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<br />- � to Lf. . � .
<br /> -- � �'2, Yte�vsveyanoG Upan Payment�ull sums secwiai dy this Security Inswment�t esader ehali requcat'ltustce to
<br /> ---_---_ �� �eooAVey ti�Pt+opersy and sRatt�surrender thts Seruriq►Ins�umcnt uad Nt natea gytdeucIng de�t secumd Ay ti�3s Sscurlry
<br /> - ---- inswment to Tivstee. 'Bustee sha11 ceeonvey tfis P r operty w T t�out wonanry an d w i t hou t c h a t g e t o t�e.p e t son or p ersvn9
<br /> v
<br /> - --'- tegally eauitlecl w it. Such pecsQn ot pasons shall pay any cecordutian eastg. . . ` -_ - - - - --
<br /> _ � . . ?Li. SuDstttirte lkustee. Lcnder.�t�ts o�dun.may t'rom time to tinne e+emove 7ttistee�[d oppoint a successor tn�stee to
<br /> v �_ __ .- ---- ----� --..----�a�C�ee.agFointed_hereunder d�►en.instrument ceao�ed ta_the aounty in whicA th[s�Security tasuum�tt fs rixotded. _
<br /> _ Without sonveyance of the Property.the sucoessor uustee shaU suc�eed to alt,the dtle.power a�d dut��s cenfetred apo� -- -� --- -
<br /> : 7tusie�hetein and byr appticabte taw.
<br />�� ?A. Reqnest far Noti� Sorrower requests thatcapaes of t�e aodces of default�ind sate be sem to Borrower�aQdress --
<br />�_ — — — which is the R�operty Addt�ss..
<br /> — __- y5 Aiders so tbLv Se�yvHy instrumeaL I€ome ormore ridets aze execated by Boirotiver and recorded together witA —
<br /> this Seaniry h+ �+++ n• the oovenants 9nd agteenie�ets of each such rider sl�all be incorporated into end shall ame�td and
<br />:,- supplement ttte covwants aud agtceme.nu of thas•Secanty[nsuwnent as if the dder(s)were a partof this Secutity Inso�umeat
<br />_� -- [C�eckapplisablebox(es)1 � ' . . �- -
<br />�„""�'�-' �Ad,justable Rate ttider . �Condominium Rider �1-4 FamiJy Rider ��---a------
<br /> �_:�a.e��mer.�� � . �-=__.
<br /> - -- �Gra�ated Paymeat Rid�r �Planaed Unit Developtnent Rider �Siweekty Payment Rider �y=r-
<br /> � a 't?`'iiw! ' ' . �-
<br /> �t�-'�"��'`',:_�''?�_-- . �Ballnoa Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Ri�� ' '� '`
<br />- .. . _ � . ��. - • . . �� �=-
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<br />_�� ' - . ;�X Othei�)C�ecifY� ASSIGN�IENT OF RENTS . . . . � ' �'"" _� -__
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<br /> �. ..��f.,y�.z �;r�.a�y ridei('s)executed by�3amtuwer and ceaard�v�zct�1't ' . � . �����_-
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<br />�� .<h�`!* ',�Y;�;::`'� � S Sacuri Number SU8-96-3218 ��:��;`=':x=�,.
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<br /> - •�'.� ���'��'`' CHRISTY . ICHARDS�N -��� �,�`-�"-;,
<br /> _ ,�.��;'�4:: Social Security Number 505-02-4873 ,'� `. ��:
<br />_ :�3:.. ,. • " '; ���'�'"�
<br /> �1's� � :, STATE OF NEBRASKA. HALL Couruy ss: ��3� ,':�
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<br /> - '°���� ' ' � On this 28TM day of �CTOBER 1993 .befom me,the undersigned.a Notary Pubtic � °:�` ° _
<br />_;�.,� '}`���� . ' dWy commissioned and quallfied for said counry.personatly cume P'IICHpEL A. RICHARDS�N AND CHRISTY L. : . � '`=
<br /> � �� RICHARDSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE to me known to be the � ` ;
<br /> ;�.. � idendcal perso wRose namMs)are subscribed to the foregoing inswment and acknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> _ • .. be votuntary act sr.�d dee d. T � . ; .
<br /> � • :.4';;:
<br /> ' Wim d notarial seal at GRAND I AND in said couaty.the . :�u ��, `
<br />_ ; :. . . . dute afo:esai .
<br /> . ���` My Commissio �� .
<br /> _�' � ; NoGVyPuDlic . , �' . .
<br /> ,- :�, ���� �c'r�,�
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<br /> TO TItUSI'EE: -
<br /> ��� The uadersigned is the note or notes secmed by this Deed af Tiust. Said note or notes.together with all e�; _
<br /> -:;�: �., other indeAudness sec� of 7tusi.have been Qaid in fuil. You are hereby directed to cancel said note or notes ��,..: �
<br />-hY��' • �;'�`" ' and this Deed of'�sast.ahi ered hereby.and to reconvey.without watranty.all the estate now held by you under ' '.�' ''��' ' '.
<br />��`i� :#,�^ this Deed of'[tnst to the person rsons legally entitted tAereto. � . .',"�
<br />=�, ���;� �� . .
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