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�.. `'�T `c��.� .. } ��?�Z.��'F°F" _ _ . ' ... . . i - '--¢.— � '-_- _.__. . <br /> C� � '_ ` � <br /> ,: � '� _�y <tiRl ♦ll ..5. ',.rf iG�� _—_ J! � .� __"_ <br />�L!�u�t _1� _`]i1 �.�C � ' ` . .. . ` c. . `� .. . ` ` , . . `. �. <br /> — — - • `, � • ` . •r" �` 4 - `� ` � � ` rf W C ` .. �L ,t . �.— <br /> —_--'_— � � � � .� ` ���" —_—_ <br />_- -- , . '�. -- � _ .. — — — —,-�,_rn- � .`� . � �°. — <br /> - -- �� �_ � � ' , Q� �� ''', � '°'Z � .�.e� . . <br /> _- �Q�,, � � . � . " � � �t Q . <br /> — _" . m � er—a� `co 3 . <br />� � ° . � � o <br />�—f:- — - --- - � ,- . - - _ . c� F.. � ea-m-T�:_ - - <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> . <br /> �� _ . N a�-r <br /> s. (� r , v��.r _� <br /> . <br /> .,-. <br /> _.,,�•, <br /> „r �� � € ��* , � <br /> -- -- -= - - -� ----- =-�- � - - - - - -- - - -��- ._ __ _. <br /> ,���{ , � , � y =o �i <br /> � � <br /> ' �'�� • � . 1►iBB�iA9SA TD�ED OF TBt18�' �'' -_ <br /> . �► , . ' lWith Pawero�Bale) . �`=*:-�--- <br /> ^ � �T_ <br /> `� .� e� .. . . ��-°_--- <br />=i, e .�,� . Amo�msotPi� �__2__S9_�_�0_� . Ammmtatatheitn�ata�- 259.Qa� . � - -_ <br /> �; `,�,M.., ._._� . a �c"1Z�3 .� Novem6er 29� . . C� <br /> ! " �'y�';;r��4Cr �� ae�a+,ymea�a�* w(� . �ecrosmnnenaDoenateQ�tob r�- 97 Q�. �� -._-- <br /> ' F K�`�.�. � K44Y1GfViYW4W{�Yl�iYY�w �YfmiYi1�Y44���+1� . -. <br /> ��'Y..' <�F . .+�T ' ' . ' . ' \v � �ki.�_ `� . <br /> �--�, � - October .�a g3 , �_ <br /> . Y' TSt$DSBD OB 48UST m�de iIli�a � ds�Y of �,.� .=_ <br /> _.< �✓J'«<".�.�; ._.:-,,Y <br /> Y 4 � �.� ��„ tiiiliam t�. Stahl and Oawnita L. Stahl husband and wi as i t t _ , -^-,��„_. <br /> � � ':� ;�s �����, 24 5 W. nd St. Gran Island, NE 68 U3 _ . k __ <br /> 4r.. <br /> � ,��,� � a; ��,,,�, TRt� Title Insurance Com�anv - <br /> _ ���'��� _ °;` - whaee ma�t;n8 aad�s t� 8 0 e a � 23 9 N. Webb Rd. � -��,�-��_ - <br /> r�:���.��::' -.°°�. se 9YasEee.�d Noraea!��NebrasUa.Ina.v�r�cea msilin8�a� }, <br /> � ����� � <�� �=` P.O. Box t373 Grand Island, NE_ 688U�. , � - <br /> _ ,: . . .�:��T_ <br /> :� .;: ,ae seaesc�►. � .-;�- <br /> t�RJF�9�t. �Y.6� �q�,ee11.and aaaszy to 9�aetee in tsust,witD powes af eal�t�e tallawing de� } ' .:'�, <br /> .` ; , ;��y�. F� 44asmie hemDy►imevaraL Y �811 - <br /> �' ' Conaly NeDies� <br /> .•r• e�p�p�Yi � ' ` <br /> :a� .;: .`,-��.t ...:o.' . ., :�:��'.:-s,��,__ <br /> ' " ° � � '��� � Lot 2, Block 19, Baker's Addit�on to Grand Islartd, Hall County, � �����•° ��� <br /> �. • ° hebraska. � .`;�'_ <br /> } �° �� :. - . � '.4.._ - .���— <br /> � ,' ;.��'' � . ::�;'-:�* ?�:.� <br /> -� °'•�-��� -. . �.,` � . r.�,.`; , �:. <br /> �, .!�-.� �" • . ' 'i.-•ir" �r - <br /> _�: , . . . . ,. .. - �;,.r�: 4. <br /> ��� ' � .:;fi' � .� ;.r; y -� <br />_. "'�� , �7}Y �getk�wii�.kenements.hereditemente.end aypusteaanoes thereunta be2�uz��anpavjse appeetae`aittg and the eeat9.iasvea aad "� � :,�'� _ <br /> �LIlEZE�T � '' F .� � - t '_ <br /> � •Tlsi,a mavepaace is intended for the puspose ot eecudng ttee paymeat m Bene9dazy af.3kusDo�pmmiesory nota o!eaen da0a ia tha : . <br /> � esu�xmt atated aboae as'Total ot Paymente°.Said'Total of Peyment�'fe repayabie in the namber of moathTy inataimeat4 etated a6ove. � <br /> • • 94ie saount of the inataimeat paymente due oa eatd loan ie atate3 ehove.TRe fuet ead final iastalment due datee oa eaid toan are stated . , <i�:� <br /> ' ' . ah4ve,paysebt mqy Le made in advaace iu anp amount a!any time.DefauIt in mehing et1Y D�ent a�a� t�e Be�ficfasy'e optioa • ���;: f:=.r: <br /> ' � ' en3�it'�out aotins or demaad,render the entiee unyeid balance of eaid ta�n at eace due and paynble,leas aag eequiied cebaLe af cbatgea ����:;j�•'°.;` <br /> � . ' .. • ., th• L� <br /> : • �a p�atect the securitq of this Deed otTniet,TivaWr covensab and agrees: �',�=.::; <br /> • r . � .. 1.11Q heep Use pmyeit,yr ia good conditEon aad cepair.W pesmit ao wesm thereof:W coa�plete 8ay Dutlding.etruct�e ar im➢mvement <.�; , . <br /> • . � Leing buiti or about W Le huilt thereon;to restore psomptlq any Duilaing.etructure or impmvement thereon ahieh may be damaged or .-,�>:�;. <br /> ' desh�uYed:sad La comp�yr witb all�ulatioas.aovenantsp mnditioas aad�ictione a8'ectiag ttte P='oPertY• � >`•;�� �` <br /> ; �. . � 2 To pey before delinQneat all lawful ta�ee and assesamants upoa the propesty;to geep tt�e pmperty�ee and elear of all other charEen, ' '•���`:•�`''� ,. <br /> • Uens or encuatbz4nces impairing t he eecurlty o tt h i s D e e d o f 9 4 u a t :���.`�:;L�, <br /> � • a. � • <br /> � 3.To keep all buitdin�now or hereaRer erected on the pmperty deem"bed hereia contiauouely insured aSatast loss by lire or uiher � : • <br /> ,± " � ' . ' hazercla in ea emount not tesa than the total debt seeured by thla Deed of Tn�at All policies shell be held by the 8enefictary.ead be � . • <br /> _� ` . .�,' � - � m euch comyaniea ae the 8eneticiary may apDmve and have lose payable flrst to the 8eneficiery es its intemet mey appear and then . . -. <br /> . ` .' to ffie Truator.Ttte emouat wllected under any iasuraace politq mey be epplied upon eny indehtedneas hereby securEd in such order as • <br /> .� '; the BeaeSciary ehall determine. Such application by the Bene&ciary ahal!aot eause discontinuence of any proceedinge to foreclose th3s • -` • <br /> - :• � ,„` ., Deed of Teuat or cure or weive aay default or notice of defanIt or invalidate any act done pursuant W such notica.In the event of foreciosnrn. �=�i:`. <br /> �• • • • � . aU rights of the 74ustoe in insuraace popdea tLen in force shajl pass W the purchaser et the foreclosure sale. ' ' ,'r <br /> �'` � "° ' 4.To obtain the written ooasent of Benefteiary beFore aeUi .,� � <br /> ,,;:• n,g conveying or otheewise traaeferring the property or anp paet t�eereaf acc3 � . � , . <br /> j . � � aay eu�h eale,conveqaace ortransfer wlthoue the Benellciarq's�vaittea consent aha11 conatitate a deCautt under the terma hereaf_ , <br /> i '`•' • + _,.. ;, <br /> ,.,�3'i•:-�,�� . b.'!b defead any action or proceeding Durpottiag w aifect ths aecadty her�Por the righ^3 or powe�s ot Beneficiary or Trustee. ;` ; � <br /> ' > +i � ` • 8.Should 74asoas fail to pay when due any tauea.assessmeets,insurnrcce premiume,l3eas,encumDrances or other chargea egainsi the ; <br /> - �` ' � • pmpe�ty heeeina6ove descri6ed,Beneticiary rnay pay the same,and the e�cunt eo paid, with interest at the rate sec forth in the note ;• . <br /> • secured hereDy,ahall ba added to and 6ecome a yart of the debt secured ia thia Deed of Tnrst as permitted by law. � ' • . <br /> {± �, Tf 1$MIITUALLY AOREED THAT: ' <br /> 1.In the eveat any portlon of the pmperty is takert or dama�ed ia an eminent domain proceeding,the entlre amoust o4 the award , <br /> ;�� �� � • ; o r e u c h p ortioA thereof as m a y Ae n e c e e s a r y W fu1 J y ea t i s£y the obll g ation secured hereDy.ahall be paid to Senefiaary oe 6e sy�slied w ' <br /> `., .:�:,� eaidobligation. i <br /> � ' " � 2.By accepting peymenL of any sum seeurnd hereby atter its due date,Beneticiary daee not waive ifs rtght W requi+e pror.spt FaYmEnt j <br /> �'� "°�' • when due of eil other sums so exured or to declere defautt for failure w so pay. ; <br /> . t�':.:�,.� � <br /> f : =T.:._y: . 3.The Trustee shel{�eco�ey ail or any part ot the yroperty eovered by thie Deed ot ZYnst to the peison eatitted thereto oa written ' <br /> � request of tlte Teustor and the BenelIciery.or upon satisfedion of the oDligation aeeured and written n�ueat for reeonveyartce made Dy i <br />- �'�, ��• �: � the Beneficiary or the pe�soa entitled thereto. � <br /> _ F.l. . , • � <br /> � � <br /> �� ,�: 891 C93(NE) . <br /> i: . <br /> { <br /> .;t . ` <br /> f.. . � <br /> � `' --•... .. ..... .r.�.--�----_. _ <br /> r_ . . . .--- � , <br /> , �._ , , . , <br /> ��� . � �� " : �` . �. , ,� . �. ; <br /> � <br /> ,�.. . <br /> _-� _- _ ---- ------� -- ---.--,---.. .-- -- -- -�---,---- ---------------- ----. . .__ _ _ _ . -- - _ . .. <br /> - - - ��-------. --�----.-- <br /> S ' • . <br /> { . ), • ' C.: . . <br /> ./ . . ,. . � . � (( <br /> •£' . . 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