�" ,"� '. �. -
<br /> x , . . , ,
<br /> ,�__..__ :� . - � --� �- :N-�S —
<br /> 1 ? — _
<br /> ae tMop�ion ot Iwndir, it n�oet�p inunna oownp (in th�arnount�nd tor eh� priad th�t I.endw r�qui�w) �
<br /> providd b1'u►irrunr aQprowd by 1.�►c!K�Pin beoomM awil�bie ud is obraitMd. BorroNw�11 p�Y tM pnm{unw
<br /> _ ----_..-__ «,�a«�rn�.i,►ata n�ara..a laNr�in�![�ot.or w oto".�a lor tw�rw�undl tM rpulrNn�nt i'ar n+ort/iM..►
<br /> � laiunnce ea8�in�aoord�na Mieh a�+�eitten�pwm�nt btNMa Borro��r�nd L�ndu or�ppiicabt�uN. ,
<br /> 9.Ieapatioo.I.e�dw or tu�ta►t m�y mdre e�ero�wbie�ntriM u�on and in�p�cdar a ttM Propwt9.I�sd�r iwll
<br /> pw HorroNer notioe at ths dme oi or a to�n Itipeation�p�dtyir�reron�bte aruN Ior th�inp�adon.
<br /> l0.Condamn�tioa.The at any aMUd or c1�im toc d�ma�t+s,dlrect or votaequent��l,in ootu�ctlon Mith
<br /> aqy oondemnat�on a ott�a�takia�ot�ny p�et ot ths Peop�r�r.or tor oanveyuioe ia Uw at aondMrnrMSioa.an 1w+�M�
<br /> ariate�d and�hall be paid to Lenda�. ._
<br /> , ����' In th�avent at a totsl takin�ot tha!'�roPatY�tho prooeeds�ha11 be appiied to the sum�secured by thi�Security -
<br /> Instrument�whet}�er or not t1►ai dua�NIeh�ny�cae pld to Horrorra�.In the event ot a p�ttal ukin�ot the Pc+opKCY in
<br /> �hich tho tdr muket value of ths Property imrnadiately bdore the t�kln�i�eqwl to or sroater tlun the amount ot the
<br /> - sums seaured by this 3ecurity Irotrument tmmedtately be�ore the t�kit►�,unler Bortower and La�d�r athenvi�e+proe
<br /> in Mritir►�.the uum�axured by this SecutIty Inswment ah�ll be redooed by the amount of the p+oceeds muttiplied by
<br /> the tolloNin�traction:(�)the toW amount ot the wme eecwnd immodiauly beiote the trkin��divlded by(b)the tsfr
<br /> mtrket value oi the Property immodi�tcly betore tha ukln�.Any b�lanoe eha11 be paId to HorcoNer.In the event oi�
<br /> parttsl t�kine oi the Property in�rh�ch the tdr muket value o[the Property immodiately baforo tha takin�i�IeN than
<br /> the amount ot the sume secuced Immodi�tely be[oro the t�kin�.unlas BorroMer and Lender othenvi�e a�ree in Mritir►�
<br /> or unleee applicable lsM otha�viso providee, tho proceeds sh+ll be applied to the sum� �ecurod by this Secur�ty
<br /> Ituwment Mhether or not the sume u�e then due.
<br /> __- If the Property is abandoned by BorroMa'.or if.dter nodce by L,endar w BorroNer that the condemnor often w
<br /> m�lce an aMUd oP settle a cldm for dams�es, BorroNar fula to tapond to Lender within 30 days dter the date the
<br /> :_;m��,F�= notia ia Yiven,I.asdet is authotized to colloct md apply the proceede,at its aption,eithee w ratontion or repair ot the
<br /> :<<,;`—°'">`i� Property or to the sums�cun�d by thie Securlty Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> .•;, � „ Un7eos I.ender and Borro�ver otharw�iee a�rree in writinR,any s�pplication of pracoods w princip�l ahall not extend or
<br /> ��„�,. I�., pc�etpnne the due dato of the munthiy p�ynients refared to in p�ra�raphs 1 and 2 or chsn�e the�mount ot euch —
<br /> ,; p�ymente.
<br /> 11. Boaower Not Rala�ed; Porboartnce By L.ander Not a Waivor.Erterfaion of tne titne for payment or
<br />'�� � �� modification oi amortization ot the sums secured by thia Seaurity Instrument grAnted by Y.enckr to any suaceASOr in ���
<br /> -- r Intere�e�t ot Borrowar ahsll not aper�te to rele�se the liability of the orl�inal Borrower or Borrower's aucceseora in
<br /> interaet.Lender ehall nat be tequired w commencc proceedin�a��inat any aucceasor in inton�t or reft�se t�extend
<br /> - time tur paymont or othorwiae modify amortization of the sums eecurod by thia Security Instrument by reason ot any -
<br /> , _
<br /> ce b Lender in eYetaiein
<br /> W � in�;:. demand made by tha orieinal Bomower�r Bocroarer s succeseors in inurost.My f�rbearan y � _
<br /> _:�,�., k`� Any rlQht or remedy shall not be a waiver o!or preclude the exerclso ot any right or romedy.
<br />;;<��`.'° 4z.�uix:.scas:aa�.'i:si;a: Bau�d;Io�at aad SeYera!Llabllli;:C�lEnera.The�v!�nanu,�nd agroemenu
<br /> . , �t'.c�,: - of this Security Inatrument shall bind and benefit the auccessore and �esi�ns ot I.ender snd Borrower, subjoct to the
<br /> r',.u�aW'��,�.�i f
<br /> �,�J�(�. �YMJ�A..• �V�SIOIIS Ol pan�raph 17.Borrower's oovemnts and a�rxmente shtll be joint and several.Any Borrowec who co-si�ne
<br /> ���t �;y�`�'�'����� �� , thie SecurIty Instrument but doee not exxute the Note: (�j Is co-si�nin�thie Security Inatrument only to mort�a�e,
<br /> ���-"'`�'��,�,; , —
<br />- �o • gtant �nd convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under tho terms oi thia Security Inetrument• (b) is not
<br /> � '�•�t.:,:��; peraonally obli�ated to p�y tho sums eecured by this Security Inatrument;and (c) a� ttut Lender and any other �,,
<br /> ' :�'� W • • �.""•-:� Barmwer mty a�ree to extend,modity,forbe�r or make any�ccommodationa with ce�rd to the terms ot thia Security �-.'
<br /> r..�:i..4:.�.. .... ':- �
<br /> '� �.:��.-.:• • Instrumen t or t he No t e wi t h ou t t ha t B occ o w e r s c o n s e n t.
<br /> •..F•..,:�,•- � . �:��=-
<br /> !3. Lo�a Charje�. Ii the Iwn sectired by thia Security Instrument ie subject to a law which seta m�ximum lan r-�:
<br /> ••�� • - -� charQee, and that law is tinally interproted so that the inurest or other lan ch�rgea collected or to bo collected in �,
<br />''�`- , - , , "' � connxtion with the loan excad tho permitted limits,then: (a)any such loen charge shall be reduced by the amount �.
<br /> A � necGSSary to reduce the charge to the permitted lim�t; and (b) any sums alread}� collacted irom Borrower which �
<br /> - � exceeded permitted limits will be rotunded to Bormwer. Lendor may choose to make thia refund by reducinY the �V.�.'
<br /> pdncipl owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrowar.If a retund re�uces prineipsl,the reduction =w
<br /> , ; . „ will be ueated as a pertial prepayment without eny prepayment charge under the Note. __
<br /> 14.Noticea.Any notice to Borrower provided ior in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by -�-_
<br /> � � mailing it by firat ct�sa mail unles.s applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the =r�=
<br /> Property Addross or any other iddress Borrower des�gnates by notice to I.ender.Any notice to I.ender shall be�iven by "E'"'�
<br /> ��-�-
<br /> .. • first class m�il to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any r-`,'
<br /> - ���: � �,,;i notice provided tor in this Security]nstrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or I..ender when�iven . �
<br />_ 1=-'` �s provided in this para�raph. � �`�',
<br /> , I5.Governln S y g y A�"
<br /> C�,>;:,�.� " , �Law; everabUity.This Sw;urit Instrument shall be overncci b federal law pnd the laa of the �;:
<br /> urisdiction in which the Pro rty is located.In the event that an ro��ision or clause of this Securit Instrumetit or the �� -
<br />_,��y . � .. �;, J Po Y P Y ,. 1'',^:::
<br /> ,��."' � Nou conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not aftect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note ,
<br />'` ' •• which can be given e[ixt without the conflicting pravision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument ynd ..ti
<br /> "• , the Note ate declared to be severable. � .
<br /> .� `� . �
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