,'i ;,,.d�:. '.'��L��2-,.s - + . _ ,�` ° �'•
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<br />-''�_:� c 41t.'�.1.:���, _ . . - :. y. .-� _,_r.�' —_— .
<br /> "�s_-..�, :::�F—.r-L'_ _ — ' ' r�-�.;�,� cX-` -.. — _ .
<br /> , ��c,.� �t., _
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<br /> t. . , r . . . , . , o .��i������ `,. . � a.,.
<br /> _� s.��:u� P�+o� �a�aa�. 8o�ower ehatr kcep tt�o impmvem�us a�w�isti�bg or�he�eatier esecsad an the .
<br /> — �t'op�tti►insared�tst�-�os�by�e.kazarda iucIuded wfthtn tha te�m�°extet�dcd covesnge"nrtd eAy ot�h�zm�ds.it�ciuc�ia8 -
<br /> _. r_�.�_--°--.�a�...c:s-• �p,� ' - --
<br /> _ . .— . .——_s�i�ry.�v�--i+ywis��w.�.r�+++r . , ritY�t.� 4.� -F'�3-6i�' _
<br /> --- � �` tbas S�nd�.eaqnins.The ias�nce cartier prdvi3�g che in�ui�se shqll�e choseu by Horro�ver subJ�ct to Lender•s apptiuvat
<br /> � wt�iic�sh�t1 uat Ec wueasa�Sy withhdd..If Borrawer fa(is to maLitain oovei�e�esa�Iha�above, Lender may,at`l:ender's .<„� :
<br /> , optio�,obtaia ooverage m gmtect L+ender's rigkts in tfu Pc�oDettY.�n.a000nlanca witf�patagesp�'7. .
<br /> ., Afl insucance poHe�es end reaewals shall be aoQegtebl$tv-Lender and sl�atf include a etaudar�martgage ctau�e. t�de� _
<br />- = sbaU Aave t�e dgAt to�otd tHe pollsleg�reaearals..If L;ender require�Borrower shal!piom�tt9 give to l�nder aU ic�eipts of
<br /> - -�F3id premiuun9sutfiree+�w�1��ees.Lnt�.evenc�tnss.8o�rersh�ll giva pmmgt n��eQtIt�.i��•�•�rrier�i��r�--_-- - --
<br /> - Leu�er msy make Qroa�f of tass if aot made pramptig.bX•Bonower. ' � ; " _ �
<br /> - - - _ �- -� --=lTatess�ader esd-BotR►wer�wis�agee itt��tittg.;ins�rmtoe proceeds s3�6���e�rstc�ratioa ar--r�patr a��the ---�. --- ___. _
<br />_ - pen�ezty damaged,if the t+estotanton or�rair is economically feasi�le and Ler�er's securiqr is nat l�ad.If the rrsw�atton or.. `
<br /> — �+epais is aot eoonom#rt�lly feasi�le os Legder's seauity aoutd be[essened,the insurat�ce pmceeds shail be a�ppliai oo the snms --
<br /> secured 6y ttii�Seauity Instrtnment, whgther ar not then due. wIt�aoy eaoess paid.w Bormwer. tf Bor�wer abandons the
<br />- — Pcoge�ty,os+dnes nat:aaswer within 30 days a aatice&om Iender that the ins�uraueo cartier bas uffere�to seiti�a clsim,.then
<br /> - L�cter�ay:co�[eet,tDe insu�ance pmceeds. Lender may use.the prooeeds to m,�air or c�estore tve Prnperty or to Ray sttmg , '
<br />_ , secuted 6y�Wis Seaeurity Ir�mnmeat,wlietfier or nat then due.The 30day period will begin when the aotice is give�., •
<br /> 11al�.Lender end Bo�cawer otherwise agtee in writfug, any applicatioa of,proceeds to principal shaU not extead or , ___
<br />� . .postpoae ihe d-ue date o��tfie�aaoat7ily paj►meais re�ened to in paragtaphs i and 2 oi change tt�e amo�iuf of�the paymen[s.if -
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Pmpert�,r is acquited by Lender.Bonower's righi w any insuianoe paHcies and p�s t�svlting from �.�
<br /> ---- damage to We Fcoperty prior to We acquisitioa shall pass to Leader to the extent of the swns secur��by tlns Secwity Instmment °-�- - -
<br /> immediatefy prior w ths acquisiaon. �
<br /> --- 6.Oowpaucy,Pre�vattoa,Mst�tensnce and Pirotec�oa oi the Pmpxrty;Borrower's Loaa Appl�icsttoa;I.casehalda. _,_
<br /> —_--`_=eYi�� Bnmower sball occupy.establisb,and nse the Pruperty as Borrower's principal residence within si�ty days after the eaecurion of �="�-_- _ .-
<br /> __ this Securiry Instnuneat sud s6all eontinue to ooaipy the Property as Bmrower•s prineipal resideaoe for at least one year after _---
<br /> the data of aocupancy,unless Lender othernise agre�in writing,which oonsent shall not be u�reasonably wit6tteld.or unless
<br /> ---_-��� extenuatiag cirauastanoes exist which are beyoad Borrower's oormol. Bormwer shaU not destroy. damage or impair_the -
<br /> ,���_y • - Propecty.allow the Pmperty to deu�riorate.or commit waste on the P�operty.Boma�rer shall be in default if any fosfe� -_=
<br />��`'"� action or pmoaeding,whether civil or criminal,is 6egua that in Lender's goad faith judgment ooutd res�ilt in fotfeitu�oF the ---
<br /> Pmperty or othenvise materialty impair the lien cmated by t6is Sec4rity rncn,imP„t or I.ender's s$curity intei+est.Borr�wer�aY --—i� '
<br /> _ • �'�� �cure such a default and ceinstate.as pmvided in patagreph 18,by causing the action or pmceeding to be dis�ssed with s niliag .�?� �_ -
<br /> } • _u<'..�"�t� thaz, in Lender's good faitb determinadon. pre►�udes forfeiture of the Borrower's intecest in the Property ar other raatetial -�'-''�°A
<br /> ; 84� :(ti.\�?nr.'.:. . . ' �=�
<br /> ,,�.. impairmeni of the lien.created by this Security Uisaument or Leader's security imerest. Horrower shatl_alsa be in defaiilt if _ :� __
<br /> �rt���"'=�,�� Homower.durin the loan lic�tion , ve mazeriall false or inaccurate infonnation or statements Oo.�.ender or failed ---
<br /> � $c;�:kf� S aPP P� 8a Y { ��A.
<br /> �� <i�i`:r�=�.,�' .^�� (o provid�Lender with any material information)inconnection with the loan evidenced by the Note. iaclading,but aot iim� � .s; ���:�r
<br /> _ ���;<�;•:�:;
<br /> ;�c�,;;�,,:°'�.� .. iv.represeatation4 conceming Borrower's oocupaucy of the Property as a principa!residence.If this Se�auit�r Instruiuem is on a :: '.°� t , �
<br /> ��:��:�• _ [eas�hald. Borrower st� 1 with all the �+n�,s�ons of tha lease. If Borrower a res fee tiue to.ttre Pro � ;:'''.� :..i�'
<br /> .��, �P Y p � PertY�.�e ;xy>�. r',��•.:
<br /> ` y�, , '�: 'Ieasehald and the fee tide shali not me untess i.end;.r �' � �'�''t��
<br /> . r�e agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> rg
<br /> V � •° 1:R�terttoa of Lemtler's Rights ie�41te Pt�uperty.lf Borrower fails to perform the coveaa�-rts and agreements contaivaci in �: '���
<br /> - _ =° this Securityc lnsuument. or there is a lega!ptnceeding that may signifiranQy affect Lender s ii�ts in the Property (sucb as a .'. .: �"���'�, -�;:
<br /> • _�'.��•�-!, � ''�� proceeding in ba�ilcruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce taws or reLeatauonc),then Lender may do and . '�-�` �'�_
<br /> ��;,,�....� � :;,•
<br /> -�`;••• � pay for whatever is necesszry to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Pmperty. Lender's actions may . ` ,• -
<br /> ?.�y'?::".:� ":��� . ' include paying at�y sums. secured by a lien which has priority over this Securaty Inswment.appearing in court. paying �
<br /> t��� ;'ti`� ,..�'' � . . reasanable attomeys'fees aad entering on the Property to make repairs.Aithough�.ender may takcaction under this paragrapd � '`•:t�`i .
<br /> • ' 7.Lender does not have to do sa. � . ' �
<br /> '',:�,�. °�,;,_�,'�. . ���� Any amounu disbursed by L.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become addiiional debt of Borrower.secured Dy tius
<br /> 'r '�i;�ti�;::: �. ` Sacurity Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender aa°ree to other terms of paymenc,these amounts shall bear interest from the �: .,., �• :-�
<br /> �;� 1.^ :' „ 5= �..
<br /> ::,�-, ._ , , date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest. upon e�otice from Lender to Bc�aower requescing � � .
<br /> payment. _ ... �•
<br /> ' ✓'s :; .�''� ` ' 8.Mortgage In.auance.If Lend:r required mortgage insurance as a candition of making thr loan secured by this Sec�rity � `' ` '
<br /> f ,E_�;�,;:,, �.. � lnstrument. Borrower sha!!pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason. the � - °
<br /> �x�1"� .•'- ° mort a e insurance cove e uired b L.ender 1 ses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall � �
<br /> ' `.t7'�Y}i,_�_ �, 8 8 T�8 �! Y aP PaY ihe ps�miums required to ; , .
<br /> ��.�,.•�f�;,-,� , abtain rnverage substantialty equivatent to the mortgaae insurnnce previausly in effect,at a mst substantially equivalent to the '' � .� ���
<br /> �� `��`� � • � cost to Horrower of the mortgage insarance previously in effect.from un altemate mortgage insurcr approved by I.ender. If •
<br /> ..i;,��'�:,� ,, substan6atly equivalent mortgage insurance mverage is not avaitabfe.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ' ,
<br /> �' �,<� � one-twelfth of the earl mort a e insurance remium bein a:d b Borrower when the insurance cover� e 1 sed or ceased to " �' .
<br /> �5 .';�;�. .` Y Y S 8 P S P � Y � aP , , :
<br /> be in effect.Lender wilt a+ccept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> �;� .
<br /> . '•r ,t: Form 3Q28 9/90 .
<br />- ',i- 'rs�-,°� Caqe3or6 . �, ..
<br /> � i�'�..-.u. . - i�Y;�.;r , , .. •
<br /> =� . . .. ':��.;�;X .
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