<br /> 9�� i�'�4.
<br /> piriode dait I.ender nquiea, '!he kauranca carier provldit�the iruur�nce�hall be choKn by San+nwer subject!o t�enderti
<br /> �aowl wbM!k��o!�ut�"�a�sb{�t�'�tls!�l�. If Btrsmr.»�f�ls t�nt�iatrie o.rwen�c dactibed�bov�.X.widK�paY�Nc
<br /> . l�adet=aptfart,obtafn cwen�e w protect Lenderk d�hts in the Property in�ccordancx wich�ws�nph 7.
<br /> Ail inaurance policies and rot�owal�t alu�ll ba acxept�ble to Lendar and Rhall include�swidatd rta�t�aEe clRwe. Lader
<br /> rhall twvo tha right to hold d�e pollciaa�nd renawaln. If i.ender roquiros.Borrawer rhsll promptlY�iva w l.u�d�r dl reoeipt�
<br /> � ol pdd pt�rijurru��d rennwal naticea. In tha event of lose,Bortower afirll�ive p[ompt notice W the insurutce cattMr�nd
<br /> Iw�Wer. t�ender mep malce p000f of loea iF not made prnmMly by Bomnwer.
<br /> 4lnloss I.�:ndcr and �ormwer aherwise�groe in wdting.Insurance procads aha11 be�pplied to rutoration or np�ir of
<br /> � p�pe�dartwgod, it tlks reatoratlon or repair io xonomically feasible and Lenderh aecurity la not kwfenal. if thn
<br /> n�tuntion a repair b not economiaally feasible or Lenderk securlty would be les:ened. thZ �ururce prac�eecL ahall be
<br /> �pplied to t6� suma secwad by this Secnrity Inatrument, whather or not then due,wlth any excean pRid to Bartower. If
<br /> �ortpwa pbwtdons tMs property.or doaa not answer,within 30 day�a notice from Lander that the in�cunuuc curier haa
<br /> offerod to aettle a claim,�hen Lender may call�:ct tha insw�nce pfqcceds. Lcnder may use the procads to repair or restoro
<br /> the cty or to psg suma+�ecw+ed by thia Securiry Inauument.whether ar nat then duo. '['!ia 30�day perfod will be�in when
<br /> c
<br /> th�not e i:afven.
<br /> Unleu Lender and Botrowcr othorwlte aErce in wrSt(ng.any application of proceeds ro pdncip�l stwll not extend or
<br /> patpono the due data of the monthly paymants referred ta in paragrapha 1 and 2 or changc tfws amount of the payments. If
<br /> under para�nph 21 tha Property is acquir�ed by l..ender, Borrowerk tight to any insurunce policics and proccads rcaulting
<br /> (rom d�m��e to the property pr�or to the ecquis�uon shall pass to Lender to the axtent of tha suma secuc+ed by thia Secudty
<br /> In�wment immediptely prlor co the acquieitfon,
<br /> f. pxeupu��, Preservatlon, Matntennnce wnd Protectlon of the Propertyi �'rower'� Lan Applkattoni
<br /> L�who�d�. Ac�rrower stial!occupy.establish,and use the Property as Banawe�k pr3neipal rcsidence within aixty days after
<br /> Ihe ezxudat af this Securiry Tnsuvmont w�d sl�at!contlnue to occupy the Property as Bnrrower's prineip�l rexictence far at
<br /> lea�� one yar �fter thn.dnta of c�ccupancy. unless Lender atherwlsc ugrees in writing, which conssent shall not be
<br /> unro�nMbly wlthheld,or unlass extenuating cincumstunces exist which arc beyond Borrower's control. Bocrower shall not
<br /> Je�uoy,d�nw�e ar impair th�Property,allow ths P��oporty ta deteriornte,or cnmmlt wuste on thc Property. Borrower shull
<br /> bo In def�ult if�ny fafeiture netion or proceeding,whettier civll or criminul,ia begun thnt in l.ender's good faith judgment
<br /> could rorult in fort'eitu�rs of the Property or othcrwfse matcrially impair thc Ilen creatad by thia Securiry Instrument or
<br /> L.oederk�ecurity laterest. Borrower may cure such n default and rcinstatc,as providcd in paragraph 18,by causing the actlon _
<br /> or�xacadinQ w be dixmissed wIdi a ruling thut, in Lendcrt good fuith detcrminatian,pKCludes forfeiture of the Borrower's
<br /> intero�t In the Property w othar material impuirment of the licn crented by this Securiry Instrnment or Lender's security
<br /> intorc�t. l3�rmwer�Itall alr.a be in defnult if Bomower, during the loan application p►'acess, gave materislly falsc or
<br /> Itu�crurnte lnfarmxtion or statomanta to Lendc�(or failed to provide Lender with any material lnformation)in connectlon with
<br /> the Iwn evidenced by tho Noto. including, but nat limited to, repre�+entutlons conceming Borrower'a cecupancy of th�
<br /> _ � Prope ttv ar��tiix:ip�l rcsidenee. If this Securiry Instrumeot is on a leuschold.Borrower shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> oi the Icw.re. If Bnrn►wer uquiras fee title to tha PropeKy.tht learehaid and the fce title shali nui u►n,ga unJess Lender z$rccs
<br /> to the n�erger in writing.
<br /> 7, pr+Neci4oxi ui I.ender'y Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuils to perform thc covcnants and agrcemcnts
<br /> cwttuined in thiw Secu�ity Innttumant, or ther�e is u Icgul procceding that mny algntficandy affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> pn,perty��uch rx�pnKCCding in bunkruptcy,probute.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforcc laws or regulations).then
<br /> Lcndrr m�y Jo und puy for whutaver is nccessary to protect the value of the Praperty and Lender's rights fii tha Property.
<br /> I.�ncicrk w:tlortw mWy inrlu�k;ruying any sums secur�ed by a lien whicb has priority over this Security Instrument.appeering
<br /> in ax�N.pwying r�uwNtuhlc uttomnyti fces and ent�sring on the Pmperty to makc repairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> under thix puruKrurli 7,l.cndcr docs not havc to do so.
<br /> Any wmi�uot*disMurMd by l.i:nder under thin piuAg�aph 7 tihaq hecome udditionul debt of Borrowcr sccured by this
<br /> Security In�tntnN nt. Unlc+�Burruwer and Lender ugrce t�othcr tcmis uf puyment,thesc umounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> datu uf'dixburucnwnt ut tlx N�ue rnt�s und shull tw puynble,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrowcr requasting
<br /> {wYmtnl.
<br /> 1{, MnnKrKe In+wrAnee. If I.ender required rnortguge inrunmce u.u condition of muking the loan xecured by this
<br /> Srcurhy In�tntnnnt,Hurrower zhull pny �he premiums rcyu�red to maintuin the mortgage in�uruncc in effcct. If,f'or uny
<br /> /C4%lNl, thr murtKuue in�urutxe covemge reyuimd by Lendrr lupses or c�ases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> __ pminium� nyulrr�l tu ol�luin roveruge substunti►►lly cyuivulcnt tu the �nortguge insurance previously in effect, nt a cost
<br /> Is..• �ut+xtuntiully cyuivukn� tu thc cust to Borrower of the mortga�c insurnrne previously in effcrt,from an alternate mortgege
<br /> •::,;,;`; Inxumr a{Hmwrd hy I.enJer. If xubr.t;mtiidly equivulent mortgagr in�unince coverugc i�not avuilable,9orrower shul!pay to
<br /> Lcn�kr c;kh munth u.um ri�wd tu�mu•twelfth��f thr ye:►rly mortgutc insurunce premium heing paid by Borrowcr when thc
<br />-- - inxurancc cuveru�;c lu�i�d ur cruKJ to Ix in r(fcct. l.endcr will accept,uxc und retuin thctie payments as u loss rescrvc in lieu
<br /> �=�'=_� of mongu}te Intiurun�c. l.n+�rrecrvc puYuient�miry no longer Ix r�yuircd, ut the option of Lendcr,if mortgage in�urunce
<br /> � �� cuveray�e(in tNu mn�nmt und li�r the�wri�xl thut Lrndur requir�s)provided by un in+urrr approved by Lender again become5
<br /> � + uvriluhle und fh ohtuiu�•d.N�+rruw•rr tihadl puy thc premiumx reyuircJ tu mainaiin munguge insurunce in effect,ar to provide u
<br /> ���-..�L�'..._:.
<br /> — �,��•:�r lu�w nµrvr,until �he nnµ�iw�urnt tirr mortgoge inaurunce ends in arcurdancc with any written ugreement between Bonower
<br /> utxl l.ciKkr ur uppU�ahl�luw.
<br /> �•�--'•`•• y. Inw{x�ll��n. I.rnd�•r ur itti+�}cnt nu►y ntttke mu.onable rntrieti up�m und ins}xctions of the Property. l.ender shull
<br /> �ri.�.,�
<br /> -- f,..,�� �{lvr H�nruwet�wli.c al 11�.Umi•ul��r prior tu un in,Fxcticm.}xcifyin�.rraumahlr r:�uxc(ur thc inspertion.
<br /> _r...�.".G.._ ..'.
<br /> lU. Cundetnuwtl�N�� '1'tic pux•eed.��t uny uw•rrd or rl��im li�r dama�es.Jircrt ar canscquentiul,in connection with uny
<br />- �inyk 1 rmy F'�nnk MwelHreddk Mqc[�NIFORN INti'1'NUMF:NT--Unlfarm Cocenanls 91Y0 q�uX�.t n/'n�x�gesl
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