...�c�, ' ��,Gti.�.� � ;`^� ' _ _�� . - �. 4 ._;w. _
<br /> � '' `� :x �= �.�G� `'. II.:.+�' .. �r✓,.,.t � - x• 3"ti�
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<br /> '•* -lT. }i?F�.�.c'—��:a.+�c�c—v — �. _ .�-.
<br /> v c.� o �'� L t..:. ti Uyy- ,-�..�g�.•_. nb.a-. . _ ... . . __ � ..n:o�r--.--- .
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<br />��� �� —
<br />_-�-=� � . 93- �v�4�� � �
<br /> - ,�,-��.�._ :; pertod�ttuit Lender requines. 1t�e Insurance carsier pmviding t�e insumnce shall be dtosen by Bunower subject to Lender� _—-
<br /> - "�_��. ' appcoval which shalt not De unreasoffiDly withhetd...If Botro�ver fails tomgintain wvemge d�scrtbed above,I.endee may.at =
<br /> `�'�e�: , _ �
<br /> . ..,�'�� - LenderTs opiion,o6�8ii1�dr►$tag�t�r�T�i�edder�n'�hts in the Rnpe�y i�i000r�atfl7t�v�tt�p�'agrapL'� - -- -- - � _
<br /> , ti�� �.�,�� At!insurr�iuuce policies snd nenewats shall be asceptuA2e to Lender aad shali incEude a standacd mortgage clausc. Lender —
<br /> �` �� .=t. � � + sQaU have tAe�igltt w hold thepolicies and ienewais. If Lendec tequines.BQmow�er s1taU prumptly give to Lender alI receipts =_
<br /> � :�,�f��i;�'t: :,,`_, of paid prcmie►ms and�eneival nodces. In the eveat of loss,8orrower a6all give pminpt aotice to the insuzance carriec a3�d ' _--
<br /> '�-� Leader. Lender may make pcaof of toss if noi made pmmptiy by BorroWer. _ ____ _
<br /> ;�.`,.�.�_��=�_.':,� _ -__-- -_-
<br /> �..:,.,-�:��..�. Uniess l.ender end Botrower othenvise agree in writiag.insuraace piacee�ls shall b�appIied tv restoration or tepair of
<br /> ��.�,"-'`; ' • the Pmpeity damaged.if the resmrarion or t�epair is eoonomicalty feasible and l.ender�s security is no: lessened. If the _ -
<br /> '�-_. �"� cestoration or mpair is not economicatty feasibte or Leader�secwiry vsrou[d b�tc�sened,the insnranoe pmceeds sLai!be -� -
<br /> _ � _ __ appl�ed to_the sums secuted�y t8is Secwitlr Instn►men�_whether or nnt tite�due,with any eacess paid to Bonower.� If ��� - _
<br /> '� �, Botrow�asandoas the Prnperty.or does nos answer within 30 days a no{ic�fcvm leader that fhe insurance canier has x.�r a �. ;�':
<br /> � F� �` offeced to seWe a ciaim,then Lender may ooltect the insurance proceeds. Lcnder may use the proceeds to�epair or restace � �T;�,,,� ,,,�.
<br /> � `. the Fmperty or to pay sums secumd by this Security Instnunent,whether or not then due. The 30�day period wIl!begin when ; . ; -��,��, :_
<br /> k. �;-��K� "�'�` ' the notioe is given: ,. �.'��--"'-
<br /> . _ ' .. . '. t�' :1�r:+Y:���.;��,..----
<br /> _-�� :" _ - ' Unless Lender a�W Bomower otflerwisc ag�ee in wdting.anY apPlication of proceeds to principal shal!not extend or �'�; .�. -- -
<br /> ag ee
<br /> �'•';.: ` .: .:. �:'`•.: { Postpone the due dafle of the montltty payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amovnt of Me payments. If —_ �-�
<br /> � under paragraph 21 the Propertyr is acquiied by Lender.Bomower's right to any insuraace policies and proceeds.msalting �' :__�---�_
<br />_' ;�. . . > '_, � from damage to the Avperty prinr to the a uisidon shall to Lender to ihe eatent of Me suws seeured b this Securi �°'
<br /> �9 P� Y EY rr�+��
<br /> '� F ° 5.: ; insuument immediaLely prior to the strquisitioa. �-��� -�=
<br /> ;:� '' - ' 6. Oocupa� Presesvation, Maintenaace and ProtectIon of 4he l�mperty; Borrower's Loan AppiicaLion; - - __
<br /> �` � r ��' LeaseAo4ds. Bomac�er shal[oscupy,establish,and use the Property as 8orrower's principai residence within siatyc days after ��_
<br /> �i. � ,- � r t��'� the execution of i$is�ecuriry Insuument and shall conrin�m occupy the Pcoperty as Borrower�s principal nesid�€or at ,�,�.: -
<br /> ;r; ,r L:•;�, least ane year a$er the date of occupancy. unless LemIer othenvise agrees id writing, wtuch rnnsent sh�lh ciot be �� -
<br /> �_ �,�� nc�neasonably wiihi�etd.or unless extenuating cirsunutances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bomiwet si4asl not ��` =-
<br /> ` ;�='• � � destroy,damage or im the Pm allow the Pro to deteriorate,or commit waste on the rt .•$omnwer shall •
<br /> <.rr� � =
<br /> P� P�nY• P�Y �'P� Y � ne�_...�
<br /> ' =��; � " ��zl: be in default if any forfeiture action or ptaceeding.whether civil or criminal.is begun that.in f.ender�.good faith judgment ��;,,,,_- -
<br /> " � �`' �'�����` • rnuld result in forfeiture of the Pro or otherwise materiail im a�r the lien c�eated b this�Secun instrument or ' - ±:_—_�
<br /> �, PenY Y � P � Y tY �"
<br /> �:,' . Lender's security interes� Boirower may cure such a default and reinuate,as provided in paragraph 18,Dy causing the action �t � __
<br /> ,',� - . ,.:_:-, or praceeding to be dismissed with a naing tha�in Lender's goad fitith determination.prccludes forfeiture of the Bomnwer's ��r._.
<br /> ti
<br /> _ ` = � interest in tAe Property or other material impairment of tAe tien created by this Security In�wment or Lender�s securiry ���a�"
<br /> . ti,�. ..;�J'• interest. Botrower shall aiso be in defauit if Borrower, during the loart application process. gave materially false or ":"•�pi'-
<br /> _ . -' ,��'��� inaccurate information or statements to Leadectoi faited to provide Lender with any material infomiation)in connection with ;.��,,;'�=`
<br />- ;-=..�.�'::,-.• �-- -= -
<br />- - •, � , the toan evidenoed by the Note, inciut�tg,ixit not Gmited to, rrpcesentations conceming Borrower's occupattcy of the �•:t.;��;=;��_
<br />_ ° . Piroperty as a principa!iesidence. If this Secarity Instrument is on a leasehold Boirower shall comply with aU the provisions T?.>,•�'.c:.-�
<br />' • of the lease. If Bomnwer acquiies fee tide to the Property.the leasehold and the fee dtte shall not merge unless Lender agrees ":`:�.;,`,"�
<br /> ; :'. ..� . ' .>� to the merger in writing. .�«`;z `;_-
<br />_ ..'. • - -` 7. ProtecHnia of Lender's Ri ts iir Rae pedorm the coveuanrs and '..,:�-.;_---
<br /> f. � ��„.. �`';;: S6 PruPer�Y if Horrower fails to agreements . �„�_
<br /> `? - contained in this Seccirity Insuimient,or tAere is a legal praceeding that may significanUy affect E.�derTS rights in the -- • ��
<br /> ' Property(such as a praceeding in bankiuptcy;pro6ate,for coademnarion or forfeiture or ro enforoe[aws or mguluuons),then `•..;,,,.,'.�;#�° .f,'
<br /> ' - " Lender ma do and a for whatever is neces• ta rotect the valae of tite Pto and Lender's ri ts in the Pro �; �.h �` _:
<br /> Y P Y sar}+ P Pe1'=Y 8h PertY• .,.,�':��,,;t�._ .�;
<br /> c",,,;;:� � Lenders actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument,appeazing • :°L�
<br /> ;'..�. ;;:.%1;s1T�;..
<br /> � , in court.paying reasonable attumeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repain. Althou�h Lender may talce action �:��''=�
<br /> . �fi
<br /> ' . ' under this paragrapb 7.I.ender does not have to do.o. ��,.f
<br /> " • -- Any amounts disbuised by Lender under this paragraph 7 tihall become addiNonai de6t af 8orrower secured by this -- . - --� ,;;-,�
<br /> . 3 •. ' Securiry Instntmem. Untess B�rrower and Lender agree ta other terms of payment,these amounts shall beur intecest fmm the . . : • ` •�_
<br /> •� � .. . date af disbursement at the Note rate anJ shall be p�yabie.with interest,upon notice from Lender to Botrower requesting ' . :;5=,;.'• .� _
<br /> f. . � . payment. ��: ,.,� •�::,c.._
<br /> ' • • • 8. MorEga�,ae Insuranc�e. If Lender requimd mortgage insarance as a condirion of making the loan secured by this „ � �''�•:
<br /> .. Securitp instminer,f.Borrower shall pay the pmmiums reyuired to maiwtin the mu»gage insurance in effect. If,for any ��`��
<br /> _ ,;,
<br /> •:�,: •: � reason,the mort s insur,uice covera e rc uired b� Lender la ses or cesscs to be in effect. Borro�ver shall a the { , ' ��'�t'�
<br /> ..2_ g� I'- 4 } P P Y ... ';•�•':,r:t:
<br /> ��;: ;,� pmmiums reqvired zo uAtain coveragr subswr►ti3U�� eyuivalent [o the moRgage in,urance previousty in effect. at a cost . _;, �;,�.:<:i?�ry�?:,;
<br /> r` - _. '� substantially eyuivatent to the co+t to Barro+�•er of the martgage imurance previoutilu in effect,from an altemate mas�a=� �, .',��:i�•N?S;�;E�;�:.;:;•.
<br /> �y " insurer approved by Lender. If substantiaA�•eyuivalent mongage insurance coverage i,aot availabte.Borrower shalf pay ta ,;;._.
<br /> Lender each month a sum eyual to one-tweifih of the yeariy mort�eage in+urance premium being paid by Borrower when the : ; •
<br /> " � � insurance coverag�fapsed or ces,ed ta be in effcct. Lender will accept,use and retain these paymrnt+a+u la�s reserve in lieu . �
<br />�� _. �;�'':,.: of mongage insurarr.cr. Lo.r,re�erve psyments m•ry no longer be reyuired,at the nption ��f Lender.if mongage insur,uice � ;'�''1 " .
<br /> . . . ;;� ,:';<•'_,. . �:° cove►age(in the amount and for the periad that l.ender reyuuesl provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes , �" . � •
<br /> °" `' avaitaF�le and is obtained.Borrow•er.hall � tfie nmiumc uired to maintain mart•a e iniurance in effec�or to rovide a '
<br /> � j` �• :.;,;i:•:.�>> ., ' P'Y P ' �9 b'S P � ::;a: .
<br /> • lass reserve,nntil the requimment for mongage in.ur.utce end.r•in 3ccord;snce with:uiy written agrrement betw•een Bortower
<br /> ' i�� � �� '�' `, and l.ender or applicable law. . � '
<br /> •• . ,, 9 inspectian. l.ender or ics agent may make rra+onabte entrieti u�n und in,pections of the Property. Lender shall . .
<br /> ��.x.` � • . give Borrower nr�tic+:at the 6me of or prior to an inspection speeifying reascrnable cause for the inspection. . •���;'•
<br /> •, _ .;.., � . ,t,,,.
<br /> 10 Condemnatton. The proceedy of any award or claim for damzg.�.direct or conseyuential,in connection with any -
<br /> .:�: . ,;, �,.. . ti4;•t+� ` " -
<br /> ;: . Single Famity..Faneie ltaelFreddie Stac I;�IFURS!1\S"iRl�S1E�T•-Uniform Co�enant, 9,'9� Ipu.ee�nfn�,ee�i �.. , , .
<br /> . . �• oeu letre amt�es Pa�.ma• �•�{:�:`c' . -.
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