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�� <br /> -'.b = e- L �....'�'�1. ..�'`� ..'�:.4°=g ` �_4 � . a�_: � �' - ' ' � z-� _— <br /> y'=;��� s:-i, �`'-� �.�-s,�- Fs Y �4'�" x._,v,_�_ r. . . ., __ _- k i _ °- <br /> -�v�—�r.`�G _ '�- •.,lS;'�s .i :._R.�",p -c_��o���t, � . . . '_s• —r� ��..�c�t` ss..,,�r��_.-- .""--- — <br /> . . .:"a :�T F� `k 'C. .c ' _ .,.__.�.,.�..�_. , _ — <br /> �_�;.•`�.r�_ 'v � _ - . � � � - .. ' {.`� , °. ` , _ • "— <br /> . � � _ - . 93�� �9� � � <br /> - " 1�.,�aas�a qt t�e�o os a�anetI��Intet+est ta B�rrowe�..U nll or any�siti of the Pto�'tty oi i�iy iate�l In it <br /> -- -- -- - is snld o�trasfsfei�d iot if a i�rest in Boaower is soid o�traawferred end Bo�rawer ia nat s naturaf ptnsan}witliuut ----- <br /> �—IAS�S' • _ •..•••� a��_���= i - � lnen ce�o�erA k. ts � . _ _ . _ <br /> ��-p . --�- --- -- <br /> -- - Seau3ry Laun�eN.However.this opttom shall not be exercised by I.eQder i f ex�reise is pm ti 8it e d Dy f e¢r�t s P taw as o i t h e d a t e . <br /> of this Socuriry Ipstrumem.` , . . . . <br /> -- � If I.pnde�exec+cisesc this option,�ter shall give�aaower notice.of eaoeteraHon.7tce aoito�sl�aaU pmvIde a p e r lod of not. . <br /> - -- - �less than 30 days from the date t�.notioe is delivered or maited wit6in which BoYrowef mast,gay a11 sums secut+ad by this — <br /> _ — Sen��ity�,n,�,r If Bo�aer fadls to pay t�ese swns prior to the e:cpiraiioa of this pee�od.Leader ma,y invoge any remedies -- <br /> --- peiaoitted Dy this Securlry Ia�tsum�eat a+ithout fiuther aotice or deasand on Borrower. � <br /> -- - - !8. Barro�a�'s Ri�tst'tts,R� if Ba�awer me�s certain wnditioas� Boirower shnit hav� the right_cu 6ave- - --- <br /> -�,� 'enforoeinent of this Seauity Insuument diseonttnued at any tirae prior to the earlier of:.(a)S days(or such uther period as _- <br /> . <br /> � - -- --- <br /> ------- <br /> - ---- � . _ <br /> --$PW�le 1u�r-�1►SF�afY-fo��einslsi�nentl�f� of tt�Pm�ecly�pur�ant t�any.�otisre� ca --- <br /> _°.:� S�uritjr tnn�,�,,.�;or @)eateY of�judgment enforcia�this SecurIty�Instr�men�Those oond�pans a:e d►at Bomo�rer:(a)P�h'� -- <br /> LaWer ai!suuis which�Een wouIQ be due uader ttus Security Iati�uumenc and the Note as ef uo accele�on had aaurred;(b? - <br /> � aues e�+default of any ott�r ooveaants or agreemeats:(c)Pays alt expenses incymed ia eofoning t�is Security Insuument. __=- <br /> -�: � inctu�g.but nut limited to,ieasonable attoraeys'fees;aiW(d)takes such act�on as Leader may�rasonably neqwre to assuie ---_ <br />��' that We�ien of this Securiry Instru�at, ixnder's rights in the Pmperty aud Borrower's obligation ta pay t�e sums�by �_ <br />`'t� this Security Imstiument shalI wntinue uachaiged. Upoa reinstatemene by Bornower. t6js Security.Insuument and We <br />=�� � •� ablig.uions secured hemby shal�mmain fully effeaive as if no aooeieiation had oavr�ed. However.this ng6t to ieia�tate shali - - - <br /> -_� :��` not apQly in the rase of acceteration uader patag�aph 17. ------- -iT- <br /> - �5>. Sale ot Not�C�ange oi►Loan Servioer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(together with t�is Seauit3r � =- <br /> - _� ��f�`��= � � <br /> - s��i. Iastrumcat)may be sold oiae or iaot8 ti�es withoat priar notiw to Bnnuwer.A sale a�ay result in a change in the eatity(tmowa� .,a;;; --_ <br /> :.�};;;. "` as tRe'Laan Servioer'>that ooltects monthlY PaY►nenis due under the Note a�nd this Se�uity�ument.There also may be one =�='�=-`- <br /> -.:.��tz�;=�:• �' �:r=.=�j.A._ _ <br /> - ,�:, „� •� r.. or.�ore changes of the Loan Sendoer unrelated w a sale of the Note.If there is a change of ttie Loan Servicer.Borci�wer witl be ,.�--,��, ;. - - <br /> �ke tY�•;�. given written notice of the change ia asaordanoe with 14 adove and agpiica6le law.The nodce will state the aame and .�`-_:°����.- <br /> - .'�e+s.',r��, �.d'L:=:-. <br /> S ':s',:.'���,__ <br /> ..+.;.�. � address of tne new Loan Serviaer and the add�ess to wlucb yments shoutd 6e made.The aotice will afso contain any other . .:Y`�, ,- <br />_ � �-� - info�ation tequimd by applirable[aw. K . x _--- <br /> 20. Hazardfl�Snhstaace4.Borrower sdaU aot rause or peratit the Qr�esenoe,,or ielease of any i +'} � <br /> �- � ce.. <br /> Hazardous Suhstanoes oa or in the Pro p e r t y. 8omnwer s6al�not do, nor allow an yone eise to do, an y t h i n g affectin g the : ,;��. <br /> �: _ � °:�"; •. :_.1��[. <br /> :-•r s � Pcoperty that is in violation of azry Eavironmenral Law.'I'�e preoading taro sentertoes shall not apply to the preseace.ase,or �;;;<,-:-_ - <br /> ' w'; �� ' �` `°��� storage on the Property of smali quantities of Harrdrrdous Substances thaz are generapy reoognized to be appropriaze to normal •�� �"�:�-- <br /> , ,�,;.a.,c..:':`;A; : a d r:::;:�.;-_ <br />-._- � `���.,,�: :;. .�- ,;° residential uses and ta maintenance of the Praperty. � - <br />_ �_,:•;".-. :..<< =- Borrower shall gmmpdY give Leader written aotice of any iavestigation.claim.demand.lawsuit or other action by any �`'`,�.;i�;,=;�_�-- <br /> � *' r • govemmeutal or r�egc�iatory agency or private party invoiving the Property and any Hatardous Sa6staace or Environmental Law , � �� <br /> -� � �` -•• of whid�Bor�awer has actual imowtedge. If Bomnwer[eams,or is notified by any govemntental or regulatory authoriry, that ,, �,�-. <br /> , . , . <br />_ ::>.•ti};��•`'_,':� any rannvai or uther remediation of anX Harardous S1�bs[aace affecting the P�+aperty is nacessary.Borrower st�all promptly take �- R .,=`--� <br /> �2 •::;�. �t s�t�- <br /> : �,:��, .. all Reoessary remedial aaions in accordance witiz Eavtmnmental Law. ;�:�.f?`` y�.:�_ <br /> As used in t6is ara h 20, "Hazardous�tances"am those substances defined as toxic or hazar�dous substances .`:';�';'4:�<:` �� <br /> '' Z - � Fnvironnteatat law siid�Ilowin substaa� oline. kerosene. other flammabte or toxic � `�=� ''��'�---= <br /> � g gas P�z�aua prndacts. toxic _ �. �.,.,_,•; �a,_ <br /> � �� pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents.materaaTs.00ntaining asbestos or fom�aldeh�de.and radioactic�c�terials.As used in `` �%'��-- � <br /> ; ... s. :r�, .. <br /> �' °� '`� this pacagraph 20. 'Environmental Law" means fed�ral laR�s and laws of the jurisd�Mion whene the F-'c�erty u tacated that ':' �:�'=�'�-� � t���� <br /> . ral ,;. <br /> :t::_,_..:. relat�ta t� or environmental pmtection. (�=`���:siz�`4.:-'_'`` .��-' <br /> °. : aE •� <br /> _ • � _'` '. , � :� � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Leadec fvrther rnvenant and agree as follows: � �_: � "�': <br /> '.' , � , 21.Aooefera��;RemedIes.Lendee sdatL give aoNce to Borrower prtor to aoceleratfin fo1[o�Borrowe�'s breach �, ":`�;�:,,� <br /> � ' ''�;� af any rnveoant og agFeement in thts Security Iastrument (but not pdor to acceieration undeu�g�aragraph 17 un2ess � � . ' - �;• <br /> �, ; a � � � �-`' .� appftcable taw pmvide�othenvise).The Qottce s�all specify: (a)the dePault;(b)the actian r�ui�wl to cure the default; ; ��`t� � <br /> � ;>h �', '; (c)a date,aot tess ihan 30 days from the date the aotice�s givea to BorroK•er. by w luds tk,detault must be cured;anai :,���{ . y ' <br /> ' ` •?.y3ti�� ,•�;'I� (d)Wat fai[ure to c�re the def��on or 6efore the date specifted[n the notice may n�3' accetesation of the sums � •� -<<. `. :. �� <br /> ' ' secvred h tbis Securit Iastnunent and sate of�he Property.T6e nottce shull fuether it�ccfaca�xr��ver of the ei t to , `L <br /> } •: . Y Y f gh +'`��.: .�' <br /> - � reiastate after aece�eratIon and tRe rig6t ta I�a murt nction to assert t1�e noa-extstence af a�€autt or any other ; '.�� � <br /> `y t ti .�• ' � defense of Borro�rer to aceeleratton and saG��tae default is not cured an or before the d�e�fled in the aot�ce, i ' `_ <br /> _�.,5�r , l.cnrder. at its option,may requlre immedia¢e���ment ia full of all sums secured by this Sec¢rv`t}��strumeni n[thout { �,,, ;��'' <br /> =•�:1 . : . . ft�rt�demand and may iavoke the po�ve�of sa2e and aei.other remedl�permitted by appItcab�e ta�v.Lcadee��ai16e 1_ . � <br />_.�T;e ' .� : ent6�¢d to rnliecl all expenses incurred jn pursnncng tIIe��ie.s provided tn thLs paregraph 21,iacluding,hut not iimited j,. • : , , ;;,�:` <br /> to,rea�o�Dte attomeys fees and costs of tftte e•idence. <br /> i`,• a ' ! ' i �,�: <br /> � � ; . if ttie power ol�sale ts tnvoked�Trust�s�aall record a notice of dePault in eacb rnunt� ia asizich any part of the } : � � <br /> ��`��� ' Froperty is lucatec9�ctd shaU maU oopEes of ser�aottce in the manner p�eseribed by appiIcub4e tas� to BarroNee aad to '�. <br /> ' • the other persons perscri6ed by ap�lirabte la��.A�ter the time requlred 6y applicable aa�i.TeusZee�31 give publtc nottce ���; ��,�''.. '•• ' <br /> •� � of sate t�the petsons and in the�anner pr�ccribed by applicable la��. Trustee, «itt�cc¢t demanQ�a Borro�ver.shall sefl t�: � <br /> �.• .� . ' • . the Property at public auctton to tRe htghest 6ldder at the time and piace and under�Ize terms designated In tde noitce oY � ` • <br /> �•' � • sate in one or mom pan�els and in any order Trustee detennin�.Trustee ma� postpone sale o[all or any ps�rcel of the � �. ,.'•. � <br /> '` �' � Propeety 6y pu6lic annauacement at the time and place uf any prevtoucly scheduted sale. Lendcr oti•its desigaee may � '. ��. <br /> ,�`„,' ' • `•° .• �� purchase the Property at any sate. � � . . <br /> ���i` i� :S, °� . � � . <br />- .. :�; ; . � <br /> '';:� i. <br /> t.`' 'Gt.,.'� <br /> ' .. .��� � .. 1;� <br /> (•�T :� Form 3028 9190 � • �;' <br /> }',, . . . Pago 5 of 6 � <br /> �; $O j. <br /> . 3 . , .. .y>;- <br /> { , �y . <br /> ,. <br /> :i - . � ���:' .. <br /> 4: ' I�• . �'' , <br /> . . � '`;� • s �:v,.. <br /> i . � • . , �._._.._._-._,....__-..,._.. .._...,,_- -•-•----' .- - _. , ..._�.� . <br /> � - . ' ' 'f1 . . . " � . . . . <br /> S� ,' ' � • � . . . � <br />_. .'c . <br /> �_� . . . . . <br />_ �; . ., • , . <br /> �t ' � . , , . � . <br /> �' . . ' . . . , . <br /> , <br /> �� • • . ' <br /> - . - <br /> -= — —� - -_- _---:- ----_---_-= _= -�-_-- =--�_---=-----=_— . -- -_—_--=_�-=--•- - - - ...- _.. . .- -.-..._-. <br /> �-- . , , <br /> .� �!. . : � <' _ . , • •' • , i_ � , � . . - .. 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