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<br /> ;:��'.... � gertod�tLat.Lcnder�equtres. 7T�e insurqace cu�rter praviding�tIIe insiirais�si�alt br chosen 6y Borrower su�,�ect tu Lec�der� -
<br /> -= y �val w�cD shall rmt be uroeasonably�viiIlMld.�If Bpmnwet fuits(sr tnattttatte�ttet�c_desct36ed abo`v��er.�.ma�yie_t __
<br /> .-- � ��'. scrn s�w R�gr�—
<br /> ����:,�:.... . - ���� � rn , .
<br /> ' `��'��� AU insurunce licies and r�wais sAa1t be aocc tabie to 1Rndet aad sha!!inctu8e n stand�d martg�ge claus�. Lender
<br /> _ �� �� P� P , .
<br /> �� � ��� shali have the�ight to hotd tne poflcles su�d t�rtewaL�. if Lender requices,BoaowersRsti!pmmptt�i give to Leader all reoeipts .
<br /> _ • of paid pre�niums aad cenewn!aotfces. In the cve�of lo�s.BoYrower shal!gi�e pro:npt aotioa w t�insurm�se c�rter aad _
<br /> ,�:-:+}� Lender. Leuder muy make pt�f of toss if dot mads promptly by BoY.rower. � .
<br />_ �,=. �:z°¢�.'�� Unfess t.ender and Bor�wer otherwise agree in mffing,�snrance proceeds sAall Ee agptied to restonttian mr repair of
<br /> ` +:_�'_"�-��:�Z tde� Propraty damage�.if the restoradoa ot regabr ts economicaUy feasible a�d I.eader�s�ecuiity is aot tessea�d. If t�$ .
<br /> �x- � - �-�. tara$oa m cepa€r is not econamicalig feasibk or L�des��y-e�ruuld 6e tesseaed.tlt�insu�tee prooeeds s�alt 6� _' .: ._ .—
<br /> .� s��.-� - ,: agplieata-the_sum�s:secuned by tl�s Ses�aty�Ims�umeN.wh�thecvr aoi_dter�du��t1►-aay�xoess PaiQ to Bm�rrnxes- If -- —
<br /> � r:: `: Bom�wer abapdons the�lvpeisy.or dces not.unswes wittin 30 days a not�ce from Lender that the insurenee canie��as
<br /> _ �__
<br /> �.�-�: ,. � offered to seale a claim.then Lcadet may.coitect the tnsivaace piaceeds. Leader may use the pmcaeds ta repair or restore
<br /> ��::�..:=:�...;` ,� `��,,..,. the Ptope�ty or to pay sums secuied by this Security Insuumeat,whether ar rtot tIlen due. 'Ihe 3�-day periadwill begin witett.�
<br /> �;..s..� ' the uotice is pven. • ` ' � � :
<br /> ; �,�` �. ± _ ��' Unless Lender and.Bom�wer otheiwi&e agree in writing,anY BPPffcauon of praoetds W priacipal shall aot eateud oq
<br />- �� .. . , postpone the due date.of ttie montNY PaYmenis;cefemed to in,Qatagraphs I end 2 or change the ambunt of dne payments. If
<br /> • under paiag�aph 2t�thr Pmpe�ty is acquered.by„i.ender.Bomowa�s rigAi to any insuiaaee pollctes and piore�s cesuiting
<br />- :s... , .� ��; •�' from damage to the Pcopeny priar co the acquisitioti shall pass to Lender to the extent of tt�e sums secuned by this Security
<br /> :� .`., Iastrumcrtt immediatel or to the --
<br /> __._., ,�: .,- Y Pn �►isilioa.. . . . _ . . .
<br />- _ .xa
<br /> _ ' ' 6. Occupaacy. Peeservations,�MaintcQaase and,ProteMtnn di the_Property; Borrower's Loan A�ppllcaHon;
<br />- � ` �` �•�} �'�=` i�a�ofds. Batmwer shall occupy.establish:anc!use.the Ptopetty as Bosower's ptincipa!�sideaoe within siary days after
<br /> '{ ',',, e— ,r,.4e
<br /> -. - the executioa of this Securiry L�swment anQ s6a11 continue to ocenpy the Pmpezty as Borro�ver�s principal r�sidence far at '
<br /> r _ . least one year after the date of occupaacy. unters Lender otherwise agmas in writing, wirich oonsent shaD not be
<br />- - .-. . . , nnreaso�ably witAheld,or unless exte�tuating cucamgtances exist which ate beyond Bomawer�s contrnL Bornuwer shaU aot � - ___
<br /> � . . ' ,:'-� destmy.damage or impair the Frope�y,altow the Pt+operty to deterioraze,or rnmmit waste on the Finperty. Bmrower sba11 = __
<br /> - ���•-1- `=�'::< be in default if any forfeit�acaa�o:praceeding.whedner civi!or criminal.is begun d�az iri Lender�s good faith judgment -�-
<br /> ,-,� ._.,.%�.=,:Y_.. -_
<br />- f.�,•.:�:�::•.: : :
<br /> , _ .. ,- t�,��,. coutd tesult in forfeiture of t6e Plnperty or otherwise maierially impais the Gen c�+eated by this Security Ltistrt�mem or
<br /> ..:� �. :..F;:°i�Ea��`.;; Lender's sec�riry innerest. Bormwes may euse such a defaWt and ceinstate.as provided in paragaph I8,Dy rausing the action
<br /> ;`���. '�4 tt,�#�,-���:;?:. or proc�eeding to be dismissed�vitR a mling that,irr Lender's gaod faitD detertninalion,p�clades forfeiture of tAe Barrower�
<br /> - ?�c';:�.�{��4 ^`a'`� � u�terest m the Property or other material impairmeat of tiiee liea created by this Security Instnunent ar Lender's sec�riry
<br />-� :`�,K.�'<'_;i�,,s�,`..•;�;, inteiest. Bmmwer shall also be in default:if Brnrower. during the toan application process. gave materiaUy fatse or
<br /> z - �°,k�;,� �n��+��*P information or statements wl.ender(ac faiiec!m provide L.ender with any material iafom�ation)inconnection with
<br /> � �2��T';� - ` the loan evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to.repn.sentations conceming Bormwer's accugancy of the
<br /> ,� .f �' . -_ Property as a principal.msidence. If this Securiry[nstrument Ls on a[easchold�Borrower shall rnmpty with all-the piovisons
<br /> of the Iease. ff BoQaci�er acquires fee 6He taihe Property,the leasehold anii ifrr#ee tide shaU not merge uut�ss Lender agzees
<br /> :t ' ���: to the merger in writi�.. . :_ �
<br /> s. '':.��:�,'>:,• 7. Protection a��.enda-'s."l�ig4ts �n the Ptopenys If Bomoa�c.F�s to perfonn the covenants��nd agr�ements
<br /> ., .; ,�:�;.,,�t:,��.r
<br /> . .t�,,;;�.,,. . contained in this Sectuity Instrruaeat,�oc there is.a legul prnceeding tfizt i,�ay significantiy affect Lender�rights in the
<br /> - s ,..,.:�_.c,�.:
<br /> 1 � .• :,t,�;,�.;�< ..l Property(such as a pcoceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation orf�cfeuute or w enforce taws or regulations).then
<br /> = � ' -���`��•:� Lender ma do and far whateve�is necess ta rotect the value of tIre Pm and l.ender� In the Pro
<br /> � Y FaY azY P PertY � P�Y-
<br /> ' F �'� ����"f4't Lender's sctions maf include in an sums secure�b a lien which has ori over this Securi [II�sumen�appearing �
<br /> ' � _. `.ttc:;;y��; • PaY � Y Y Pn �!f �Y
<br /> ',:�ti;4�;�•;r in court.paying re�onable attomeys fees un�t entering on the Propeny to make repairs.Althongh Les:d�may tatce action
<br /> ' .���``'`{�'�'�f'•�� � undet this h 7.Lender dces not have to do sa
<br /> �. .�::',�r�ti�,,. P��A.
<br /> " .;�;5;��s,,,,;;,<<^ �4ny amo�.ts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionat debt of Barrower secared by t1ils
<br /> ��:i;��;:;;:�.; Security[nsmuner.t.� Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to other terms of pay�rten�these amounts shall�r interest ftom the
<br /> ` � � < i��;t�';; ' date of disbursenaert at the Note rate and shatl be payable,with intems�upon�odce from l.ender to 8enuwer re,questing
<br /> ' payment.
<br /> ` �� ' • � S. Mortga��suraace. If Lender reyuired mortgage insurunce as a condition of making the[�secuied by this
<br /> � � •-�=L`:c--�;• Sec¢Eity lnst�ument.Borrower shall pay the premiums required ro maintauf the mortgage insurance ici effect. If.fot aay
<br /> �:;,:;;t'R;t': .
<br /> , . reaso�, ihe mortgage insurance caverage required by Lender iapse�ar ceases to be�in effec� Borrower shall �ay the
<br /> , :�����:„ .
<br /> ;:��;���c ..�� pm�iums required to o6tsiri co�•erage substantially equivatent to the mortgage ia+urance previously in effect.at a cost
<br /> ' . � • substantially equivatenc to t��a,t ca Borrawer af the mortgage incurance previously in effec�from an altemate mortgage
<br /> . ! insurer approved Iry Ler,der. if sabstan6ally equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not availabte.BoiTOwer shall pay to
<br /> ` ' Lender each montlr a sum eqaal to one-tweifth vF thc yearly mongage insurarice premium being paid by Horrower when the
<br /> . `.�,:�t�.'�•�� insurance coverage lapsed or cea�d to be in effect. Lender witf accept.use;,nd retain the,e payments as a toss mserve in lieu -:�-,
<br /> ,.,.�t..• • —
<br /> _ " �,':"�r.;;. of mortgage insurance. Losx re,en•e payments rtray no lunger be required,at the option o:"Lender. if mortgage insurance ��_
<br /> . ;��:,:��',vn;: coverage(in the amonnt and for the period ch•rt Lender myuire.r provided by an insurer ag�oved by Leader again hecomes �':��:b:_�
<br />_ • ':�:_{'• '. availabte and i�obtaicxd.Horrowcr shall pay the premiums requ:red to mainta;n martgage insvrance in effest.or ta pmvide a `
<br /> � .j;,. - ' � loss reserve,unul tln:sequirement for mortg•rgc inrurancc end�in acwrdana.with•rny written agreerrter.t between Bortower
<br /> �� ' "� � and L.ender or appticahfe taw. �
<br /> �°'. ��::r' .
<br /> s , �.;,,;�;�: ' 9. Inspectton. Lender or its agent m�y makc rearonabt�:tntries upon:�nd inspectiors of the Property. Lender shaq
<br /> : .�� .,>t,r�„�
<br /> �. `'�;,`,��x,• give Borrower notice at the time of or prior ta an inspection spec�fying reasanable cause for che inspectiort. .
<br /> ;. _ ::�«,,,��i::�
<br /> ,.:�: • �:•,,:.� 10 Condemnatlon. The pr�xeedi of any uwurd or claim for damages,direct or consegaential,in cannection with any
<br /> ., .
<br /> _ t,`�'•:. . • •• � Single Family--Fanate 11faell�nddte S1ac Uti1fOR�11KSTRL F�fE�T--4mform Coven�t+ 9'�,1' IpuXr 3 oj6 pagtsl
<br /> :; i
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