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<br /> = - - .. � ' � . .
<br /> � . i z �.id�Z. .,_ _..-�+�_.,� .: + z�---��, `, . ` c +�"��r- _ �_ --.- ._ .._
<br />��'i_.-s�_.Y.`� --_. _ — _ r _ F .�.sc _ "_ _ .- .:- •. � _ ___ _-
<br /> _ �_�-.---�,c. M�>. _ _"" - \- c-,,��ac�. �'`
<br /> Ta�:`�. 's�^�".,Di,'; E'� �.n ., � _ - --- - -
<br /> -s`x�. .V•.�. _ .. �. • __—�
<br /> a�d-�- �`. :`� C .s>-o. . . c _ -' . \ . ' ' . - . , . ' . . _ _-- ----- - ., .
<br /> — —' `. . ' ,'i�0�i8TfIffi3 Wi'�sll the improvemeats aow or dstc�ftct et+e�td an the Pt'oA�nY.qOSt alt��s�����ai�d " —
<br /> -- � Poca�s�BUVi►or, hereaRet'a p�t�_of the pmpe�ty. A{t,cepla�is and��dittans°sbaa �sd 5e oa�ec��by tt�s Se�urlt�r "°
<br /> .. ' -.�.�.-�N.� L•-_�
<br /> --�utt�xnZ.eu�oi�e ia�gomg��e�a�mims . . — -- -
<br /> _ .�dRItOWER C¢VEN!lNTS t�Ba�mvi�er Is�teu�Rtlly sets�of the es�ite 6a�by camreyed c�nd i�a4 tt�s�rtg8t to g�omt at� .
<br /> . oonvay tke Pmpe�t,y and that ttle,Pmperty as`onen�mbet+ed.�exeept for encumbmnc�s`of r�oond. Boa�oarcr warran�a mzd wlU� ;
<br /> .� defend gea�tielty the dtle sa.t�a Piuperty+aga�tt5t alt'etaims and demands:subjec�w acry racymbianrxs af reco�.� � � .
<br /> � TliI.4.SBCURi1'Y Ii3STR37M8NT somb�s unifom►w�tenants Por�atiorml use and nou�nifom�ooveaents with tlmited ,: .
<br /> — varlations by jurisdiaion w m�tiarte a w�tfomn s�eity insttuae�nt oovering tral property. � .
<br /> — — -- ' -iTbiIFdRR��LYfVENAIrFi'S.Eorrow��l f�der wvena�anc4 sgree ss fo!lows: - . � � • -- .
<br /> _ •• l.Pqymffit oi Feiad�ssi aad�ut�+�p.Pir�s,yn��t� I,ate C6argeg.Botrowee shali prompttyr�pay when�dne tt�
<br />_�-�------- = princig;dofaud�tcncsta�t�ede�tE�eidencr�bgt�NoieaffisnYP�l��an��late-chargesduetwderthertote.----- ------ -�-- ---
<br /> ---__ _- .
<br /> �, _ _ _
<br /> ' 2.Fands for Taxea aad���.++�-Subjoct fo agpllcabte 1a�or to a vrrItten waiver by I.ender.Bormwer snall pay�W .
<br />;, Lender oa the day mm�thly payme�ts are du�uttder the Note,untiT th�Aiate is paid iu full.e sum<`Funds`�far.(a)YesutSt taxes =--
<br /> �',� and a�nis whicb ma}.aitain priorit�over t�is Security Instrument as a tien oa the Property:N)Yearly tease�old payments .
<br />--_= or ground reats on dte PropeKp.if any;(c)Year�+ha�a�d or property insvianoe premiums;(�Yeste3Y flood ins�anoe p�ia�.
<br /> �� i�any.(e}y�rly mortgage ins�uanoe premiums.i�any:and(�any sums payable by Eorrower to Lender,in socordanoe wiW =- —
<br /> - the provisions of pa�agcaph 8,in li�of the gayment of�nottgage insurance premiums.Th�e ifems aze cslled'Ess,�row Itcros." _ ---
<br />':','< Lender may,at any time, �ollect and hoid Funds in an amoimr not m exceed the maxi�m amouat.a lender for a fedaally -- _
<br /> _ - reCated�iaaitgage taan iaay reqiuie��wer'§escivw aclount uttd�i the foti�t�t Rt�1 Es�te Setttent�nt Pro�ednres�1ct of. _�--- - - ---
<br /> .��.�?�� . 1974 as amended fmm time to Um�,�2�3.S.C.3edion 2601 et seq. ('RESPA'�;�miess aa�s�ar law tb�f.�lies to the Fuads - �
<br /> .- ` '�, ,'�lL `_:'-� �.�t�amount.��f'�,,L�'rasp;:at any time.collect and floId Fuuds.�a an amoar�t:�zot to ea�e8��Tae.te�er amawut. � �_ - -
<br /> � � '��� . •�.:�d�u�c�.s�he ammi�st a�,�mids dus,on the basis of�data an�,�easonahIe�mates of e�iiurzs.a€�uNre ����`{"
<br /> ��- , . Estsow€t;e�smraikeza+�se sn�aad�ioe:v�+ith�pplicable law. � . .. : : :. .. <. : . : � .� ',
<br /> �:, ::�.
<br /> ` �.` :�.'��>���,; � � 7l�ie,3r7"�ads s�ai� ba heici.u��n:instinuioa whose de�nsi¢s ar�iasured#�a.fied�aat.�ncy, insuum�ntatinr,or�u¢y :,,,��Y-� -
<br /> �} � y -. � . �(iaC'd1IC1mg•�i�dE�+i��7s"5•,Ts�3ri.11LStiftit�OIl)aGU.i�eIIy FedEI31 HOIIi��ffiit 83I16C.3�.`iidCl''s'hSl�.&�Ig:�21e`E�iIld.4.W 1�Y i� �:. rk �°�
<br /> 'n.'�,., s "�. �sc�nw.i�s;L-ender c�y not c$arge$oirower for�aiding azW aPRi3'!ng dte�s,a�albq;aaakYzian the�esarow aocount;or , -;�.��
<br /> �;y�f���8�
<br /> �.l,.� w
<br /> _ �*,�.�:ic�iLAii;,.��"� . %�'�g tfie Escraw Items,uatess Lender pays Borruwer imenest utt the Funds and applicable taw pe�its Lender to make such , H ��i_�-
<br /> 4`� • �ti��'� ; a cHarg�Btowever,Lender may requate�Bofrower to.paY a one-time chatge for an indc.pendeat real estate tax ceporting service t �-
<br /> r , ` t ,', ' r--.
<br /> {r:._ _� � used by Lender in conneaion with t�is loan, nutess applicable law provides othetwise. Unless an agreement is made or Y �,"._
<br /> V :` .'�•:• :��' '.' applicaDte taw �nterest to be d,I.ender eball aot 6e to a Homower an interest or eamin on the Funds. • '
<br /> '�,':":��;"� �9�� P� �N� P Y Y 8S ':�.�, ��
<br />-; '° ��''''°�� � "� ,�� Bormwer end Lender may agree in wriang,however.that interest sda1l be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Bormwer. ' `''�rt
<br /> _ i��;. ! ;. . .
<br /> ��� .• • . . - withwt charge. an annuai aa:onnting of the Fw�ds.showing credits aad debits to the Fuads and the piupose far which each •� - •.`' �'� -
<br /> -. ;�1.:��� . °.'- `;. �:�� ` debit to the Funds was rdade.The Funds are plodged as additional security for all sums secured by this Secvrity Instrument. � =''��'
<br /> r, � �� ;�� .' if the Funds hetd 6y I.ender ezceed the amounts pernutted to be held by applicable law. Lender shali acoount to Borrower �•:'",::�' �—�
<br /> . ,.-,�.� .
<br /> , " ��� °� for the excess Funds in eccordance with the requlrements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any ' �`�`;�._.
<br /> ;,,`.:%_•
<br /> • `'".` •;a time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so notify Borrawer in writiag,and.in sach case Borrower � N<'' '-: F'>. .�. .,.-
<br /> - - � ' "�� ah$11 pay tu i.cnder the amount neeessary tn make up the defiriency. Borrower shall malce up the deficiency in no marre tf�ari ����.�;�*;z��;_: _
<br /> - ' `'�. `� ° •: � � - � twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discredon. �
<br /> ` � . Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Bormwerany - �. ��_�
<br /> � J ;'.� � Funds held by Lender.if,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire ar sell the Property.Lender.prior to ihe acquisition or sale • • . �- S� =
<br /> . � �` . '. '. . of the Pmperty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the ume of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by � , � . , ��.;;��=:`
<br /> . ; t�� - . . this Securiry Insdument. , ;�=�
<br /> � ' ' 3.Appllcatton of Payments.Unless applicable law provides othenvise.all paymenu received by Lender under para�aphs }.:-: � ;.i'',,. :'�,.�
<br /> � Y s ' 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any pnepayment charges due v.c��sr the Note;second. to amounts payabte under paTagraph 2; •: `�+i ; ,yF�t�
<br /> ' third.to interest dae:fourth.to principal due:and(ast,to any late charges due urtder the Note. `„ t�����,�'� ,4�°
<br /> � ; 4.C6arges;Ltens.Borrower shall pay ali ta�ces,assessmenu,charges, fines and imposivons atui►nutable to the Prc�perty .:,,����fyi�.•� �`:
<br /> ' �.'��. ��, which may attain prioriry over this Securiry Instrument. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay ��''.`•N�'��`�"-�•�.'_-��
<br /> �;,w�:':����` � .�..{ti�,s"' �'<'>. •"
<br /> '� t these obligarions in the manner pmvicfe;t ia paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borro�•er shall pay them on time�irectly �" � � ' •
<br /> x `�;�+ : � to the rson owed a ment.Borrower shall rom tl fumish to I..ender all notices of amouccts ta be id under this zs� h. � �'�����'����! . r,�,
<br /> • � .. . . Pe P Y P P Y Pa P �A • Y;�,�,;;sY. ,
<br /> • ' � If Borrower makes these paymencs direcdy.Borrower shail prompdy fumish eo Lender receipts evidencin,ihe paymems. ��•w'�''' '�• ;';;��
<br /> _,..,., . .
<br /> �� � �' '` ' � Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien�;ieh has priority over this Security Instrument unless Barrower:(a)agrees in ' , • ��,_;?;;
<br /> �' : '. writing to the payment of the obligation secured by dte lien in a manner acceptable to l,ender: (bf cantests in good faith the lien • �
<br /> '� �� � � � ; by. or defends a�ainst enforcement af the lien in, te�al proceedings which in the Lender's opinian operate to prevent the .' ����'
<br /> ��''�� : enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to � ��''•'�~, "
<br /> ..r;..', . .
<br /> - r;.,. •' . _ this Security lnstrument. If I,ender determines that any pan of the Property i��ubject to a lien which may att�in priarity over ,�. .
<br /> . �t.;';• - . ' this Security Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the licn.Bc�rrnwcr shall satisfy tha lien or take one or '�_�s
<br /> �� r�i;. . �� _ • more of the actions set forth above within !0 days of the giving of notice. '
<br /> ,. ,, .. '
<br /> 5,�:, . .
<br /> - ; +r .,. . Form 3028 9l90
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