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<br /> tLe ympeity_whfeb 74ag0or Lad or hsd tha power f�c�eq at tDe time of�ie�oa of thts t�ed of Z�vst.a�snch ae he may Lava C -s �`'" ;�
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<br /> � � . end�n the:eamdin�af�h aypoinfinent in the moitgage eemrds of tae conaLp��hir]�ffiis Deed of'huat is tecosded.t6e s+moeseor _ �
<br /> t ;':: ...�` � ttastea eOall Le vested with.all powers ef the arlginel tn�stee.The�ustee ia aot oBtiged to mtity ea,Y 4�Y���eunder :-° '
<br /> .,+- ...��•=t�� ` aR4 other Deed oY'l�uat ur af aay setina or piaoeeding.iu wtifcb 74usWr.l4vetee ar Beneficiary e6a11 De a pattg ess eadi cclioa or �'�*
<br /> _ .F. . ' 1 �•`
<br /> � .' x�1��•`'� ��8�I0{I$�Z��18�11$�'@, ..�.t - ..��k ��_y�.
<br /> r ��1��S � ,. . 9�is Deed of 71roat ayplies t0.iuwes to the t�ene8t of.and is 6inding not only oa the parttea�>hut as their heiis,d�r,.selas, . . ' ^
<br /> �� lega�,admiaisteatois.e�ecutare.suoeeseora ead�..ro`gos.'l�e term SeneSciary ehall meaa the holder and•ar�r af the aote c�ued `��� ��, : <�` '_`
<br /> . . heret�y.ahether or not uamed aeBeneBcieiy Itereia _ � _:
<br /> , rt ' 10.Reques!for Not[oe of A�efauli or Notiee of$ale.[t ie that a capy af aqv Nutioe of Defauit or Natiea mf Sale 6e�ed to �
<br /> ;� N. . each p e r s oa who ianamed tn Wia TntaL Deed a!the mailiag a+�siu6 pe�a as eet out aDove. . �� . ,�
<br /> • .;<: : . . �; �,
<br /> � ' NO►t'ICE TO CONSUMEIi: 1.Do noE sign this pa�r before you read it 2.You are entltted to a copy � _ �s
<br /> °� � of tLis psper.8.You maY P�PN►the unpafd balance at aqy tnme wlthout penalty and may be entltlsd . `� ;;
<br /> ''`���� � to receive S reil�nd of unearned charges ia accordaace witD:lacv.. - ��°��
<br /> . ;�.�� . . � . �.:
<br /> - �,"���� . Si�ed this 25 dav of Qctober ,A.D.�g��. �� �' ..
<br /> �3 '�irt'�tit� ' � '�:
<br /> �`�' `t�'��z�`;-`, STA'i'E OF NEBRASKl1 ) x �,��s�,�..
<br /> � )es. X
<br /> �< `�� � � � . Ha l l Covrrrst � . . . �
<br /> � � • � �� 25 �y of October A.D.,19 9_�before me.the undersi�ned.a Notary Public,du2y ' .
<br /> � wmmi oned and qualified for and reaiding in said county, geTSOnally cameWilliam M. Stdhl and Dawnita L. Stahl, � , :
<br /> 1��:_ � �• : . - . husband � wi�e as �oint tena(�t�e gnown co be che iden�ical pe�on.�whose na�ae.i ail'ued eo che foregou� , �� . �
<br /> instrumeat as Z�tator S and acknowledged the same to 6e thei r vol- : . "
<br /> . untary act and deed. f � .
<br /> ; �;< ;<`•t: Witnese my hand and Notasial Seal the day and year XlfY�lte Of�b I
<br /> �',. •. ''y";�, � ' My Commieaioa eapites the 8 SNERRIY.W/lT50A1 � • � �
<br /> - � �: of February . 19 95 � �e.� •�,
<br /> - :�, i;`;, � . . blic �
<br /> . ;,� ti:4�.,• . -
<br /> : : `:..• . $TATE OF y .
<br /> . i 1i;• . •r�� .:`���' _ 169. f . • .
<br /> • ' ' CipWl�/ � �
<br /> �'* � ' Enteied in Numerical Indes and Sled for record in the oSice of the Regieter of Deeds of said county.the �
<br /> -. ,l� ' � day of . 19�at o'clock and �
<br /> :;.:�. . minutea M..and dWy t+eeorded in Book of �
<br /> '.�'.. � �
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