<br /> - _�'� - _" __ _-_._,.-.___. ._
<br /> - � `'k'i�•41 ��M� . � .. ' ,� � � ' -
<br /> __`'��'�ti'�..e� . .
<br /> ��
<br /> Of D�iD 0!�1'11�M'T 9�,: ����
<br /> 71�oR 1NA�Ttll��IM�OI�R��01M11� �
<br /> :y,.�...
<br /> 7Mwwx . . thNt Ni�li;doou�+�K�na TruMor Ii�Keut a w�iu�r a.tl�w ef Tiui�i�M iii�� ii�il rriil
<br /> a.w ��a.aatruar��••�w+�ra�«w,��waawiowa�wtdw�erw+. M'�.�
<br /> d. rearan�.a�a�os�wa+�,�+�w+n.o..aa�MaudNat�,cna++m�da.r,.��a.r.�ar�►. ►�.da
<br /> b1r 11�'R►M+�w��iM�nY hb�,p ,�tllrp.'huMOr nprwwN��nd w�r�f�t thts wM�oMO�ArO by
<br /> 1h�Mor eNon��..Mrow�on a rl�.y..o a TrvM. .
<br /> — — �._ t �. � ��-� -
<br /> . �• �
<br /> �._� ..
<br /> Brtty J. T�
<br /> TNt4 pE�D,OF 7RUST.b m�d�a�of th�...�$�1.d�y ol- ��o6er .1��.,by�nd wnaq
<br /> tlMTfLMYl►.�-�s ��• �" °att��L.1.8Wj.S�_.HI18bfI0d.Anrl Wif� - •
<br /> w������� 4110 Horaeshoe Place G��j�land• N•8• �hKMn"Truqor."wM�Iw►on�o►mory.
<br /> 68d03
<br /> � _ tl�TrwtM. �1�.S��Ote Benk •
<br /> ° w��������,�� P 0 eox 639. Shelton. Nabr. 68876 �tMr�n�Tn�'�,�
<br /> _= 1h�Ei�rNflRlary., Fi�st e�era ps.,� - �
<br /> `��' who�mpllinp addraa is� � Box 635, Shelton� Dlehr 68876 (hKNn"L,�ndw"�.
<br /> �:,� FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERATION,Includlnp L�ndsr's�xt�n�lon of andlt W�ntllNd h�r�k�to OweVne E. Lewis 8
<br /> - BettY J LeWia (hKain"Borrow�r",wh�thbr o�s or more)�nd th�tru�t hsrMn cnat�d,
<br /> tIK r�calpR 41 whlch Is hsrsby aoknowledqad,Trustor hereby irrevocably pr�nu,tr�nsfsrs,convsys and�talpns to TrustN,IN
<br /> .Y,1 TRU97;VYlTF!P01NER OF BALE,for th�benetlt and s�curlry of L�nder,under�nd�ubJect to th�hrms�nd oondltlons h�tNnafar pt
<br /> -_...
<br /> --.;..�, torY►,tlw nal proP�f�.d�rlb�d a fouowa:
<br /> -
<br />�,^`��,�: , Lot Efghteen (18)� in Westwood Park Second Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island.
<br /> - � . , •�'� Hall County� Nebraske.
<br /> r �� ..''
<br /> .+�:�(i1:'��
<br /> .;' `^u:, ? `ut;k'`�..:r
<br /> :.: � . ` , >S i�;.�;,
<br /> t?;' :, , �:f,�'k'; 'y: Toy�ther wlth alI bulldlnps,fmprovements,tlxtures,�treeta,�Ileys,pasaepewaya,sasemente,rl�hts,prlvilpss and appurte-
<br /> , � . .1,�:.."r;�•••:.:::7�::�%�
<br />�f•,;�; •,e, �t . ,,,, , . nancils loCabd fheroon or In anywl�e pertalnlny thereto,a�d the renta,Iesues and proflts,reverslona and remalnd�rs thsreo(,and
<br /> -. -.i�r � `' such�wrsonat property th�t Is�ttaohed to the Improvements sc aa to conatltut�a flxture,Includlnp,but not Itmtted to.heatlnp and
<br /> p'3;�.��?;,:;,�.'w.iy..�;,1��3:,:'� -
<br /> ;�;•,k���•;,.:. ., coollnp�qulpmont;and topether wlth the homestead or marltal interesta,lt any,whfch Intereste ars hereby rels�ssd and walwd;all
<br /> � W� �••�-• of whloh,lncludlny repl�cements and additlons thereto,Is hereby declered to be e part oi ths raal esttts siaured by tht Ilsn ot thlt
<br />�.,;. � » r r"''�"�`V DMd of Trust�nd�II of the faepolnp belnq raferred to herefn as the"Property".
<br /> '� �X4�•'l•,!!'tiMM�,
<br /> �h('i i'
<br />�1�.,. E✓iada+r t:Ybid:'�'
<br /> +� ,;�� , Thlt O�W of Trust shall s�cura(a)the pAymant of the prtnclpal sum�nd Intcrast evldenced by a promiswry not�or crsdlt
<br /> �,,. •,:h.��;.�. :
<br />. "'�"� � w���t�� 10-28-99 ,halnq a maturlty date ot �-26-94 , _
<br /> �.f, ,
<br /> � '"'� • " In th�ortylnat prtnclpal amount ot S 80 000.00 ,and any and alI modlticatlons,extenalons and ren�wals
<br /> �_, ; th�rsot or thereto and any and alt tuture�dvences and res�dvances to Borrower(or any oi them N more than one)heraunder _
<br /> punuant to one or more promlaeory notea or credlt ayreemente(h�reln called"Note");(b)the payment ot other aume advanc�d by
<br /> lendsr to prot�ct ths securlty of the Note;(c)the pertormance of al�covenants and agreementa of Truato�eet torth h�refn;a�d(d)all
<br /> preaent and tuture Indebtedeeas end oblipationa of Borrower(or any ot them it more than one)to Lender whather direct,Indlrect,
<br /> ��. . abwtute or conUnflent and whether arlslnp by note,queranry,overdraft or otherwlae.The Note,thls Deed of Truat and�ny and att
<br /> - other dxuents that eacure th�Note or otherwlse executed In connectlon therewith,Includlnp wlthout ttmltatlon puarantels.�ecurlty
<br /> ' �prssments and asslpnments ot teaees and rents,ahall be raterred to hereln as the"Loan Instrumenb".
<br /> ' Trustor covenants and aflrees wlth lender aa tollowa:
<br /> ��-. 7, paynNnt d Ind�bfrdn�w.AII fndebtedness aecured heraby shall be pald when due.
<br /> , %�• 2, Tkl�.Trustor ia the owner of the Property,has the rlpht and authorlty to convey the Properfy,and warranb that the Ilen -
<br /> ��:.; . � created hereby ta a tlrat and prlor Ilen on the Property,except for�lens and encumbrances aet forth by Trustor In wrltiny and
<br />-�► ; �� ' detivered to Lender bf�tore executlon ot thls Deed ot 7rust,end the executlon and de�Ivery of thls Deed of Trust does notvlolAtQ any
<br /> �� � '� contract or other obllpatlon to whlch Trusror Is subJect. �
<br /> ` � 3. Tax�.Assnsm�nb.To pay betore dellnquency atl texes,speclal asseawnenta and aII other charaea ayalnst ttw Property
<br /> � now w hereaRer tevled.
<br /> 4. tn�uranc�.To keep the Property fneured ayalnst damaye by fire,hazards tnctuded wtthfn the term"extended coverage",and
<br />�� { auch oth�r hezardt aa Lender may requl�e.fn amounts and wlth companfes acceptable to Lender,naminp Lender as an addltlonal
<br /> � ' # n�mvd Inaured,wlth Ioss payable to tha Lender.In cese ot loss under auch polfcles,the Lender is authortzed to adJuat,collect and
<br /> compromlae,ali alalma thereunder and shall have the optlon o}apptyfng aIl or part of the Insurance proceeds(f)to any indebtedneas
<br /> sscured hereby and in euch order as Lender may determine,(iI)to the Trustor to be used for the repafr or restoraUon of the Property
<br /> or(iIl)tor any other purpoae or object satisfactory to lender wNhout attectln9 the Uen oi thfa Deed of Trust for the full amount eecured
<br />= � h�reby bNora such payment ever took plece.Any appUcatlon of proceeds to indebtedneas shall not extond or postpone the duQ
<br /> : � dat�ot any payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> Y�; fr°`• • 6. Escrow.Upon wrltten demend by Lender,T�ustor shall pay to Lender,l��uch manner as Lender may deslyaatt,autflcient
<br /> ��•� . .. . . _ .. .'__'_'_"' _.. _._u�...���.m..u�....e. «�.......�n�.�naMMMnbYf/1�Y�/�OIR�} .
<br />----_�' iUI00 t0 eI1aDIO LOttOef t0 pay ii�tnMy uw:o�iio u'ua���a vr nwiv v�u��rv�we��
<br /> _.�r Y ,y.p�..............«........�.......»..........._._.._.,---•_..._.
<br />_ 1, ttN Property,(It)ths pramlums on th�property insurance requlrod hareunder,and(fll)the premlums on any mortqaye fneurance
<br /> rputr�d by Lsnder.
<br /> 8. MatntYn�ec�.R�palr�snd CompWanc�wlih l.aws.T�ustor ahalt keep the Property In pood condltlon and repalr;shall
<br /> ;�� � „ prompUy rep�lr,or nplace any Improvement whtoh may be damaped or deatroyed; ahal� not commlt or permit any waate or
<br /> -- doterloratfon ot ths Property;ahal�not remove,demollsh or subetantlally alter any ot the Improvementa on the Property; shall not
<br /> commlt,sutt�r or permlt any act to be done In or upon the Proporty In vlolatton of any law,ordinance,or reputatton;and shell pay and
<br /> � , ptompdy dl�charp�at Truttor'a cott and�xpense atl�Ian�,encumbrancot and char�sa I�vlod,lmpos�d or asws�ed tpalnst the
<br /> , Propwty or any pert ttwroot.
<br /> ^��, �''� �� 7. Eminrnt Danaln.Lond�r(s henby asslpned aIl compensetlon,awards.dRmapes and other payments or r�Itef(herelnatter �
<br /> •.�.• • "procNds'�in connacdon wlth condamnatlon or other taklnp of ths Prop�rry or put thereot,or tor conv�yance in Ileu of condemna•
<br /> ', tlon.L�ndsr sh�ll b�sntltted at It�optlon to commence,oppear In and prosecuta in Ite own nams any actlon or prxeedinyt,and
<br /> _ �,�,�;n' shtll alw b��nUtl�d to makn any compromlw or wttlam�nt In conn�ction wlth such taklnp or damaps.In th�ev�nt any patlon of
<br /> M�C�M71MMrIkvMwN OrM 11«10�/� � , "
<br /> --. �, O t�M MMW W Mnt d C�M TruM M/�M+�ys Awoewwn.lrieMe.bM��W
<br /> , t
<br /> � . .. . �i.i .
<br /> y ._. . _'..__., _ __
<br />