'�. .`� ,� ---......_. -- --- . --:.
<br /> ? ' ,r�^°`"� •- . ;. -; _
<br /> __—._.__._�. �
<br /> !. d or Prop�rty Iuuraaa. BorrowMr�11 Icwp tlw Irnprown►rntr no�r ad�eta�or h�Mr�rrar�!aa
<br /> t1» r i++��nd�iae lar by Hh.lrt�td�(nolud�d Mithla tlir arm"�acand�d oownp �ad aq►oeMr h��1�,
<br /> _ _ _ __—
<br /> I�oludla�floo�d�or�loodln�tar whiab lw�dK�puirr i�r�o�.Tbi�inunnoe�t�ll bs m�Inede�d ia tM�
<br /> �ne��ot tM p�ioo�iirs 3�r�quin�.fM�1r11�f11o0�1'��1'plvY�u�'i''�w f1'iif"..itC!.4'`�� �'°^�:C�!!�!4 -� .. ._
<br /> ��(�p[�'/t�pV�I M�IIC}i�YII IWL b IMIPM�OfItWy NItJ1MId.If�orroMK hib to mdntdn oov+eye sM�vrlb��
<br /> �bov�l.�du�m�r��t 1w�dw's opdoa�obtdn a�v�nM to D�oao�L�ad«'��e�i�i�in sh�Proqrty in�:ao�mdr�rit�
<br /> pra�ph 7.
<br /> AII inuranoe policta and reneM�l��11 b�a000ptable to Land�u and�Il inolude a�tandard mort1pte ol�u�e.
<br /> _ I.M�dx�hal! have th�d�ht to hold the poticia�nd rais�►a1a Ii La�decroq Il�t'e�, BOCt+OMK /II�II Pf10ft�[�Y�.�YO SO
<br /> � l�ender stt ror.oipta of patd Nremlums and rene�ral noticee.In the vvenc et M�e, Borrow�r�ha1t giw pnornpc,naHaa.ob tha � „�
<br /> inwnanoe curi�r u1d Lander.L�e�►dec m�y mske prooi oi loes it not mde prompdy by Horrawer.
<br /> Unlas Lender and Borrowet otherxi�e aeres in wr�dn�.imuranoe I x n o e e d�d u l l b e�p p l i e d tt�ratr�t Js►tt:or,�rt
<br /> ot the pro�ty d�ma�ed,it the raetondon or repair is eoonomIcally fewble�nd Laidar'�secudtX�q nut•iqe�et►pd.,I,thp
<br /> resto�don or rapair ia not xawmicaily tasibie a I�a�der's�ecurIty Mouid be larer�ed�the lneunince proaaacls�tl�ll��
<br /> applied to tha aum�socwbd by thia Securtty InsWment,whether or eot then due.Mith arty ex�eoepu d W Hotrvxar.lF�
<br /> BorcoWer ab�nda�e the Property,or doee twt u�e�vx Mtthtn 30 day�a notioe[rom I,axkr that the insunnaa a�r�ri4r..bt�
<br /> otfered to eettle�clsim,then l.end�r may oollect the Ineuntwe procaeda.p.ender msy uee the pnooeada t+f rop�ir,.an•
<br /> reetoro the pt+operty or to pay sumt eecured by this Security Irottumant,w+had�er or not then due.Ttta 3Q'd�y�ppriqd�rr311i�
<br /> be�in Nhen the notice is�iven.
<br /> Unlose L.ender�t�d Borrowar otha�vlee aQree in acitin�,�ny applica2ion of to prinaiMl�ah�11i nar�otcand an
<br />� p�ost pone the due d�te ot the monthly paymenta referred to In�aragraphs 1 and or alut►Qo the amount aL tha p�yManta•
<br /> If under p�n�raph 21 the Proparty ie aoquired by I.ender. 8orruxa's d�t►t to� �ny ineursnce polioias snd proreocls .
<br /> roeultin�trom d�m�e to the Pcoperty prtur w!he aoquieitton dwll pwc to I�ndoc to the eitent ot the sums seaurod by
<br />" :,. . this Seaudty[natrument immediatety prlar to the acqui�ttion. ---
<br /> - ��� 6.Oceup�nay.Proaervatioa.�Saiatonsaca aad Pratocttoa of the Property;BonoNer's t,wm A�pplicstian;
<br /> �`' Loa�o4oldi. Borrower stull occ:vpy,aetabllah��nd use the Ptoperty as Borrowar's princtp�l residence wtttun rirty days
<br /> t`';r:-' , after tho axeoudon of thia Securiiy Inetrumatit and shall continue to occupy tha I'roperty as Barrowcr's principal
<br />�_ �..
<br /> - reeides�ce�or at last one yar aftat the date ot ocxupancy,unless Lander otherwiae�tRrees in writIn�,which conea�t shall
<br /> � •� � not be unrc+sonaWy withheld�or unless axtenuatin�circumstancea exiat whiah ue beyond Borrowor'a control.Borrower
<br /> . . .�.�; ehall not da�troy,darn�(�e or Imp�ir the Property,allow the Property to deteriant��or wmmtt waste on the Property.
<br /> � �� Borrower shall be�n defauit if any torfeiture�ctton or praceodinY,whether civil or crImtnal,is beEun that tn LendePa
<br /> '� � '' , gaod taith judQment could tesult in forfeituro of the Proporcy+or otherwise materially fmp�ir the lian crexted by this
<br /> `'�':�.:. —
<br />_;,��'•• �i,�'� Secudty Inatrument or I.endera seourity inuraet. Borrower may cure auah a dofauit and reinstata, ae provided in
<br /> � _ �_, ` p�caYraph 18� by causing the actian or praceedin� to be diomissed with a ruling thst, in Lender's �ood tuth
<br /> ._..
<br /> ,, � , det�rminatIon,procludes farteiture oi tho Borrower a interest ln the Property ar othet m�terlal impairment of the lien
<br /> �n�r�r;,,r; Ft�••�„ ctetiod by�itie�ex:uniy Iiwiiui�iont Ot I.cDdGC'r sxisr�iy sRi„'t�L.Bort�s:sr�tnl1 tslsQ�.+e in�!�f�!��It�i Acirmwer,during -
<br /> � •j;��•`• - ` "'`��� the loan appliation procese, gave mttedally false or imccurst� information or statements to Lender (or failed to
<br /> .�k:",�,-�: . : .
<br />- , +,.,,.. ... �',�. . provido Lender with any maten�l information)in connection with the Iwn evidenced by the Note,inaludinQ, but not
<br /> :::•a:?`. - limited to,ropresentstions concenunQ Borrower s accup�ncy oi the Property as a princtpsl rosidenca Ii this Security
<br /> - �r�..ti%�. ��. � Inatrumont is on a leasehold,Bortower shall comply with all th�provisioru of the lear,e.It Borrower acqutres fee title to
<br /> ��;��= �• `�'"` � the Propetty,the leesahold and the ix title shill not mer�e unlesa Lender agcees to the mor�er in writin�.
<br /> - �� • . 7. Protection ot Leader's lti=hts in the Property. It$orrowar f�ils to per�orm the covenants and aQroements
<br /> •� .... ' � containad in thia Security Inatrument,or t�ere is�le�al proceedin�th�t may si�n�ficantly ai�xt Lender's rl�hts in the
<br /> - • � Property (such �s a proceedin� in bankruptcy, prolxte. tor condemnttion or forteituro or to enforce lawe or
<br />- � ro�ulatione),then I.ender may do and p�y for whatevar is neceeaary to protect tho v�lue uf the Property and Lender'R �
<br /> :�::. " . ;..-.��.. .
<br /> - ,�� •� ri�hts tn the Property.Lender s�ctione may include payin�iny aums xocurod by 41ien which hse priority over this
<br />: t SecurSty Inetrument,eppadn�in court,p�yin�reasonable attorneys'teee and entenn�on the Property to m�ke req�rs. � =�
<br /> ;�,�� Althou�h Lender may take action under thia praQraph 7,I.ender doea not hrve to do so. �,,..:.N
<br /> • Any amounts disbursed by Lendcr under this p�ragnp h 7 s he l l b e come a d ditiona l d e bt o t B orrower secu r e d b y t his �
<br /> � � Security Instrument.Unless Borrawer and Lender agrec to other terms uf payment,these�mounts ehall beer inurest �:._r
<br /> � � irom the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon�otice from I.onder to Bortowor
<br /> roquesting payment. "'
<br />� , 8. MorttaYe Insur�ace. If Lender required mortgege insurance as a condition of ineking the loan secured by this �
<br /> Security Instrument,Borrower shnil pay the premiums requirod to maintain tha mortgage insurmco in etfect.If.for any �_.:t
<br /> � rcason, tho mortgaYe insucance coverege requiced by I.ender lapses or cesses to bes in effect. Borrower shall pay the �_
<br /> .,• premiums required to obtain coveraPe substentialty aquivalent to the moct�age insur�nce previously in ef[ect,at a cost �� '
<br /> �, �, subetantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower ot the mort$age insurance previously in eftect, trom an alternate "
<br /> i mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not availabte� . �,'
<br /> ''`�}" Borcower she11 pay to L.ender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of thc yearly mortgage insurance premium being r
<br /> ��. , ew.
<br /> ', , paid by Borrower whon the insurance coverage 1aPsed or ce�sed to be in effect.l.ender will accept, use and retain these �'``
<br /> payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mort�aEe msurance. Latis reserve payments may no longer ba required. � � ..
<br /> _' � �� �
<br /> .rt ,� Fnw 702i !/!0 'A` y
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