�i"M�� �: •:� }' C^. .i.:_'. ,_ i �J.�O�_
<br /> ..p_ -,� j_ _ Yf ,� _:�, C_ _ _ �.:_ ��; � a .__
<br /> �_ 'i:�' � -_ :� �;= -�...--- -=�;—' �i�—� =-- --- - --
<br /> -- _`^.�_�—��` —ir. -,_,� -— —
<br />�>• s 4�; � _�. `. . �,y . ,t� .�; - «f
<br /> -ti�._c��L.r.�° <� . � , ` . . ` •_ ,` \ r i�lil���t���� } .
<br /> , .� : ._, � . � . , . ' t �.
<br /> �A13T�Q�T90flC�Ydlt$a'��1 'l�u�{.^'
<br /> -- - �.�f'!YR IOII$!,�bO tOQli�E�GQs�t��.QF Li�dlTs `� .
<br /> - ���` ����`�'�,��������G9�V�9�TE��u`r0�ti�:�#E11i'���Y� . �.' :
<br /> _ .�. . . � _._ . ��__-------r-==-------_ ..�mpmxtda atoas i+ase�re;�it tAe rea�uirCm�imrmat#$�ga � -
<br /> � ,inaurioot>ends��000rd�noe wit�arg�.�s�eim.�bd�m Betma�t aa�t.tad�or a�+p�ca�Ea fac�r.••." � < , : .
<br /> 9�L►�pe�tloa�..I.mdar or irs��¢�ce ee�an�Dte�ri�a upan aad taspectlons of t@e�Piopert�l:�Le�d�r°a�t��tva . .
<br /> Boaowet msic+c,�t tht tFna+a uf.or pcioc�aar�n�iqg re�ua�D1�Cwse ffor tba.iaspec�tiam `
<br /> 1��'1�p�aooed4L o�:��or elsinoE fo3r dsa�ages,d�nct or oamsoqix�t�ia coanaxioa�adt�s�►y � t
<br /> �rtiOnar:otfie�ta�dIIg oF en�c�ri�Fif�D:�rQ�e�tY.Or�'OS ooav�yeIIO��R liei�af�+ m*Ltt�m,g��bY�eQ�ad , -
<br /> -_ shali ba pntdt�s:e�der. ----;`-:� _. � ° � ` ' � '_
<br /> - Iu r�e ev��t af a ta�l ta4�g aFt�e A�?tY,.a�a pro�Qs s�au oe appl�ed co r�sams seauea ey tl�is,soa�aity rnsuume�, '.
<br />- -- _ - --_ �*....�-�e�oa�tt�-d�.-ts�t�aa�cx��la�s I�t-tt�s.cv�!-of a�afia!t�iag Qiit�-Pcv��yt-�wh�tt�fait __;.: .--
<br />_ _ _ _______
<br /> ' noadmt valua of ihe Pc�Aert�'i�1��tIIe ta�c[ng Is.equal.m:or�r thap thc aawuai of i�snms septrad dy t6is
<br /> � Secuiity�um�t ImmodiateIS►t�c�So�t'se ct�$,nntess Boim�irer ead tes�fer ath�uise ag�e in wiittu�g,t�e sumg sagtzedby
<br /> tt�is Saauityn'InSUUm�i slmil be recitxcec�I�t;•t�ea�oant of die psoaoeds mnidplied by�d�foltawtag�fra�xtoji:(s)1De tptal
<br /> amout�of.th�a sau►�secvir+d immedi,w:I�a Qe�,�et�e ta�tg,divided�►@)tt�e�ir ma�icet vaine oi the Pmperty immo�eatet�
<br /> before tha�t�g.AaY ha�Oe sasilE�c�t��srower.ia tIIe eveat of a partial�ing of the PcnpeKy Ia wAisD t�tadr � .
<br /> mack�t vah�zof.ti�Ptapecty�dc�gr�ar�tbe�g is tess thau the ama�t of the smoos securad immodiaidy befone tLe .
<br /> C�idu$,.etnIess Soimwer and Ieuderat�ea.i,�e e�toe ia an�a8 or un[ess a�pplicabie Iaw�ptovtdes.the pmaeEds stnll
<br /> ... ... ��d fa tI�sums se�ad tsj�tdus S�Jnss�ii�t w�at ur-a�t The�s�aie�thea du�.--.. �.�:�. ..:� . ---- . _ -.. -�--- � _
<br /> If t��Ptopsrty�is ubandoaec�6y B+or�+a�g.or if.aRe+r natioe by I�der to Bonow�that tffi aondetii�r offe[s�ta a�ake an .
<br /> -- award os se�tle a daim fos ds�cs, H�r���faits m�to I�ntes within 30 days aRe�tl�date dee nodoe Is givea, ,
<br /> Ie�sr is�od to oolIect aad ag�iyc t'me�uooe8s,$t its option.eith�r to restorarion or�air of the Pmpetty or to t�c bvms
<br /> se�eA 6y.tLis S�cvrity Instn�meut.w�az�ot then due. �
<br /> --- -_� UNess Len�le�aad B+onawer ot�rw�'�-�e ia rnitiag,sa7►aPFlic�tion of pm�eeds to princigal s6a11 not exoubd or {.—._,
<br /> post�a�ttie dus daze of t8e a�ontIItyr Fm�refeaed w in pae�Cap�.1�2 or c6ange the amouut of sad�paymeuts.
<br /> -_ il.Btutm�Not Retcase��By Lea�Not a Wirt�r��:�ion of the tims fnr�aymeat or umdific�doa
<br /> "�"*� of aanrtita�an oftF�a'�s seaa�d 6K Bm�s S�aarity Ias�t graated lsy Eender ta any suooessor�u�aest of Borrower shall
<br /> -------�- uot operatc w iei�se ti�e liahTL3yc oF t�e ori�l Bomuwer or Bonower's saoo�sais in�.I�eu'der shall qct tt��+equlzed to °
<br /> —_�.:�_°=�-�,— oommemee Prorwdi�a�t ar►K�in intenest or cefuse to exoe�t�e fnr pal+rr�nt or otnawise�i'�orti�ation
<br /> —�°�°�^«��'�,�' of the st� secusad by tbia SeQUitys Dn�mem by i+eason of azry d�made•l�:y=�tHe orig'mal Borrower or Boirower's _�� .
<br />��'��`:�: s�ccessms in i�. �l�e�er in exen3sia preclude the - ---
<br /> �.c° A�r focbeanmce G g a�r rigk[as n�c4Sr`st�a1!noi be a a+aiver of or -
<br />- �'''��`'�' exe�ise.of eny rigt�t or nemedy. � ' � =
<br /> ';�'::�:4�` la. Sem�sors aad A��JoSni and Several Llability;�o�sEv�Tlie covenantg and a�u af this `="'�_-_—
<br /> ��'�::r=�,:<�: SeaQIty Iaguum�nt shall 6utd aad bemfie tke successo�s and acsigns of Lender��'r�nower,subjes*to t�e ptxavLsions of __- _
<br /> �...�;;��``=ti paragrapb l7. Borrower's wvenuats aa�a�reemeats shall be joi�aad severat. Aay Bomuwer who co-sigaq dus Se�tritY ='�--�_�=q=�_
<br /> :A'Y !�pa�l�ilSYEI����Y
<br /> �- ��`-:��:. InsCn�eat Mu d�s not exeame the Nntr:(a)is oo-signiag this Secu�g Insaument only ta moit�e,gaat amd conveY that �'G�,.: ,.�,,4.�.�g
<br /> N' t.a i p�d,�i�N✓ift`iiil':�AA411�'!�t
<br /> �;�,��,rr=-.`';. .�F' Sorronrer's inten�st in the PtopertyR uadec t[�e terms of this S�cviity i�ent;tb)is not peaso�Tgr�t�gated to PaY the su�s -�. ---��►�2
<br /> �. securod b t6is •aa�• s that Lender s�nd c�her Bomnwer ma to ea�ad cu forbear or �'A�;����-_�;_
<br /> ��• i,�;::� " _ Y Sea�uity Iastrument,. ( T agrees n aaY Y aP� • �Y• ,��
<br /> ;z-y�'"4�n,_i-��_ ' ° - malc�any aocommadations widi crgard ta t�c.tera�s of this Sec.vrity Inmument or the l�ic��withwt tltat Sorrower'soonsent. �
<br /> ,x:�.:'s�`��.��:` -
<br /> •4" , . . . 13.Lo�n C6�.If tue toaa secunsd 6y t6is Securiry Instiument is�ubject t�a Faw whict�sets maaimum loan chatges, �;':�;;;..;.t.,. :{
<br /> u =
<br /> _ '..9.� "�'C♦
<br />- ' and that law is f�maIly imecpreteQ sQ tfwt tf�e interest or other loan�aapected or to 6e coltested in oonneaion with the . ��..-.; ,:.: .�',�'�;�� `r
<br /> . . � loan excaed the permitted limits.then: (af anY sucb loaa charge shall be r�ced by the amount aeces5ary to reduce the charg;. • • .�`',� ����;�--
<br /> � �:' .::}.,
<br /> ,, to the permittod limil: artd @)an�suma aA�eady rnllected fram Bormwer which excoa�ed pemritted limits will be r°�.fuaded to :�,,;�'"�y.,:. � • :_,�
<br /> ' ° � Borrower. LRnder may choose m m�tce tAis refitnd by n�ducing the principal owed at�ier the Note or by m�a ditect �;;�:,Lr�:;:�• � , .. __
<br /> = " • P Y� P P P ��Paymeat�out an ��::,`: � �.�":
<br /> � a at to Borrower. If a refund n:duces rinci al, tite reduction will be treated as a artiaf y �.,•: : .,, . .
<br />'�� P�Y�at charge under the Note. ' . .
<br /> ` ` . 14.fliotioes.Any notice to Burnowee pmtinded for in:this Security Instrument shall be give�Dy�ecing it or by mailiag _ , ';���Y
<br /> ��`,;.,
<br /> �` � . • i t b y fi r s t e t a s s m a i l u n l e s s a p p l i e a b t e l u w c e q u U e s u s e o��c t o t h e r m e t h a d.T h e no t i ce s h a ll b e di s�'r�co t�e f�t v p e rt y Address ' �'t�''�"�-
<br /> ' or any otAer addmss Borrower designua�s by notice to Y.ender. Any notice to Lender sl�ap be given by �t dass maii to ; : . :_�' :.,..
<br /> � - •i:' ' Leader's address stated herein or any eth¢r address Lertdec designates by notice to Barr�wer. Any notice grovided for in this `<{°; '�•�•
<br /> " `"���"���� �� � `� � S�curi Instrument shall be deemed to haue breen iven to Borrower or l.ender wheQ en as rovided in this h. `f'`� �:�
<br />,;r: °�.,..�,�.�_�� . . . � . �Y 8 €� P P��P • ,�{�
<br /> °:'';:',`� ' � :.?;: IS.Gove� Law; SevereCUtt,y. 'fhis Secut�ry lnstrument shall be govera�i by federaJ law and the law of ttt�e `'.• . , �
<br />�``ija ���,•i�'�'�.,.,.. •. . 5, .�.: �� ..._ .
<br /> :.;.; i��y�`���t�;.. � '�:a: jurisdietion in aiuch the Pengerty is l�eated.In the everrt that any provision or clause�wf this Security Inctn�mer.t or the Note ;;�..•�" .-� -.�;.. ..•-�
<br /> '��f�Q;`+a s"� '� Cp11}]iCtS with appltCdblC IIIW,such canftiat shall rtot affecc ccher provisions of this Saco.ricr�nsuument or the Nace ahich can be �v'�.,1� •
<br /> ��Si.S'd"Fl:,4�. T � .� t . _� ; .
<br /> ��.;Rr,��; ,: �nrmeffect w6t�ont the cunflictin�p�ruision.'Fo this end the provisions of this Sec�rit;.Ins�rar�ent and the Natc are declared ��w-�� .
<br /> . �7 .
<br /> - ' �';°•��:. • , t0�sL'v2tiib2C.
<br /> ti`���"T?... '. . ���� 16�srocsc�'s Copy.Bomawer sh�ll be given one conformed copy of the Note and oi rhis S�rairity Insttument. '
<br /> •? ;'�_. : � .�' Form 3028 918Q
<br /> -� ;',`p:'� . vapeaote .
<br /> �`ti;'��;Fs' ' �,.�" •
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