3r �'.. �' " ".t; ` - �l 4 _—iY .Z'..�_ ��. . 71. � ia>. - .�e r �� —__
<br /> ' } ' � `r ".,-:�i.� .� s�'. Ga�,"Yf -.. . . . . . .� ... _ ._ ; . .__ __
<br /> ""�'-:--v-"� ' .• _�_..���'�_ ° 'L ��, t _ . °- ——.�Q-!,r�s._.``s� ,�_
<br /> _. '--'• -
<br /> Z-: K�_i.v:: �Hi`��<'...� . .t T iR _ _ .''PP[�r++:�-s_ � _ _ _ _ _ `� _-_
<br /> � ..w: .. ' � 1� _ _
<br /> - a�� 1� !. .. . ' i � .. � ` _ " C_�.�'L���.z--vLr-C -_. .-...
<br />—�f 1 `t�t._`C�0•��`• � =� - i , , . a '� - " . . ' .. _ • l . _
<br /> A��
<br /> _ .; � ,. . . � .� ' , �3- , ��0�3�4 � _
<br /> _ -� ' egplica'ble�w�ay spc�ci�j►for�;��r►�*�+ent�tiefo�e sate of the A�aperty purs�aat tu any paarer of spte ooma#nea ta t�ds
<br /> - —_ --==SEC&'�i i�",�SSitiIRt:1'.�l����&i�t-�@���a"--�-��1lces��mant_'}���4_.nfl�;h9tRmma..Tr. �=== = - — - -
<br />--- _ -- __ , payaLender�ll sums a�ich tbeo wou�d be due un�er this Secu�inr lastrumeat and_Bte Note as if no�ocelpatloA kad �
<br />-- - ucc�md:(b)cares any dsfautt of auy other covea�nts or ag,roemenls:(c)PaYs ell expeas�s incumed In enfo�ihis Securiry
<br /> --- . Iastcu�ent;inciud'mg,bui aot l�ed'to.reasonab2e suameys•fees:ena(d1 t�es sucb a�on as I�nder may reasonabTy
<br /> � --- req�te to assare that the liea of tbis'Seauiry Taguume�i�ende�s dghts ia tDe Fz+uperty and Bomotiverts obligatian t,Qpay the�
<br /> — - sums sec�d Dy this Secudry Insutmueent shaIi ooatinue imchaaged. Upon �instatement Hy Bonmv�r, tNs Security .
<br /> _ � Instcdment an,d t[te obligattons.se�vred 6ere�y shall reroain fulty effectiye as if an acceteiation had occ�mted: Iiowever.t�is
<br />�_<
<br />�` tig�t to��s��t ia the caae aY�oet�at�aa uade� h 17.. -_� . _
<br /> �:� iSi Saie ai Noie;Ch�n o!Loan Servic� 'The Nata or 8�pazdai iate�st in the Note(together with t�is S�ity — __
<br /> `�_ __ - - _ - --- . . - ia�iiment)maY be so2d oae or more timmes without prior notioe w Bom�wer. A sale may res�ilt in a change in the entity - -
<br /> ._
<br /> (knawn as the"Loan Se�rioer")that co�teps monthiy payments due uader tt�eNote aiad tbis-Security?rist�umem. There atso
<br /> � ���- �. may 6e one or mure changes of the Loan Seivicer�elated to a sate of r����tote. if these is a diaag�ai the Loaa Setvioer, .'.:, ���-
<br /> -� Boaower�ill be'"'vea written notice of dce chan in aocordanoe vt�it�Fz-��14 above an� fIcab2e law. The notice;�;:`,�-•,`:.� -.�,�-�-�`
<br /> cv�!state th��n�am��n�s.�s��,a ss�the new Lma�Se�rv'icer and the add�s ic�;�c�pa�uee�nts s6anld�.b�mmde: 'ihe nutice w� .;� ���::
<br /> �� ,a?sa�':�a�i:�'ta:Asr�'�'uarequirect��?`:�Cabletaw �:.,; , � � ����_
<br /> '��, ' . �.� - ,���Sn�tance� Homuwe��uot ca�rse arp�ua�dte�msence.use.disposal.starag�;or ietease of azry .` — -
<br /> ;,.;�; ti ` '��i�on or in the Progetty.��$onower shall not do,nor allow anyoae else w do.anything affecdng the -
<br />_�: > . ..�� --� Pi�ertjr t6at is id violation of any Bnvlroameatal Law. The p�eceding hvo seatttences sflall aot apply to the p�sence.as�cu' ------ � `
<br /> - . ��_. - storage on the Properry of smalt quaati6es of Hazaidaus Sltbstaaces thai are generally recognized w be appmpr�ate to uormal tsr�^r--�--�.
<br /> - �°y;;r�'-''� r e s i d e n t i a l u s e s a n d t o m a i m e a a n ce o f t h e P i o p e r t y. ..��.-.�" �
<br /> _ ':��t;�� __;.��.... �r._--
<br /> - � ``'- �' Ho:mwer sball rom ve Lender wcitten noti�e of an mve� on,claim.demand.tawsuit or other acdon b en -°-
<br /> �.- �:°� A PUY 8� Y� 8� Y Y =���-�-
<br /> �T:r�:_ �.. s �
<br /> .- � governm�atal or regvlatory agency or private patty involving the Property and any Hazsudouo Subswnce or Enviroamental ;r. ,
<br />� *��i`� ���� � Law of whicb Homuwer Ans nctual lmowledge. If Borrower [eams.or ia notifed by any govemmcnutl or�egWatory --���
<br /> ,yrri �7%r„•�` c• F �_
<br /> _ , �z au t ho r l ry.t h a t aay temov a l ar o t her reme d l a t ton o f u n y H a z a r d o u s S u b s w n c c u f f e c t i n g t h c P r o p e c t y I s n e c e s s e ry.B o r r o w e t _
<br /> ;� � � slzall promptty takc ull neocs�nry remcdiui ucGonw in accordunce witA 8nvironmentul Law. - _==�---�
<br /> - � � `` = As used in tNs paragraph 10.°Nazat�doua Subsmnccs"arc thosc RuDstance�dcfined ng toxic or haxardous su6stunces by . 'w="�
<br /> � " `�� Envimnmentnl l.nw artd tAe tu!luwing auDwwnees: gasotine.keroserte.other flammabte or toxie petroteum producta.to�cic �� �
<br /> _'_:..�.: �� , � . •
<br /> ' " ' � �"" pestictdcs nnd he�bfcldes.votadte Rolvents. matcriut�containins asbestos or[ormaldehyde.und rndInuctiive materials. As '
<br /> � ,� ,��'�.'.���„��.:. '� used In this patogruQh Z0."�nvironmental Luw"racana federal laws and laws of the jurisdtctIon where the Property is[ocated - (_ �
<br /> ` `,�.-. • . t4a��elacc to he�lth.sofety or envimnmenuil pmtectIon. `"` ,-
<br /> n� � � �� � �,� NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower artd Lertdr.�e further coveaant and agree as foltows ., �
<br /> � ° .'.;;,: 2t. Aceeieratton:Remedtes. l.eader shs�U give aatiee to Borrower pdor to scceteratlon[ulIowing Borrnwe�e ...,�.;';;��;: ;
<br /> � . . " . , breacD of any coveaant or sge+eement in Wa Securtty Iast+rament(hut aot grior to aooe�eration uader paragraph 17 .--�--�—.
<br /> °.� � '� unl�appllcaDTe taw pmvfd�otRerwtse). 7De nuttce aRst�specfty: ta)the defaal�(b)the action e+equired to au+e the t �� �,��~"��;-.
<br /> � . dePaWh,(c)a dat�riot Iesv than 30 days tlram t�e dat,r t�e mtice is giv+en to Borruwer,by whlcd t6e detauIt must be ;`;c���'. -.:°��---_
<br /> • �-`', �,. =_---
<br /> '�U � : �' w�+ed:and(d)t�at taUore to cune the defaWt oa or Defare the date specdfled in the uottee may rPSWt in aooelernttoa of y::;s:,•:f:r:'`�=-�
<br /> . .,'r..::. :. . .�' the saws seavred 6y tNs Se�rIty Ia�trument and�[e�St�e Property. 74�e aot[ce shall fiuWer tnform Borrower oi �:�t:'>;.{,>,'` �y
<br /> � . . We�t to retnstate after ecoeteraHon and t6e rtgt�4 to��g a oourt adioa to asscrt the aau�extstence ota defan[t or� .i�;�.��:,•°'-*s. ' `
<br /> eny other defense of Borrower to acceteratlor�aud sat� �Y the defaWt is not c+n+ed on or 6efor�We date spectHed in :,�.'`,..��.� ;�.�_
<br /> „ :. , e. �. .
<br /> _ _ .�. .�s..� � �..�.• the notioe,LernIer a!tis optEon may require immedoaf,s g��ment in fuU olaU sams secuned by tWs Secnrfty Iastnuaent :._: '�-; . ,�. � -
<br /> • er`;.` wiWout Porthee demand and may invoke tne power�F sale and any other remedtes Permitted 6Y aPl�llca6le taw. ;-:''?-.__'.•;.�`, �,_
<br /> ` Lemder shall he entitted to caflect a0 eapeusea iacnar¢�ia pursuing the remedies pmvlded ia this ParagraPh 21, ' •� ��.� '� -
<br /> x�.��: , :,
<br /> ' } . : fiacdadtag,bat noi UmIted to�,c+easona6te attorneys'fees aacd c�ts of titte eviden� - ��--�..�
<br /> � ` `' ' L If the gower of sale is u�voked,7lrustee sbalt recoed a notioe ot defatilt in eadt ootwty ta wl�ich aqy pmr��¢II�e '��":��.;:;s._'
<br /> �t
<br /> ;,.' ' :. ProPeKY Is I�ated and shall mail oopies mYs�ach notice In the mann�r pmessrl6ed by appllcable law to Borrower sn�4a •. . �'.^=
<br /> �.t . �: the other per.�ans prescri6ed by applIca�Ye� Af�er the tFane mcg�l by applica6te law,ltnstee shall give pu69lc '� .; ='t ° �,:..
<br /> • 1 •; : :',. - . nqSce oY aele to the pessons and in tIle maaaer�ed by applirab2e law ltugtee.without demand on Borrowe� ��. � .°� ` '.���.-
<br /> a:'. , . .,�. 5:��,r;�... ...,..:�:�:• ;�.':
<br /> s�all seU the Pmperty at pmt�l�c sucttoa to tIIe hEghess�Ba�lder at We ttme and ptaae and under the te�s deslguated ia ,�.;y;;�,.. . ,.
<br /> � " t�e notice of sale in one or�om parceis and ia any���r'llvstee determine.s. 7t�astee may pactpone sale of all or any ��<.��;.� . • ..
<br /> � �; , . . . ��5�;���,,... : .��. ':
<br /> , p.arcel of the l�agcsty by{��61Ic announcement at the tume and place of any prevIously schedWed sale. Lender or tts �
<br />_ ' '� . " :• . . desJgnee may�chase tHe Property at any sate. . �.. "-'
<br /> � � lJpon se�ipt of payment of ttte prtce btd,llrustee sLall deSvee to the pandaser 7�rustee's deed conYeyiag the _
<br /> . - �� , �u+ogerty. TAe redtals In the 1Yvstee's deed edall be pri�na facte evldence of We trut6 of the statements made Werein �,� �
<br /> •; :� . . �. ; �bvastee shaU apply the prnceeds of the sale in the[aIIawu�;or�er: (a)to all oosfs and expenses of exercLstag the power � :" ' • �
<br /> - �r. . . ..
<br /> \`� ,�t' .. = ..i . . ,
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