�ti' -- .
<br /> .,y r� , . � _--.
<br /> _'"� . ;/ .�,�5� ' ._. ,___
<br /> � �
<br /> _— �:. .�=: =_-y�.�. . 93=iA9�'�a � ---
<br /> � ; ioROww nry ou. .uoh •cMIwN .nd nN,.w., .. a� � v�� 1�, bY � ms « poouabo a b�
<br /> d��Mwd wMh�n�Ih�t.b L��elr'�000d I�h dM�iNMai�Pnot�bilNlun d th�daroww'i MNrMI fn tM/ro�ty a
<br /> • otlwr�W M�Y�K d tlw Nn aMMd by 1hM �awl►ImMun�w�t a lrnd�'a s�Ny kNNww 6�u��h�N�Mo b�In
<br /> — diult M Oa►�nwv�diriMl th�lo�n�ppioMlon preo�s��p�w nW�Y 1Ms�a kNOO�rM�YibneMf�n a NM�nM b Lw+d�r (or
<br /> — ��!a �'�l...�t� �s r!; ts'.�_.�!R!��""""�) =i tz:a'�w�wii�ti�.inot widwwwi by iiM iii�i�. :w.��:�, � :.C! —
<br /> �hN�d to, n�MMioiw oo�o�n�n0 Qoeo►wt's axwp�no!► ol Ih� Prop�b M � 1�� ��. k Ihk MawltY
<br /> IntlnMnwM N on�IwM�oid. BorroMw � eaNpiY wMh d tM pcwMbm ol th�iNS�. N sotraw�r aoq�iM iN INM b tM
<br /> Pro��1y.tM I�NiWd and th�1w WM sh�M not m��unMra L�ndK�pr�b tM mupw b wiNYiy.
<br /> 7. ProaolioA of L�d�►'�lllpl�In fiM Prop�Ay.M sonowv t�b w Pw�+th�oovwMna�nd�or�wna
<br /> oo„Wn.d� urs a.a,�y w�.�,�,�. «a,.r.k .�v►�w � �w �a��►� �.«�d�.r. �qna w, u,. �o�«+y
<br /> _.._.-� "' (woh a�poo�M�91n bnlauptay�prob�t�,lot ootwiwnwtlo��a fwNMw�a W«►iuc�4ws or nptAatlone)�thrn Unde►m�y .—T—
<br /> do�nd pry 1or wh�1w�M MonwN to Prol�ot tM wlw oi th�PropNty�nd L�ndlrs�1►t�In th�P�o�tY. L�dw��tlon�
<br /> rta�a��tlomys' Na�nd aNwlnp an th�PrapwlY n�t�•�Mha+ph Lw��•��,i�� h�P�+�Oh
<br /> 7, Land�►doM nol haw W do w.
<br /> My amour�s d�bura�d by Undr undR Prapr�Ph 7 a1MM broon� �d�tloMl d�bt of Bortriw�s�ar�d bY thk S�oWKf►
<br /> bqeunNnt lJn�s BoROrvw'�nd l�nd�r aprw to otha tMms d p�y�r�nt,th�s�rnounU a1w1 bMr bt�t lrcm th� dw of
<br /> d�b1M'N1MIIt�t tM Nob�W and shM b�p�y�bl��wNh(nt�fMt,4Po�notlD�ilom I.�ndM'b BoROWir►�quosfkW PRY�Nf�L
<br /> 9. M01'�p� (11Wra11C�. H Undw nquk'�d Matpp� N�u�na�as � eon�Yoo M m�kk�0 th�la�n t�aind bY tNt
<br /> B�oaNy IntktrnNn�Barowa sh�N P�y iM PnmkMns nquir�d to m�MWn th�nwROW�instw�na h MNaf.H�1or�ny nason, tiN
<br /> mottpp�h�r�a oov� nq�r�d pY L,�ndK Mps�s a a�s�s to b�h Nhot, Bortw�r s1u�W►Y th�P►����w
<br /> abWn oowrp�wb�1m1MN pulv�Mnt to th�mortp�bwnnc�prwbu�tY in Mhot, �t� cos! wbq�nti�My�quivaNnt to UN
<br /> eost to 8arowa �f tl� matpp� In�urr�c�Pr+�+�N in �(Niat� Mam �n �kotwh matp�p� bwiw�pproved bY l�nd�r. N
<br /> wb�t�nlWy�quN�l�nt mortp�p�b�ur�na oov�ay�Is not awNM�U+l�oaowr shM W!�to Und�►Moh month a wm �qtul W
<br /> '_ on.4wdnn a rh.ywy ma+q�eQ.Nnr+no.pnmxM+►bNna p�{d by 6ortorw►wn.n u,.lnw�nw eov.aq.t�ps.d«e«�.d to 4 _
<br />.'':,��� � b�tn N{�cf. L�ndK wIN aao�t,uK�nd npM th�p�y�n�nU �� a bu ns�rv�in Y�u W maSp�y�Inwrana. Lots ns�w
<br /> - p�ynNnt�mry oo Ia�pa b�nquM'�d at th�option of LendK.M mMtp�p�b�wrna«�v�np�(in tlN art�ount and lar th�P�riod
<br /> th�t L�dK nc�uk�s) P►ovid�!!►Y�n inKw�r �pprov�d by L�nd�t�gYn b�canw avaWbN atid is obtain�d. Bortowrt sh�N p�y —
<br /> ''`'�t ttw pwNwn�nquk�d to m�tnLin matq��insunnos In Ml�et, a to proWd�a b�s ns�v�.until th�nquk�►'w�t tor mat0�0� �
<br /> t �,., ... h�unna�nds h�ocord�nc�wNh�ny wrUpn aprMnwnt bMwean Borrowu�nd Untir or appYo�bM Mw.
<br /> °.'•�; 9. (DSp�Ctlon�L�ndr ar ils p�nt t�y m�k�rMSOnabl��nGi�upon and Ins�►�ctions of the Proprty. L�ntM►stW ¢w
<br /> Bortowa ootlo��t th�drtw ot or prbr to�n Intp�ction sP�'xy�n0 nAwn�bM cws�tor 1h�fnspwyfon.
<br /> • .� 10. COnd�mtladoll. Th�proc�ls ot any award or cMim/a d�may�s. dinet or cons�qurrtW. fn oonn�ation wqA any
<br /> ,�„x�.' ooadmrntfon a othr taWnp of�ny p�rt of th�P►oPrtf►•or for canvyana in Mw of ca�d�matbn�an hw�bY asdOnd and
<br /> �'� '� shM b�p�id to L�ndu.
<br /> �� In 1M w�nt of a tWN t�kNip of th� Propwty� ths proc�b sN�M bo �PPY�d to th� sums s�cund by this S�auUy
<br />'',.�'¢." '. ^,;.�' '�` InsUummf,wh�or not 1M�n dw,with any�s n�W to Bortaw�r. In th�w�nt ot+�petiN takhp of th�Prap«ty h which
<br /> .,,�,•_ � _�,� 2i�v�ii�W�ii2 Yiiiri u� 21i8�-iJ�iwYjl S�� � bi'�OiC 2h0 L'$GS.'tg�i'GllE�14 4f Qf�!91!K 1h�n th!MI10Uflt O�th� fWIM t�Ot1��f1
<br /> �-'�f11�'}}[;� �C�
<br /> �rr;�+,1�"�K�•:;-4A•�•�. �t by this S�wity Ins�um�nt invn�dMUy bMon th� takln�� unlass Boirow�r and Undr othawi� apn� h writhq� 1M suma _�
<br /> `:�;r,;sti,,: •,c,:'. ,• a�cun�d by tl�ia S�a�My In�trum�nt shaM be nduad by the amount o(th�procMds multk�Y�d by th�foMowY�y lrad{on: (�) th�
<br /> s�':.+{?tf�••�•.,��. ..� �- tot�t amount of tlw sums s�cur�d Mnm�dl�tdy bMor�the Wdng� dMid�d bY(bI the tofr nwiat value ot th�Rop�rty Imm�liatNy
<br /> • ;��.,.
<br /> ;��r�;;, '"'0k• bMon th�W�kip.My ba)�nu shap b�p�id to 8arower.In the aent of a pWU�i Wdny of the Rop«iy 1n which th�(ak m�ukK [_:
<br /> .;.:t:i.s�.; .
<br />- • '. � ;�.:;•• • valu�ot ths Prop�ty NrwrMdiatMy balor�th�t�kk�p Is I�ss than tha �mwnt of th�sums s�au�d knm�dl�t�ly bdon th�WcN�g.
<br /> . ,� � . �.)�,;`��,- ., untas Bortow�r �nd L�ndK othwwis� �pne In wrNh9 w unleas appNcabl� i�w othwwiw providas, th� procNds sh�Y bs
<br /> f`I ed to ths numa a.wund b thls Secutity Instrument whelhe►or�ot the suma an th�n due.
<br />_ ' ;;;;'(�; ' '
<br /> ,!;�:�`"� � �If th�Prop�ty ia ab�ndoned by Borrower, or R,ARar notloo by LK►dx to Borrowr tturt ths condemnar otlas to m�ks an ��°=:�
<br /> ���' � � award or s�ttl� � cWm (or dam�p�s, 8orrowa fails to roapond to L�d�r wHhln 30 d�ys aRer the date the notica ia ylven.
<br /> L�ndr b author(zed to coYect and appy the proceads, at fta opUon, Nthrr to ratoratlon a r�M ot th� Prope�ty a to th� `- -
<br /> _�'�: ,.:_ . , wm�aacxx�d by thU�S�curily Instrum�nt,wh�her or not then dua r,�u
<br />;-�. ,,�;,.l. �, llntesa L�nder �nd Borrowet othMwiss +�yree In w�itin9, anY �ppYeatlon of proca�ds to ptindpal ahd not extend a �
<br /> .r• d or chan s ths�mount of such paym�nt�. '�}�,:
<br /> � ,, s�.,_,: pottpon�th�due ds►le of th�monihty p�ymants retared to In parepnphs t �n 2 p � :,
<br /> ' 11. Borrower Not R�loas�d; Forboarane�By L.�nd�r Not �Watv�r.Extenston of the tkne tor payment or + -
<br /> • : '.;;::. .
<br /> ;•;,/,5,t�;,:, ,. modiflcaUon of amort�allon ot the euma secured by this Securfty Inatrum�nt yranted by lender to my aucces�or 1n interest of �":_-
<br /> ';,,;� � � ' Borroww shail not operate to rNewae the UabYity ot the oriphat Borrower or Borrower's successon tn intK�st. L�nd�► shdi not
<br /> . _ '�'°'�!'•• � ;,•;••C b� raquk�d to carnn�nu procee�flnga ayalnst �ny auccesaor fn intx�at or retuse to extand iim� tor payment or oth�rwl�e r
<br />• '�':��:`•�'� • •• S''��' modity amwUzatlon ot the sums aocured by this Security instrument by ruson of any d�nd made by the odykiv Bortower a
<br /> �'•%'� Bortower's eucceaaors In k►terest. My torbe�rsnce by Lender In exarG�tnp any right or rwn e d y s h�q not be a waiver of or '•..
<br /> .. ��l;�� ��� pnciude the exercise oi my dpht or remedy. ��
<br /> `��„�7.. 12. Succossors and llusipna 6ound; Jolnt and Sovorat Uability; Co-sipnors. The covenancs and '
<br />�,�,� . .
<br /> �ynements of this SecurUy Insttwnmt ehail bind and benefit tho suaceasoro�nd+�ssipns of Lender�nd Bortowet, subJ�ct to th�
<br /> ��� prorlalona of p�npnph 17. Bortow�r's Covmants �nd aqreemontn shatt b�jolnt and sevenl. My Borrowx who co-slyna this �
<br /> � , ����r'�` 3�airity Inetrummt but dws not execute the Note: (�)is co•atynirtp this S�curfty insttum�nt ony to mortqaye,ytant�nd convey
<br /> s, �� . th�t Borrower's intereat In th�Propaty und�r the terms ot this Sacurity Inetrument; (b) is not personaly obliy�t�d to pRy th� ti�
<br /> +�� aums s�cund by this Sawriry Inatrummt: and (c) ayrees that Lend�and any othar Borrower may ayree to axtmd,modity. �'
<br /> * � y foti�s�r or mak��ny accanmodattona with reyard to the terms of this S�curity �naWment or the Note wkhout that Bortowr's ,�
<br /> . e � ', aonsent �
<br />� �� � � 13. LOan Cfiary�s. If the Ioan aewred by this Sacutlty �nstrument ts subJat to a Iaw whbh aels m�ximum tan
<br /> 4_f .
<br /> ch�ryet, and ttud t�w is 1lnally(nterpreted so that the Intereat or other Ian chugss collected or to be collected in connecdon ,
<br />� -'`�� with the lowa �xeeed the permitted Umite, then: {�)rny euch loan charge ahall be reduced by the amount neceeaary to reduce -
<br /> 1 S.�j;;;_�`�c?'.,,• the charye to the permitted Ilmit; and (b) �ny sums ake�dy collected Irom Bortower wh�h �xceeded perrt�itted IYntts wW be
<br /> ; , ;..�;,,�.r+..,,. � relunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to rtwke thls refund by reduciny the princlpai owed under the Note a by rrrkinp• ,
<br /> �'���t�'' . . dinct p�ym�nt to Borrower. �t a rMund reduc�s principal, the reducllon rrtA be tre�ted as a paKtd pr�ym�nt without �ny
<br /> . ����. ',�� P�Ym�t chary� undK the Note.
<br /> ,`�':�; � 14. Notie�s.My noUco to Borrower provided tur tn thit Sacurity Inatrument ahall be 9�ven by deiNeriny ft or by melUnp it •
<br /> �< � by flrst d�se m�N unioss appMcabie I�w requke�use ot�nother method. The notice sh�ll be directed to the PropMy Addnas
<br /> �,� or u►y oth�r addrest BortowK dtsipnat�a by notic� to Lender. My �otice to LondK ahall be yN�n by tkat d�sa m�W to
<br /> J-'---.-.- - ._a..� ���....��� �.......N...t.. ai.�►nwr Anv nntk:w ernvltLt! tCt I�t ihls
<br /> . •_ — L�nuR s �aarssa eiai�ci i�awti �ir ii�jr�ii�w iuwv5a ...w�. .......y....... ..� ..'�'- -- --.._.._.. . ._. ..
<br /> �»''� S�curHy Usltument ehaM b�dNm�d to have bs�n giv�t►to Bortower or Lender wh�n yNen as provided In this paay�ph.
<br /> . ' � 15. OOV�1'Ittltp l.�w; S�v�rabllity. Thls Security 1neWment shaY b� povemed by federnt law and th� i�w oi the
<br /> �i Ju�ladictMn In which th�Prop�ty Is lout�d. In th� event that �ny provtalon or ct�uae oi this Security Instrument or th� Note
<br /> ''. " conNcts with �ppNeabt�Mw, such canNct shtM not�fled othef provlsiona of this Securily instrument or the Note wh�h can be
<br /> � qN� df�ct wkhout th�conlWcqny proriston.To thla�r►d the provialons of this S�curtty InaWment�nd the Note an d�d�r�d to
<br /> • b�swaraW�.
<br /> .',• , 18. BORO�w��'s COpy.Bortower ahell be yf��en one conlorm�d copy of thQ Note and of this Securtty Instrument.
<br /> .:•. ,., 1
<br /> F13te.LMO IW�JI pape J ot� r�� �,�/
<br /> P1/"_''
<br /> - �
<br /> 97176 1
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ► ' _ ---' — ."_'� -
<br />