.�E .�-F � + }' ;5.:��`y�r`' 'iII"� , C=`__, � � t�`,.; ��_ _— __ .
<br /> _ bw . _ _ ' ' _ _' _ _� .- . _._—__.._
<br /> � _'9; ;.``,rIT'� y�- .c^Q"�.i_. � _ - -�� . ,;,� ..� v. _ _ABak�S^
<br /> C � ` ' �Ji, (�.._ ` - ..' -_ i}
<br />��F �C , � .. � . . . . . ' � � . . . t , - , �"'. �
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<br /> -. . ' v �` .. . `(� . � ` o�, c���� ,, t, . . .� _ � ' . ._.
<br /> condemnmiaa os ott�er takia of aA ` of th�I'to � �J ' " . .
<br /> � Y� . P�7►►or forcame�r�ce in`tIqu af�mndemaatiun►are heretiy nasigaed and'
<br /> � tn tae esrent of e mia�mhing of tFie Propetty,..the�p� 's�atl be applieQ t�t4►e ssims aecured by thLs Secdrityr -
<br /> ` : �nstcumcut.�t1►er ar aot then du�wi�an�►exoess paiit to�w�r. Ia the oveat of a paNa!mking of ttte Proptrty in
<br /> -- w�idr d►s fair mark�t,value of tfle P�etty ia�mediately befur+e t�te�g is equal tat o�gceater thsa the amouut of the svms
<br /> 6bguted Dx thL4.�'lCUt�tY 7n �m►•M�nediatsiy bef�+e the ealdng�ut�2CSS Honvwet 8�d Le11dCC otheewISe 0g[�!@�II wlidII�
<br /> _ the s�sms seeut�ed�y�his Security Instiumeat shaU�e ceduoed by the amaunt of tYis prooee�s.muidplirA Dy the fo�towing
<br />— - ' fracflo� ta)t�t tutal amuunt af Wc3 sua�a seCeued irrim�iate3y befar�t�e�g,divIded by(b)the fuir markst vatue of dce —
<br />- - PfopertY immc�aterS+befbt��the t�g. AnY batffi►ce shall i�e pald.co Bomnwer. W the ev�m af a pmtial mking af-tt� - --
<br />_- Ptoperty ui which the fair market�vsIue of ths Pruperty�imanediatefy 8efare t�e takiqg is less thaa t�e amount of the sums
<br />� ,
<br />=�-----------I -- -- ----------- -sesaned9mma�tet�r_before.thcs.a�king,�nless_Bosower aad I�dcr ot#�wise agcee in wriang or unIess appficaBle taw ----_---_ _ _ .
<br />-::... ott�wise provFdee.the pmcxeds sttall 6e agplied to the sums seeured by this Security inst:ument wfiether or nuf t5e sums afe --
<br />� � then d�ie.
<br /> - If tRe An�erry is abandoned by�ormwer,or if,aRer notice by i.ender w Bo�rnver that the condem�or offers to make —
<br />-�`'` au ewatd oi seu2e a claieaa for damages,Botrower faiL4 to zespoud ta Lender within 30 days a�er the date the ao�ce is giveo, --
<br />_��� Lend�r is authasized���ecc.and appiytDe p�nceedsoat its op�:eit��p;�rioa or�epais of tbe Pmpeity ar to the =_:-
<br /> p ncee s ,� , .
<br /> sums secur�dD�rttis S� ��� � whetaeror aot theadu�. ... :��• . : ..
<br /> � Unless,,Leadea a�d�'��c ci��se agre,�ia writ�gt�}����� �.:•�rtq�cipa!shall not extend sz�,' --- --__
<br />�4 � pastpnnet�e.t�,s�da�o��iuoiuhtjr�pay'�neaLsrefeuedta�p�ag2a�t�s.t�zC���'t'�'�:��ntofsUChpaymentg. :� _
<br />_ . .�:$.�tnua�er��<$�e2eased; Hlurbearesce Bp�Le��i,�+Ia�`z�'�h�3t�...�aCtensioa:oi tIle tmie for payment br � � -_ -
<br />�� �r , �• �, � ::,.�pz�c�ri�amoro�3tion 4f the sums secured by this•Sec�dty�-avntent�Dy-Lender ta any s�ccessor in in�ec�est. -_
<br />�, ` ." � :=bf Bornn��r slzall not opeiate to ielease the liahitity of the origina►Horcuwer or Borrower�s aucce.uots m iutenest Lsnder = ._
<br /> � ��:r;•::'�,• �` shall IIot be cequired to oommence pmceedings against any successor in interest or r�fuse to extend time for paymene or x�.�E-
<br />-- a S, o i li e r w i s e m o d i f y a m o r t i z a fl o n o f t h e s m n s s e c u�b y t h i q S e c u r i ry I n s tr u m e n t b y t e a s o n o f a n y d e m e n d m ade b y the ori g i n a l ���-
<br /> � �•:-�a�: y� Bamower or Borrower3 successors in interest. An forbearance b Lender in ea�er¢ising any rIght or remed shall noi be a •'`"r'.
<br />_ �:: s-� ��-�.;__r- � Y Y y -=- �
<br />-- `��" ` '"�:-;=t�'°�T waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or�aedy. --. `.' _
<br /> �.-�.:,�- ,,, ��_
<br /> � `"�t- 12. Suaeeswrs eQd As�igns Bound;Jotnt ead Several ida6iltty;Caslgneea The covenants aad agreements of this ` �.- .•,��
<br />= �?- Security tnswment shall bind and benefit the successore and assigns of Leader and Honower.suAject to tM provisions of ';:i�� _
<br /> ' � _ ° �` paragraph 17.Horrowerls covenants and agreements shail be joint end several.Any Botrowet wAo casigns this 5ecurity �.����:_'�•�
<br /> �: � �'-����=r'•�` Inswment but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mongoge.grant and convcy that - -
<br /> � �`��'`�'�"��'' � � Barmwet a interest in the Pr�uperty under the terms ot this Security Insuumenr (b)is not peBOnalty obligated to pay the eums -
<br />.a�. L�.�....y v-r..4 . ,;� '_:
<br /> •��.-�� •• secured by tlus Security insuument:and(c)agrees that i.ender and any other Botrower may ogrce to extcnd.modify.forbenr
<br /> �;;}; � , . . or make any acrnmmadatlons with regaN to the tertns of this Security Instrument or the Note without tAat Bomawerts �. ; �:���
<br /> ,. � , consen� � � •
<br /> ` � 1� Loan Chargca. iF the laan secured by this Securiry Instcument is subject to e law which sets ma�ciatum loan `��-�
<br /> d• r' .. .- ' c. . ____ _
<br /> � � ' charges,artd that law is finally intetpicted so that the intemst ur other loan charges coUected or to be coitected in cannection �: ' .. �=_---!
<br /> � `:�` wiih the toan e�ceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such toan cAarge shall be reduced by the nmount necessary to reduce n_ �, :;'�-�:�
<br /> �' ' . the charge to the permiued limit;end(b)any sums already coltected from Borrawer which eaceededpermlued limlts will be �, -� _'°,,�:
<br /> � . „• • iefunded to Borrower. Leader may choose to m�(ce this cefund Dy reducing the principal owed nnder the Note or by roaking a � '� 7� :-"�
<br /> ' dimct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the�eduction will be treated av a partial prepayment without any t:•.: �' _
<br /> - - , piepaymene charge unde��he Noce. ::_.. ,�_. .., ' -
<br /> . 10. Nottces. Any notice to Bonower.pruvided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by detivering it or by •� ` • ::!x`- �=-
<br /> ::.. '. ' � .• �::� � �,,, . - . ���,:.
<br /> mtdling it 6y first ctas�mail unIess applicabte!aw requires use of another method.Ttte notice shall 6e directed to the Ptoperty �?_': :' _.���'���:�—'��
<br /> �"��, ���� � '�'''�- Address or an other address Borrowec desi ates b notice to Lender. An notice to Lender shall be ven b first class "``" �'•_:.�:-
<br /> � ��;. , y � Y Y � Y �.;:.: +., ,.
<br /> : �`"`�' '" • . � c��� muit tol.ender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any aouce prorided for �.:?;� •:�� '�
<br /> ��� ���` ,:� ' � in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as p:�ovided in tiris • ' '�S�•�':'" ��R
<br /> ,ti,., _
<br /> f.�'� .. . � P�S�Ph ' . i��'j�.+;,�'-'
<br /> ��`� . :���``�.;�: �'.�T
<br /> ���s'� 15. Govert�3ng Law;Severa6ility. This Securiry Instrument shall be ga�-emed by federal law a^c3 the law of the , t•,�,��,�f .,.,;. -
<br /> .,._,
<br /> y;,���,. : , jurisdiction in whtch the Prope�ty is locaced Irt ths event that any provision or c[a.�:�e af this Security Instrum�t or the Note ,:,�`.:. , �.:.;+;F°..:•.' ::�
<br /> � e
<br /> �=�;:w` confliots with applicable law,such conflict shaDE rta>a�`fect other provisions of thi�Security Inswment or the t�`ote which can ; . ?�s.�,';<;���:`:' ��':�
<br /> 1 ;t, , - ;,,,� : :
<br /> :�r��`' ''�;:::.; be given effect without the conflictirr provision. .To thls end the provisioas of th�s Security Instrument and the Note are ;�';, :;�,<��Z >
<br /> - ;,i t�,''� ���,,i,?,:. declared to 6e severabte. ,`'4': }.
<br /> �,.�.\,�t�' - • 16. Borr�ower'aCopy. Bonower shaq be given one conformed copy of the tiote and of this Security Inswment. ;" ,
<br /> 17. 7Yansfer mf u��Property or a 8eneflcial Interest in Borrower. If a[1 or any part of the Prope�ty or any interest in . '
<br /> ,: ��: .
<br />- ��� it is sold or transferced��ar if a benefccial interest in Horrower is sold or uansf�red and Borrower is not a natural person) w • •:
<br /> tir r ._:;,:: . . ,_- .
<br /> , ��"``:'�• : , withoat Lertder's prvr uTiren consent.Lender may.at its option.requim imaca;iate payment in full of aU sums secured by �+'s . '. �
<br /> .�: . � .s:tr""''-::::.':.
<br /> .: . . this Secc�rfy tnscnmzerst. However.this option shall not 6e exercised by Lender if exereise is prohibited by federal law as of +�•..• •:t���1= �c°s,,•- ;•;;:.
<br /> . . . the dace ef[�4is Securt Instmmenc � ,� ,,�•.:...,�,.r"�.. ':
<br /> � �` � If I.e�zCer eztrci�s this o ption.Lender shall give Horrower notice of acceteiation. The nouce shall p rovide a p eriod mf � � '�`� `�,t�Y,���,';� �,��;`
<br /> • ei
<br /> : � not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this r:� �< <'�}>..,:•: ��,;:;
<br /> , . .;.;;:r;����:, E .
<br /> �; .� • , • Secacity Instrumer.E_ [f Boaower faits to pay these sums prior to the expiration of thjs period.Lende:rtray invoke any ;,:; ;`;�;;:,,. ,
<br /> �,_ �
<br /> : .�_ � �, remedies pem�itted 6y tPsis Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. � : ': .S�Y:=�:�`� �
<br />. 18. Bo�roaer's R}ght to Reinstate. If Borrower meetc certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have '� � '�s"�":�:���:�'�
<br /> r,.;, .
<br /> !;-� • ' '''"'' enforcement of this Securiry lnstrument discontinued at su�y time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as ���•`-�'�" �
<br /> .r�.. , � �_ � � �_ �� ��•
<br /> : ' Singlc F�mily•-Fennie�fndFeeddie�fuc C\IFORSf I�STIt[7�iE.VT—Unifarm Covenan�� 4/90 (PoRe4 njb pcgeal � � ' , . .
<br /> .,f . k: .. , .
<br /> . 3:u. � - . ,-
<br /> :�. . .
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<br /> � -:z� .
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