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<br /> V =��eas msY�tonger be roqoired.at�apctou of Yreader,if mossgage�fnsoiva�o wvi�ge d��s aaiorim aa�l.`�r�ic�esldd r �
<br /> - - t�t�I�adct feqtt�t�s?pravlQa�f bK en fm4iunr�ir�veQ tsq l�aiter again beooa�es a�vaUable��� d�-�ii��a��b�m�lr,�x�l.Ens+ox�er st�ail:F�,tY
<br /> . .. . _ �}p`[p3l�� '`Y `�ir."`i+11�flt�flL.fAlAI[{I �R 't , _.
<br /> ��
<br /> (�1Gp�C(�Il{1I[LY117@UBDU W iflillli�Wl, �_� _ s �•� o �• �a v =_
<br /> iasu�nQe c�ds iq a�ardaaoe a�th�y ivriuen•a�eemont l�twe��o�mv�rear�act Lcuder ar ep�itcabio saw: • .
<br /> � ��.,L�t.or ib�g�t m�;y make rea�anabt�ent�ies upon�and taspe�.�icu��f the Pmpesty.��der sbatl give
<br /> Bomawer nodca�t�lia ttmie of or prtor tp�n inspa�un�i�g crasunabie cause far ttte inspoct�►a. � . � . ,` . .
<br /> � I0.Cunaemnt3ton.Y'IIe proce4da of,4qy award or c�im for damages.dtnect or aon5eqaeaQal.in oon�tFon,with any '..
<br /> ' flprtd�na�lon or otl�r tahiag�of nny pa�t of the Fmpetty,or f�i aoavqra�e in t�eu ot ooad�oa,are henby assigacd and �
<br /> . �
<br /> - � sdali�paid ta�ender. . - � --
<br />- - ---- .En the eveat oi a tatal talcing of t�e Progerty,the pms�eds s4�11 be sPP1Ied to t�e su�►s secuc�od by this SoauitY�u�t. _ .
<br /> _---__---- --� �
<br /> •
<br /> - =--�-br Qat tt��u�-c�-su�y'excess psitf to Bo�aw�In dta-eveat a�a�.ta�3ng tLe-Piro�jr��-tho
<br /> ,.. ---- - .
<br />� _ maaic�vatue of the�mpe�►immedlatefy�efa�+a.the tal�g is eqnal co or greater tLan�tne amuimt of tl�sums se�v�ed by this . _
<br /> - - < � � Secrutty Ituteumsat Imm�diatety befo�tha m�iqg.unless Botrower aad i�nder otheiaase agree ia wating.the�s secure�by -.
<br /> tdis Security,Iastrumeat sLail�e�te�ricaQ by We smount of We piooaeefs multiplied by the foitowSng f�tioa: (a)the mtnl
<br /> amoimt of ttu sums se�nrad immediazeiY Defore the takirig,divided 6y N)dze fair market value of ine Pmperty irmQediatety .
<br />--- be5ore thc ti�YIqg.Ac�y balanoe sh�1l be pait!ta Bomower. fn t�e eveat of a partlal mking of the Ptoperty in whidi t�e fair - -
<br />�y. maxic�vahce of tha Pmpesty im�odjatelY before tl�e taldng is iess than the amount of�he stiaos seaired immediately i�eefa:e tLe
<br />=� tafting aale�Sonow�err and t�der otheiwise agcee in wrcdng or nnIess applic�ble Iaw otherai�e provIdes,the pmoeeds�Il
<br /> --. . :
<br /> �- ...._._ _..... �---------. . . _ .. -.--x .... . ...:�. .,.
<br />-� be applied ta the suais.secured by th�s�5ecunfy Yas�nm�ii w�etha or�at.tfle siims are�ien due. . .. .-. _ _ __
<br /> - If the P�opaty�is a�ndoaed by Borrower,or if,after natioe by Le�der w Boaower tl�t tha co�d�mnor ef�ecs w maT��a' ---.. � --
<br />-. awatd ar setde a daim far dam�es.Borrower faiLs to tespond ta Lender within 30 days a8er the date t�.ete�+�e is even, ----__
<br /> _ Leader is suthoxi�d M oollect and apply the pmoeeds.at its optioa.eidi�r to restoratioa or repair a�f the Pmprz�,�to the sssms , _=__-
<br /> _s v� ' ��6Y�is Se�rity Instnm�e°t,whether or uot then dae. , , -. , � ::.,� � t�;�;
<br />= y'1- Uniess I.�nder and Bor�ower nth�arise age+ae ia writine,any �pplication of proa�eds tQ�irinapal sLall not extea��.., `�-`�`--
<br /> �� �
<br /> � postpone the due date of die moathlY PeYments refec�d to in parag�apLs 1 end 2 orc�iange the amount of sucb payraents. � �`-j'- �
<br />:,° 11.Borruwer Not E�eteased:Forbearance By Le�1es Not a Watver.Exteasion of the time for payarent or madifcc�tioa � �'' e�'��+�� —
<br /> ' � of amartirdtion of the sums secuzed b tlus Security Ir�ument ed b I.ender to svc�sor in interest oF Borcower sba11 �"'"�'�'�-�
<br /> ` Y B� Y �Y ��__�
<br /> 's.�:; • not operate to nelease the liability of the origIna!Bocmwer or Bomuwer's suooessors in intenes�Lendet sBall noi be�equi�us�. :;.}F',
<br /> ` .,3��r;.�; oom�eaee praoeedings against aay successor in interest or refuse to rxtend time for payment or othem�Lse modify amortiz�mri -�•;�:::Yrc��-
<br /> �., ��,:...�r.�;�.*ti.� af the sums secured by this Security Ir�uument by reasna of any demand made by the original Borrower_or Borrnwer's -,r,,'°>:'t j�°
<br /> � . :..*:':.-_ —
<br />`:�. z � '_ �'�- -< �_;-�.d,.—
<br /> ��.�..�-. • suooes�ots in interest.Any forDearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy shaU not 6e a waiver e€ar prectude the _, :,,; s:E--
<br />-- :�;_£' :� eaercise of any rigM or uemedy. �"_:;,2.� "�� ,
<br /> � ' m : , .
<br /> ;�f:�` ' :.��°.'� ' -� 12. sao���a n�r� Bonna;ao���a s�e� taabn��y.Co-sJgae�s. 1he wveaants and agreements ��is `•� : . ��-��—
<br /> ' '�+ 4� ��
<br /> �r�.'; �:�.; Socwity Iastniment shall bind aad beaefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subjoct to the provisio�s.��E `•y�,�, s�
<br /> � ,,, .. �`�`� pamgiaph 17. Bormwer's oovenanu and agreert�ents shall be joint and seve�al. My Borrnwer who oo-signs this Sa�c� . � �.: ��-
<br /> ��'.'- `'+�tz; Ingtrument bui does not execute the Note: (a)is co�signing this Security Tasaumeat only to mortgage. gcant.and wnvej��c 14 :� ", �; �
<br /> . . ,�1�,a4� _ _ : —
<br /> �,;,,': '��` �.`" Bormwer's interest in the Roperry under the tem�s of chis Sarurity Insuument:(b)is not petsonally obligazed ta pay the s�� ; >� {
<br /> 1 t=� : � -
<br /> � �
<br /> . -.°�T:.:�•:�. °.>,.;:`"� • secured Dy this Securiry It�trument:and(c)ag�ees that i.ender and any other Bomower may agree to extend.modify.fo��xir i :-,.:�.._..�.....`.< :�
<br />�'`'', , "' �' . . make any ascommoaations with regard to the terms of tbis Securiry Instcument or the Note without that Botrower's conseQt.• - - _
<br /> - �,, =.; .;_}
<br /> -- `;, . 13.Loaa Cdatges.If the loan secured by this Security Insmuaent is subject to a law which seu maximum loan charges. . ,�,.�;;;•. :�.
<br /> '. ` •��``•" � � and that law is finall mte reted so that the interest or other Loan ch es wUected or to be collected in coAaaction with the • • - �
<br /> . Y� T � . .sw ;�
<br /> � � • ' loan exceed the permitted limiu.then:(a)any such loan charge shall be red�ccai by the amount neoessary to re�scce the chatge ,. _ _
<br /> � .� . ' '', to the permittad limit:and(b)any sums already coltected from Barrower which exceeded permitted limits wi(i be nfunded to , �
<br />- • �;'� ` ` ���� "��� Bomawer. Lender may chaose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct . `.
<br />_s'� � � ;.: ,,'".;' =• payment to Borrower. If a refund redaces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any • �� .`�4-.�.
<br /> �?.',:-:."- "'.�--._ ., prepayment charge under the Note. -� : � . •
<br /> . , ;„ - . ;:�`:.
<br /> s���'�'�� . '� . 14.Nottces.Aay notice to Barrower provtded for in this Security Instnimene�alt be given by delivering it or by mailing .�.,.
<br /> .�ss;;�r• .. , �, . .�. -.
<br /> . it by first class mail unless applicable law reyuires use of anather mec.h�rl.The novice shall be directed to the Pcoperty Address �.:. � ' ;:'.rtr ,.�r,
<br /> � � or any other addre.kti Borrower designates by notice to Lender. �rn notice to Lender shai[b�given by fitst class mact co . . . _
<br /> �. ,. � � Lender's address stated herein or any other address l.ender design�:e>by notice to Borrower. Ar,y notice provided for in u�is . ' ' � '�
<br /> `�' ���' ''" . Security[nstrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragrsph. `;',:
<br /> 15.Governing l.aw; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be governetl by federal low artd the law of the _ �
<br /> ' ,°�;, � , � j�u�i�iainrr in which the Property is tocated. (n the evene that any provision or clause ef this 5r.vrity Instrument or the Note _.
<br /> � � ` � •rt' . • urr.fticu with applicable law.such mnflict shaU not affect nther prceL•isions of this Securicr Is�acrument or the Nate which ran be '
<br /> ''`�:� ���. ' given effect without the conflictin�provision. To this end the provisions of this Seeurity Inscrument and the IVote are dectac�l . : • �
<br /> �;` s;` � '' to be severabte. • .
<br /> µ ,�'.
<br /> ' ;, : � ' 16.Bon'o�yer's Cop�'.Borra�ver shall be givett one rnnformed copy of the�ece aad of this Security Insciument. :�� '� •
<br /> .�1.
<br /> ' . � • Gortn3028 ��90 ti�:• - .
<br /> . ._' � '.. adaaao•e
<br /> )'{:,• .
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