-4 .� iL � � i.� t�--
<br /> �- r.-
<br /> `,-._.__. ___�.__� , ��V ��I
<br /> TQ�3BTHBtt WITH alp the �mprov�r�nents r�ow or l�a+edter a�eated on tb,e propertY� and dl weenante.
<br /> sppuef�w�w,ia►d�irtvices now or horMl'tK a prt o[ttw pruprty.All rePtaoement�ud�ddldoM afuU vw b�aownd
<br /> bdr tlds iwaurlty Inrteumrn�A11 ot rd�eloaepini is niardd to in ttit�Security Ir�ttu�n�►er tlM"P1r�pmrty."
<br /> �,n.L.'CD'�:BR(x:dF.I`I!.rlT�t4�:A=rs+��r iR t.Mhilty adrd a�tha artate lMnbv oonvwr�d and 1�dr rtehc to -
<br /> -. �rane�nd aonvey the Propertr and th�t she Frop�reY i�uaenoumhee+ed,e:o.pc ta a�cumbrnnoes ut reooad. Bori�o�
<br /> waaenti ud wil!debud�erwinlly tbs atle to V. ,'�+�1.'*KY+�Pirut dl olaime tnd d�mand�„�ubj�at to�ny a�uumbnnoM
<br /> u�r000rd.
<br /> — THIS SECURI`I'Y IN�'I�itJM�3NT or� _.��as tmiform oovaunta for nadon�l ure and non-wufo+rm oovawnt�Nith
<br /> - - -- -- Itmitsd v�c9�tlauby�ctian tcs oon��cute�w�Iform�ecurlty inatrumentooverin�twl prop�ny.
<br /> - ��.-�----_ , UNIFORM CO ENAN�'S.Aom` .�r and I�endar oovenant�nd��tee as follo�r: .,.._.
<br /> 1.Payment ot Peluaipyl�nd Iw.oreet;Proprym�nt wd I.ate Char�ae.Borroxcr ehall promptty p�y when due -
<br /> t1w peincipal of md intec�st on the debt evidesaed by the Note and�ny prepaymant and late char�as due under tha Note.
<br /> 2.Punds tor Ta:a aad Insunaoa.Subjeat to appltcaWe Iaw or W+�wdtten M�tvec by L�e�der. Borrowar sh�ll
<br /> to Lender on the day monlhly paymenta are due uncbt the Note�until the Note i�p�td in tu1i�n�um ("Pw�da')for.
<br /> ---� ��yeariy tuee and Zaeeesmazta MhIch may atuin prIotity over thio Sncurjty Inetrument ae a lten on the Property;(b)
<br /> yarly leuehald paymente or�round ronta on the PropertY�If u+.y: (o)Yeu'ly hsurd or propertY Insursnve premiuma;
<br /> �""'� (d)yauly ilood insunrkx pcemiums.if any;(e)yerrly mort�a�e Ine�uanw premiume�It any;and(f)any sume p�yable
<br /> by Borro*�er to Lender,in i000rdance Mitn the provlsione oi paca�aph 8,in lieu oi the paymont of moctQa�e Insuranco
<br /> ptemiume.Theee itemo u�e callod'EecmN Itema"Lender may,at any time,collect and hold�unda In�n amount not
<br /> •.;, to excned the maximum amount a lender for a federdly related mortQa�u loan may require tar BonoMer's eecrow
<br /> acwuut under t}:e foae�al Re41 Betate Settloment Proceduros Aot of 1974 aa amended imm time to time, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> = Soatton 2601�t�q.("1tffiPA").unleas�nother l�w that applias w the Funda seta a leseer�mavnt.It eo,Lender m�y. -
<br />-- --= - at�ny tlma,colleat and hold Punde in ar�amount not to excoed the leseer amount.Landar m�y estimite the amount oi
<br /> Funde duo on the bssis of eurnnt data ar►d raso�n�ble eetimatae of e:pendituras of futuro F,som��toms or othenvi�e in �--- _
<br /> :�F, acoordance Mlth applicabla law. __
<br /> - The Punds ehall be held in an institutton Mhc�ae depoetta are insured by a fedetal a�ency,it�ttuxneattlity,or entity
<br />_ "---�1;°'=�.'u � (inclutiin�Lender,lf Y.endor is auch an InstItutionj or in sny Federal Homo Loan B�nk.Lender sheil�;+riy the Piu►da to �__
<br />'� p�y tho Eecrow Items.Lender msy not char�a Borrower foc holdinQ and�ppiyIn�the Fwida, uu�uslly analyztn�tho
<br /> • •-;' oecrow�a�ount,or veritying tha Bxmw Iteme,unlaes[.oncior paya Barrowret intereet on the Fut►ds end applicaWe law
<br /> ' However Lendet ma uire Borrowar to a one-time char e for an —
<br /> 1 Ct11t
<br /> mits L.endcr to make euch . Y �1 PaY �
<br /> �•
<br />-. . �n�dependent real esut�ttx reportin�service usod by I.ender in connxtion with thIs lwn,unlese appitcable 1Rw provtdes
<br /> otherwiee.Unlees an a�roement is made oc�pp1 icable laa requirea interest to bo p�id:Lender shell not be required w _
<br /> 3�,,,,� pay Borrower any interast or earnings on tho Funu:..Borrower md I.�ndor may a�roe in writtn�,howave�.that interest -�
<br /> �., . .
<br /> � shall be ptid on tho Funds.L.en�er shsll give w Borrower,without ahugo,an annual acoountinQ of the Punds,showing
<br />;,,�•�� �F i ��'� k credits and debits to the Punds and the purpoee for which each debit to the Funds w�s msde.The Funds aro pled�od as
<br />'_.'- f,,�,, - �dit�ana!�curiL�iar all soms�urr1 by ihie Se!�urtty IR�!n�mant. —
<br /> ���r.},.�•"�'.,''� I f t he Fun d s he l d by L ender�xceed the amounie p ermitted to be held b y a p plicsble law,L.ender sholl account to _
<br /> .��i. :.•T,,.' . � Horrower for the excess Funds in accordance a•ith tha cequiremente oi applicabte law.If the amount of thc Funds held
<br />, , ;�.:,�.: ' . ; 't by Lender at any ttme is not sutficient to pry the Escrow Items when duo,Lender may so notity Bornawcr in writin�,
<br /> " and,in such cas�Borrower sh�ll pay to Lender the amuunt necessary to rnake up the deiiciency.Borraw�sr et►all m�lce
<br /> � "'� '� "'� '��"` up the deficiency in no more thtn twelve monthly paymenta,at I.endor's solo discrotion.
<br />.;� � � �';:�;-},,,�i=� L.'pon payment in tull of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,I.ender shall pramptly refund to Borrower
<br /> �,�:;.:. . . •. :,; any Funds held by Lander. Ii, under paragraph 21, Londer sMll acquiro or sell the Property, I.ender, prior to the
<br /> ;`." ;� �;.,. . ,,r ` acquisition or sale of ihe Pinpecty,shtll apply any Funds held by Lender st the time oi acquisition ot salc es a credit _
<br />�•:> :'�}� ' • a�ainst the auma secured by thie sxurity Instrument.
<br />'��• � -�- .�-• ''�� 3. Application ot PaymCnts. Unless applicsble law provides otherwisa,all payments roceived by I.ender under �:�:
<br />- . • � ' "''�`` paragraphs] and 2 shall ne appliod: firat,to any prepnyment charges duo under tho Note;:�econd,to amaLnts payablo L�•
<br /> ' under psragraph 2;third,to intcrest due;fourth,to principel due;and I�.st,to any late charges due under tt�e Note. �...
<br /> ' ' �. C6�r�es; Llens. Borrower shall pay all texes,assessments,charges, tines and impositions attributable to the � �•
<br /> , .I�, � Property which may attein priority over shis Sa:urity� Instrument, and leasehold payments or graund rants, if any. �°`�
<br /> ' '' � Borroaer ahall pey these obligstions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thut mpnner,Borrower =Y-
<br /> shall pay them on tine directlj to the per.+on owed payment.Borrower sha11 promptly furnish to Ixnder aI1 noticesof �*��
<br /> • • �, � amounts to be paid under thig paragraph.If Bocrower makes these payments directly,Borrawer ah»ll prampt3�furnish j,,.,s.
<br /> , r..:..
<br /> .i to Lender roceipts evidencing the payments. .ir,.-
<br /> , . � Borruwe+r shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority ovcr this Security Instromcnt unless Borrower:(a) ';.,•_
<br /> � agrees in writing to the paym�nt of the�bligation secured by tha lien in a manner acceptable ta Lendar;(b)contests in I� `
<br /> .� �= � . ' � good f�ith the lien by,or defends agsinst eniorcement of the li�n in,legal proceedines which in the L.ender's opinion �
<br /> ��••:•, .'' � S operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien;ar(c)s�cures from the holder of the lien an agreement satis[actory tu ,
<br /> � ,. �t,,, � I.ender aubordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If I.�nder determin�s that any part of th�Property is subject ,
<br /> � to a lien which may attain prinrity over this Security Instn�ment,Ixnder may give $orrawer a notice identifying the
<br /> lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of th�givin�of
<br /> , '1'' 1 .
<br /> � notice.
<br /> F�rw !0Y{ !!!0
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