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�:�-- -- �-rr-f :�f� .� _ <br /> ,.� . _ �_ ,. <br /> wf -'� - ... .. .._"_."-__' ' <br /> �..� <br /> ..__- .� _ -- _'.J � � <br /> }.�. .r?i i� <br /> DNd ot 7rwt - i�� <br /> c�..,._�.! 93 — <br /> Thl�lhwt DNd�trwds thi� ZStb d�f►of Octob�t �1� 93 � __ <br /> : b�IwNr► Donaid i. T�rry and Zladin� R. T�rsy. hu�baod and wit�• <br /> wlqN�ddns�is Z92� So. Loau�t 8tr��t. tizaad I�land, lis 68l01 �11vMot, <br /> --- — and nruc� I. Saitb ,whoie addt�uus iu P. 0. soz 790 � <br /> T��, Gs�nd Ysiand• Na 688G2 <br /> �' _ - Witn�th:That Wherea8,TYuator has exe�cuted one cert�in Promiasory Nots bearinp even date henwfih and <br /> drawn to the order of Mdropolitan L.if�inaunno�ComMny,hereinafter called t3enefldary,lor the princlpal <br /> sum of-�- <br /> ---TWO HIiHDA�D Fi�T! THOUS/II�ID�--- OoUars <br /> __ _ (s 250.000.00 ),payable in lawtul rtaney of the Unft�d Statas which shall be Ieg:J tender in payment ot atl <br />_—=� debts and duea,pubib and�xivate,at the tirt►e of paym�nt,with exchanpe on the City of New Y�rk,payable In __ <br /> '����' instailments, the flnal instailment due July 1. 2003 �wflh(ntsreat fharson hom the <br /> date the�eof as ther�in provided. <br /> And Whereas,Trustor is desirous of securing the prompt paymant of sald Promissory Note ar�d ail interest and <br />: I�, ,�;��•�,t:�- : • charges thereon,in whose hends soever the same may b�a. <br /> ' ! <br /> Now, theretore,Tnistor. in consideratbn of tha premisea,and tor the purpose afo�asaid, hath granted,bar- <br /> . ri, geined,sold,and conveyed,and hereby does grent,bargain,sell and convey unto the Trustee, in trust,with _ <br /> power of sale,pursuant to the Nebraska Trust Deads Act(Sectian 7&1001 et.seq.).all the tolbwing desc�ibed <br /> �= real estate,premises and property,situata in tha Caunty a►f Hs11 ancl State of Nebragka. <br /> t�wft: . <br /> �`#`��''��;=?�..,t Th� South Hdf of thQ South Haif of tbe Northea�t Quart�r aad th� Southeast <br /> "�` � '� '`� � Quarter aad thQ Eaat One Third of the Sout6wQSt Quart�r of Sectioa 28. Tasmship <br /> .�a,c�r,x_a�r .;��. <br /> '�`���� " ` � � 12 North. Range il Weat of the Siztb Pri.naipal MQridian. Hall Couatq. Nebra�ka. <br /> rr- <br /> .i:ns��ic.:•..i;.;:;.;:• •vy. <br /> �='�w�;;-�,��;��;��';�r�f tzcopting certain tract� more perticu2arly deacribed in Warratttq Deed zecorded <br /> ''�"k'� �`'"+''�`� ��`:�� ao Documeat No. 78-000365= Werraaty Deed recorded aa Docunent No. 78-000366i and <br /> ,:.. . w._:,, .,, . . .., <br />�1••rr'',•�� •,�<y�"�-��°���-� '�' Deed recorded as Documant No. 92-1�70586 and tbQ North Half of the NortY�eot <br /> " � °'••`' Quarter of Section 20, Township 10 Nortb. R+tngQ il Weat of the Sizih Priac�.pal <br /> .. ' ` �-.• M�ridian. Hall Connty. 23ebraska. exceptiag a certain tract morQ particul�rlq <br /> ' � deacribQd ie Report of Appraisers recosded in Hook P. Pege 647, together vith <br /> �;�}, -Y`"''�'"�t:; all crope grown tbpreon. <br /> •F;f ���°��'�;-�t��-'� ThQ Note aecured by thia Deed of Truet i� further aQCUred by a Financing <br />- •. ;i%;�:':;';'•� • " � Statement and Security Agreement of Qvan dgte herevith. covEring all irrigatioa <br /> , � I�:i}r'� • �•. <br /> - c: .!;:/.. .� �' ?�,;;�".� velio, pumps. gaazh�ade. control pencle and accessories and all other improve- <br /> .; • : • r,..,� <br /> ' ,'�;;, ;• . ,,;,.� . ;. mQata. fixtures and appurtenances. as describcd in aaid FinanciAg Stat�mQnt and <br /> � ' s.�•'. `;�,. ;�,,;;;� Socurity Agreement. <br />_ ��;: ',r�. ..•>. <br /> �"" ��� ,-•�{•�" .� It is a reed that all irri ation we21s, pum e, gearheade, control anels and <br /> �, :���•;;;.. .. 8 8 P P <br /> � •:;i'r� acceas�ories. togethQr with all water and watering rightc of every kind and <br /> '''"!��� +� �,;.;, deacr3ption. and all other it�provementa. fixtuzea and appurtenancea, connected <br /> t,,.:..�. �;�� <br /> ' .�• r�. therQwith now or hereafter p2aced or ineta]lad on caid premiae� �hall be <br /> •�� ��? �'� � conetrued aa affized to and a part of the reai eatate hQreiaabov� deecrib4d <br /> ,''';c, r'�'�`.�. and aub ect to all of thQ rovisiona of this DeQd of Trust. <br /> , �<.,� ., 3 p <br /> - `�.'���,1 '�'•'•r Benefic3ary ohall have the right. power aad authority during the continuance of <br /> � ...'.,;,.. :..,_..•�: -- <br /> . tbia Deed of Truat to collect the rQntg, issuQa and profita of thQ groperty and <br /> `- ' •��ib�:�,, of any psreonal propQrty located thexeon vith os without taking poeaession of - <br /> �--•'' �;s.s „ . ,.,, thQ pxoperty affected hereby, and Trustor berQby abaolutely and unconditionally - <br /> ,�;�.,.:�.•. •''-. <br /> _ ,`�';=�.r�Yr�.�' Aasigna all auch rente. iseues and proffta to Beneficiary. Heneficiary. _ <br /> �:��•�;r hoWever, hQreby conaQntc to Truecor'r collQCtion aad zetentioa of auch rent�. __ <br /> "�`•�'� i�auee snd profita as they accrve snd become payablQ. ao long as Truator ia aot, _ <br /> ��` <br /> �-,�� :�; at auch time, ia defauit with respQCt to payment of any indebtedaese aecuxed '"` <br /> � hereby. or in tht performanco of any aareQmQnt hereuader. If any event of - <br /> d�fault de�crib�d harQafier ia rQapect to tbio DQQd of Truat ahall Have occurred <br /> _i and b� eontiauin�. Beneficiary. as a matCtQr of ri�ht and vithout aoticQ to <br /> -.. � Truotor or anyoae claiming undQr Tzuetor. and without regazd to th� valuQ of the <br /> truat �4tatR or tha inter�at of the Truacor tharQin. abail havQ tha right to _ <br /> apply to any court having jurisdictfon to appoint a rec�iv�r of the propQrty. <br /> It is furtb�r agreed tbat in c4ao oE dufault ia the p�yment of the �aid pziaci� f <br /> p�l Not� or iat�r��t, or any part tbar�oP, as it �hsii aature. or in the caae of <br /> failure to k��p or p�rform any o� the cov�aaats or agraenenta contained in thia <br /> Deed of Truat. then th� Heaefici�ry, its 4ucc�saora or aooi�ns, ahaii be and ia <br /> bereby authoris�d �ad eapovQZed to take isrediate poss�ssioa of th� •aid _ <br /> pr�al.s�� b�r�by coaveq�d and all cropa tboraon. or to coil�ct th� roats there- __ <br /> irar; asd to appiy th� proc�edo tber�oE to th� pay�Qnts of the debt hereby { <br />