, • ' ..��, ` . =tr��
<br /> t. L•r � —"-_.
<br /> -_ - - - � - -- - -..•� . . . �I,. r ar • s«�+r ww�r.�R I�i��io�r3www. M M�a.ny v.rt a1 u» �rov�+�r a
<br /> ; y�.T�Pw of ropM'1Y
<br /> �ny Mqqwt b M M�ald a I�Iwnd(er R a bM�l Ir�wl in�owM M rotd a trn�Mnd M+d/M�owr N nd�n�MU�I
<br /> � P�non��M�M�aA L�nd��0�►�iM�n m�wM�Lwid�r Ma1l,M 1!a apMan.nquir�wM►r+rM P�n�w�t b w el dl nrns now�d b1r
<br /> _ — � M�M Ma�i1M NMInrNMM.Norn�M�W�oplop NW nat b�rwdNd by tMKMr r wralr w prohblMd bY bdr�i I�w�s d M�
<br /> a�a.a Md�,eMaudq►InMn�n«K. �
<br /> r.t�Ind4K�twai�..1hU opioe,L�na�r.Iw+a�►.earow�r�eYo.a.00�won. 1l�.noro..h.1 r��P��na
<br /> 1M. eh�n.�o.,d�yr� M�oa,ua d� th. nollo.R dMlwt.a ar nr�Ma wNlYn whld+ ew.ow.r�wN v.y r wM. .�ouna qr wr
<br /> �otrily In�Mu�Nr�. M 80�TOwK 1�N b py 1MN M�M pb►to tM�Mon o11Ns prb4 LMIdK a�y Mwdu�ny n�1�MlIM
<br /> PwniNMd bl.NiM Mourlq�,lnRbIMnIKK e+Mhout�rthw eolfo�o►d�w�d en�enow�r.
<br /> � �a, sarr��w a�t,RA R�it��. n e«�.r �„«e. � �«+aw�,., �...�w h.r.a»�ne� n�. E --
<br /> «aao«»�x,o�a� s.wdq►���+■,e dkoo�anu.a.c .rn,�r�.ab►m a�. .rwr or. W a d�,�. e«n,on ah.r v«�od.�
<br /> — �i��or �nt�ot pdpnN►t+ntordrq� thM S�a�N�Thaw ooncMtlons w t�t Ba c�r:l� OM��w
<br /> wm.wtdad,aMn woua b.a,.una.r w. S�a+r+h►Inan,nNm.na tn.Na...r no.00d«.11on n.a 000�rna: (b)«Nw«�r
<br /> a.auk a �ry+.ou�r oo,r«w�t or.Q.�nac co)vr��•�w�•« ��«►��o� s.aNN�► N�++�mM.r,awar,p,aw
<br /> nat 1mM1�1 ta�'M��on�bit attaetwys'MN: �nd I�W�S wd+.cuon a L«idK n�►�«MbN��quk�b.swr�th�t th«Mn at
<br /> thiR 8�a�lA► b�p+l�nAfr� LwuMr'a dpMt� b tFM P�apMtY md 8arovrw's ob�Yp�tlon to WY th� wms wau�d bY 1AM SwwrllY
<br /> Insfnam�r►t aMM wx�lNltM unehr+q�d. �Pon,r�t�frn�nt by BoR�wrr. Wt S�arMY Instrunw��t �nd th� ob�Odlons s�aind
<br /> hv�by sMN�w�r�Y1 1uNY.�Mf'aN�a If no wa�lfon Mid ooaurt�d. tlowwr�Wn ripht to aintlM�sIMN nol+pP�Y h th�ou�
<br /> o/�qtx�yndK pMnpr�pt�,t7.
<br /> --•- '— 1a. S�N OF.Not/li�,Ch1M1� d Losn S�fv1aK. Th� Not�or a a p�rtW Int�rMt in th� Wob (topMMr wkh thk
<br /> B�anitY�n�btr�f�?�f►h��on�a mon fknis wkhad pdor natla to Barowr.A saN m�Y n�ult N�afw��M th��ntMY
<br /> _ (bwMm u tM'Loan S�viou")th�t ooMota maalhN WY�ts dw undrr th�Nob and thls S�arNy kwtn�e�nt. Thrs�ko m�y
<br /> . M ont ot mon cFNnOn al th� I.o�n S�vk��r unnl�tsd to a saM d ths Not�. I! th�r�Is a cltsnpt ot ttt� Loan J�vbw. ---_...
<br /> 8lxrowl�r Ml�b�ylwn wrNiM►notla ot th�dwn�h ac�ord�no�wkh puayr�ph 14 ibov��nd �ppMa�bi�Mow. Th�notfa wi
<br />_ �,. ; --' shN 1i»n�ant�nd�dd�ws ot th�nw�v Lo�n S�rvfrwr and t►rr�ddrMS to whlch p�yirirds ahouid b�aMde. Th�noYc�v�aMo
<br /> . '��'���� canWn�ny othK fntomMUw�roquind by�pp�k.ahi�Mw. �-
<br /> °•_''� 20. H�r�rGlous SubrhnR�s. Boreowa shall not aua w p«rNt th� prw�no�. uw, �wpos�, stowg�� ar rM�ts�ot
<br /> � w�`: _' •.::`4��;1� any Hwvdwis Subsbnc�a on or h tAe Rro�tty. BoROwK sh�Y not do, oor �Ilow anyon� ds�to do. �nYthinO �y th�
<br /> r��•, � prppMty 1Frlt is In vi0l�tlqn.o[�ny Envinmmental Law. Th�pr�adinp two smt�nc�s sh�N not apply W th�p_n_ya�n��Ct. uit, o�
<br /> :+�'i,'���1�3li�.,'.�. ttOffiQ4 Ofl t�N ��Ot�f1Ylb QuN1�i 0� �ivf�OYS 511�♦YICp�1��!Q�fl�fil�l��t0 tM�1s�w�+to f10f111y
<br /> t e��....
<br /> ;a.; i. :., fM1�M1tMl YOM Yld tP IIMNttfqtlo�O1 ihf PlOpMtY.
<br /> • • BarowM sFMN prWn(M111 1�� LM�du wrkhn nWk.� W any inv�stipdion, d�m� d�nw►d, I�wsult o► othK �ctlon by 1my
<br /> . r�"' ' ', qowrtrn�nW or r+DiiMtorY��Y�P�aU p�ty hvoNNty th�Prop«ty�nd any H�zardout Substanc�or Envkarn�tai Law of
<br /> y�c;�'a�'u,��}°ti�:��� wt�fah Bor►aw�r Ma �Wr�I knowMdp�. R 8ortow�►N�m�� or b notiMd by my qovrrw�wntai a��Ytory�u1ho�MY� ttNt anY
<br /> ... . nmovd a a1FNr nln�ii�on of �ny Fivardou� substanc� a�inp F�op�Y ia orai...ry. 8c+rc+wii ai+atl protsptgt tnka a!!
<br /> ' n�swy nrn�cW adl�xa In poc.-oM�na with Envkonman4f lew.
<br /> Aa�ua�d In ihk pa�yr�ph 20.'i�la�ardous Substanc�t' an tho:�substances dsfined�t toxic or h�erdous subsw�o�a by
<br /> Envirunmer►W law �nd i1+e lorowinp wbat�ncos: y�wMne. kKOS�. other RfmrwbM a toxic p�troleum products. twdc ___
<br /> . p�etidd�a�u�d I�bicides. vaidli�aolwr►te. mat��Ws eont�ninp�abestos or iamwid�hyd�. �nd radio�dNe m�twials. As uad h .�
<br /> p�y,�nph 2p, •&nvUbnmsntai law• mMns t�d�ral kws and Vws of th�j�xisdbtion wh�rs th�Ptoperly b bc�t�d th�t rN�tt to � `J
<br /> n..nM,wt.ty or.nvkomm�nlw wa.ccton.
<br /> ■�,�.
<br /> � • NON•UNH'ORM OOt+�NANTB.Borrow�r�nd Lend�t IurihK covenant md aprN as toqows: -.---
<br /> � ' 21. Aaedaratinn; Romodios. L.�nd�r �hall �iv� notice to Bor�aw�r prlor to acalloration :.;::::
<br /> ��t. follawinp Bo►ro�w��'s br�ach of atiy cov�nant or yr��m�nt tn this 5�curky Instrum�nt (but not r`��_
<br /> _ ' prior to a�ccdaratlo� und�� p�ra��raph 17 unl�ss �pplic�bl� law prov(d�s dh�rwis�). Th� notic� �..:'`'
<br /> '�a; sh�l� sp�cify: (e) tha dehuit; (b) th� aeNon r�qui��d to curs ths dofault; (c) � dtt�� not t�ss th�n y
<br /> 30 days trom the datn th� notic� ts �iv�n to 6onow�r� by which the d�fault muat be cu�d; sod
<br /> (d) th�t f�ilur4 ta cun th� d�tault on or bofora tha dats specifled tn the notico may r�auk tn �� .�
<br /> acael«raRian of the sums s�cur�d by this Soourtty Instrument and sale of the Propvrty.Th� notics
<br /> sh�li furth�� infa►m Borrowo� of tfw ripht to r�inst�te sifter accel�ration and !Iw rlpM to brinp a
<br /> � court acttan to assort th� non-�xiat�nco of s d�fautt or �ny otha� d�fens� of Borrow�r to ;
<br /> - � acc�t��etian and ssle. Gf the default is not curod on or befo�f the date speotfied in th� notic�, � _
<br /> • Londsr d its option may r�quiro immediat� payment in fult of alt sums s�cund by ttiis S�cu�ity F
<br /> InN�um�nt withaut iurth�r d�msnd �nd may invok� ttw pow�r of s�l� and sny oth�r r�m�dias �•
<br /> i pormittud by appifasbl� I��w. l.�ndor sh�ll bo antitlod to collt�ct all �xpons�s inaurrad tn pursuinp �
<br />, #� ` th� r�mpdips provid�d In thls paraqraph 21. i�oludinp, but not limit�d to� r��sonabl� attom�ys'
<br />•• � fNS�nd costs of titiv �vid�na�. .
<br /> '; H the powor of sal� is tnvokwd� Tructa� shali r�co�d a notico of default In �ach aounty in
<br />;r. ; whioh sny psrt of tho Prop�rty► ts loc�tod and shati mail copios oi such �otico in ttw m�nn�r
<br /> � presoribod by �pplicabl� taw to Bor►ow�� and to the othe► p�rsons proscrlbod by appllc�bl� I�w.
<br /> Aftdr the timo roquind by applie�blo taw. Trustee shAtt qivo pubiic notic� of eal� to tha per9ons
<br />;-= snd In th� m�nnor preacribed by applicable la�nr. Truateo. without demAnd on Borraw�r� shalt sall
<br /> � th� Props�ty at pubiic auction to tho highsst biddar at the time s�nd ptacs and undor thn t�rms �
<br /> � � • d�sipnatod tn thv notiao of sde In one or mora parcets and in any ordor T�ustoo dotormin�s.
<br /> . � Trust�o msy postpono sslo of ait o� any parcel of the Proporty by public a�nounc�mant at tho
<br /> � } tim� sod plac� of sny pr�vfousty schvdulod sslo. Londor or tta desipneo ma�,+ purahss� th�
<br /> Piop�rty tt any sslo.
<br /> ��_ ,:, Upon r�cvtpt of payme�t ot tho price bid. Truataa shail daitv�r to th� purahas�� 7rusta�'s
<br /> i.J_ __e'_�_ �� �� T�....a���� .��.� ��.�I� {.... w�t'w� i�wi� �ul�i�nn� �
<br /> � 4NC1 co�v�yiny in� rrO��fir. t f1Y ffVINUi o� attr t��w��� �.��r �..�.. v� p.....w ...�.� .."��".... _'
<br /> .� __: �._ _____ 1
<br /> � th� truth oi th� dstamonts m�do theroi�. Trust�� shall �pply thp procMd4 of th� sai� in th�
<br /> follawinp ord�r. (a) to ail costs snd �xpwn�s ot �x�rctdnp tho porwr of sal�� and th� s�l�.
<br /> ,, includtnp th� paym�nt of tho Trusto�'s b�s actuaily incurr�d� no!to�xce�d thro�
<br /> - Y. of tho p�incip�l �mount of th�
<br /> ; ��, '` nob�t tfi�tlm�of th� docl�x�tion of dofault, snd r��so+�abl�attornoy's fo�s as p�rmitt�d by law:
<br /> : `�+k° � (b) to �1t wms aacur�d by thts S�au�Ity Indnim�nt; and (c) �ny �xc�ss to tho p�non vr p�rsons
<br /> �, Ipstly�r�tiN�d to it.
<br /> /� � 1)
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