� � � ... .. .�
<br /> F ��-. _ ?�.:_.� � 93�i��� -
<br /> S.H��l ar Propqety I��unao�.BocroNar�hail keep the imp�vemenv noM �adattn�or hwwtter enooed oq
<br /> , th�Prop�ety inw�!�Piert!as bp tin�h�s�rds i�nolud�d vrithln tb�tarm "at�dd oowty� �nd u1y otlw ha:�tdr.
<br /> InaludiNt tlood�or llaodi�.�a'whiah T.M�J�r r+qd�w I�ao�.`I'hts i�ehdl br rtuiat�itwd ia tiM un�t�
<br /> ___ -- — M���10�fjq��MI��.MI�C t�1d1+M.'11M i1M�t1tM CitH�C p(qY�n�i}1011Wf1111O0 tlMa� oo a'IU�OIi 4��i�CNivww �-
<br /> � K►bj�at w I�d�'��p�xawl whIoh dw11 not be unerr�o��b1y withheld.Ii BaeraM�r tdl�to m�inain oownp dredb�f
<br /> abave�L�a�dee'may,st L�dor'�optian.o1wiA oov+rye oo prot�at L��dr'�d�in th�ProputY in�000�e�oo�ith
<br /> p�n�p1�7.
<br /> Al� irn�nna polki�u�nd ewiewsls ah�ll b aoapable Lo Iwr�dor aid�il inoludy�star►d�cd mort,�alrure.
<br /> Lor�da sh�ll h�ve ths ri#ht to hold tM polic3et md ror►eMal�. It L,a�der �equirw. Borro�rar �il P��P�y d��to
<br /> - _�""�.{` ..,,""""�'c° Lenda aii noeipt.n�pRd_pwntumq�nd mwwa�nnt�coo.tn the event of tos9.Bannxer ehall;ive ptompt noeiw to tM
<br /> in�uranoe prrier and L�ac.L,endec may mak�ix�oot ot loN if not made promptyy by Horro�rer.
<br /> Unlaw L,a►dec snd 8c�rroMa otl�rxi�e a�ree In Mridn�,ineucance pr+ooeed�ahall be applied to rMtaation or��
<br /> of eha PropertY dama�ed,ii the rawrrtlon or roqir is eoonamtcaily taeible snd La�ler'�aeaurity I�not Iwrened.I the
<br /> restontian or repair is rx�t a�awm�cally fasiMe or I.aondec'e�eaucity Mouid be lerened.the tneunnoe proceay�f►�11 be
<br /> applied w the wm�saaured by thie Soaiuity Inttrument,wrhett►er or not tha�due,rrith any�oa�patd to BormMec.I[
<br /> $orro�rar�band«�e tt�e Pcoperty.oc does not uuMar wTithia 30 dayu a nadoe trorn Lender th�t the inwr�noe carriar h�c
<br /> oKerod to settla a alai�tt.that Lendar may colleat the inouranoo pnx�eede.I.atida'msy uoe the p[�c.roed�to rep�ir ur
<br /> roetoro the Property ae ta paY wme�eaurod by thls Secudty Inetrumeat,xhether a not thoa duo.The 30�'day pariod MfU
<br /> bo�in�vhen the not�ca ie��iven. �
<br /> Unleee Lender ar�d BormMer othorxise ap+ee tn�vritin�.any�ppiication of to princtp�l slwll swt extend or
<br /> the duo date at the montt►IY paymente reterrod to iRpacaQraphs 1 and or chan�e the amount at tho pRymonta.
<br /> t underp�r��raph 21•the Proyxrty is acquired by Lander. BorroMer's r��ht to any inaunnce policies and p+oceede
<br /> reeultin�from dam�Qa ta the Propa�ty pnor to the aoquidtIon�}�all pee to�.ander to the erten�i ot the wm�s�ecwbd by
<br /> = this Secur�ty Instrument immedi�tely prlor to the acquieition.
<br /> - 6.Oocuqncy�Praaervation.Maintenaace aad Protecttoa ot the Property;Horrower'�Lasn ApQllcation;
<br /> I.euebolda. Rormwor ohall aocu�Y�establid►�and uae the Praperty�s Borroxa's principal reddenoe withia sirty d�ys
<br /> afta the eucution ot thie �ocunty Instrument and sh�ll continue to occupy the Property as Horrower's principsl
<br /> - roeidenoe for�t leeat ow:yar attar the dau oi oocupu�cy,unlaes I.ender othonviee a�e+eea in Mritit►�.Mhich oon�ent atul!
<br /> '.'�:}t�, nat be unrea9onably wishheld�or unleee ertenuatin�c�rcums+unae exist which ue beyond Borc+��ver's oonuol.Borroxer
<br /> :,ti stu�ll not dostroy�dar�t(ta�r tmp�ir the Property�allox the Praperty to detarlonte,or commtt waete on the Property.
<br /> �" A�xroMer ohall be in detault if any forfeituro action or poc�eedin�,whether civIl or crimin�l,is be�un that in Lender's
<br />._-��;';j �uod fa;th judYment could r�sult in forie�turo of the Praperty or otherwtee m�taridly imp�ir the lien cr�ted by thia
<br /> ' ^ Socurity Instruma►t or,L.ender's eeaudty interest. Bottower msy curo such a de[ault and reinattto,as provided in
<br /> :;;``•� para�rtph 18, bY ctivaing the :ation ar p��oc�eedin� to be dismissed wIth a rulin� that, in LendePe �ood fai�h
<br /> determ�cution,prscludea torfeituro ot the Borroaer's int�rest in tha Property or other m�urial impairment of the lien
<br /> 3-_,^ �.,.., cretted by thie Security In�tcument or Lender's security intorcst.$orruwar ah�ii ot�a tsa ia dc.�fault if Barr��rr,d:ssir,�
<br /> ' t�:::�,fzN�,��'� the laen ipplication,process. g¢vo mauriall� false or inaccurate inform:tion or etatementa to Lender (or i�iled to
<br /> �t � � r����`���t'�'+� •�` mvide Lendar with any materi�l iniormation)in ooruuction with tho loan�videncod by the Noto,including,bbt tiot
<br /> , t �0� ;..:;.f.,; ;•; .,., P
<br /> �� limited to,ro�xoaenuations cancerning Borcoaer's occupanay oi the Property as a princlpet restdonoe.Ii this Security
<br /> - Instrument�s an s��er+sahoid,Borroaer ahail comply wlth all the proviaions of the le�se.If Borrowa acquires fee title to
<br /> ' '�;;;:;;, :'. ,�,; : : the Proporty.tl�e lea9ehold snd the fa title sh�ll not merge unless Lender agroes to tho mer�eer in writinE.
<br />— � • '� 7. Protection ot I.endes'i Ri=hte in the Property. It Borrower fails to pertorm the covenants and agreemente
<br /> " ` `' contained in thia Seourity Instrument,or thero ia a legal procadin�that may si�niticantly�Kect Lander's rights in the
<br /> ''y � Prnpe�ty (such as a procealinB in b�nkruptcy, prob�te, for condemnation or forieiture or to eniorce laas or
<br />■ •r,......,. . . .
<br /> '�,; . ��,;�� re�ulations).thun I.ender may do and pay for whauver is nocessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender s
<br /> �;;� ,;o„ ::�.. .• ... ... rights in tha PropartY• Lendars�etiona may include paying any sums secuced by a lien which h�s pnority over this
<br /> �. � .. Security Inatrument,xppearing in court,paying reasocuble attorneys faes and enuring on the Property to m�lce ropaire.
<br /> , Although I.endar may take actton under this paa�ttaph 7,I.ender does not hive to do so.
<br /> _ ' Any amounts diubursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall became addition�l debt of$orrowcr sexured by this
<br /> . • Security Inatrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agrec to other terms of payment,these emounts sh�lf bear interost
<br /> from the date of digbursement at tha Nou rate and shall be payable,with intarest,upon notico irom Lender t�Bortoaer
<br /> . requ�stin8 PeYrnent.
<br /> 8. Mort���c Ir�surance.If I.ender roqvired mort�ige insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this
<br /> - Security Inatrumenr,,Borrower ahall pay the pcemiums required to maintain the mortgaYe insurance in etfect.Ii,for my i v
<br /> : ,�:•_, reaSOn, the mortgt�Qe insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in efiect.Borrower shall pay tbe
<br /> - �-� ptemiums raquired to obuin covera�e aubstantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in efiect,at a cast _
<br /> � , subeUntially equi��alent to the cast to aorrower ot the mortgage insurance previousl� in etiect, from an alternate ,
<br /> ,; �.�.�r. . mortgage insursr approved by I.ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not avsilable, t�►�"
<br /> i � ��� !�� Y Borrower shell pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mart�age insurance premium being �',
<br />�� � paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these i
<br />�d � '� � paymente as s loc�s reserve in lieu of mort�aEe inaurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required, �.
<br /> a�� � i..
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