.._.,�._.�„<:.......,,,. . . �.
<br /> .____�-LM:.eS.Y.il.l.IiaY� . . � . . . . , _ _���'
<br /> - .��_ - • ..'��{�ii ..
<br /> • � i(�'7�8 . -�::;,
<br /> • .. �. � i:4rr_.,
<br /> .i:•�
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<br /> .. (,a/��rK YIlM��w��•M1k 111�� �t� �Pf�011�fNllr'� �All�{W aYfMMO��p�O��/11�M011(�r'f 1�� � ''
<br /> . aw�rr�►�r„a+«�. N��+w op�oa�.a o.c w.�anr h �.•oi.r r.�.row r�oe+w.a���.w a�.t�.. �. ,
<br /> dM.ef ii��•aKiqr lwtyewK.
<br /> it LMd�r�rdtw tfi�op�lo�.L�ndr�h�ll�Iw�etr�wrr ratM�ef aoo�Wai.'IYw ne1{o��hap prodd�a pr1eL KsK MN . .
<br /> th�n w A�Ma�o dM dab W.nadai r ad[wnd or mvMa�rimia whbh saro�nr mwc pay.n rum��e►y W�Nanrlq
<br /> tMlruswAt. If Saro.ru r.W oo p.y th�.waa� prior w w. .xpir«aon o!u�i.p«�loa, r..na.r �asY Wvalu a�qr r�aMw. ,
<br /> p�Wd b�r d�Y 6�onrtq Inttvmrot wid�outlbrth�r aotla oe d«n�od ea Denoa�r.
<br /> 1�. >an+w►.r'� lti�lt to �irl.tt. u sorro+wr ,nreu o�euin ooadiuon.. eorn►.i.r a�au tuw th. rijnc to h+1w
<br /> �a(ura�t ot WM S�a�rity lo�dv�nt di�oondnwd at anY Hm�priar w th��arUK oG(a)S dayt(or�ueh otlwt�p�ciod s��.
<br /> appiiabM law may �p�cify for nWttatwmot)b�fon ale of ttN Prop�cty punusat to any pwnr ot ub oaa4iln�A In tl�
<br /> S�pu�ity TatrmHnt;or(bj wtnr of a judpn�nt�oford�tl�4 6ecariq Imtruma►4 Thoa coadlrIau�n thot Hwrarnn.(��,,
<br /> W7►+��'vl�was whicl�th�u woWd M dw uad�r ddr S�urlty.to�wm�nt aod ths Nou a if no acai�tlou bad oea�urM: .
<br /> N)cun.nay dl•ulc ofany o�h�c oowoaaa or a�c..m.aui ic)Wy�sU ucp.�u�lncvrced in M,forda�Uda S.a,eih[maw�r��� .
<br /> laduddqt.bW aot Wdt�d to,nawn�bk attom�ya'feN;aad(d)WcM�ueh acdon a�L«►dar may re�taublY req�ta�uoe.
<br /> t6st tM li�a of WL S�cutlty lwa�m�aw 1.eader i ri�hu ia tht Proprrty wd Boero�v�a'�oblipdoa w psy W��uem�ea�raf by�
<br /> -- tt�4 Secudty Ituttuma�t il�s1l oondntle ut►d�an�d. Upoa tainuaGmmt by Botrowa� W4 S�attdty Iattru�mtnt aad. Wt
<br /> — oMiptloau waued henby�all t�m�ia ttiUy eRectiw as!t no acabratioa had oacnrnd.Ho�wwr.thit ri�ht W r�iawt+r��
<br /> - not app�►ln tb�caN of aa�eadoo undr p+r+qaph 17.
<br /> —�- - _��—� . �19. Sde of Not� Ciu�npe of Lo�u Senker.Tb� Nots oe a partlal tau�tt !n tlM Nou (togeth�r �vlth th4•Sswtiry
<br /> -__ • InWvmwt)may b�wid one or more tima�rithout pcior not�e to Bonoaer.A�It may raWe in a ch�n�a Ia tlie��tdty
<br />- = (kaowr+as the'Loaa Sacvlcm')thac collxu monthtY MY�anu dw uad�r th�Nott and thti S�curity Inrtrwamt 7horc atw
<br /> msy be oa�or�nore cbsnjN of the Low S�rviar unr�l�Ud to a sal�of ehe Note.If thero!s a chan�e of th�Loaa Savica.
<br /> 8c,rrcvr�r wIR M ilwn arrltten nodot of the chaage in accordance�vith para�rsph 14 above and ippUaable law.Tbw�noiice
<br /> wILL�tate t1w nao�and addr«s of the ae�r Loaa Ssrviar aad th�addra�to�rhich paymenn shouid W a�ad�.Tba aoti�e.*nll
<br /> alw oonuia my olhu inCormatlon nq►�ired by applic�W�laa.
<br /> 2p. Hua�daus S�tbttnoes. $orrowar �hall not c+�ua or permit th�pcarnce, we, di�poeal. �cor�a� or celea�w aF any
<br /> H�rndau SubtanoM on or in We Propaty. Horrowec�ha11 not do,nor aUuw�nyone el�c w do.�nytl�in«altectin�the
<br /> propecty Wat b in viotulon of any EavGronmenW Law.The procadln�Mo tentence�shalt not apply to th�preut�ce,we,or
<br /> storap on t1M Prop�cty of�mall qwadda of Ii�s�r�dow Sub�taaca Wat ue�enerally rxo�ed to b�xpprc,priatt.to aoraW
<br /> �, - - _ _ cMidwtlal wa add to maiuuttanca oithe Fropar�.
<br /> �,�;` 6orrow�r shait pwmpUy aive Lender arluen notIce of+�ny invatl�adon. didm, demu�d�t�wsuit or other aatian by any
<br /> sw�ma�ecttal or r�ulatory a=mry or prIvate party{avolvJn�the Pcopaty aad au►y Hazardous Subsunco oc Euvlronmental
<br /> Law of wd�ich Borro�nc tw�cwsl knowledge.If Bonower 1wun�,or is notifieal by�ny govemmenW or regulaWry yuthodty.
<br /> ,:-� thnt anr nmovai or otha ranediadoa of any Haz�rdoua Sub�unco�tl''�cdng th� Propesty ls aeoe�ry.8ortowee shall
<br /> ` promptly tak�all aecwary ranedW acttoni in acoordance with EavlronmenW Law.
<br />_ As wd (o tlsln pars�nph 20.'Har,�rdoa Subuance�'are tho�e sub�tanca deMed u to�cio or haaacdous sub�tanca by
<br /> " �4, �'t� Environm«�W Law and the followinE�ubdu�ca: �+uoltne�kaoo�en�,othar llammable or toxic paValoum product��Wnic
<br /> pesdcida and herbidda.volaWe wlvent�.mstecials conteWng asb�to�or formald�hyd��and radloacdvo mata�tals.As w�d
<br /> _-� „ �, , ,,„�.` in tl�is pua�raph 20.'EnvironmrnW Law'meam federat l�ws and laaa of th�jurlsdtallon ahate tho Propiuty i�located tl�at
<br /> . ::��y�P,�r. n1at�W health,saCMy or mvtronmental protection.
<br /> '"a"�x;,.i;,t�'�;u�� � .
<br /> .. ,� �; NON-UNIFORM COV�NAN7'S. Borrower and Lendor tyu•thor covemnt and agrce aa follows:
<br /> ,. :,:,a,M�,pc;,t�o� �,. �
<br />' 1`, -s�`��Y���%r Re�pedlp, Lender shall�(ve notico to Bonowcr prior to acceletatioa faltowix�Banowee's breach ai'�ey
<br /> ;�,,,�..-�,_,.,•,�:,... : 21.Aoc�lvatioa;
<br /> 3 ,•, � covnut or a�easeot ia this Secutity Imtrument (but not prio�to ucelet�tlon undar �ur�raph !7 untw applica6k law
<br /> �: .':'.4
<br /> 1•�_•.,_ •" ��,�«�K}'fhe�wtice�hall specityt(a)tba default�(b)tha action rcq�ured u cw+t thr defaulh.(c)a date,not kss thaa
<br /> �.a.x�r- •�� •. .� '
<br /> 30 da7a Itom tbe date the notice ia=ivea to Borrox�er,by wb(ch tAu dofault muw fe cw�ea1;+znd(d)that tapure to cu�e the defautt
<br /> ' -' `"``. o�or bdore the date specilied in the ootice may result ia accelerwtion of tMt sums xcnred by thu Security Instrument aad aak
<br />�';E,t � `� .��"�' • of tl+e Aroperty.Tl�e aotiee shdl 1luther jafoca Borrower of t6u ri=ht to rein�tate atter accekration and the�i�ht to 4ria��►
<br /> -• - *, •�-� •` court action to u�ert the oon-existeace ot a defwit or�ny utAur defense oi Bonc�r to accekntion aad sak.If tbe defauh�
<br /> not ctued on w 6efore the date specilied in tha aottce, Lendot st ita opliom m�y rcquin immedlate payment in 1Wt ot all sunu
<br /> -- � °. . . securd by ihis Security lastrmsent without il�ttkat dcmand nnd mny Invoket thu p�wer of uk and any ot6er remcdia permitted
<br />:''^� ;�=� : ;.�:.};; br appticarle law.I.ender�hatl be entiticd to colliret dl expenve9 irnurted in pursuina tbe reoiedies pcoridcd ia this para�raph
<br />-^ '�"'Y. • - �• 21,Includin��but aot limited to�reatoeable attotooys'feo�and ros�b ottitta evfdcaca.
<br /> .. it�;'`�;�'
<br /> ;;+,1,
<br /> .�i:: •. . .
<br /> }��-� FORM JOQ� O�AO(Paq�8 otQ pay�s)
<br /> �• � � ' lk�yl�F�mNy—FMMAIFFIIYC UNIFONN11N8T1tUhYEN7
<br /> � ��'�• NE/11ASKA Edt7l R�v. t01t4lt
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