r� ` _ � "```y � � � � .-� � _ . ' .. _ __. ._ ._. '' �.. _ � — - _ ___
<br /> ��,,y, .� � �E "t a .-}�.�it S
<br /> _ - , . • r+ ,. a `- � ��c _ � < �,v.�r.n..,..:�o.�..r.r::.:. - ' _ _.,,�.�r..h� `.. _,.. ? _ .�...,� ...".:� .
<br /> . � ,� -w. — - •.�..,..__ ..... _ .-. _._--� � - .. _.. . .
<br />-� _Y.� _�.. r ' , . ' Igi7������= . . �. �. -
<br />_�`�` : - � . . �'
<br /> ,
<br /> �•_�_ •z`.. ' ' <! � �• �iods that Lender nequires. 7he iusurance cattier pravfding the insurance sLali be chascn by�orr�wer su6Je�co Len�r�s
<br /> ' - ��� ' ..,... ale �rlfiCll_Sh811 aaL 6C nn±aqc_�ht StdthltCld.If.HuSQS�t desen'6ed aBev�I�eBcr mav.at__ -
<br /> - Z.��"'�'� . ��-- �— -- -- �--,------•. �L�.t9 ttl��1F8�Il�4�l�e-�--_-----_-— ---�- — - ___ __ —
<br /> ,�,;:, ,,,,. I;��r�optioa.obt�in coveisge to pcotect Lender�rights�n tfie-Propecty ur nccox�ce wit�pazagreph 7. � � .
<br /> , .°N,.... �".� ... AU insurance poltcies ani!�newats shall be aoceptabte tu E.ender and sl�alt include a standa�M mortgage clause. Lea�er
<br /> .::. ���:;�l.�A�s�� sl�have the aght to hotd the policies aud renewaLg. If i.eader requires.Ho�ruwer s6a11 pmmP�Y 8ive to Lender all receipts
<br /> rt. '���R��°,�'• o���p�aid praniums and[enewal aot�ces. In the evcnt of tass,Borrower shall ve m notice to the insutactce catrier aa4
<br /> '.,�;�r.,,,..t. �.
<br /> ::,� . � ,�..,�_.,� der.Leader may make proof of loss if aot made promptly by Borrower. 8► P� Pt
<br /> � .t c;.x°�r �, tiCt1_.� -
<br /> ���;;<*.-�µ:': �� tJuless Lendxr and Sorcower dtherwise agt�ee ia writiag.insurance proceeds shaU be.apgiied to�estorarioi�ar repatr af
<br /> -- �.�.-_ tt�e�pertY damaged.jf the restnzation or repair is ecanumicelly feasible aad Lender�s security is noi t�et1�. �the -------
<br /> - ����---:<-,:� �
<br /> '�.t.,: ` ,.`� resiat�tian or repair is not economicalIy feasib2e or Lender�s secvriry wouid be tesserted,the insivaace groixeds sdall 8e - —
<br /> - -s--= a�li�nv:tha.swns secx�red by this Security.Lutrumeat�whether or npt then due,_with aay.excess paid.to BoTmwer._If _. - -
<br /> � ,z ' �s,. . _ Barravv�{:ahandoas the PcopeRy.or dces aot answer within 30 days a notice fivm I.eader that the insurauce carrier hes _ _
<br /> - � _ offe�tQ seple a claim,then Ixader may collc�c the insunnce proceeds. i.endec may use thc proceeds to repair or restore =.
<br /> _ . th�:I+tre�tEy or�pay surns serured Dy tUis Sacurity lnstrwnent,whether or not then due. '[he 30day period will beginr whea
<br /> � :�� ;: .. �.� > t1�.ttsiriceisgive� -
<br /> r �* � :' :< :�7nless Le�idei and Bairower othenvise agrec in writing.anY aPPlicatiort of proCeeds to principai shalE not eaten@ or
<br /> , ` -- • :�fi Pc►stpone the itue daEe of the manthlY FaYm�refeRed to in pangra{►!�s 1 and 2 or change tl�ee amouut of the pay�.:If :s�> >'.
<br />--`; �mder paragrap.'�2t.the Property is acquire�by Lender,Boaower§right ta aay insu�ance poficies and proceeds resnit��.: �_;
<br /> f L; from damage to tGe Ptoperty prior to the acquisition shall Qass w Leader to the extent of the snms senu�ed bp this Secarity
<br />-:,� _ --. _ �;: < -"• Inst�ument immediaiety prior tathe acqnisit'soa . .-.. •
<br /> __ -:'�-_'��' . 6. Oocapans;� Pse�errr�ioa. Maiatenaace aad Protection of t�te Progert9; Borrnwer's Lflan Apg�n, -
<br /> . -- ' -.� .° . - � �easehoids. 8otrower sIra[t.�c°�Y.establisb.and use the Pta�eity as Soaower's grmcipat residence withisi sixty days aRer
<br /> �'.`. ' ';;:�.<' . 'the esecution of this S�i[�suument and shall rnntinae to.�y t�ie Frogerty as Bomower§priucipal iesideace for at
<br /> T:; . . ;:::�:,�t:: .;�'.;' least one'year after the dar� �f oceupancy, unless Lender othernise.agrees in� writing, whicH causent sf�lt not be
<br /> . ;`�s1,��s._;'•},.`r unreasonably withheld,or uaiess'�xteauatiag circumstances exist whicli�Iaeyone�Boavwer'§rnnuot. Bonower sbali not• -
<br /> - , :��t , dest�oy.damage or impair the P�+��etty.allo�v the Property to deteriotate,or cammit waste on the Pt+u�erty. Boaower sllatt i —
<br /> , _ _ be in defanIt if any forfeitune as�no�or proceeding,whether civil or crimina},is begt��at m Lender�s good faith judga�at'�:.:...,
<br /> - � cou[d result in forfeitiue of the ProPerty=or otherwise materially impair.the lietr cre�d by this Seciuity Ia�tr��n�dF:..;:;'._ ..
<br /> ;'�. . _. ._ '` Leader's security intecest. Borrower may care such a default arcd reinstat�,�as provided in paragraph 18,by cavsing tHe sction� .; �i -
<br />_ , :' ; :.���� or proceeding to be dismissed with a n�ti�g tbat,in Lender�s gaod faith detem�ination.precludes forfeitune of the Bomnwer's - -
<br /> _ �' ` �.inteiest ia the Pmperty or other material im�si�meat of the lien cceated 6y this Security Insm�raeat.or Lender s secwiry
<br />_ .+ � interest Borrower shap atso be in defanit if Botrower.during the loan application process, gave materially false or =___—
<br /> x,.''` ` "; :,�.;;� >�� inaceurate inforenation or statements to Lender(or failed to pmvide Lender�vith any maierial infom�ation)in rnnnection with -_
<br /> �'`��� the loan evidenced by the Note. incIuding,,but not limited to.iepmsentadons com�er�ng Borrowers occupancy of the �--
<br /> r � Property as a principal msidence. If this Secwary Inst�ument is on a Iensehold�rrower�s'f►all cosrqrly with ali the provisions -
<br /> - � • of the lease: If Bomower acquires fee ritie td tFre Property.the leasehold aIId the fee atle s�i�at r�r�e.untess Lender agtees
<br /> '- � _ • .` � to the merger in writin8• • � ' • ;
<br /> ' ; � :� 7. Protectioa of I.ende�'s liighLs��the Property. If Boirower fa�ls to�perfom: the c�enants and ag�eements =
<br /> • contained in ttus Securiry Iasz►�neru, or there is a tegal proceeding that may aignificandy affect l.ender's rights in the . 6
<br /> �: � ,�, � Ptv p e rt y(sach as a eedin ��bantcru tc ,probate,for condemnation or forFeimre or to enforce laws or re ations).then
<br /> :�:`�`� P� ��. P Y � �ti':'�-
<br /> �` 4� ���� Lender may do and pay for whatever is necescary to protect the value of the P►+nperty and Lender�s c�ghts in the P►'openy. ---
<br /> � • ��::�,�r.�,�� � - r��-
<br /> � • ;�;�.`;::,;,.r:: Lender's actions may inciude paying any sum.g secured 6y a{ien which 6as priority over this Securiry Inswmen�appearing
<br /> _ . . ,�..c� -�-=_—
<br /> ._ , ..t_,�>. :�:•..;r in court.paying masonable atromeys fees and entering on the Pmperty to matce repairs.Although Lender may take action =-
<br /> .,:,.t1��..:
<br /> � •_, .,_,:.; _ under dris paragraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. '�����
<br /> � y�1'•`'����'` Any amounu disbursed by-Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional de6t of 8otrower secured by this ;�;;.;;^;':'`_
<br /> �:;C�:-.. � � :..�:
<br /> �-�:•_t;,,. . Secarity Inshument. Unless Bornower and Lender aYree toother tertns of payment,these amounte shall hear interest fmm the _
<br /> ` ;r ° . � date of disbursement at the I�Iote rate and shalt be payable,with interest,upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requestlpg . �;�,__
<br /> . i ' �:_ �1 ; ''`-,, payment r . �:5. �
<br /> : ;�<���,_ _,�::< 8. Mart�e d a s u r aQte. If L eader ra�uire d mortgage insurrrcce a�a con d ieian of m a k i ng the�oati secute d by t h is �-. �.' _
<br /> ' ,� �.Y, �� ''� � Security Instrumenc. Borrowers.!�atl pay t�e premiums required to mair�ain the mottgage insurance in effect. If,for any `,�;���,;,��`,`'.� ;` ;,:
<br /> � , ,`,;��,.• • reason,the mortgage insur�ce coveraae required by Lender lapses �r ceases to be in effect, Boirower shall pay the , ;.y==�,�
<br /> ;c ' � miums uireA to obtain ca��era�e subscantiall e uivnlen[ [o tfie mo» a e insuratrce revioust �n effec� at a cost ������ ��'�� .;�
<br /> P� re4 a Y 9 � 8 g P Y � �., �.�,�i'�,1�,.
<br /> ,; � ' Y�3 '" €a� P Y� 8�8 ..,..t1�... .
<br /> s u b s t a n t i a l l u ti a t e n t t o t h e c o s t t o B o r ro r,e r o f t h e m o rt e i n s u�r e re v i o u s l i n e ff e c t,f ro m 2 n a I t e m a t e m o rt e - . >'-
<br /> � , . . insusier approve�by Lender. If substantialh�r{uivatent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to • ��:;;;�:
<br /> � L,ender each mcr.cb a sum eq:al to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bo�rower when the `•;�,�,� ". � --
<br /> � ' insurance coverage lapsed or c�sed to be in effect. LenQer will:tccep4 use and retain these paymenu as a toss rese��e in lieu •. '��'�;;, '`• '•``�
<br /> ���' ` of mortgage inswance. Loss reserve paymencti may no longer be reyuired,at the option of Lender,if mortgage iresvrance ''"{;��sj�,^' '�� �
<br /> '-:,, ,; • ;,.',, ..�:,�-..,. ;,,?:..::
<br /> .,'.•, ; ;� �� ' rwerage(in the amount and for the period t[vzt Lender requires)provided by an incurer approved by Lender again{secomes ��:+y�'t�,�r,� ; ;_:
<br /> >,: i;: �.. . ` _ � } P N � SaS P � � '
<br /> available and is obtained.8orrower shall a �te remiums re wmd to maintain mort e insnrance in effec�or to rovide a �< -�
<br /> ..; s 8�a _
<br /> f`s � loss reserve.until the requirement for morr�e insurance ends in accordance with any�vritten agreement between Borrower � . ��;__
<br />- >' •- ,.. . and Lender or applicabte law. :�..�i�?,<_`�::':''';`�"
<br /> �� � � � - ;.}.,�.,l�r, . .. ..
<br /> � . 9. lns on. l.ender or it+a ent ma make reuwnable entrie�u n and ins rion�of the Pro e I.ender shall ,;;f•,�,<•;•.::.;t><
<br /> P� S Y Pp F� P �'�3'• � �s�,:....: !_..,
<br /> `�+ ' . : ' give Bomower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying re:�sonable cause for tfee inspecdon. �'•i�;�,�{�•'� �'��"
<br /> '•:c � • '.�y1� ;4�:.,• . .^;;,_._
<br /> ::,f 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or daim for damageti,din�ct or con.eyuential,in connection with any �;;� ?,.5�.,;, . ..
<br /> , . � „ .. . ,z��;
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