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<br /> t _ ..af'J • • , , . . . . . . - _
<br /> .5� i i . ` . . ` . . ' ' ' }'_ 4,� ' ' ( . .� . . . .
<br /> _= ---- _ = � . , �3-:�+0���� � - < < _ , . . .
<br /> - -- . _ . . � . _,
<br />_-�=��� . � oondcmaution or other tahing o£8�y Faorc of dte Prapeety.:ar for eunveyrmce im�Ieu ofcoade�a�tioa.aze l�by IIssfgtxti`�i_ ; �
<br /> � : sAsU be pait!to Lt�tder.' .' < . � ,"� ' ' .,�
<br /> --_- �-"�—=_—_�:.-�,G z.����� -�� �it3:�-'�- ' � _..�w� � .t �..: � __
<br /> �,���,��,� tnstniment,whe�her or abi t�een due.witl�eny excess pa3d to.$ur�p�ver'. In t2t�"event oY a psrtia�:#a&�n8 Q��c Pt�►uz�.
<br /> . wh�ch t�e`fal�madcet vatu�of tLe AapeRy iminediai�tY-tiefine the tak[n$is equal to o�greate�tha�►tAe ammu�x c�f.the sums- ,. :. ''
<br />-=- -- s�unot 6y�ds Sec�uity Iasuument immediatciy b,efa�e the.ta�ing�unless�Boaaw�can�l.end�r otteerarIse e�g►+a�in wiiting.".�: ,
<br />�;� , the.sums sec�ued By tt�s Secaritx�nent shaU be t+educed.by the amavnt of the p�s maltipiied by.the fol�Qwing
<br /> �n.� � fISCZlOA: (a)the wtal amount of the sums ses�irra�nncdiately befoie the mki¢g,divid�bY ib)tRe t�tr ma�et vatue of the .
<br /> � `. ProPeriY immediasety i�efore the taking-�Aqy batanc� shal�be Paid to.Bomawer. 1n the event of e pasdad�afdng of the --
<br /> ; ; . � � Pco�ttyr ia v�hich tLe fair m�ailceY valv,e of.tl�.P�apertY�m�i�etY 6efo:e tIse_taki�.is less thnn=tt�e,emount nf.tke s�.a .
<br /> �� ��;.�.< - - --,.. s�aumediateiy 6efaie titz.mkiag,an(ess Ba�snwer end Leader otherwise�m writing or uniess a�03e:taw - - -_._.
<br /> ��c. ot�ieiwise piovid�s.t�e pmceeds stia116e ap�ss�c�d ta the sua�s s�cttredty this S�i�nt whet�r maot sum►s,aca - -
<br /> - �ct
<br /> ` � � �>� . ' then du8. , � . .
<br /> � „ ���--� :°; - - �If the Pmperty is abauc4�ed by Bosrower,os i�afi��sotice by Lende;to Bonawu that tReeond�mnor.affe�t&W.u�ka .�
<br /> __';z ��r',�;�': "�t"• .
<br />-,. :.� �.• .,, aa awaa+d or seule a clriim[or.damages,Bm=uwe�t�ails;ta cespond to I.atder withiQ 30 days after the ditte dte twuoe;s�givw, :-.
<br /> �:, - Lender is aut�oriaed ta cott�ct aad appig t�e.p{oce�ls;�t•its option.either to c�sto�ation or repait of ttte.Praperiy os to,the •
<br />-_ ' sua�s s�by tLis Secuxii�,r_�astnuaeut;whethec or.ncc�aheu dw� , . _
<br /> u
<br />_ •:�r..;�-�,F��`-':`�_ ;:;.i`< Unless l.ender and Bb�uwer otherwise gg�e iu;�inS+a�►Y applicarivn of Prooceds w PrinsigaL s�li�aot e�ctead or . -
<br /> ��� ,. �SStpoae the due date of tfleiriamtIIiy paymeatsrefe�ed�aia:paragraphs i and2 or�tange dLe amountof sud►paYmeata
<br />-�;_ -��.�:-. . . • Wer lyQt ; FotDearan '=fi�e�der.Noi a WaW+er��eas4oa of the..time for ymeat or
<br /> .J,
<br />�:' `-�;``f"�"?=;' � �anr� fap�s�roortiration��s�iads sec+uea y t�h�'�'s�Security Iasitumeai Dy�t.e�der�ta.-any;"siiscessos iu inteiest_..... .....
<br /> ;::. U�..B
<br />�;'? `. �•� :_<,;.��„�'`` .,of,Bolra��;:siiall aot operate to tetease the liabiiity of the ori�al��n.rrowec ot Bmmwer�sucrc�ssoss in intet�zst.Lender' �
<br /> S" �'
<br /> � • - ;���� :shail•,aqF;b�'�Nired'co cemmenoe Proee�linSs against:au�y su�s'�i aa�inte�st.or�ef�se m eacieaid time far paymeat ctr�:.°� - -
<br /> , ,, ,;.: od�snvis*�1ijF,ll amord�of the sums secuted by t�is S�a+Yi�ent by R+eason of any demaad made by che origi�:
<br /> �s��+`'�%` �,{, Sonvure�:�r•_�rnwec�s s�ars in interes� Any f�i�anoe b�:l:e�de�'3n exerc�sipg anY right or temedy si��i!'not 6e�.,ti '' ---
<br /> ' ,.� �_''.,j'. .;�:F*; waivet of q��pde the er.ercise of any�ht or�emedy�:, .. ' ,� �'�,'`" :�.,��
<br /> s ,, _—:--(=�`�;. 1Z��i�and ArsIgas Bo�;,Joint and Seve:al Uab�t�;�asig+sera 7he covenants and ag�ee��,rof t$�s' '
<br />-'� -.:.2 ,����' Secuintp(t�t�uvmi�t�shaU.bind aad bene�it the succes.wrs aad assigus of`Lender attd Bomnwer.subject w tt��a� ` .
<br /> , �:
<br /> • ..�. patagtaph�:17.8�rro�.ver's�cp�r�ts and a�+eements shaU 6e joint and seveca1..Any Bomower who co-signs d3[s��e�+attg,�:.s_.
<br /> .:`•:r,:� _�� . InsbumeAt 6ut daes n4�exccutAdhe Note: ta)is co-signing this Security Inshume�is only to mortP�S���.�i�Y� '. _
<br /> � ���:. : -.
<br /> ..,. .. �onrower�s inte�s�i�r'tha.!'n.�ax`wtder the temss of this Security In.mumem; (b):is��aot personaUy obiigazed to pay the sums _ --
<br /> ;f�`: ��•; - �. secuced by�bis Securacy:tns�ramaniaMd(c)agees tha[L.eader and any othec Su�oNer may agree tu exiwd.modify.fotbear .
<br /> - ._ - �=... or make.any,a�camtrtadutiart��widl:aegard to the ternis of thzs Security•Iasuument or the Note withottt tdat Hoaawer�,�..:;,:;.
<br /> ' =.=:,-:
<br /> ; �,::, ; `. . �:f'�, cons�.nt ;� �'.
<br /> -'; ;,:4.^y'�, : :<y��: 13: i.oam C6ur�gee&.. If.►ha,toan secured by this Security Instrument is sut�je�t to a law wtrich sets maximum toan ' � ,
<br />- ;,�_���,��f .'� '..;..,!��: chargea.and�hat�aw�is fin811L+,�,interpret�so that the interest or other Ioen chacges.oullected or to be vollected in conuect{oa.
<br /> � : .a o-�..r: , , . a
<br /> ' .v;i i;�:�-,,. _,..`�n. , . witA the toan eaceed th�•permitted lim�ts.then: (a)any sucb loan charge sball,D��3ueed by the aucaunt nec..�aay w red�ee
<br />- E•:;•. : ---
<br /> ,<:i ` -':.a'�.. ; . .thq churge to the.pattvi��rii�and lb)any snms alr�tdy wllected itam Botmtvec which eaceeded pemiitted limits will be
<br /> .�t, .
<br />_'��:a '.:tc � � tefunded t�.Earrower. t�ertder may choose to make this t�efund�y cedcuing the principal owed under the Note or try caakin�a �'
<br /> t�,i . direct pa}rment ta Borrawer. If a refund reduces principal.the reduc�co�.will be treated as a panial prepayment wrtt�out aay -
<br /> _..�.. . pmpaycnent cluuge.under tfte Note. . .. . .
<br /> - � 14.Notkea.•Any,a�itiae.ta 8orrowcr pmvided far in this Security��Instrument shall be given by deliver3ng it or by_
<br /> ± � mniling ic by first class msu�•Untess applicabte law requ'sres uie of anv�c m�hod.The nodce shall ire directed to t1�e Pcopeity.
<br /> 3 .`_ �� " ' Addrers or any�oihat address�Borrower designates by nouce tn Lendet.:.Any notice to Lender shafl 6e given by fi:st alass
<br /> .. =.� ma1 to.Lemie�`s addr�ss slated hemin or any other address Lcnder designates by nodce to Borrower. Any nottce provided for
<br /> ?�-. � •��' in this Scc�y lnstrlmant•shaU be de�ne�to havg.been gi�•an:tw.Barrower or I.ender when given as pmvided in this
<br /> .. , - s �
<br /> -: '� i: .. � P�S Governlag Laas;SeYeeobilit}t 'fhis•Socurity•tnstrument shall be ga�•emed by federal law and thc law of tt:e
<br /> . jurisdietian in Li�chich the R�sperty is located. In the eveur tftat any provision or clarxse of this Sec�uity InstnuaeGC ur the Note __
<br /> _ canflicts with agplicabie E�w,such conflict shall not affa�other provisions of tRis�urity Inswment or tlie 1Ve�which can =_=-
<br />- 1 ' ba glvert effvct uahout cfae conflicting provision. To this ertd thr F*iu:isivns of this Securiry Instrument ar�the Note are
<br />_ : 1 .. decltlred to be ser•etable. -
<br /> '� ;. ;.' .. � 16, Borrower•sCa�ea: Horrower shall be given aRe c�nfoimed caopy of the�e:e and of this Security InsFCUCient. ;�:_:.
<br /> z 1� TransPer of tt�e�operty or a Beneticial Imterest in Borrma�e� If aU vr z.�y part of the Property oa�y interest in e=:.-=_
<br /> '' ' � it is said.ot uansferred(or if a beneficial interest in��rower is satd or transfecrrA and Honow•er is not a natural person) �•'i�;:�--
<br /> withnut�Lender's prior written contient.Lender may,et ir.s option.reqaire immediate payment in full of al!sums secured by �;`_
<br /> ��.' . ihis SecuRty instrument. However,this option shall not be exercised by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of =
<br />