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<br /> �. ,, � �-Y` � of a�le�end the s�le.tneludlag the paqm�nt olthe'1lvstee�Pees actuutt�t irtcu�re�,not to exceeA 3.0 `•�o �.;�,��� _--
<br /> �ti���� Ihe principal amonae ot the aole at the ttme uf the deciare;tian oY defaul�.and rea4onabte attomeys'f¢es as�eemitteQ �_�
<br /> e:;�� s by law:f 63 to aE��s¢ittr��!sy tbla�s�tl3r-��lt��4�?nay excess m the pe,rsun or q.��sons tega�iy entttlM �s-. -- _
<br /> ' "` �a �• to It. .
<br /> v n � �., s� �� „�.:.,_:__
<br /> .�� � p: Z�. Reconve oe. U n aymcnt oi all sums secured by this Securi In.`tmmcnt.l.ereder shall request 7tustee ta _ _
<br /> 3� �s`;��� �'•��• reconvey the Prope��ty and�l spilrtender this Security Instsument tmd�Il no�tes evlcbencing de6�secured by Mis Secudty �`r��,. _ -
<br /> - °-�;'-`.�<;;°'�'��Y�`� ` Inswment to'livstee. 'Ihutee shall reconvey the Pmperty without wananry tt�td withovt chargo ta tAe persun or person� :�;;:.s?�-��__�----
<br /> � . .�.� �<��� <-r°. , �<<:::�:=_.—.
<br /> ; ..o, z f.;:,_ ..,.�, legally entitted to i� Such petson or persons shal l pay arry reGo��on cos t s. ,�:,s;,rg=:__----
<br /> _ ��� h.�,`��: n`:�`:' Z3. SuDst[dct�71�astee. Lender.at its option.may fcom time to time mmove 7iustee and appoInt a successor wstee to �.,-„��..�_.4---
<br /> F _�.� ___ any'Wstee a�pointe�hereurcder by �n instrumeac cecorded in the rnunty in which this Security Insuument is recorded. � �,_ �� _
<br /> . ��t' y. e- - . .m
<br /> - t i : <: Without conveyance af the Property.the snccessor trustee shall succeed to ail the t+ile,PQwer and duues confelred upon � �
<br /> -'°� ` ` • 'IIvstee hecein and bY aPPlicable law. �, �`-4 ���-�„�.
<br /> <. � "�,��'�'"
<br /> -.�. .:. `�., , ,,.:��;, 24. Request for Noiices Borrowet requesu that rnpies of the nouces of defauit and sale 6e sent to Borrower�address �p _
<br /> - - t wbich is d�e Property Address. ` , X``"`' �
<br /> -�`�� � � 1S. R[de�s to tt�Security IastntmenL If one or more riders a�executed by Bomower and mcorded together with ,�.� _ -
<br /> •'.� � this geruriry Instniment,the vovenants and agreements of each such rider shatl6e incorporated into and shall amend and ,�,�,,�-
<br /> -�:` ',„:•'`�,•:., . ��'' supplemeot the covenants and agreemenu of this Security L�swment as if ti�e ridet(s?we�e a part of this Security Instrumen� � ti ;"?`�—"'��'- .
<br /> ,���;: ,,i..r ����plicable box(esN ti,`�;,:<`�a`j m u
<br /> � `� � -����-
<br /> i ` ,�.��$. :���' ` �Adjustable Rate Rides �Condominium Rider �1-4 Fant[ly Rider ��i�...-`�,.'•'�`
<br /> ��``� �;;z F %%� `_�, � ._
<br /> �,�����'�.�1 �-- ; ����.
<br /> _:� �,'„LE;F��s,f y U'�. . . �Planned Unit Develo ent Rtder � �Y Ym , _
<br /> .�� F t��- aGraduated Payrnent Rider pm Biw Pa ent Rider
<br /> �, �.a?c �+���F=�``'? � j
<br /> �, h��` �� ,�' �`
<br /> �`=� �'�S�`s� � � '�;:`� �Baltoon Itider �Rate Improvemeni Rider �Se�eond Horae Rider ���-;yw t,: -
<br /> e y r�F•^. ����
<br /> -�. ���` ���� � 1;� . - ��Y�'�'`��r .
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<br /> ,���;�,•..��., a�r���r,
<br /> .<� �..-1 Y.�k + 4 .•��'h'S:JAS'�'•'
<br /> `�,:�}���. -_',_i«F,:4�� . _ ,�. .
<br /> �; x;, ��� �� * ��ti�;�� BY SIGNING HQ.OW,Huzrower aceepts and ag�ees to the terins and covenants contained in tbis SecuritY Instrument �;. ' {�
<br /> .` �() by Borrowet and tecorded with it :,` <t,r��;��"-
<br /> :� `rt},,y`�,• ,,� ' .,�, andinanyrid.. 3 executed ':. ,� �E9f=,
<br /> z �' � ��� �t,t�{.�
<br /> �o�>,% c� e�`�.� �"'� a � ' �
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<br /> � ' �}`i*�,r, '`� wm¢esses: ���,�"=��•'� ��,:� r��;
<br /> - '' � ' ` 'x �V (Seal? .�+{?t�� '�i�;t!?t7�'�
<br />_ r . �F` ��� li�L� U. HOF -eom►w� `;�;9��,��;�;;`�'T�;�':_
<br /> :;. . Sacial Security Number 507-78-8712 .�;Y���:,5��';FrY���c�:
<br /> �,
<br /> _ :,,��ir�:;,'1�:�..t� :�:.,
<br /> '� �� s:.�::_�r:.
<br /> ::. _ .." -' ;. :=:�;r,��'=•. �.5. .+s�'`r.:7
<br /> I�' _ � . ' � �.SC3�� .•" '�.. �s..:
<br /> - - -`- " " • L A J. HOFFER -Borro�er - ,� :.t' c ,`
<br /> . ' : � . Social Security Numbec Oi 4-44-5163 . `"`� '�`��
<br /> r� .c.
<br /> ���""
<br /> � STA7E OF NEBRASKA. HALL County ss: �';�,� �; �
<br /> �,�. .,� . � . ,�i,E_
<br /> t .. • . .. •�'. .i;—
<br /> f :: On this 30TH duy aF OCT�BER 1993 ,befurr me.the undersigned.a Notary Public .:,�
<br /> :, ' duly commissioned and quatified fac said county,personally came ALLEN U. H�FFER AND LINDA J. HOFFER, . _ �; r�.:'.
<br /> - ' •• HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to me known to be the : : ��,.;" :
<br /> r . - ` '°';.
<br /> . • identical persons(s)whose nume(.r-)are subscribed to the foregoing insmiment and acknowtedged the execution thereof to ��z.<•.:
<br /> � ,r • �,� ':
<br />� � ' be THEIR vatuntary act and deed. :- _
<br /> ;��. . • � Wimess my hand ' aNO, NEBR{)SKA � in said county.the �• ': :� :�.,'"-
<br /> '-• - . � date aforesaid. 6��f�,� .: ;.,` - ,'
<br /> , •�: • , � My Commission expi ���'� b :'•' , .:�'. ...
<br /> .<'s ..�. • '�I��,�,�5�• NowvyPu tic � '.it!,:; � -
<br /> �, ,�y`' ,;�,:
<br /> . t+,- �,.�.:
<br /> _ �;'.r.:` REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE }i�.";j;� ;�t;• :
<br /> ' +,
<br /> TO TRUSTEE: ' +�
<br /> ,j��+° :� • ' The undersigned is the holdcr of the note or notes secured by this Deed of'liust. Said note or notes.together with all . . ,•.; ,
<br /> � ''��� ���'`�� � ' � other indebtedness secumd by[his Deed of 7}ust,have been paid in fu11. You are hereby dimcted to cancel said note or notes . �.:�F
<br /> � '��:",i:. : �_ .
<br /> n:��:�k�:.,.�• ,;i,. ;, and ilus Deed of 7�ust.whiah are delivered hereby.and to reconvey.without wairanty.all the estate now held by you under ��,';. ;
<br /> :i'���4;;?�-'•� ���;. Uus Deed of�iust m the persan or persons legally enritled thereto. _�����' . •
<br /> � ` ';. .r ,z,, .� •:�.� ,
<br /> -� f i��� ). , 1-rl'y: . � � +
<br /> � } ;ti; �'dtC: � �`�� c
<br /> t �� \ i a
<br /> �?; °�4 ,;.�i� �- Form3Q?8 9190 Ipage6nj6paRes, v , �.}A. � �
<br /> '
<br />