•,-�,� . . " ��+�<�:?� �.a' �'�`. .��,,r ti' '` . �`-�.- . _: ,�`?'��^T� . ` ',' .
<br /> �'``- .� 1 �, i�o'
<br /> .IQL 'Fr" �Y.. �� '� r' � s� ' � �. �..+__.�_a._.2er ' a��-.�_ � o. o� � F" �-. ;�' .
<br /> . �. � - :�.. .• .-��'_" �-, `. ��-.;�.s.:—,.R�-"."°"�.��.-''� . --•--__. - _ �.- �tEa _ _ `�--
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<br /> -"y . . . _ . __ . 4__
<br />�• ��_�¢� ���� =��;�; ������420 =_-- ---
<br /> �.d _ 'Q�,n� ``#°:s' �°`__=-- -
<br /> `` �� �s � � G ursuant to an wer of sale wntaineQ in tbis �� - _
<br /> ��t '� . :" appiicab2e law may apeci�j►far reiastatsment)6efore sate of the ProPertY P Y 1� �.. —�—
<br /> �� � �` � S e c u r l t�r Inswmem:or(b)entry of n judgment enforcteg this Security Insuumen�. Ttiose coadidons are that Eonower. (a) . ,y, .�.�.-� =
<br /> .,��. - Qaya Lender eIl sums whicri ttten wonfi3 be dne�i Ns S e t u r tt3►3�-�s t�c i►e��t i.e n d t l�e N o i e s s i�a o�ce t�e s t e�t!� . 4 `,�Q _
<br /> �� �� ° `;;�` occumed;(b)cures eny defaWt of any other cov�nants or agreements;(c?p9Ys all eapenses lncuned in enfo�ing tNa Security
<br /> 4b..'y
<br /> ' `;� ' ` ,���� �°,... G�swment.Includtng,but nat l i m i t e d to.reasona b l e a tt o m e y s'f e e s:a n d i d)t a k e s s u c h a c t i o n a s L e n d e r m a Y c�e a s o n a b l Y � , _ � `'
<br /> ;(` `'-�3;'i���R�u,�:
<br /> requine ro essuro that tRe Iten of this S�curity Inswmen�Lenderg rig�ts tn tRe Fropeny and 8omowert�obligutioa to paY the - _ �:.;.,,_, :.,°.: _�.
<br /> ����'°. V_:<` `a°� sums secured by this Securiry I�tniment sAa11 oontInue unchanged. Upon mtnstatement by Bomower, this Securiry �;, �� . ,_?��.��.
<br />_ ��.'�'<r'r < : ` Insuument aad the o6ltgations secuted here�y sl�all�emain fully ef!'ective as if no acceteratfon Aad accwYed. Hawever.this _ <.:'�``° <`- �'-',-
<br /> _ � . \ `.` �``� su to reinstate shall aot 1 in the case of aeceteration under paregnaph�9. k ';� � � �
<br /> ;
<br /> ,'i �'�'��'l w.Y.•"� _ -- ry, �19 Saie o4 Note;C�e o!Loan Serv[cer. 'i9ie Note or a paraal intecest in the Note(together with this Security '�_.;� �" . --.
<br /> � Iastrusnent)may be sokt one or more times withaut priar aotice ta Sorrower. A saRe may�esuit in a change in_the entity _ � J •�>
<br /> ` }_ � £ r.� ^ � wtt a t
<br /> (known as the Loan Senricer)that coltocts monthlY Fayments due under the Note and this Securiry InsCrument lhere also �� , ,�
<br /> �n � -n "'� may be one or more changes of the Laan Servicer imrelated w a sale of the Note. I f t here is a c t�a nge o f t he L oan S�vi ce r. _ �.*-�:H i
<br />_ � ��� • Borrower will 6e given written notice of the change in a000rdaace with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. 'I4ie aotice �_:_:K, ,,4
<br /> ' x�•� '� :...,-� � �,'t will y�tate the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the ad�s to whic8 payments shaWd be made. '�e notice will • ,. _
<br /> . also contain any other infomtation required bY aPPlIcable taw. °` ' ` �
<br /> �' , ���� 2p. �aZardous Stilestances Bormwer shall aot cause or pemrit tt�e presence,use.disposal•scorage,or release of any s�; ` �
<br /> 1`' � �," '��F` Ha�dous Substances on or in the Pmperty. Boirower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anyd►ing affecting the :`�s t .
<br /> .:.;`�ti;;. �. ,
<br /> : i�;: �;".:r. d���`��``.y Property that is in viotatian of any Fnvironmeatal Law. The preceding two sentences shall not appIy to the presence.use.or J.. .� ,�..:`�..�.�+%`.' :
<br /> w..�t�"r�:
<br /> - �r.. =�,�;';'.r ., storage on the Pmperty of sma�quantities of Hazazdous Sabstances that are generally recognize�m 6e appnopriatc to notmal •� � = >
<br /> :r, ' < -� tes[deniial uses and to mainienance of N6 P[Upecty. ' � ~- ` `-`
<br /> � ��: ~�� ���:''� Borrower shall pmmptly give Lender written nouce of any investigation,claim.demand,laa+suit or other action by any � <�
<br /> �5.: :, :: :n .�?.�• . govemmental or regulatory agency or pcivate party involving the Property aztd any HaTardaus Substa�ice or Environmental �..., ,.;:. �" ;�
<br /> �..�.
<br /> t� ,:.� Law of which Hoirower has actual tmowtedge. If Bomnwer Ieams, or Ls aotified by any gavemmentai.or regulatar�r ,� �;�a���
<br /> ° .`_; ' suthority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazandpus Substance af'ffecting the Praperty is�necessary,Bomower r --�, .��ti
<br /> � � sha11 promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with F�►viroumental Law. ` ��.� <. �
<br /> �,�� �,� qs ased in tt�is pazagraph 20."Hazardous Substances"are those su6stances de5�ed as toxic or hazardw�s subsrances by Yf �?'���`�' ` �-
<br /> t is
<br /> :. �;�_ �. Envimnmental Law and the following substances: gasoline.kerosene,other flaznmable or toxic peu+oIeuae pmducts.toxic ��s,ti,ti��,<f-
<br /> �t .u. . �;��'��::v`�,�:�_:...-M
<br /> pesticides and Ilefiicides,volatile solvents,materials containiag asbestos or fonnaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As .S„_��7,.,���<�;
<br /> `�` •{<`��ti'. used in this paragraph Z0,"Eavironmentai Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where We Properry is located =��i��`•-�. � ''
<br /> :t ,... ..> : - .
<br /> �� ' that nelate w health.safety or envuaumental piatecdon. .� � �` `
<br /> ;� . ;`. NON-UNffORM COVENANtS_Borrower and Lender further rnvenant and agree as follows: r . .� ;`. �.h
<br /> ' �'' 2L Accelera�on;Remedies. l.ender s1�aQ give aottce to Borrower prfor to acceteeation fallow[ag Borrower's �3:
<br /> ° �;e, .,j. �,�,��'+:` . breacb of any oovenant or agseement in this Se�tuity Lostrument(but noi prior to acceteratton un�er ParagsaPb 17 ° ,
<br /> ' < 'Q�'� ' '`�'�` `��';�. w�les4 applicable[a�provtdes olffer�vise). The notice sbald specify: (a)the defaWt;(6a the adtoa required to cure the ;�� :.-.� ���"
<br /> �V ..a:'t.A����'C:i,��; _t=. .
<br /> `' �' ', t•h' v, fr�:,`- default;(c)a date,not tess tman 3Q days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,bp svaich the defaWt must be ` : : t ` F "��-
<br /> ,"l �2ti1 , 4^c �IF:.` 7 �� �s
<br /> : ,5�'��-y �, .„r 4� . cured;and(d)tdat fait�sre to cur¢t�Ce defaalt on or Defore t8e date spec�Ced in t�e motice mag result�.ecceleratIoa of + ��!t�,� f r.,� _
<br /> - x�;;:,�� :: '� the sutas secured by t&3s Sec�rtty Instrument and sate of the Propert}. '1'�e notice s6alt furt$er inform Bon'ower oY , :. , :
<br /> ,, �..,,, R
<br /> � �`='� � `` ' � the right to re t n s t m t e a f t e r acoelerat�on and the r i g 6t to bring a court actqoa to assert the non-exLsteace of a default or ;t.,,••;;�;.��;�.�;`�,���;?-
<br /> ,.:•. .
<br /> � apy oWer defense of Borrower to acceierallon and sat� If the defautt is not cured oa or befoee the date specH[ed in � :��Y° :.: �, ,
<br /> � � � tQe noHce,Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by tht�Secuctiy Instrumeat _ � ;.� �:•';. :�.;';
<br /> ;°� � � • arithout fi�rther demand and may invoke the power of sale aad aay other remedies pe�mitted by apAlFcable Iaw ; ���;�;�:;.;ti�:���, �: _
<br /> ` Lender sdal! he entitled to rnNect alt expenses incurred In pu�sutng the remedfes psovided ia this paragrapb 21. . ';:"�.•: '
<br /> � ?' �� . inclading,Dut not limited to,reasonable attorneys'Pees and costs of titte evldence. .. , -�
<br /> ; �:•: � � If the po�ver oY sale is invoked,7Y�ustee shall record a notice of defuult in eac6 county in which any part oY the • � � J�=
<br />- . ; . � � - ; Propeety is lucated and shal)mail coptes of sach notice In the maaner prescriDed by applicable law to Borrower aad to . �`' , ,•:, � -
<br /> the other persons prescri6ed by applicabte!aw After the time required by appltrab[e law,71�ustee sdall give publIc .. :'��
<br /> ; ; ' aottce of sale to the persons and in the manner prescriDed by applicable law 'feustee,�Yithout demand on Bo�rowe�. .� .�` �?
<br /> shall seU the Piroperty at public auctton to the highest bidder at the time and place an d un der t he terms des i g a ated fu
<br /> the nottce of sale in oae ar more parcets and[n any order 7lrustee determines. 7lrustee may postpone sale of all or a�y • ..
<br /> � 4�'. parcel af the Prope�by publte announcement at the time and ptace of aoy prevtausly schedul e d sate. Lepde�or Its � �, .•1!`;�,
<br /> �� � �_ � designee rnay pwchase the Property at any sate. . .
<br /> ;. "'� Upon receipt of payment of the prtce bid,7lrustee shaq deliver to tBe purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveytng the ��'' ,
<br /> °. "��ni`. Property. The recttals in t6e Trustee s deed shall be prima facie evldence of the truth oP the statements made tderein. ; � - .
<br /> .� �� 71�ustee shall apply the praceeds of the sate in the folluwing order. (a)to all costs and expeases of exercising the power �;:��;'••
<br /> : ,;�,: ` . , ..,..' ' ,. � _. .
<br /> -� . ;;�, . •
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