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<br /> '�'r`, _�4 .'�` . 'POQEi�iBR 1N1TH elt tIle im�roveme4�,now ar�xceat�u e�ected an the pmperty.and eil easemeats.app�utenacces. �-`�� _ _
<br /> � � � ._ ..�5�� � .
<br /> �. , 8�'lisiUui.9 @6tii OP ii�Cf28�8�38[t O�tiiB ji�tj3tiijf: A1#1�i2d�2IIi�S�t►IIS s�!8�56���ij i�i&SECUis� —_
<br /> � r , .-- � . :�` � . tnst�vmen� Atl of th�'foregoing is ccfe�ced w�n this Securihy Instiament es the���. y� , . ." 7 v"'#t—� .
<br /> � k o s� ;:�: B O I t R O W B R C O V£s N A N't�t h a t B o a u w e r i s l a w f i il l y s e L,e d o f t h e e s s t a t e h e i e b y�o o n v e y e d a a d h a s t h e ri g h t t o gi a n t ._f.�A� -�;,,-..�
<br /> , � �^F; ana ooave the Pco and that We Pmpeny is�mencumbe�ed.ex t far encumbtancRS of�coid Hoslo�ver a+aaaats and ��';`.t F<'�`�-
<br /> • ` Y PenY °eP �:.�'r .;,�___:
<br /> �. '`.'',�`-,�E��•,t=.-`.°'� a+ill defend generally the dtle to dte�iaperty against all claims aad demaads,sub,�ect m any encnmbraaces of t+�cotd `",�" „r:�;.=�.*�:-,.
<br /> ` �N �� '� . , TE�S SECUYtiTY INS11tUN�N'F wm6�es mrifcam oovenants for national use and non-unifomi cov�nants with : �- =
<br />__ �? ? `r :��.` �`�, limited vaziations 6y jurisdicaon tu oonstitu�e a unifom►secu�iry in�st�ument covering real pmperty. . _ . ... :#{�..--_
<br /> t ; �-��=- b_
<br /> .A ,� 1, ��. LTNIFORM COVENANTS. Botruwer a�i.ender coveeant and ag�+ee as foltows: -..� '"-`�•�'`;
<br /> _ z _.._ .�;�_ : L P�ment of Priadg�l attd Interes�Pr2payatent and Late Caarges. Boirawer shall P��P�Jt[�Y when due the . ` < � .`�
<br /> :C . t: , Piincipai of aad interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and anY P�Y�nt and iate charges d�e under�e Note. u `.w � : �
<br /> .`. ' 2. Fteadg Por�aad Iosnran� Subject to applicable Iaw or to a wriuen waiver by Lender.Borrower shall pay to � � ;:.`:� .
<br /> 4 . .`y l.
<br /> �Z�' Lender on the day moathly payments are dae under tne Note,unt�the Note is paid in fWl,a sum("Itimds")for.(a)Yeaz1Y =�° ;
<br /> _ ". � '. taxes aad essessments alrich may auaip Daority over this Secvrity Lastrument as a Iien on the Ftoperty;(�)YearlY leaseho2d ; � p, ._
<br /> � strum
<br /> _ �`. paymcnts or grouad n�nts on tfle.Qcopertx, if aay; (c)Yearty �ard or progerty �asuiaace pnemiums: (d)Y�Y �� .. -
<br /> � � � `;�
<br /> a; ':;�; �'��P�vms,if apY.(e)Y�Y,ma����ce premiums.if any;and(�anY sums PaYable by Bomnwer tv , k.� ��„�;�, ,
<br />- ± L,euder,ut acoosdaqpe with ttte provuions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage instuanoe piemi�m.s. 'Ibese r x:.. ��:
<br /> _ :���. :�� items�catIed°Fscmw Ite�ng." Lender may.at any ame,ool�ect and hold�mds in an amonnt aot w excead the maximum � - - . -
<br /> amqp(�t:�te�ider for a fedeially related moitgage loan may�c►uice for Hoimwer's escrow accouni under the f e d e r a l Real -'`'� � _,
<br /> • � ---. T_ Estate S�deruent Pmcedunes Act of 1974 as ameaded fmm time w time,12 U.S.C.§260t et seq.("RESPA").untess�anoiher '°�:-��.� =A ,�:
<br /> � ; %`: �� Iaw tha!applies W the F�nds seis a lesser amount If so,I.cuder may,at�y dms,collect and hold F�nds in an amouut not ro - : °`�,�-
<br /> exceEd the iesser amount Lender raay estiuia�e the a�nount of Fi�nds due on the basis of cumeat data and reasona6Ie " T =- _
<br /> '� esnmates of expendiwres of fahue Fscrnw I�ems or otherwese in acoor�daucx�aPPlicable law. . �`
<br /> . _r:*:� 'Ihe i�nds shall be held in an institution whose deposits ane ins�.�p a federal ageacy..ins�r�lity;or entiry < -� x `
<br /> (including Lender,if Lendes is such an iastitutioa)or iu any F+ederal Ho�e Loan B�k. I�Yer shaII 2pp}�the�'v�c[s tn pay ' �� --
<br /> � . ; F ;'`�: the Escrow.Items. Leader may aot charge Boaower for holdiug aad agPFY�B the Fuuds,aanualt}r a�ialyzia�th�escrow � ` ��:_
<br /> ° � �t�--"� ,��k accouni.or verifying the F.sciow Items.unIess Lender pays Bormr�er interest on the l�ads au�a�pticabie i�ia�Pemrit�•.• :. 4 L3-�_
<br /> u
<br /> �` Lendcr to make such a charge. However,L.ender may cequim Borrou�to pay a one-time chaige for an indepeaidgat tpat•� �
<br /> ai a .�v,
<br /> esta�tax reporting service used by Lender in connecdon wit6 dns lo�,anless appSicable law p:nvides othenvise. U4tess an _ -
<br /> �•.� G . �' '` ag�eement is made or applicable law requines inteiest to be paid,Lender shall not be�quire.d to pay Boirower aay i�iest or �-w�r"�
<br />- =...�°;�,::.`: -.==: eamings oa�the Funds. Bomnwer and Lender may agree in_�rei6ng,flo�+ever,that uttet+est s6a11 be paid an the Ft�nds. Lender ! : �.:°•'=�-_-
<br /> � . shall give to Borrower,witnout charge,an annual acco�.of the I'vstds,showing credits and debits w the Fuads aud the . °^-. :,�.`��_`,
<br /> ., putpose for aluch each debit to the F'vnds was made. 'IYte Funds atr pledged as add�aonal security for all sums secuted by �. :• ;,�`:-. . _
<br /> � � � � this Security Iast�umenL �'"`'V �__�,°
<br /> � � � �� ' }t' If the�mds Aeld by Lender exceed the amounts peimiued to be held by applicable taw.Lender sha!! accouat to ` �� � :e�=-
<br /> � , ��• � • B+miower for the excess Fimds in aceordance with t6e req,uirements of applicable Iaw. If the amount of the Fuads hetd by �•° ��-�.`�- � •='°-
<br /> � �. }`' � I.ender ai any time is not suf�cient to pay the Fscrow Items when due,Leader may so notify Borrower in wririirg.and,in �`���� ��� " �.
<br /> ° suc6 case Borrower shalt a to Lender the amouat aecessatyi to make u the deficien Bomower shaU make u the � �` '_�
<br /> P Y P �Y• P �n•.:•:;,. � . ...
<br /> � deficiency in no mom than tareive monUily paymenu.at Lercder's sote disczetion. . .��;�.:r` �s;.,
<br /> � � { � � IJpon payment in fnll of all sums s�ured by this Secwiry Instrument,i.ender shall prompdy refund co Boaower an}� . `� '
<br /> ; ,.- �• '� Funds held Dy Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquirr or seII tir�Yroperty.Lender.prior to the acquisirion ot ` '
<br /> �. �;::_
<br /> _ sale of tfie Ptoperty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or saIe as a credit agaipst the.suma := s:
<br /> : . : ` " .. . ., . secured by tttis Securiry InstmmenG :- __ _.':?��_�:
<br /> � ?`� � 3. Appl�ation of Pl�yments. Unless applicabte law�pro�ides ot6erwise, all payments reoe�ved by Leader undsr
<br /> :.u:��>==
<br /> ' ; paragraphs 1 aad 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayQtent cAarges d�ce ut�dcr the Note:second.to amoqnt�payable under . r�� _���-
<br />_ , It pazagraph 2;third.to interest due:founh.ro principal due:and las�ta aziy tate chasges due under tiie Nota. • �•{�_._
<br /> � i , , �_� 4. Cdarges; Ltens. Horrower shall pay sili taxes.assessments.charges, fines and impositions aun'but�ble to the � _ _
<br /> � � • • . � Property which may attain priority over t6is Security Insuvmen�and leasehold paymenu or gonnd rents.if�y. $orrower � . .., ,
<br /> ' � shall pay these obligations in the maaner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on .�`�•''" �
<br />- • ' �' � pme dimctly to the persun owed payment. Botrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all nouces of amopnts to be paid under � ��;` �
<br /> � ' this paragraph. [f Bormwer makes these paymenu direcdy.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Leader receipts evidencing . • _ �
<br /> ; . . . ..' . the payments. ' �,:;��, - .� ' :-. .
<br /> ; 4 , , , Borrower shali prumptly discharge any tien which hac priority over this Security Inswment unless Borrower.(a)agrees � ,���`;;,.,�,.. :,+.��
<br /> • • � in wciting ta the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable ta Lender.(b)contests in gaad faitb the ,:..,:�. �•.�.
<br /> � ;°'• �;,:"" • . tien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in.legal proceedings which in the[xnder's opinion operatc to prevent the :v.:�'. • ,f�
<br /> ��• , , ' enforcement of the Gen;or(c)secums from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien -
<br /> to tbis Securiry Insuumen4 If Lender determutes that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority ' s�:�'•:;�'�'';`�
<br /> . ; t `• � . � :, over this Seccrity Inswmen�Lender may give Borrower a notice idenpfying the lien. Hoirower shall sausfy the lien or take ° ��;;�;. 1"' :�•
<br /> � - one or moce of the actions set forth above within lU days of the giving of notice. �� �. • .
<br /> �''` . . - �; 5. Hazard or Property Insurance Bormwer shall keep the improvements aow existing or hereafter emcted on tlie , - '
<br /> u . � � •' j Roperty Insured against loss by fue,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards.inclading . �
<br /> � .� floods or f�ooding.for wluch Lender requires insurfutce. This inswactce shall be maintained in the amounts and for the � • ,
<br /> . �"� . . , . �t �'. . ... .
<br /> _ . • Foim 3028 9/90 (page 2 oj6 pogtsl .•• *
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