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<br /> 1 _`��__��"n T:t ."�`'v�,.,_.�„r-*�T�]iY'Yf:it�i4L�� � `-`, .. . . ._ `-.
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<br /> � �V���
<br /> -- - , � , . .7'OG�ER WP�H ait ttie€aoproveanents now ar Qereafter eiiected on the�vp�sit}r.'a�t!a11�ments.�:ead
<br /> --� . . � ao�ar �cr a gart of_ril�e�pmperty. A11 cep2acements end additions st�ll silso be aovered by this $ecuriry
<br /> - -- — --- _.e..._�-'�9.-ci�.�B•�1II�-$��Efe�3lLi�i-s��..�'�i.s�ssr.lmessE-9r-tL�'�"��r=°=�--}-_- =-__--='--', ' _
<br /> - - . �BORRONl3R CQWEI�FFANTS tIIat�ornswer is lawrtiillx seised�f the esmte hereby wnvesred aud ti�s the clgttt to gean�alo� __ —
<br /> - -= oonvey ttie Pmpeny sud Wat the Fmpetty is uaenwmbened.exoept for enemnbrances of teooscl.�orrower.wartants ancl cvlll
<br /> — - defeud geaeraily the titte to the Pnuperty sg�st ali c2aims a�demands.subject w any emcumbtances of reoprd. .
<br />-- ._ - 'i'EtIS SECURITY INSIY�UN�N'f oo�biacv�miform covenanta for o�onai use au�aonamifom�eave�ts tvtth limit� ;
<br /> _ -- - vuri�ttdss 6y jmrisdictiE�to const�ute a uniform a�cvriry insnvment o6verjng real prnperty. • ,
<br /> -- -- -- . UNfftlRM OOVENANTS.Sormwer end 38nder ooveaant aad ag�ee es foQows:. ' • -
<br />�� � ' � I..Fqycaent oi�edndpai end Intez+es� Pre�eat and�.ete Charges. Borrower shaU pmmptiyr pay whea due tlise _
<br /> ` _ _ . _ ;.:pi�nctpal of and intemst on the de1�t_evideneed by the Note aud anY P�Payment and tate cGarge�due uader We Note. � -- - -- -
<br /> ;�-__- - - �
<br /> _ ..
<br /> - -
<br /> =�,__ Z. Ftmds for Taaes aa�Iasuraace.$ubject to applicable law or to a written waiver�y Lender,Bomowez s6at1 pay w
<br />_��. Le�tdcr on the day montiilY Paymeuta are due under the Note..unW the Note is patd in full.a sum('Funds'�for:(a)Y�Y�� _--
<br />-_ aad asses�wIuch may anain priority over this SeMUiry Insuument as a liea on tLe Progerty:(D)yearty leasehatd gayments =_
<br />- or gruund ceats on tQe Propecty,if anY:(�1 Y�Y��or pnopenjr insuraaoe.premiums:{d)Yeari3►ttoad insutanoe premiums, = - -
<br />- if any.(e)Year1Y mortgage insL�+nos piemiwns.if any:and(�anY�PaYabte by Sorcower W Ixnder�in a000:daaoe with
<br /> �` visio�ia of h S in lieu of the of mort e insuianoe iemiums•'These items are called'Escmw Items.' -_ -
<br /> the pro P��P , Pd+Y�� � P
<br /> Le�ader may. at any time. oollect and hold Funds in an amount not w exceed the maximum amount a iender for a fateraliy �.,=- -.
<br /> - relaud mortgage ioan may requi�e for Borrower's eserow acoount�utder the federal Real.Estate Settlemeat Proceduies A�of .°��_-_ - -
<br /> 1974 as amertdai fmm time to time.12 tJ.S.C. Section 260!et seq.(°RFSPA"),unless aaother law ttz.lt applies to the FaaQs ---- _ -- ---
<br /> r',3- � sets a leuer amount. If so, i.eader may, at any time,oollect aad hotd Funds in an emowu aot to exceed the tesser atnount. ��r=-=
<br /> 3:='�:_. !w,E.--=�
<br /> • �.,_•;���: Lender may estimate the amount of Fuads due oa the 6asis of cuaent data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of fuwre , ,,,�,:y,�_
<br /> �.. � ri-�_ Fscnow�tems ur otherv�ise in a000r+dance with applicable law. �•�. :' rt` �. _
<br /> ��.��..T�=°,W�,� 1'�Funds sAall be held in en institudon whose deposTs are insured by a fed�ri agency, insuutneutality. or entity <<-___
<br /> — . ,�.:,.. _:;`3i-':'»'� �.r•r�,:�-,.�_-
<br /> ;�: :��.-., ;�;:. ' f inelud:u�'I.ender.if i.ender is sarFi�a insritutiQU)or in any 1�e�3.,°r�l Home Loan Bank.�shail apply the Funds w pay the =.:_; -.�_.
<br />_ �_.� 8 =
<br /> _ ,._,..�`,��i`= . Fscrow Items.Lender may not d2aige Borrower�r.�blding and apP�Y�S�Funds.annua!!y aoatyzing the�scrow acoount,or
<br /> .�_
<br /> � �����'���:=`�- � `� -_
<br /> " ,�y ,.. •�. �: ., verifyiag the Escrow Items,untes's Le�der pays�axrnwer interest on the Fur�is and applicabte law pemuts Lemder to make such . ,�
<br /> - =�'_� '< ...`�.`�.-: I a char�e.However.Lender may requice Borrower to pay a Qr�e-time charge£ar an ind�ent real estate tax reporting service ' '°�:�.�
<br /> s;: ' �ced t�.Lender in wnnection with this loan. unless appiica�'�e taw provides othe�sssse.. Unless an agreeaient is made or °_
<br /> , c ,
<br /> �� applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lendet si;ail not be tequirod to pay Borrower aQy interest or earaings on dre Funds. �,��Y{"�;:
<br />- '.;`���``� \��:+� Borrower aad Lender:nay agee in writing.howe+er,thut interest shall be pxid on t6e"Fuads. Lendei 3tall give to Borrower. . ----.__-
<br /> - _ �'� `'"� without chasge. an annual accounting of the Fn�s.showing credits and deFr"ss to the Funds and the purpose for wtuc6 each ^:_"'�'�-
<br /> _' �.-
<br /> • , � ,.'-„ ( debit to the Funds was ri�ade.T4e Funds are pleda�d as additional security farat!sums seau�ac!by this Secudty Iustmatent. � __
<br /> <r, � If the Funds held by IBnder.exs�t!ths acu�uats permitted to be held by appiicab2e taiarr.Lender sdaU aceount to Borrower �•�` y '
<br /> � �:n�l'>" f . ].��
<br /> C.;,,•`��,�` a�,� ,.. for t6e excess Funds in accatsdance c�i�cE�t�e�rirements of applira�le law. If tlze amu�of the Funds held by Lender at any ::,,��.�3 r -
<br /> ra
<br /> � , :';�'�` � �'.� ` titne is not suffictent to pay ti�e Escrow Rems�w�a due.Lender may so notify Borrower ii wriang,and.in such case Borrower f�*��''' � � �, -
<br /> ��'����ti r , � ��` ` i . . _ shalt pay ro Lender tfie amount aecessary to make up the deficiency. Borm�er shat!a�Tse up the defciency in no more than „ .-
<br /> �,�����F,� .- . twelve monthly payments.at i.ender's sole discreuon. . , � �• ��"
<br /> ; ,:;� �� �. �'. + [Ipon payment in full of a!l sums secuted by this Security Instrument.F.eiader sha1F prompily refund to Borrower any "'� ' - "
<br />- � ` ' �='�'''`�'•'••=�'=`�- ! Fundaheid by Lender. If,under paragraph 21. E.ender shall acquire or selI t[ie Propert�.Ixnder.prior to the acquisiuon or sale __� '`�' " }
<br /> • _ _,:-tiT�-.
<br />.—� � .t�•. ' ' i�•H•"' . . . i. l.
<br /> . of the Property.shaU apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit againsc the sums secured by ,. :•����
<br /> r . ' �-.: � this Secutity Insttument. , � � ,.".-
<br /> •.,;. .
<br /> 5, •.. .ti_ . : i. . `;':'aa
<br /> , 3.Appltcation of Paytrtents.Unless applicable Iaw provides otherwise.ali pa}•meacs rereived by Lender under paragraphs . -
<br /> ?: . � . , 1 anc4.2 shall be applied:first.tu any prepayment charges due under the Note:second. ta asnounu payable under paragaph 2: . " •
<br /> �� � . ttiird,to interest due:fourth,toprirtcipal due:and last,to any late charges due under the'�o�. ` ��
<br /> � ; j �� �' 4. Cha�ges; Liens.Borron•er shall pay all taxes.asscssmen�s,charges. fines acd irnpositions attributable to the Property , ' � . , � '
<br /> j � :�;.' �� , which may attain priority over this Serurity Instrument, and leasehold pa}�mentc or grovnd rents. if any. Borrower shal)pay . ` � ,
<br /> • . ''.' these obligations in�he manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in tAat manner.8onower shall pay them on time directly '� . . `.�`.
<br /> to the person o�ved paymcnt. Borroa•er shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices af zc;,rronts to be paid under this paragraph. ; . ` .. .
<br /> �• . - • �_ If Borro�ver makes thex payments directly,Borrower�hall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the paymenu. • �„v:.�:.. "� . _
<br />-�. . � „ ,� Barrower shall prumptly discharge any lien which has priority aver this Scwurity Instrument unless Borrower. (a)agrees in .� �;t� ;, ,
<br /> '. �� writing to the payment of the obligation tiecurcJ by the lien in a manner acreptable to Lender;(b)cantests in good faith the lien ' _� . :.',
<br /> N� '� �� � ' by, or defends against enforeement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender s opinion operate to prevent ihe ' '�;;:�
<br /> ' ��:, " � enforeement of the lien:or(c)secures frnm lhe hoWer ui the lien an agreement satisfact��r� to I.ender subordinating the lien tn ,�f .
<br /> `;• " • ' this Securiry instniment. If Lender detcrmines that any part of the Property i�tiubject tn a tien tivhich may attain prinrity over ''�
<br /> _ . this Security Instrument.Lender n�ay give Burra�ver a notice identifying the lien. Hurcc�urr shall sati�fy the lien or take une ar '� �`�'c�
<br /> ;:;: ` • � �• more of the actions set forth above within !0 day+at the gi�•ing of notice. .� .
<br /> � � w�aoae aiso � � .
<br /> i', � � .
<br /> �. _ . . . • vage 2 or e • .
<br /> .�, . • �
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