather manner,any noUce provided
<br /> �_"""�'�"—' far in thi�Desd of Truat ahali be yfven by maliinp such noUce by csNfied malt addrossed to the other partllei,at the addrsss wt
<br /> farth �bove.Any notice provlded for in this Oeed of Trust�hdl be eHscdve upon metitnp in ths manne�dssipnAt�d hvnin.lt
<br /> •�_�t�; Tru�tar 1�mors th�n one person,notice sent to the address set torth�bove shall be notice to all�uch pereona.
<br />- —=°'�"� (Q �mp�oiloe,Lender may m�ks or cau�e to be med�nawn�bie sntriss upon and fntpecUons of the Propsrty,provid�d
<br /> 1hAt L�nder shail pive Tru�tor notlae prlor to�ny such InspscUon spscffylny nasonablo cauw th�rsfor r��ated to L�nde's
<br /> Intbrn�t In th�PropsAy.
<br />••.•� (q) R�eonwyane�.Upon payment of all eumc aeeured by thfs Deed ot Trust,Lender�heil reque�t Trustee to reconvsy ths
<br /> �-� -- — PropeAy and ah�li surnndK this Oeed of Trutt and att notes evidencinp indebtedness aecursd by thia Deed of Trustto TrustN.
<br /> - 7nist�s thall reconvey th�Property without warnnry�nd without charys to th�person or psnons Ispaily�ntlded MNrNo.
<br />:y- - - Tru�or slts!!gap a!!co�te ot►!�nrdntion,It any.
<br /> � ; ' (h) p�tson�i pjpp�rt�;g�eudty A�rNnwnR As additionai secutity tor the peyment of the Note.Trustor hereby qrant�
<br /> !�'•. "�' Lender undathe Nebraske Unitorm Commerclat Code a tecurity interest in ail tixtures,equipreent,and ofhar personal properly
<br /> �# � �• u�sd in connection w8h ths reat estate or improvementa Iocated thereon,and not othervrise decland or deemed to be a partof
<br /> � ' � the real eatate secured h�reby.Thia lnstrument aheii be conatrued as a Security Ayream�nt under said Code,and tfie Lendsr
<br /> � rhait havs aIi ths dphta and remedte�of a secured party under said Code fn additfon to the rlphts and remsdfee areated und�r
<br /> 4' and accorded the Londer pursuant to thia Deed of Trust;pravfded that Lender'a riphta and remedtes under thia perapraph shett
<br /> b9 cumulative with,and in no way a Ilmitatfon on,Lender's rlyhte and nmedlos und�r any othar uouriry epnemsnt sipn�d by
<br /> .w.., �,' 8orrower or T�uetor.
<br /> a'��h:�.
<br /> ,_,sy�,� (I) LNM�nd Enaumbranaw.Truator hereby warrants and repreaenw that there Ic no detault undar the provialone of any
<br /> �,'.� . mo�t9spe,dsed of tru�t,loaee or purchase contract describing a�t or any paK ot the Property,o�athar contract,Inetrument or
<br /> apreement constltutinp a Ilen or encumbrance apalnst all or any pan of the Property(co�lectiveiy,"Lfens"),exlstinp as ot the
<br /> � date of thts Deed of Truet,end that any and ail exlating Liena remain unmoditled except as dfscioaed to Lende�r fn Trustor's
<br />,�:— ,nu w►itten diseloaure of Ilena and encumbrances provided far herefn. Trustor she0 timeiy perform ali of Truator's obitpatfons,
<br /> � } �x�•:'�r+.. ' covenante,npn�entations and warranties under any and ail exisitln�and tuture Liana,shali prompdy torward to Lender coples
<br /> �;:����,��;M::•�•; of ali noGcea of detauit sent in connectiOn with any end alt existinp or luture Llena,and ohall not without Lender's prior writtan
<br /> cons�nt in any menner modity the prov�slona of or altow any tuture advances under any exlatinp or future Llena.
<br /> ` '`��'`���� (J) AppNa�tion ot P�ym�nb.Unleas otherwise required by law,eums pald to Lender hereunder,including wfthout Ilmitatlon
<br /> ` .•j�,nN.,
<br />_ '� ,��r�t�:• paymsnb of princlpal and Interest,Insurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceeds and rents and profite,shall be appllsd by
<br />'Y�h .. Lender to the amounb due and owinp trom Trustor end Borrower In auch order as Lender In Its fole disaretlon deems deairabte.
<br /> '�`•�;a:'--,:;,.:. �• (k) Sw�r�blDty.N any provfsion of this Deed of Trust contllcts with appllcabie law o► Is declared�nvalid or otherwise
<br /> _ .� -.: unenforceable,auch confltct or Invalidity shalt not a(fect the other provisons of this Oeed of Truat or the Note which Can be
<br /> M��,:Ti•�' yiven sftect without the confliatfnp proviafon,and to thla end the provislons of this Deetl of Trust anB the Note are deciared to be
<br /> �everable.
<br /> �� =„=y`:�:”�;�: (q Tinm.The terma"Trustor"and"Borrower"shait include both sinpula►end ptural,and when the Trustor and Borrower
<br /> _ `��;�..:;� ara the teme perwn(s),those terms as uaed fn thia Oeed of Trust shali be Interchenpeabie.
<br /> —���,,_:,_;,,,,.;, (m)CiowrnMq Law.This Deed of Trust aha��be yoverned by the taws ot the State ot Nebras
<br /> _=�=-���� Trustor h�s�x�cuted this Oeed of 7ruat as ot the date wrltten abovQ.
<br /> - S /!X%y�"�fi�� L
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