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<br /> — . ' � . . . . - - . . . � , . . . � . . . . • � " � .. . � .
<br /> _ , • _ , ' . , t. , � c. :.2�- . • , ' ' t � ' , .
<br /> — .�� �ii1F�.�i�G1�',ilHlii�{�t ����,�-�'l��[�.�. "' , .� ' .. : � ,
<br /> f pcscy: �gainst �s bX�. igc ' the.temt.`eu aovet�tge'end.e�t�►dtDer�hazs�ds�►inttt�iq� ,
<br /> ^ticw�s or tlnoding,fur��fite�&�ader�equir�s insurap�e:.l�is•ias�ria�oe s�att.�e�i�i�ed ir�tQe�notmts'8ad.for tf�e�pai�Ods . .
<br /> `tttat�uder mquires.TGc Insnr`eac�t�nzer providipg t�e iasu�aao�st�ait 6.o c,ho,s�n�y Banvv�er sutij�ta L�ndst•s�C+Dvat`.•
<br />_ . �thicH s�air nae b�unnasonab�►wttbhaid. If 84rn�wer fa�s to mainmin oav4iaage dc�crIbod above.°I�.st msy,8t_t�c[det's -
<br /> - - . ,vptiot�.obtaia oov+e�ge ta prateti L�ader's rig�ts is t�e Pmpecty.In aooazdance with pa�wph 7. < � . ° —
<br /> - � A!I Insur�taee pol�ctes ari�t taiewals s�alT be�tab2e to Lender`nnA sLall iaciude a s�dacd mo:tgage cianss:�t -
<br /> -- — . - ehall hav�t�e rig�[to hoid�he"�afici�s an�ci�$wats.tfL�tl��eq�I�ts;Bbrivwer�sLal!��ttY$iva��a��cail�s-of _ _
<br />--_ paid�pleffii�ams and teuswal notiees.In the evem of lass..Bamcower shalt give prrncpt taotiee w the insnrance can'far snd t�nAer.
<br /> =' -- - — ----------- -----= - - -----:__---- -=-� _. - - - ---
<br />-< �ndei msy maTre gioof o�Coss if not a�ade pi+omptty Tiy fforruwer. - �
<br />� � � Unless I�euder snd Borrbwer ott�wise agc�e.in ariHng,iusuraaoe pmceeds shall be epplied to�rffiion or�pair of tiie
<br />- Frogeriy dam$ged,if the�estora�ton or rep�xr is eonnomicalIy feasble and IQnder's security is not Iesseued.If the restatatioa or
<br /> �' — rep�r is aot eooaoa�icalty feasitile or Lender's security+woutd 6e le�ed,the ins�uance pmoeeds shall be applied to the swns ,
<br />-,�. secured by thLs Saanaty Insaumaut, whethea or uat then dae, wIth mry�exoess paid to Borrower. ff Buaawe�.�abandons dee
<br />� Ft�perty,or daes�t am�:w�.�...ia 30 days a notioe fi?c�n�Lender t6at the insu�aace cazrier has offGmt m�td�a claim, then�
<br />-;,;4 :��ei�may,c�oltect.�e<�.•ginoeeds: i.ender r�ay'�ise ttte pmoe�ds w te�sia��+or.r�toc+c sE��i�ogcrtgr`�ri Yb t�Y � — _- -
<br />���,. "secu:.�d �as�.��.��rims3sottT�+�.�e 34-day geriad i�:;� svl�s �is gi'v.�.;-: ----.. . , -
<br /> t � . �. � r __..�_
<br />�� • �' ::: '.�:��:. ���s;I�'��;14ori�Pa�nv.'tse�agree�:�a&� eaY aPPTi�3.:o�:�����'sba18,mot�xtemd�z•. - ----
<br /> � - .. �
<br />`;�`>� .. i � ��4�e�due�af�h �s�EY�aymeats�efer�cl�ca�i+a�a�agr��s•i����t�ange the ari�tr,�.��a►e�ay�is � • ►��"- --
<br />=� £e . .. . . �
<br /> tu�e� �t�- ts �;�iaa�€'S t3o�i�a.^�sr�aii� i� �' oa�d.q�sa�zy fraiz: �`�ti;�;-
<br /> v. �`��,-� � � ��Y: �.. 3?:. � � � '� - - -_
<br />-�, ��k�hi�'�,��s�,, • � damage ta t��a�y�to the asgu�iti��x�3E g2:.a tb�:�vder eo�.e�teat�tr��ts,m�s s�ib��s��msannma:#. —
<br /> __ r.��`�� : �t r y� . �.< . •:' . • :: . -=
<br /> '= ' ��Y F�cr 4o:the acqnisitiom
<br /> , ' ;�� � 6.Otwpat�q,Presenration,Mainte�ance aad Protedion of the�bpaty,Bormwer's Loaa ApplicaBoa;t.easeholds. ��.���_�- -
<br /> ,t;.•r� . ,t`: _
<br /> :�. �.-::'�`°,�_4� Borrower shall oa:upy.establlsh.and use the Property as Borrower's principal res�dence within sixty►days aRer the ea�escudon of -----
<br /> , ,��" .5 , :;:.,. this Security Instrument end shal!wntinue to oocupy the Property as Borrower's psincipal residenae for at le8st one year after =--�=-
<br /> . �- .:�° the date of axupancy,untess Lender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shaU not be unreasonably witbhetd.or unless �,�:_
<br /> � � extenuattng cinumstances ezist which a� heyond Bonower's oontrol. Bornower shall qot destroy. damage or.impadr the "�-�_
<br /> _• . ' `��J �`� Prupeny. allow the Property to detertorate.or oommit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture �.-��_�
<br /> - � '� • � ection or pmceeding.whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faJth judgment could resWt in fodeituce of the ���'�' ��
<br /> ��� �. ..� �.. Property or othenvise matedally impair the lien created by thls Secudty Instniment or Lender's 6ecurity interest.Bonower a�ay '';,:."'� `���
<br /> "' � cure sucfi a defaWt and teinstute.as mvided in h 18.b causin the ection or raceedin to be dIsmissed wiW a ntlin =�a:.�``'' �-
<br /> P P��►P Y � P S g , �.,���"'
<br /> , � � that. in Lender's gaod faith determination. prertudes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other matedal ��K°:`•?�;-��
<br /> .� �_:-�;_:�•;,:-
<br /> � �: � impaim�ent of the Iten crea4ed by this Security instniment or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be In defauit if ����.��-
<br /> : ` ��, �'�4�Sy0:)/?.;,:
<br /> �� Borrower.during the toan appfication praoess.gave materially false or inaocurnte informauan or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> ;_:_,;; .`" to pr�ovide I.enderwith any material infomnation�io wnnection with the loan evidenceA by the Note.including.hut not limited `��'�` ' "! ` -
<br /> �:��a�ie=�-:.� :�, .�.
<br /> , �` � ' to.repmsentations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a Frincipa!resIdeace.If thIs Secudty L�rument is on a J.-�� :� ,;,�.; _� �.
<br /> {� 'ri �j ' ' � leasehold. Borrowet shall rnmply with all the pmvisions of the tetise. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Froperty. the • ,��;, ;
<br /> = s
<br /> ' `` � leasehold and the fee titla shall not merge unless L.ender agrees to tRe merger in writiag. '•''v����� '�
<br /> ,. �: ' .. -- - �� �;z,•�,��:
<br /> . . `'t; 7.Proteclso¢�oYl.eader's Rfghts in the Properly.If Borrower fails to perform the covenaats and agreements contained in ���, ��� •�,`"• •: �x
<br /> . iL.. • ' ',.�.;t '..j::^�j, ..,.` �d..' - �,p:
<br /> ,. : ,. . . . ,::. ; this Security Insvument.or there Is a legal praceeding that may significandy affect Lendei s rights in the Property(sach as a .��i; ,.,;;.';;; .:' •�
<br /> � :. - .s,,z< < , =. :e=
<br /> '� � : ...: �•, ::: prooeeding in bankruptcy.probaze.for condemnation or forfeimre or ta enfarce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and �?��--�� ;:::,'� � _
<br /> ' '� +: °`•t�': pay for whatever is necessary to protect the�alue of the Property and Lender's dghts in che Praperty. Lender's actions may ' ` � '
<br /> ":-`, { .. , _ . _ . .. "�E��t:Y�::.?!�:
<br />_ �_ . . �.:ti+�� inclade paying �y sums secured by a iien which has priority over tbis Security Instcument, appearing in court. paYing : .`•�`���'�•�:..:
<br /> ''��,: reasonabte attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.A(though Lender may take action under this paragraph . . � ��•`` '�
<br /> - �� \ . t� t��;� �
<br /> - . ��•_:�� 7.�der does Rot have to do so. ':�� �
<br /> '`� An amounts disbur.sed D l.ender under this ara ra h 7 shalt become additional debt of Borrower secured b this � ��"����•�:':�`
<br /> . i � '. _ `�`• Y Y P S P y •. , +��.r
<br /> _ � .�.i-,. �..,'.`4. �o�i.. ,
<br /> �. , : : �,f4.,: Security Instrument. Unless Borrower an� I.ender agree to other terms of payment. these amoun[s shall bear interest from the •`.�1�;;�ti:.`,•
<br /> ` �?'?.` date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be a able, with interest, u n notice from Lender to Bortower r uestio ' s�t`'t �
<br /> ' �,� � c. - P Y P� �l 3 '�,E�r 6ti
<br /> • �f.�, s � . payment. - . .���4ti���, .
<br /> ' F��t;���: �. ,:;t. ..�:_,,...a.•�11�:'.. ..
<br /> _�� ��r��U�^,'. . 8.Mortgage lusurattee.!f Lender required martgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security ' c�.,. � .•_ .•':..,:� •
<br /> � �.;�j:r;�;•:',.,_ . . • • ;»:,.. ., .
<br /> , .,.,.-. Insttument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason. the . �,��-?%���:,,
<br /> , -.,;�:.;. ,
<br /> . , mortgage insurance wvera�e required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in affect. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to • - +;''�;;;:��' •�
<br /> , , t . obtain mverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the � _ '�:�'�?'� �
<br /> ;" �U cost to Borrower of the mortga�a insurance previously ln effect, fram un altemate mortgage insurcr approved by I.ender. If � � �
<br /> .,... .
<br /> ' ; .� substantiWly equivalent mortgage insurance wverage is not available.Bonower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to �
<br /> � � ;�' on�twelRh of the rarl mort a e insurance remium bein aid b Borrower when the insursnce covera e 1 ar ce3sed to •
<br /> Y Y � S D €P � Y S ��
<br /> ' � • . be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. l.oss reserve •
<br /> . ' . ; Form 3028 9190 �
<br /> �.���; , .� . Paqe 3 oi 8 • . �
<br /> :� - �
<br /> j i . '
<br /> ;:� ,
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