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<br /> � 41.t6�wwl!d,s.bd Wci�ef IIM Psrp�ely.IM pro�M/1�U b�a{�d M IYt NIMM Mo11rN by thi�C�wi�W�r�W�' -
<br /> *M�Mr�r�wN�tI�M dw.wM�anp at�}rd 10�ar�w�r. h 1M��w�t�f a�e1W u�lo f�f IM Prrl�'b►M�wYoh ir Yc ,
<br /> r�Ant���[,1aR Pnopwq�iwb b�EoA tlw t�is�qu�l�o a'�t�tl�e dN�a+o�et of I�r w�ar�rd l�r 1hi� ,
<br /> ��1m�N�f�toe�tb�aicio�+uoMM Saro�e�w0 Lw�e oWuwl»�{ew M�►cMly.tr�,���e�
<br /> y yi�-�l�lt+nreMOt�1!b�cwWio�d by tl�reount of tM p+oa�/�m�d h►t�t��L
<br /> �n�.dM�na�r�rd iauna�rwY bdorn We Wci�.di�id�!bp lb)tM 4k m�ek�t�Iw eldw Pr�et�r I�df�O�h►
<br /> b�fY�ta tha t+kkaa,.An�balaacs�ha�l be paid to boero�wr. In tM�w�nt a p�edd Wci�ot IM P4'uP�tt7 in wl�i�!►t6�Wr
<br /> m�iut���+M Prop�y���dri 1�Wn!s IMS�Eun ths amount d dw�um��+u�d��M'an d»
<br /> W�u�M�lkrtow�r.od i.wida uu�rw�w ap�s m wrb�oj oc unlw.ppikabk la�r on�«�ri..pco+Wlr.d�prea�d��bW
<br /> bs MppWd aa dwt wnu wwind by ihit Skwity Iatcttan�ot wfwdwr or pot ttM�wm�ar�d�q du�.
<br /> If�tbt.Atn�etr ir abandoad b�r Bocro�rr�oe!f.a!!te nodw by Lu�d�e to sorro�re Wat dit 000droiwr ol��t�o m�lc�an
<br /> �1nrd oe�eedt a ct�n tor daaW4�. Bottow+r faW w rMpond W Lendrr w[tbio 30 da�dvr th�da�t W�r notk�lt«Iwo.
<br /> � i.rairc k aWba�itod to colt�ct aud�pply We pcoa�dt.u ib opdoa.�Mlw'tn�alioa,or np�ir oltr Pnpnt�or W t6t
<br /> ------ smaa�ec�ed br etd�S�anity Imfrum�at�whMiwr or not W�n dw. -
<br /> ud«a Lw�i�r.sa aocrowa otfrr�tst a�ee ia writin�.�uY+PP�+�oP prooMdr w ptindpal�noc�uaid a►pos�oa�t
<br /> �h.dw aaa af tbc moothlY p.ym.oa r.Qe�wd a m aaraaaptu 1 aoa 2 or rh..p�dk w�notime crw�pa�nn.nw
<br /> = 11.�row[t Not ltele��p11;FbRik�sooe BY iR�ier Ndt i Wiise�.Fattwio�of the thae for paymmt u�c an�3iflcutlon
<br /> � of amordzatlon at tt�sunu aecured by this Seauity InpcuaMnt yraot�d by L�ndir m any woawor ia ina�+w�t of Boaow�r
<br /> t6all not op�rate w rdeaw ttie tLWlity of the odslnd 8orro�v�er or Borrowec'�wa��on ia intePetw L�nd�a sh�31.not b�
<br /> - required to oo�o�sna�a prooNdh�p a�aitut any�ucoo�oc in iutarat or nlf�s�w�st�ad d�ae for paymant or otlwerria a�odly
<br /> amoettradua of tbe a�wcurd by thL Securiry Ia�Lrument by r�a�on ot aay demand mad�by t1�orljins!Bonnwre or
<br /> Bocrow�ar't sucrawn in inta�aa My forb�araao�by L�nd�t ia�edrL�u►y rl�ht or nm�dy�haU not M a waiv�of or
<br /> prxA�de We�aed��of any ri�t or raaedy.
<br /> 12. S�oo�s.iw/ l�ltdqot Bo�d: JaiRt �d Se�ral IL6Wty:Ca�Nes. Ths covanantr �nd aRa�maw ot tdia
<br /> ,r....-. , �C.�c►�nr In�nwmpt�haU biad aad b�o�t the woa�wn aad awi,�as of I.a�d�'aad Borrorwr.wblax to We P�vidow oC
<br />-�:i I p�ca{r�pb ,i7. Biirro�wr's oowiuu►ts aod agtsenf«tts thaU be joiot and rev�eeal.My BortowK�vho coaip�s tbos S«.wit� `
<br /> �� lastrum�nt but doa not eu�ua t�Notr.(a)b eo-�i�th1t 6KVrity Initru�t oaly w mart�age.Srant aod ooawY that
<br /> ;, Borrcwa's intm'a�t in tlu Ptoperty unda the ta�mi of thi�Sawity insuvmsnt�N)i�not paronaUy abli�ated W P�Y th�stun�
<br /> -� secvred by thir Security Irutrument;+nd(e)s6ross that Laider aud any atha Borro�rer msy+�ra w exte�d.modiFy.forbar
<br /> � � or malu anp accoo�udatioo� �vlth e�zd to the urnu of tt�Secu�lty Ins4wnent or tbs Note wlt6ak Wat Borro�rrr's
<br /> . conait �
<br /> 13.IA11�Clt�r�es.if the loan secured by thi�Secudry Imtrument i��ubject to x law aWch seu maYimum loaa chu=at.an3
<br /> that law i�Mally intapreted to th�t thc intaat or otha loan char�a coUected or w be coUtated in oonnecHon�[W ths I°i°
<br /> sxaed th�pRnnittod ll:ai4,then:(a)any�ueh loaa cturge shaU be redcced by the amount aeoeu+�ry w reduce th�charge to
<br /> -°�� We pernJtled OeeW u►d(b)any sums alrady rnllected from Borrower whkh exceed�d perm[lted Wntts wf11 b�re�utdsd t°
<br /> Borrowar. Lendec may chowe to malce this refund by reducing tlu principal owed under the Not�or by makin�a direet
<br /> s'• i�sr.+�.; WY�t w Borrower. If a �d redua�a pdndpal. the reductioa wltl be trested a� a paNal prepaymau Nithouc any
<br /> '�`k"1A� PfeWS��ch�r�e w�ds ths Nots,
<br /> �� �f�".��"t`� 14.Natlas.Any noSce w Bonower provided for in this Securlty In�trummt ahall 6e given by delivering it or by mailing 1t
<br /> "����' �'���� by&st class mait unlaa appticable law requires use of anoiher method.The nottee shAB be dlrected w the Properry Addrass
<br /> ;. •�� ,'•'��'� ��;�' •` or aay ot1Kr addra: Borrawa dnignata by nodce to Lrnder. Ar►y notice to Lender shall be glvm by Mt dafs mail to
<br /> '`����:. .� M� � Lenda'�addr�staced her�t or u►y other acldcai Lender dasignata by aodce w Borrower.My noda provided!or W Ihis
<br /> �`��,,�'� ' , ; Securlty Inatrumrnt shall lx damed to have been gtvm to Borcawa or Lrnder whm given as provided ln thi�paragraph.
<br /> '�" IS.Gorecafa� I�w�Severability This Security In�wment�haU be governed by federd law and the laa of the jurisdIcHon
<br /> , `L ,..._,.�'};" Ia w�hlch We Proparty is loatod.ln the event lhat any proriaion or clauu of thts Securiry instrument or the Note confUcts with
<br /> . ; appOcable law.such conflict sha11 aot affect ottxr provisions oC thii 5ecu�lty Inswmmt or the�lote which can be givm eH'ect
<br /> ,. .,�;,•, without ths con�icW�g prorision. To this end ttu provistons af this Security Tmtrummt and tAe Nou aee declared to be
<br /> --"��' - �everabk.
<br /> ;!y �;- '- 16.Bon�ower's Copy.Borro�ver shall be givert one confortned copy of the lote and of this Secudry Instrwn�n�
<br /> 17.Tramfet of the PropePty or R Bmeticlal Llt�mt in $otrrw�'a.If all or anv P�of the Propertyr or any inuroat in it �'�
<br /> ' a,��:_,:_:.-.:-, is so{d or tran9terred(or if a benetidd intarot in Bonro�t is wtd or ttanaferred and Borrowa is not s natural person)wlthout
<br /> ;
<br /> '`.�si,.-k..�.�,.,•• [�;
<br /> • ' ik�FamMy-FMYAIF'liWC UNIFONY IMlTRUiIEMT FONY� O�AD(Pay�1 of i Py„� �
<br /> ' . ��� ECMIL R�v.ON'OINt ,
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