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<br /> ��" � � Together with ait and singuiar the tenements,heredltaments,privfleges and appunenances,�ow or herea�fL�r
<br /> � located upon or belonging to or in anywise appertaining to the above described properiyr,or any part thereot,
<br /> . : .,�� '� °� inciudfng any right of homestead and every contingent right or estate therein.
<br /> �� `�������� To Have and to Hold the Sams,together with ali and singuiar the privileges and appurtenances thereunt4
<br /> betonging:In T�ust Neverthe�ess,that in case of default in the payment of said Note or any part thereof,qF in
<br /> •�� ' the payment of the interest thereon,according to the tenor and eifect of said tVote,principei o►interest,if a�ny,
<br /> � � '"`� �"'`' or in case defauit shali be made in or in case oi violation or breach of any of the terms,conditions,covenants,
<br />-^., �._.,. �i''�'..- .
<br /> <: • . �•.. 4� or agreements herein contained,then alt sums secured hereby shell immediately become due and payable at
<br /> ;a�•:� � . the optfon of the holder of the Note,and the Trustee may proceed to seii the property in accordance witt}the =
<br /> "' ` Nebraska Trust Oeeds Act(Section 76-1001 et.seq.)•Trustee shalt receivo a fee ot One Percent(1%)ot the ""
<br /> �,: • �„ ; , entire indebtedness then owing to Beneficiary as a fee in exercising the power of sale.
<br />� '::� `���.•. And the Trustor covenants and agrees fo and wiin the T�ustee,that at the time of the ensealing of and delivery
<br /> � ., . of these presents,he is well seized of the said premises in ise simple and has good right,full power,and IawtW
<br /> �.� , authority to grant,bargein,selt and convey the same in manner and form as atoresaid;and that the sarn�are -
<br /> � �•.;�;;,�_,; :���'•, �. free and Clear ot all liens a�d encumbrances whatever and the herein bargaii�ed premises in the quiet�nd -
<br /> ' ..� ;�.; :,,�
<br /> -_ ;=,,.?,,, peaceable possesslon of the Trustee agafnst all and every person or persons Iawfully claiming or to claim tha __
<br /> . whole or any part thereof,Trustor shall and will warrant and forever defend. _
<br /> •'.N� -
<br /> -- �'�1 ,�^.�"�' Md the TPustor will pay ell taxes and assessments on said premises Immediately when they become due eu�d
<br /> - '� payab4e;and at the request oi the legal holder of said Note wlll keep aIl buflding�that may at any time bo on _
<br /> '� ,w�nn�m�aas.durina the continuance of seid Indebtedness.insured aaainst bss bv fire in such conx�am or
<br /> ;,� companles and tor such amounts as the holder of sald Note may from time to time direct,not to exoeed the
<br /> —�x - — amount of sald indebtedness,except at the option of Trustor,with toss,if any,payabte to the BeneflClery hor-
<br /> — eunder as its Interest may appear,and will delfver the policy or poUcies of insurance,accompanied by prmmium
<br /> �ecelpts to the Beneflclary hereunder,as further security ior the indebtedness aforesaid.And in case of th�a re-
<br /> fusal or�sgbct of Trustor to thus insure and delfver such policles of insurance or to pay such taxes or assess•
<br /> monts,then the holder ot said Note may procure such insurance,or pay such taxes or assessments,end all
<br /> moneys thus paid,with interest thereon at 18.000 percent per annum,shall becc�mme so much eddtttnnal
<br /> Indebt�dness,secured by thfs Deed ot Trust,and shall be paid out of the proceeds of the sate of the tands��d
<br /> premtsea atoresald,if not othe�wlse paid by aaid Truator.
<br /> +►fixturea and other improveroenta, including, without limitatfon all irr�etion�sqUipment
<br /> �� V��� 1C�
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