_►�.�_ �.-� F . .. ._ -- , -
<br /> �~•� � ^''i • -- - _ �'�-'
<br /> ' � �-'-�� - -
<br /> 'q�: i096�9
<br /> tl�PropKy I�w Wan a d�m�p�d,l.wM�r�h�il h�w t1N optlon.In ib wN�nd�b�WuM Tlaritlon�b�PPh►all wah Pro�oMO�,
<br /> �ry��duaq�p qNr�hpm atl co�q�nd�xpenMS Inaurnd by it In aonr�Non with wah Prc+c�+ds,upon�nN Ind�bNdr�s�cw�d
<br /> haM�y�nd M wch ord�r u L�ndK may d�t�rmin�,or to�pplY�II wch Procwd�,�flK awsh d�duotion�,b Ih�rMlontlon of tIN
<br /> Prop�ty upo�wch conditlon�u L�ndrr may dNKmiM.Any�pplicadon of Procwd�b Ind�bMdnw�shall nol�xMnd a poMpaN
<br /> 1M dw d�M al�ny p�yrtwny undN th�Noa,a aun ariy dM�ult IhNwnd�r or Mnundw.Any unsppitod funda shall M prld b
<br /> Trwb►.
<br /> '---�-""�"'���T�— 8. p�if�L�nd�r.Upon tho occurrence ot an Event of Ds1a�iN raeund�r,or H�ny�at Is tak�n w Npal procMdlnp -
<br /> commMad which m�artnlly a!(soFS L�nd�r's Inb►at In ths Prop�Ay,Lender m�y In It�own dI�CrNion,but without oDtlpatbn to do
<br /> = so,aed withaut notk�to a d�rtMnd upon Tru�tor and wlthout nlst�fnp Tru�tor lrom�ny abllpdion�dc�ny aat whl�fi Trwbr h�s
<br /> w-� �prMd but fall�to do�nd mliy al�o do�ny olh�r eot ft dN�m t�CMS�ry to proho!1hA Nturly hK�of.TrusWr�11.Imm�dlaMly
<br /> upon d�mand th�relor by t.mda�WY b L�nd�r�Il coW�nd�xpN►�Inournd�nd�um��xp�nd�d bY I.�nd�r in conn�atlan wNh
<br /> add�d t th���fN�i NOUid�hKibS�L�d�r sha'�n�nauh+�n�lab IIydN��ul�oPa�!dQn�`s��do ohlomlt fcudo
<br /> -- - __ - hNwindM. -
<br /> �, il�satdoH�MaNel�ls.Trustor�Fwtl keep ths Propsrly in comptlanc�with aIi applicabi�I�wi,ordin�ncss ond rapul�tlon�
<br /> r�i�dn�to industrlal hypl�ne or environm�►tat proteadon(oollscstivsly nf�rnd to h�nin u"Envlronmant�l Laws'7. Tru�ta shail
<br /> kwp the Propxty k�e tram ail subsfances deem�d W be hazardou�or toxla undsr any Environmant�l l.�ws(aoi��ativoly nlerr�d b
<br /> h�rNn p�"Huardous Materiais").TrusEO�hereby war�ant�and repre�nts to Lendsr th�t th�re are no Hu�rdous Matsrt�l�on or
<br /> _ — — unda th�Propsrty.Trustor heceby�pnNS to Indemnify�nd hoid harmtest Lender,Its dineton,oHl�ars,anployNS and�p�nb.�nd
<br /> ' any succKaora to lends�'s IntKSSt,from and apain�t any and all ctalmf,damapsi,tos�and IiabiltWa ari�fnp In connection wifh
<br /> th�pre�w�ce,uM,difpo�al w transport ot any Huardous Materi�ls on,under,from a about the Propsrty THE FOREt301Nd
<br /> - � 10. A�s{piwMnt ol R«tl�.Truttor hereby auipns to L�nder th�r�nts,isfues�nd protits of the Proprrty:providsd that Tru�tor
<br /> �;H,�4i��f,: �hali,untll th�occurr�nce of an Ev�nt of Detautt harau�der,h�ve the rlyht to collact�nd r�teln wch nnts,i�sues�nd ptofib as ih�y
<br /> • beconie due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of O�lautt,Lender moy,e�ther in person or by eysnt,with or without
<br /> � brin�inp any�ctlon w prxMdlny,or by a recefver eppolnted by p court and without repard to the adequacy of iu sacurlty,entar -
<br />� '.t• upon and tak�posssaion of the Property,or any part thareaf,In Its own name or in the neme of theTru�tse,and do any acu whlch tt
<br /> '•+ d�sma rncewary or de�irabla to pr��rve the value,marketabllity or tentebiliry of the Property,or any part thereof or Interaat therein,
<br /> incrs�s�tho income theretrom or protact the securiry horeof and,with or without takinQ poeseesion of thQ Property,euy lor or
<br /> otherwle�coitect the rente,i�sues and profits thsreoi,includinfl thoee past due and unpaid,and appty the eame,les�costs and
<br />�; . expw�at ol op�ration and collection inaludinp attorneys'foe�,upon any indebtedness secu►ed hereby,ali in such order es Lender
<br /> may dete�mfea.The enterinq upon and takinp poateseion of the Property,the cotlectlon of�uch rents,isaues and prolita and ihs
<br />_= apNiication tlwraot�f aforl�aid,ah�ll not Cure or waive any detault or nodce o1 defeult hereunder or invalidatp any act done in
<br /> _ ������� rMponw to such L�fAUI!or pursuant to�uch�otiCe of delauit and,notwfthitandiny the conUnuence in poseessior►of the P►operty or
<br /> ��y�� �{•�►.�<<y ° the coif�ction,rticapi i�ii�3 d�i�G7238i1 8S iaii�.I��ocs ar psoflb.and Trvale�end!!�r�hall ba entltl�d to exorcls�sv�ry ripht
<br /> �+�•,c.�r' :•i•,.,,Y provlded tOr In any of the Loan InBt�uments or by lew upon occurrence of eny Event ot Defeu It,Includlnp without Nmltatlon the riyht
<br /> +�'" ', � •�':%`•` •� W�xerclfe the power of tala.Further,Lender's rl�hts and romedles under thls perapraph sha11 be aumulative wHh,and In no way e
<br /> �'h����••'Y%�"�,;:�..,:.�� Omltation on,Lendar's riphta and remedles under any assfflnment ot leaees and rent�recorded apainat the Property.Lender,Truat�s
<br />_ ,�4...:,.�.
<br /> . ,;i�j�;;>'4 pnr!the recelver shalt be tlabte to account only tor tho�e rents actually recelved.
<br /> • '� . , ;.;,, �1, E�M�{�of p�fauH.The fo l low lnp s ha l l cona t i tu te a n E v e n t o}Q e f a u l t u n d e r t h i s D e e d o f T r u s t
<br /> , (a) Fallute to pay any Instellment of prfncipal or Interest of any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> ;;,'..•'•,� , , ",:y,. . �
<br /> ' (b) A breach of or default under any provitton conwined in the Note.thls Doed ot Trus�any ot thQ Loan Instrumenta,or any
<br /> � " • "�'' �•'�'` other lien or encumbronce upon the Properly;
<br /> ;-, -
<br /> ,;,;��,�,• �.�.,--��.;.. * (c) A wrlt of�xvCUtfon or attachmont or any siml�ar process ahAll be entered��efnst Truetw which shaU b�com�a Ilen on
<br /> ��� ,-���e.t•:••.�� .�,•i?:- � tlw propaty or any ponlon thereof or interest therein; —
<br />-yt_ ;::,,�;, ;• . .; �^ �•. (d) There shall be illed by or ayainst Tru4tor or Borrower an act�on under any present or tuture tederal, state or othsr
<br />;;�{j '.t�,j(1� •..' � �• statute,Iaw or repulatlon relatinp to bankruptcy,insolvency or other relief for debtors:or there shalt be appofnted any trustee, -
<br /> .�.•. �,;j�,jy�; recelver or Ifquidator of Truator o►9orrower or of att or any part of the Properry,or the reatc,issues or protlts thareof,or Trustor
<br /> .�f�
<br /> • '�=�r. .. • o�8orrower shall make any general assipnment for the benefit of creditors;
<br />.�.,J, .,�, ,,
<br />�'n � (e) The sale,t►ensfer,laase,assignment,conveyance or further encumbranco ot alI or any part of or any Interest In the
<br /> � ,.�' Propertyr,either voluntarlly ar involuntarUy, without the express wnrien consent of Lender, provfded that Truator shalt be �
<br /> . , . permlttad to�x�cute a lease of the Properly that does not contafn an option to purchase and th�term of which doet not�xGeed _
<br /> �r�Y ... • � °n�ye�r, r�
<br /> ...� (n Abandonment of the Property;or �.
<br /> . (�) It Trustor Is not an Indlvidual,the issuance,sate,transfer,assiynment,convoyance or encumbrance of more than a totsl �
<br /> , :;.�.� ..
<br />:; ``
<br />'-u t; �;,, of percent of(If a corporatlo�)Its issued and outstanding stock or pt a partnershipl a total ot percent ot -
<br /> .�.�. - � � partnerahlp interests during the period this Deed of Truat remaina a Ilen on the Properry.
<br /> - ��. 1 2.R�r r»d l M;Acc N�ra t t o n U p o n M b u fl.I n t h e e v ent ot an y Event ot Default Lender mey,wlthout notice except a�requlred by
<br /> „ . �!j„�_;�yr..,... Iaw,declare a�l Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same sha�t thereupon become due and payablv
<br /> �' . witlwut any preeentment demand,proteat or notice ol any klnd.ThereaRer Lender mey: -
<br /> • � "�" '� (a) Demand that Truatee exerclse the POWER OF SALE Qranted heretn,and Trustee shall thereaftor cause Trustor's
<br /> "t`' • --.;;� - inttxost In tho PropaAy to be sold and the proceeds to be dfstrlbuted,ell in the menner provlded in the Nebraaka Trust Oaada �
<br /> . .. :s.• �,,.,� Act
<br /> �: __•�;��;�: (b) Exercls�any and atl rlphts provfded tor In any of tho Loan In�trumentc or by taw upon occurrencv of�ny Event ot
<br /> - „��,�;�,;:�;::'� DM�ul�and =_
<br />-� '-=•°-•� (c) Commencs an actlon to toreclose this Deed of Truct as a mortyaye,eppoint a rocNver,or speclfically ento►c��ny of th� _
<br /> �� ��.�_�:' eovenanb hereof.
<br /> - +� ��'�;�; ''� No rertNdy hereln conforred upon or reserved to Trustee or Le�der is intended to be excluslve of any other romedy herein,in the
<br /> , y�..
<br /> � a Lwn Instrumenta or by law provided or pe►mltted,but eech shalt be cumulattve,shalt be in addition to every other remedy glven
<br /> ' henunder.in tho LoAn Mstrumonts or now or hereafter exlctlnp at law or In aqwty or by etatuta,and may be oxarcis�d conaurrenUy, �
<br /> °� k�d�p�ndendy or successively. ��
<br /> '� - 13.TrwIN.Ths Truttee may restpn at any UmQ without cause.and Lendor msy at any tlma and wlthout ct�use eppotnt a
<br /> — — tuu;wwr a wbstltute Trust�e.Tru�t�e shall not be tiabts to any perly,Includlnp wlthout Iln►Ifetlon Lender,8orrower.Trustor or�ny
<br /> purchaMr ottM PtopKty.la any lo�s or damaye unleai due to recktess or willtu�mlaconduct,and shall not be�equired to teke any
<br /> .ctlon tn conn�cUon wlth th�tnforcem�nt of thlt Ds�d ot Truft unlaas indemnlliod,in wrltiny,tor ell coats.comp�►satlon or __.
<br /> �u.�o.,...�w.,t�...Itwt�t nr
<br /> � �xp�nN�whlah rt�y bo��wclat�d therswith.In addldon,TrustN may t�come a purcna..r:i.��y M�..���..,�.....,�__._._._. f,_
<br /> und�r 1M powK of uN�renUd Mrafn);postpon�the sats oi all or a�y porUon of tho Properly,as provid�d by law;or�II tl�
<br /> Properry as a whoN,cx in s�psrat�p�rcNs or lot�at Trust�'s dl�c�stlon,
<br /> 14.f�a�nd�xpM�•�n the w�nt T►uu�s a1t�ths Prop�rty by�x�rciw ot pawer ot sa��,TrustN shall be�nUWd to appty
<br /> �ny wM praeNds 91nt b paym�nt ot a�l cwta�nd exp�ns�s oi�x�reiWnp powa oi w��,Includlnp all TruttN's hbs.�nd Lender's
<br /> and T�wtM���t0orn�y's t�N,aCtwlly Incunsd to�xt�nt p�rmltted by appticabla law.In the event Borrow�r or Trustor ex�rcltas any
<br /> rynht prpvid�d b�r taw to aun an Ewnt of DNautt.L�r sh�tl W�nUtl�d to ncovK Irom Trustor aIt coKt and�xpensea aotwlly
<br /> {n�umd p i hwlt of Trustor's dM�u1L Inctudlnp witl�out Iknfhtlon�II TrustN's and stoom�y'�hM.�o t��xa^t pKmltMd by
<br /> �ppllc�Mw. -
<br /> tb.��Ad��p�s,Upon rpwat of Bonow�r.L�nd�r may.at Itt optton,m�k�addltlonlil and tuture advancy►and n- .
<br /> �dwnas b Borrow�►.Such�dwnc�s and rMdv�ncas,with�nMntt th�non.�hall M Ncund by 1hls D«d otp 7�y�, �►t00 urt��hatl
<br /> tly pMnclpr�npynt pf yN ind�bqdo�ss Ncund by lhlt DNd of Trwt,not lncludlnp wm�adv�r�oid to SiwAb a�k
<br /> . ONd Of Trwt�xoMd�M oripinN P���nt Wlyd MrMo�or Z 4.�e0d.�i whkhwer f�qro�Nr.
<br /> . '
<br />