�.N��-n��'„ _ . . . :�„n..-, .. �V���'_
<br /> � , n . �.,aa• �Y . .� ..yYil.'
<br /> • . i . . �- ... . ...� �� �� . ..r w.- ' � . �1�� .. � .
<br /> �,r:�...w�h1��111��c�iLW�(IAMM�IM��1�4.M����������R ��. ,*b �
<br /> �1�NIM�0111�N 00� 11�,� M101�1'M�►a lil �w�w��nqww�w i��i��w�
<br /> �MI�M�Y1 MId14�A11'M 1�+�11d��IM!►��dMM11�MN.(!t b �N9 Wp1�fOOMd�.rM/Nldl de/11oMOR�, rM l��IN�11
<br /> lh�ap�1►upen woh oa�Monr M LM+dM�IMMn���M�ot hoo�b 10 M��N+�II noR�rrM���
<br /> IM Aw dMM of�r�y�M�undir 1M Mor,ot 0��N+N M�M�'w MrM�M�►.AM wrl�Pwd 4N�d/NI�W bl+�le
<br /> ���M!1�+Mi/�r•UPoe�hi 000urnna of ini�wnt d OM�,i1t1�N+ntNr.a M�aot N IM�tlr N�I a�
<br /> oomRMio�O rrfdoh n�vMi�M���+��'�MtwMl in Propirty.tsrxNr ma tn M own alrc+otl0�,but r�lthout abl�lon b
<br /> �0.afld wi�i0U111oro�b ot dMyMfld{�Pa1 hIMl���tld M1�ONl 1M�MM10 ThIMO���YobM�on d11 at�Y�Ot whidl i`n�lor ha
<br /> �►Md bu11�M�b do�nd m�y M�o do�ny oM�K�ot N dMnN rnoMMr1►b OroMot tM wow!1 y �Iwn01.TeurMx M�N,MrM'M4lwMY _
<br /> u'on d�nwid M�rNor b1►l�r��P�y b LM�dK�II oA�l�und�xpwMM inourr�d�nd�wns�x�xNd b!►L�r�►In oam�011ori wIM�
<br /> add�d 10 IIN�h���bKrb1►.L�Nwp not Inour�iny�l�b�la b�auM ol any�hkp K n�f►do a anN�a d°
<br /> F{��lou�MYKNiN.Tivaor t�ll kMp tM Property In compllancs wNh all�ppRc�W�1�wa,ordirnno�s+nd�pt�Orw
<br /> rNMkq b N�dwht�l M►�Nr»a�wironn�►MI ProMotlon toolNotivMY rNwr�d b h�rNn�s"Erntrorwn�nW L.�wt"�TruNOr shMl
<br /> Icwp 1M P�c►MAy hM i►om�11 wb�fano�dMm�d to b�h�wMow or toxla undK any Envlronm�nW Law�(oonw�ivMy rNKnd b
<br /> Mntn q"H�ardow UA�t�ids'9.TruNo►h�nby wunnts and rp��nts to L�W�r tluit tlwn an no Hatardoua M�MrIN�on ot
<br /> u��d�r 1h�Propwy,Tn�por hK�bf►�prNS b Indrn�nlry and hotd humlNS L�nd�r.ib dlnahNS,o1AcKa,rn►ploy��nd aprnM�and
<br /> �ny woo�MOn b L+K�dN''s�n1�rMR h'om�nd�st�ny and aq olatrtN,d�mp�,IwMS and II�bIUW�+ki�(np In oontNCyon wNh
<br /> ttw,pr�x�.uM,dl�poW or tnrnport of any Hwrdou�Mat�i�t�on,undK.hom or about th�P�o�rty.THE FORE(3WN0
<br /> 10.A�q�nNnt d R�nM.Trusto►I»r�by�pna to L�nd�►th�nnb,Isw�s uid prott�of th�prop�rty;provkNd tlwt 7Fu�or
<br /> ih�ll.unW 1h�occurnnc�af an Ewnt ot Ghu�t hwwr�.tu�w th��Ipht to col l�ct�nd nf�k►woh r�na,lasw��nd proifls as ttw�►
<br /> – 6�coma dw and p�y�bt�.Upon th�accurnnc�of�n Event of DMault,t�nd�r may,aUher in p�non or by a�nR wNh M wlM�out
<br /> - brin�Inp any actbn a procMdlnp,a by a ncNwr appolntad by a court and wlfhout rpard to th�ad�qwcy of Ib wcurlty.�ntK
<br /> r upon and fak�po�Wan of 1h�Prop�rty.or�ny put th�nof.fn It�owo nam�or In th�n�m�of th�TrutNS,and do any aats whtch It
<br /> � dMms Mc�ssary a da�l►aW�to p►a�rv�th�vatw,makeybll(ty a►ent�blllty ot th�Prop�rty.or any pRrt 1Mreof a InNnstth�nNn,
<br /> Inc��th�In�th�rehom or prot�ct th�Mcurlry hw�of and,w11h or w�thout taklnp pos�uion af eh�Prop�Ay,aw for or
<br /> -'� a�wit�coll�ct th���nts,IuuN�nd proHb thsroot Inoludt�p thow p��t dw�nd unpldd,and appty th��am�,MN cosb�nd
<br /> �xp�n�of op�ndon and cdleodon Includlnq ariorr»ya'1�w.upon�y�n�b�IU�iction of suah nnb,a�isues a�p oifis ar�id tl�i�
<br /> _ — may d�rmlrn.Th��ntKtnp upon and hklnp po�NUlon of th�Pr
<br /> app�icatbn thK�o4 u NorKald,ihall not cur�or walw any d�i�ult or nWlcs of d�huN harwnde or Invalldat�any act don�►n
<br /> — nspon�e W suah dN�ult or punwnt to wch nodc�of dN�ult and,notwlth�tandlap th�canUnuanu In posaeNton of IM PropKly a
<br /> "`-. _� th�coll�ctlon,r�cNpt and applicaUon of��nu,Iqua or proflb,md Tru��nd Lend�r�hall b�anQtled to sx�rol�e�wry npht
<br /> - , [� provld�d ta fn any ot tti�Loan tnsttum�nts or by iaw upon ocaurnnc•ot•ny Evu��i�t Dalaulf,�ncfudtn�wl2hau!!!mll�dan!ha riQAt
<br /> ` b�xsrals�tha pow�r of sal�.FurthK,Undor't rlphts and nm�dl�s under thls parap►aph studl M cumulative w(th,u�d In no waY�
<br />- ' H. ,;;, IimiqiUon on,Lender't rt�hb and nm�dNa under any a�slpnment of tea�s and nnb r�cordod apalnct ths P�opsrty.Lender,TrusM�
<br /> .`'�c�'�:' and th�rec�lver�hall be�IIabI�to�ccount onty for those rsnta toWally rsce(ved.
<br />� 7:`�� .:�17r' 11. EwM�ol p�lauN,Ths followlnp sh�Il con�Utute an Event ot Defnult unde►thft Deed of Truft
<br /> ` �.+�'•$��; (a) Failure to pay any Insfallment of princlp�l or Intere�t ot any oth�r wm sscured h�r�by when du�;
<br />- �"' "'^b°��^ ���� (b) A bnech of or default undsr any provlsfon conGln�d fn th�Not�,thls D�sd of Trwt any cttha I.an InWumMtf.or u►y
<br /> :y;,. . ,�.;
<br /> �nj...:.: .-. •.
<br /> ,�:• ;,;,,,�;.,� - otlwr Il�n or encumbrancs upon th�PropeRy;
<br /> ��y;�t�•r,:�. (o) A wdt of�x�cutlon or att�chmant or any elmltar proc�w shall bs snt�nd apalrnt TrosWr which thall b�com�a If�n on
<br /> ,'-" � y' dw Property or eny portlon thersot or interest th�retn;
<br /> � '� x' • f,�;��` (d) There eh��l be tlled by or apelnat Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or tutur�ledsral,t4ts or oth�r
<br /> -w�i; ���� ststut�,law or reputapon relstlnp to bankruptcy,lnsotvency or other rellef for debtors;or th�rt shtlt b��ppolnted my trustN,
<br /> ' '` �' -- recelvsr or Ilquldetor ot Trustor or 8orrower or of aIl or any part ot the PropeAy,or ihe nnts,Iswa or proflts d��of,or Trustor
<br /> .4,.,�.-....
<br />��'.;.�, _..�•�F, �:•. � or BoROwer shall make any yarwral asslynm�nt tor the benetlt of craditors;
<br /> ' � ' ' (e) The ta(�,trami�r,I�s�e,aal�nment conveyance or tuRher encumbrance of 1�II or�ny part ol or any Intenst In th�
<br /> � ' • " Property slther volunt�rlly or Involuntuily,without the exprese wrltten consent of Lunder,provlded that Truttor shall b�
<br /> , psrmlued to�x�cut�a laM ot th�P►operty th�t does not contain an optlon to purchaae and th�t�m of whloh do�s not excNd
<br /> ; : on�ysa;
<br /> ' �' (Q Abandonment ot the Property;or
<br /> ;., ' � (p) If T�uator ts not an fndlvldua�,the Issuancs,sala,tran:ter,aaaipnment,convayance or enoumbranc�of mw�than a toW
<br /> � ' •�:�•;=;. ''.:• ot percent ot(If a corporatlon)its lasued and outatandtny stock or(if a partnershlp)a total of psrcent of
<br /> f�K..'!"�:"•' p�rtnershlp Interosts durinp the perlod thfs Deed of Trust remalns a Ilen on the Pruperty.
<br /> � ' 12. RNn�di�s;AccNKadon Upon DNauR.In the event of any Event ot Oetau�t Lender may,wlthout notice except as rsqulred by
<br /> `; law.declare all lndsbtsdness aecured hereby to be due end payable and the same shall thareupon becomo du��nd payabl�
<br /> • . . ��, •'���V;� • wNhout any pre�entment,demand,protest or notice ot any klnd.Thereatter Lender may:
<br /> f ','�• " "� (�) D e m a r�d t h�t T r u s t e e e x e r c l s e t h e P O WER Of SALH yranted hereln, and Trustee shall thersafter caue�TrusWr'4
<br /> � , � �`�� • Inten�t in th�Property to b�wld and the proceacls to be dlstributed,atI in the manner provfded In the Nsbrpsia Trust O�
<br /> Ac�
<br /> ;� � t (b) Exerct�e any and atl rlqhts provlded for in any of the Loen�nstrumenb or by law upon occurrenc�of�ny Ewnt of
<br />' •� ; � ` Dafau��and
<br /> � (c) Commenc�an action to foroclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortfleye,appotnt a rocafver,or epecfflcally eniorce eny of the
<br /> t .��:,:•,, covensntsNereof.
<br />' �, • No remedy hereln contarred upon or re�arved to Truetee or Lender la Intended to be exclusive ot any other remedy hereln,in the
<br /> F ��� i Loan Instrum�nts or by�aw provlded or permitted,but each ahall be cumuletive,shall be ln addition to every other remedy ylven
<br /> • s hereunder,in the loan�nstrumonts or now or heraaft�r existiny at Iaw or in aqulty or by statute,and may be oxerclsed concurrent�y,
<br /> � � �'"'� Independently or succesalvely.
<br /> _= 13. Trus1N.The Trustee may reslpn at any tfine wfthout ceuse,and lender may at any tlme and without cause appolnt a
<br /> � � �, .�,�'�' suacessor or aubstltute Trustee.Truttee shell not be�Iable to any party,including wtthout Ilmltatlon Londer,Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> � ' purch�ser of the Proporty,for any lota or damape unless due to reckless or w11ItuI misconduct,and ghetl not be required to teke any
<br /> action In connectlon wlth the entorcement ot thfa Deed of Truet unleoa indemnitted, in wrltlnp,1or aIl costs,canpensatlon or
<br /> :.ir �'' ._a.r.t �..ti�..ti..,..,h..unrld�ri fh�r��uNh �n adAlf{nn Tniftfw�rtfav becOrtlB H DUfCh8f8f 9t 80Y iBI!O}Ut0 PfODeRN(IUdICI�I O�
<br />--_ - — - -- - :"�.:..�.......�.......�_�-----•----..._.-----
<br /> : `' , � under the power ot salo prantsd horeln);postpon�the tate of alI or sny portlon ot the Property,a9 provlded by lew;or sell tht
<br /> • � ' Property�s a whole,or in saparate parcete or lots at Trustee'a dlscretlon.
<br /> � 14. FMS and Exp�nsN.tn the event Trustee sella the Property by exerclse of power ot aale,Trustee ahall be entlt�ed to appty
<br />= � any ale procwds Ilrst to paym�nt of all co�ts and expenaee of axerclslnp power ot aale,Inctudfny aIl Trustee's teoe,and Lendar'a
<br />-� • •� �nd Trustee's attorney's tees.actually Incurred to extent parmltted by epplicable Iaw.I�tAe event Borrower or Truttor exerclses eny
<br />- rlpht provld�d by taw to cure an Event of Oetault,lendar ahall be ent►tled to recover irom Truator all cosu and expenses actually
<br /> ; �'" � incurred as a nwlt o}T�ustor's default,Includlnq without limltatlon all Trustw►'s and attorney'a te�s,to th�axtont permltted by
<br /> ,�" � �ppllcabN law.
<br /> tb. Fulun A�lvancN.Upon request ot Borrower,Lender may,at tts optlon,make eddttlonal and tuture advancet and re-
<br /> ' + . advancn to BoROw�►.Such advances and nadvanas,wlth intenst thsrson,shatl be aecured by thle DeW of Trust At no tlme ehall
<br /> �'° :`w �� th�princlpal Rmount ot ths Ind�btadnets s�cured by thts[feed of Tru�t,n t tn � fn uma advancad to protect the tecurlty ot thit �
<br /> ' •�'� ' �-� D»d of Trutt�cc»d th�orlpin��princ�pal amount ttaUd haretn,or s whichever is yrsate.
<br /> � � •�
<br /> �
<br /> �-
<br /> _.___.._.._.... _ . . .. ... ._. ..��..�._,.. .. _�, . . . . .. _ _ - _
<br />