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<br /> - �—n,��° - -' '� ' y `s" - -- --
<br /> � _ �r.;- �� z�- --`[..- � �+�-�,- _ .. . .. . _ -- ---
<br /> � `.. ��'� ��i`�_s.r. �'� ��:'j7 t --�-:n.,. ; �`�,�k:' `.',`.��ifii�i�F�•" .�,� --_-�...��""' ._
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<br /> __ -____ - . , . . � . 93-���z
<br /> ='� conctemaat�on or otAer of an act of the ' -
<br /> � Y P �P�Y.er for coaveyaaae in fieu of condemnation.are hexeby assigned am6 .
<br />�=�-- - - �� str�lll�Paid W I.endet . , �
<br /> �,_�s ---------=-7n�eve�u�aTO�-ta€3ttg�tfite-�i�vperty:��r�s��i�-spplied tcrtite=8tta���#�ytu#s3e�i�y--==--
<br />��; Insmttnent,witethec or not then due,with any e�coess paid to Bom�wer. In tAe event of s pm�Ial tatctng of N�e Pro�ty 1ri
<br /> = - , wbich t!�feir martcet�value of the�Ptoperty ima�ediateTy befoTe the taking ts equal to ar ge�eater than the amount of the suma -
<br /> - secured by this Security Instr�nent immediately Defore the taking.unl�s Bmrower end Lender otherwise egree in weiting.
<br /> =="� the sums secured Dy tLts Socurity inswment shuU be ceduced by the araonnt of the praoeeds mulHptied by the following •
<br />- s. '-"?,� - frmxioa: {a)tite total amaunr�the sums secured imme�iatety tefore the taking,divided bj+(b)the fair maiket value of tbe .
<br /> �`�` '' � Pmperty itntnediately before the tatctng. Any halance shall 6e paid to Bmrower. In ttte event of a particcil taECtng of the �
<br /> �" ''��`��;�� Pt+o ia wiuch the fair marIcet v$Iue of the Pto}fp unmetfiate befoie the�,,�,.,,„�is tess tha�the mnount of the suras �
<br /> �. .. :t -3 : t :.,'�'r , �y !_�• � aa+"a�8
<br /> � � z`�- �. ._,� s�ured ummediately_6efore the taking,tinIess-Bomower and.Lender othenvise agree in writing oi unless applirable!aw -
<br /> �� �.y�rt� � �'� otherwise pmuides,the p:oceeds shall`be applied to the sums secnmd tiy t�iis Se�.tiuity Insttument w�Itethet or not the su�s ate -- --
<br /> _���^�"�":.�..';.;;:;..`s then due � __ -
<br /> ->�� ,r��'..�.:: .,�„ ��;, If the Ptoperty is abandoned by Homawer.or if,aRer notice by Lender to Bomnwer that the oondemnor offeis ta make _ --
<br /> ��� `'�"'''`-5 en award or seute a claim for damages,Botrowtr fa�s w zespond to Leuder witbin 3Q days after We data the notice is given, --
<br /> ' ..�: :. . .;?:`'-•:� �__
<br /> _:y: - .: :::�:'-=:u`�����:•t. Leader is authorized to collect aad apply the pmoee�s,at its option,either to cestoration or�pair of thse Pmperty or w the —
<br /> ,,
<br /> ;�. �.;�';ti:,-;�ia�:;�w��.,= sums secured by this Security Instrument,wt�heror aot then due. .
<br /> ' UWess Lender ac�Bormwer o8rerwise agi+ae in writing;any appllcatioa of pmc�oeds to principal shall not exDend or
<br /> �; �� �� `�i ^ '.;�� postpone tlte 8ue date of the month2Y Payments refemed tn in paragraphs 1 and 2 or c�ange the amount of such paymeats.
<br /> � � '� �. 1L Borrower Not Reteased;.ForBearaaee,�_I.eader Not a•Waiver .Eaoensian of the tune fi�r paymeat or =—
<br />-� .-t;'`�'``,t�:°-?::'' mndifccation of a:narti�►6on of the s�ss secnred by This�ecnritg Instrument giantea 6y Lender to any suocessor in intecest —�
<br /> � �; � �s�'�` 't of Bomuwer shall not ogerate co ceIease the liab�i�v��f ti��ati�.Bmsawer or Bori�ow�ei�successors in interest.Lcnde�., -�`-
<br /> 4 �.} w;� � �.:-;; shall not be ioqvired to corrume�ce piaoeedings a�anp:s�.i�or Iu iaflece�t Qr refase to extend atne for payment or ___
<br />- 's t`�•r� �:;s:,..-, nthenvise modify amortization of the sums secuted by t�i's.5�cbsity�•Instrument by i,�son of any demand made by the original =--—
<br /> ��' ''� "��`F.`� . Borrower or Bomnwer�s successols in inte�.ct. Any fu'rbearadoe bX Lender in'eaercisiAg siiy;right or remedy si�aU aot Be a
<br /> n t ��`�= a��;�r waiver of or preclade the exencise of any right or remedy. � : . �e"`�i"
<br />- - -'z:��: '��= 1�. Suocessors and Asstgns Bonad;Joint and Severel Liability;Castgnera �Tie�co�iaau aad agre�nents of dsss `—�-----
<br />- ,',,��;, �;�_ Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the sucoessors and assigns of Lender and Bomnc,�er.subject to the pmvisions of� =—
<br /> ''; .'::�:'�,:' ParagrapB 17.Bomower�s covenants and agreements shaU be�joint and sereisl.Any Bomower who co-signs this Securlty
<br /> �_..;�`,.-•��.•��. ����++p-^-*but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-sigaing this Seciuiry Inswment only to mortgage.grant aztd convey that —
<br /> ' Bormwer�s interesr,in the Property under the terms of this Security Insuumen� (b)is not personally obligated to pay tht sums __
<br />- • .. sec�ed by this Secarity Insaumen�and(c)ag�ees that I.ender and any other Borruwer may agree to e�ctend,modify,f�
<br /> `•;:-s.��,���=`."� ` or make any acoommodafions with regard�to the teims of this Security Instrument or the Note withaut that Bosawer's,
<br /> ' .:�. � consent .
<br /> - ': '��,1�°, _.°t.. �,°:`• : 13. Lvan C6asges. If the loan sec�red by this Seciuity Insaument is subject to a law whlch sets maaimum Ioan ' • -
<br /> ~ni: a:•::. . � --
<br /> :"���•��� � ' charges.and tttat law is fiaally inteipreted so thaz the interest or other I�an charges collected or to be collected in connection •
<br /> =� .; •�ti�:�: :_ ,. _.,.'--
<br />���, :1`��;:'_.'.;.. :� with the loan eaceed the pemutted limits.theR: (a)any such loan charge shall he reduced by the amount necessary to reduoe_ �. _.
<br /> _ ��,.•_, : ' the charge to the permiued l�mi�and(6)any su�s already colZected&om Borrower whicb exceeded pennitted limits wiU 6�: `
<br />- , ., . refunded to Bomower. Lendes may choose to maka this nefund by c�educing the p�irtclpal owed under the Piote or by m�tang a
<br /> � . . direct payment to Borrower. If a refund red�cves principal.the redaction will be ueated as a partial prepaymebt without eny _
<br /> ',§�, �.�::':'�`:; •_•��.;, PrePayment charge under the Note.
<br /> � • � 14. Nottcea Any notice to Boaower provided for in this Security Iiutrument shall be given by delivering it or by --
<br /> � ?�}c:• '...._,-,..... . -
<br /> •a ' '� mailing it by first class mail unless applica6le law requires use of another method.The notice sha11 be dirated m the PropeRy
<br /> ' `` - � ` � Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any norice to LenQer shall be given by fust class R:�
<br /> -; �''�3�;;��"� ' �'��.y;:�: mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lenderdesignates by notice to Bmmwer. Any norice provideA for �=..:_
<br /> . ,� �:,; .,:. ��. .' - in this Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this
<br /> �-����:
<br /> ' ,y r'� � P�S►aPh• ; •.' :�
<br /> ���E:�::�:`'.,..�:�: 15. Gorerning Law; Seveeabilt This Secari Inswment sAall 6e ovemed 6 fedeia!law and the law of the ��:��`�}'.
<br /> •.: ; ..:.. �Y• ty g Y . �;?r.
<br /> ' � urisdiction in which the Pro �s located In the event that an mvision or elause of this Securi Inswrrtent or the Note `-`'��-�-°
<br />_ .� �;;:.��: , ,_.;`. j Pert3' Yp ry ..: -_
<br /> ��,. •� • conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Secudty Instmment or the 1�Iote which can
<br /> "�' •S� � "'' be given effect without[he confliaircg provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Inswment and the Nate are �:°�"_
<br />'`?`{ � " � declared to bz severable. �• � �`�-'°'
<br /> -`•'' ;'�;��' � lb. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be g'sven one conformed copp of the Note and of this Secusity InsUUmea� •��-'�'.,':i��
<br /> - �=±_ � 17. 'I�ansfer oP the Property or a Bene�ictal Interest in Borrower. If al!or any part of[he Property or eny interest in � � , • .
<br /> ' � ' �`•% �` : � • it is suld or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Horrower is sold or transfemed and Borrower is not n natuml person) "'�`
<br /> without l.ender� nor written consen�.Lender ma at its o tion, uire immediate a '`-
<br /> ; .;. .:.�: ` � P� Y• P �9 P Yment in full of ell sums secured by ' . :{:,.._-
<br />_�4' � � . • � � this Security Instrumen� However.tF�is option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise es prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> , ;'`�•, '.:. ' . the date of this Securiry Insuument. • -
<br /> ;�;:y::.=.�• If Lender exercises this opGon.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a perlod of ..;;
<br /> �����-:'. !�. �• not less than 30 days from the date the notice is dalivered or mailed within�cfiich�orro�ver must pay nl!sums secured by this _ ' °
<br /> � ti`�".:�. ;' `, • .-„ Security Insuument. If Borrower faits to pay tF.ese sums prior co the ezpira�:on of this period.Lender may invoke any _;
<br /> .� . . ., �...,;,,�.
<br /> ' :;,: ' +.•�,�{;?��-,' . remedies permitted by this Security Insuument widsa�t further nadce or derr�c�d on Borrower. � .; ;, ,:�r:=_:.
<br /> ' '.i ';:: , tt��:;•�. '"' I8. Bomower's Right to Reiastate. If Borrower meets certain ccrcditions. Borrower shall have the right to have • '` ''
<br /> �' �*"��'��' enforcement of this Security Instr�ment discontin�red at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as � -.
<br /> � t� ?:��` •.. '�� . ,
<br /> - -<� ��; . . ; ; �.,� ` Single Frmiiy--Fannle NaoF�ddie Nac UyIFORM INST[FE�[E}�iT--Unifortn Covenants 9l90 (page 4 of 6 prrges)
<br /> �y 51,4.i`' . ;,_ �;t ,
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