<br /> ., ,
<br /> � .� � , v - . � � _
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<br /> �— O � ��� T .'� _ -- -R_ ----' - r-,L-__� ��. �. . _-
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<br /> �`� ����r- � � . • ` ' '' . ` - !f)` . . -. '-� .. _ . �;' . � ..
<br /> "'Q`s" �' � . - . . . ._ . � �-.-
<br /> 1� � ' � . . � , . � .: . �'_ ._ - .
<br /> �.. _ • ' . ' . . .. - �
<br /> , ` \ �. �i�l'd OP����il1ll. �OfiOtiNlT 6�1�Id�1'��Il�l�DY�110W������G�.�lQ
<br /> . . `Pl'apClty j0531�'���j�S9�jt Qt�i�ti�Tdfl�IIC�Wi1����S�t1•Q3�Ii�C�Vi1�fir•&1��jl Q�Ml1'�[�. �GC�II�
<br /> ` 6� YlB� {v � �
<br /> - -- - - - - _.� _ _ -
<br /> ° t6xt 1�ffi�r c�quirea.`ih�I�s+�a�e t�srtes piqv�9ing t�tnsutatt±�chnit.6e chosen by B�oaran�r�tbjeet to E�enda's ap�vat
<br /> . whicA sbali ngt b�a�n�r.�,sadsbly with�Id. if qoie'owEr faiIs lcn�itt�inmin:sovereg��estn'b�d•�bove.Le�xEcr may.�l�dg:'s ,
<br /> - qx�un.�aovp�go td prateat L�der's rigDts in tht Pt�opett,�+Li�aordnncewitb�•7.� -- --
<br /> -_ ' - � Atl ins�uanae poltd�.s and�en�cvala st�all Qe�ooe�tabId YQ[�eiader.t�s�ll igciitds e:standard�itgag�41aus�.Lestd�": �. _
<br /> " s�nri t�avo tIle rtght to�old t�he pplldes asd n�newats:If Lsndca mquic�v►.Bom►cver shaU pr�►givc to teader al�reoefp�s aF
<br /> - •,�g�d`ptr�uiumsa�i+ea�v�lnoHar�tntl��eveatof�b��li.$h+e��c�ssshc.i�a�ecanfec�L��--- --
<br /> ` I��iay mal�pmo�of lass if hot made proa�ttY hy S�riptver..
<br /> _�_._--�-�--_ - -�--z- --�nTess�end�F-aa�id�oim�verot�s��iD��av�.-iit5aa��ptaa�adssl�ifiea�►ltalt6�amrtepatraf�tc- -
<br />- — � • R�enY dxa�Sed.J tha tsstoratian or�ia eoaamndraU�f�'bte aad L+eades's seauity i&ssus les�aod.If t�c��ratina or �
<br /> - ' repaie Is qot eooaomicaUy feadbie or�.ender's seeorFty�.a�u[d�Ire 1��.the ins�ace p�orod�shadl 6e epplied to tLt s�ms -
<br /> soe�ued Dy t6is'So�auity InSUUmeut,wf�etha os aot ths�,dtte� �vItb eny excess paid to BR��'r. If Bomowe�a�andons dte -
<br /> - Property.or daes�t answer witLin 30 days e n�sice Poom�Lendar tdat the inswaace ca�riu��mc o�d to se�ute a daim.the�
<br /> - — Leoder may wllocc the insuianee pmoeeds.Leadec amy.use�the pmceeds to r�sir or r�et�e th�Peupe�ty or ta gay sums. �
<br /> seaued by this.Securtry In�umcnt.whettter or nnt ttt�,due:The�30-0sY period will 6eg�n��Ea tha�x Ls givee�.. '
<br /> .. . •-
<br /> .... Untess L�d�.a�_Bonower�erarise eg�it�,gnahng, aay a�rplic�ioa of pmooal�to�iiasipat slialt not exttad os .
<br /> po�tpone the due date of the mon4hly pa}rments�tQ ib p3ragr�►Ls 1 aad 2 or chsn�tt�t amwuct of�tLe paymeats.If -. �
<br /> _ under p�a�agL 2i the rropeity is eoquir�d 6y t.eatter._Eomoarer•s rignt co e�r insuiaitoe�cies and pn000eas re�tti�g tnam
<br /> - .�;N,,;� da�age to the Pt�operty prior to the soquisit�on stmll�gass�to Lender to dte ext�t of the sums s�sut+ed by this S�oauiry ins�t _
<br /> immediatety prior w the a�cquisidon.
<br />����`��� 6.Oeeupaneq,Fres�vatton,Maini�ane�and Fmtectioa of tt�e P1ro�iy;Borro�a Loan Appiic�on;l�ehotd� --
<br />���;,-���--r,.;�:.•, , � -�- -
<br />- „s�,a. Borrower s6a11 oocupy,establish,and use the Prag�as Rammver s principat residence wit�iin sixry days after the exeartioa of
<br /> -�_:-==----- this Security Inst�nmeot and shali wr�Hnu�m�octvpy�the Pmpeity as Borrower's prindpal nsidcaoe for at teast one ywr after —
<br /> ._.,,�......-:.��t
<br />-��{��is��,. the date ofaau�aary.unless�Lender•at�c�wise agees in aniting,v,+hicb onnsea�t shall a��t�.unreasQmabty cvithhetd.or w�less
<br />=��µ _ `"_` 1_ :��' extem�tiag cara�a�noes exist w6lcb ami beyaad Bar�awer's rnntrol. Bomuwer shall aas datroy. da�e or impair t6e -�_
<br /> `���`��- pmperty atiow the Pm1ierty to deLeriorate.on cammit wastc on the Pcnperty. Borro�ver shal)be in defautt if any forfeiture =-- -
<br /> �i� °��:+��.:��� aaion or pmoae�ing,arh�her civil or criminal�,is Begun that in Leader's goad faith jadgrrant aoWd�rsnit in forfeidue of the --= -
<br />_ r�X`�• �,:�;:� ;�; � . property orothetwise maLedally impair ttt�tlen�c�caied 6y this Sacwiry Inmument or Leader's serauity interest.Bonnwer may ----- —°
<br /> .�,.. ■ e
<br /> �
<br /> .��'r`,;��,���::�. ; cure snd�a defautt and c�einstate,as provIde�d�in•paregraph 18,by causing thc action m pmc�e+eding to 6e dismissed with a nrling �"`--,�'
<br /> i-F.:;:; ,y, r, : � �'�;"_-
<br /> -���� 'z`�.�,��;,�. .� � that. in Leader s gaad�faith detecmination�ptecludes.fndeitune uf the Bomnwer's interesi in tQe Pmperty or other material �cx.�s
<br /> . ;��.t:�:,�,..•.�;.;:.:. . ---__---
<br />-- �T,�f, .� . , : impairment of the tien cceated by this Secuuty� Insuument or Lender s aecuriry intemst. Bflmnwer shall also be in default if �;-�i_ —
<br /> i' W�f' �. _,:. .... �
<br /> - �;,.: _.:-::::• . � Borrower.during the loan application pm�ss,gave mazerially folse or inaocurate infomsatlbn or statem�ts to Leader(or fa�ed
<br /> "�s:���� . �..��.s:-•.�` to provide I,ender with any material�ipfannattan)im m�nect�on wit6 the Ioan evidenced by Ihe Note.including.but aot limitod y`
<br /> ..'�` :--:��:=£:;; • to.rePieseatauions coaoerniag Borm�i�rar's aocupancy of the Prapecey as a principal reside�oe.If fhis Securiry Insdument is an'a ' •s,� z.
<br />_ ar ��'.
<br /> ��•r,.t�:.;, ,;�i�:; : .�n��-
<br /> . leaseAold.Bomower sfiall oomply witN.all�the pmvisions of the tease. If Borroarer aequins fee title to the Pm�ty. ti� .��k';�,a��-
<br /> ' ' le�asehotd and the fee dde shal!not meige uNess I.ender agree.s to the merger in writing. ��`>•��
<br /> ' � � ;," '� ' � 7.P�+otecttoa of I.ende�'s Rigltis ia tde Pmpei4y.If Borrawer fs�its to perform the eav�nants and agreemeats oontained in ,°~;,- ``�_;-
<br /> - � . � . this Secttriry Ir�suument. or there is a lt�galiproaeeding that may significanUy affect Lend�r's rights in tke Prnpetiy (sueh as a - :-'��.� �'-'^===
<br /> ; �, `r:,:�� . �� pmce�ing In bankruptry.probate,far�condemnat[on ar farfeittue or to enforce laws or regulations).then Leader may do and � .� . �� �,:�_;�*�_
<br /> •'�' . . � pay for wl�atever is necessary to pratect_ttie value of the Properey and Lender's righu in the Ptoperty. Lender's actions may `' ' ''"i"_-
<br /> � :. ' iaclude gaying any snms secured bp a�lten which has priariry aver this Secuaty Iastnunent. appearing in murt. Faying . . �`�.-��
<br /> � ,; ' , reasona6le attomeys'fees and entering an the Ptoperty to make t�pairs.Although Lender rmy take action under Nis pa�agiaph � ' - -='��==
<br /> ' � � 7.L.ende�does not have to do so. � �
<br /> � . . . ... , _ _', ", .
<br /> .r....., ' . ''r;:'�_.. '�•:,-:
<br /> t:�•:r- " . ••,:;j���ti;�j.. Ar�}-amounts dlsbwsed by Lender under this parag�aph 7 shatl become addi6oml d�bt of Bomower secured by this • ��.,�,t•a;, :.••�-
<br /> t �. . � „ � �aP ,. .,i,�1{i.:,,-:.,-:;y.
<br /> � ;IZ�;���s�'; Securiry L�ment.1Jnless Hormtit�er.and�l.ender�ta other terms of payment.these am�nts shall bear intetest from the ,,_•�1?�°:�.:•..:'. .:
<br /> : y � U � �• date of cisbuisement at the Note rata Artd shall die Payable. with interest. apacs notice irom I.ender to Borrower reguesting ;..
<br /> . . payment. .. . � .
<br /> . , . . 8.Mortgage Iasurance.If Len�ot requirat mo�¢gage insurance as a condicion of maYing the loan secared by this 5ecuriry • -� -:��
<br />- Instrunc.,�s�. Hormwer shall pay the pramiums requir�ed ta mainktin the mortgage insurance in eifect. If, for any neason. the �� ��• �"�
<br /> , ?.; .'�. •� .., mortgage inswance wverage cequlrod�by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrow�er sftall pay the premiums required to �� • ' .
<br /> - _ � � obtain wvetage su6stantially equivalenuta�the mortgage insurance previously in effec�,at a cost substantially equivalent to the ' �?�'�`' `� ' ��,
<br /> �F� � •- cast w Eomower of�fie mortgage insumnccs previously in effect. from an alternate mortgage insurer ap�sroved by Lender.If • � `: �• �� .
<br /> �
<br /> '� " � substaniiall uivalau mart e lnsurtutx covora e is not avaituble.Borrower shall to Lender each ironth a sum ual to �'�� '�
<br /> ,;. , . Y�l Sa8 S P3Y e9 � ,. �'� .
<br /> ,���. _ �_ � �, �• one-twel5th of the yearty mortgage insurnnce ptemium being paid by Boaower a�hen the insura.ace rn�erage lapsed or ceased to : '.•,�t',��" "'� �
<br /> i ' ,�`:'� be in effe�.Lender will accepi,use unJ retuin these payments as a lass reserve in lieu o6 rr,rrrtgage insurartce. Loss reserve �����,,;�_'; ,
<br /> ;S' . � , •;ti�;;., ... �
<br /> � � Form 3028 9180 ��
<br /> �{`� . ' Paeo3ore l�• , " . - :;
<br /> .1� F� ''�•i
<br /> �.� _ '. ' 11 �. � •'.>;1}`4t�.��;.:.�
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