_ :��',;-� � S. . m'.• `t C A�, J � Ck ,; _
<br /> - .t � .<< . . � _':Y:::.}.�X iR c � _ _ __..,.<,,,,t3�._ � _.
<br />— _. . . . ._._ ... _ . — —'_ ��- -- - -T.— `,v-_ ty.r—"1*�, -_-= " -- --- .;--�____.-
<br /> - �, '.. , . ..-f_ — - - - ..
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<br />� � �2'�:::. . � �� ■��
<br />-_�—�� . . . . . ��� � . _ - �_.
<br />-�c -- . . . . —
<br /> �-�_ �"�`�, periw�s that Lender requires. 'ihe iasuraace catsier pruvEding the insuiaace sA�E{be cDosea hy Bo�ower subject tv Lender� .- � __- _—_-
<br /> � '��� `A '-- _---- $��°�'-'���t�!_tt�t_?+��ucu_kk�bl}C!wiWSeld. if 8urmu�e�_failsta maiaL3in.ou�erage descdt�.al��re.l�nder __ .ai -' - --- -
<br /> __ �c �b - --m�r _ -
<br /> .. _�'�q��., - , Leader�opdonz o�tain coverage to pmtectlxnderls rights In the Ptoperty in accoidance witi�parsgrapli?. ' _ --
<br /> i r -.._, Aii insiu�ace pnlicies and�enewals shall be ucceptabie to Lender and shali ictciade a standard mortga$e cIause. Lender
<br /> E
<br />- '=i`='��`�"� shaU l�ave tRe right to hold the�licies and nenewals. If Lender requires.Bo�wer shalt pnsmptiy�ive to Leuder ali receigts =_
<br /> � � of paid premiums and renewal notfces. In the event of los.�.Borrower shall give pro�pt nodoe to the insutance carrier aad --_
<br /> - � -� - L.=�:�''� Lender. Lender may make proof of toss if not made pmmpdy by Borrower.� ' _______
<br /> , ,:-�F�. .,;. �--
<br /> s{%��s...:_::F,_� Unless Lender and_Bortuwer otherwise agree in writing.insurance proceedx shall be applied to restoratian ar repair o� �-�_��_�__.
<br />-- �:°��r:';�- the Ptoperty damaged.if the restdration or c+epa�r,�s eeoanmicalty f�ibte and l�ader�'securit�r is nai tessetted. If the -�__---
<br /> '��,=? � � � nestoration or�+epair is'not ecunomicalIy feasibte or Lender�securiry wo�d,he iessened.the insurance pmoeeds shall be ���,c,. _ -
<br /> . • 'b ° applied to the.sums secuc+ed by this Securiry Inswment,whether or not tber#,due.with any eacess paid to Bomnwer. If �.� y_�_.�.--
<br /> �.. ..'''•�- �Iiortower aDamionc Yhe Ftoperty.or does not ens�ver withi�r 30 days a noti�.€�s L�ender that thc iasu;anoe cutrier h� `r �'��,_'�=
<br /> � Y ° f � offeced w sett[e a claim.tlien Lender may collect the iasurauce proceeds. I.ender may ase the proceeds to t+�paic qr restoc� ,� '. S l��..�,�.
<br /> . �., .ni i the Phoperty or to pay sums secuced by this Securi'ry InstEUment,whether or not then due. The 30�day period�v�ll b.egin when ��y`"�� ���`,
<br /> - .:; �' _ ` the natice isgivea ���x;4-3•�t�`��.
<br /> - ,�`R����a-�_;_
<br /> �����; -���.•::: -. Unless Leader and Barrower other�xise ag�e in writing.any application of proc�eds to principal sh�pot extend or
<br /> ;�` postpone the due date of the monthly payments refelrted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the�gayments. If �A'
<br /> �� t r '{' under paragaph 21 the Phaperry is acquired by Lender.Bomn�ver's rigAt to any inswance palicies and pruceeds resutting : ,` � �� "
<br /> , s ' „o�:Y from damage to the Prnperty prios to the acquisition shall pass ta Lender to the extent of the sums seruned by this Security '���: �.��=
<br /> � b �°-•: .,�°` Gtsutunent immediate{y prior w the acquisidon. � �-t <� -�. h �
<br /> - ��=�_�._ _ -:E.. gcetY+ Boreurree's l.a3u A :.;t �F�''���'
<br /> ��_ 6 Qm�gaary. Preservaltoa. Matnieaaace and Proieet�ou af Me Pro PAltcatioa, —
<br /> -.�;' s. - Leasehohts. Bo�rower sha11 occupy.establish,and use the Ptapeny as Bonower;�.principal residence withiA suty days aRer �_ .�;�_,°_�:
<br /> ��:��::..".�� .l':�:?i °� ..:zY::_=�;�:
<br />_ the�execution of Wis Security Inswment and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower�principal msidence for at =
<br /> �'v%` ��'�'''' �' least one year after the date of occupancy. unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be - --
<br /> �,; �:• � •.�..
<br /> + ._:,.=:.'...-``t,°�^ unreasonably withheld,or uniess extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Bamower�rnntroL Bonower sitall not __
<br />- �;;:�;.�°��`:;�;.�:`�_~'. destroy.damage or impair the Roperty.allow the Pc�nperty to deteriarate,or rnmmit waste on the Property. BoTrower shatl _ `_.:=.c_�°:__
<br /> - ` be in defautt if any forfeitune action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in l.ender's good faith judgment �� ��=�"�R
<br /> '';`,c ;:;':;�:. . ::;'•. . � ��'�-;�..
<br /> - a.�-o couId result in forfeiture of the Froperty or othenvise materially inipair the iien c�eated by this Security Tnstrnment or _ :,ti.:�"
<br /> , `�'.'° . � Lender's security interest Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragaph 18,by causing the action '��;=;�'��
<br /> • .• or proce�ding to be dismissed�vith a culing tha�in Lender's gaod faith detemunation.prectudes foTfeiture of the Borrower's ` _?�
<br /> - '"'``� � `� interest in the Pmpercy or other material impaimient of the lien created by this Security Insuument or Lender's security < °� �_=
<br /> '� •' �'^4 �.� �interest Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the toan application pmcess. gave materialiy faLse or �'-���
<br />