„j - _ 7�S` '` ���_b n . •r'. �� . � s � . � •� t� .. _'--
<br /> . . , � �. .C�.. -. ' _ .; . _ . _ � . �`. . ..
<br /> d” .y� T�'s.�. �.,_,� _.-.c _'`�:�c ��. \F _ . • �� C.—• —�1--Lt.'� _ -.—_..
<br /> . . . . -. . _ •{ �< .� ~�.�� - �� • . " �—��-fi_�,�W:.y.�.._ - -
<br /> - - ,. -'�:.._ •c t? �r - -- -
<br /> - . . . �� to' ..a.�-o,,. __ - . ---- • —.___—
<br /> y � `:3:i.��L.:__w,Fs.ri�'� � • \ ' � . ` 1` . ` . ` ♦ .
<br /> __ _——_— , . • r��� �0��� ', (. .
<br /> .�� .��
<br />�.���..�.� . �� . •.
<br /> ;..
<br /> =� ----�- - --- gor c�3ascatema�t 6efora aa2e of th�Anpec�y psusuane ta angt power of sate o�3ai�d Et� . ,
<br /> ._ =-aprllcaDle.ia�ma�r.�F�citY -- Ri? ---- -
<br /> --- �._ .� _ --���,_��-_-._-
<br /> - �ccai�tq�tasteuznsnx ot��f-ry oi0 e�oRmg���
<br /> - - - , paya L,enOer uli suma whEch t�sn�uuW�Oe�dua undcr this Sccurlt�[nawment an9 tde Note as tt no arxet�aadm�had_ _ _
<br /> m
<br /> - ' cocuned:(b?cures any defaaie of auy othrr rovr,nazus o:ugc�emrnt+:(a)P�re otl expeast�Ueaur�M in antol�ctng ttt�5ecur�ty
<br /> -�- ----- . Inswment.inciuding.but,aot(tmitsd�to�c�essgaaDta attameys'foea:end(d)talces eucf�actio�as l.ender m�►�rcasonably
<br />� '� . tequtre m assut+a Wat the IIea of thls Secutity[asfiiment�L�euuder�tiglit�in dte PlvpoRy enA 8onower�obligat3aas W pay the
<br /> ' sums sceueed�'�y d�is 5aautt� tns�vmeat adall�amtinua �cd. Upost t�itlsmUeatent by Ba�towret. tLis Secutity
<br /> zit
<br /> � � tnsau,ment ead the obligaddns ec�und t�enay s�atl remaln flilly��fesdve es U ao eeoetetat�on had oecume6. Hmvever.th�a
<br /> ."L�;y-. w, - rigltt mreinssate sball aotappfy in she caseof aac�eteratton underpa�q�apfi t7. � - - _ . . —
<br /> `.,. .�`�. i9. Sate ot Note;Ct�tin8e oY La�n Servioec. TAe Nete or a pamal iutet�at Ia the Note(cogetber with d[i�Seca�rity
<br /> . �,,�.�,
<br /> , z� .-:'��., - Instcumea�t)maY be sald oue ar more times wttliovt�prini notioe to:Bo�w�r A saie may re�Itia a ck���tit�endry ' '
<br /> � - _
<br /> " �,,�.�`�.°��`�� ([�owa aa the�"Loaa Senr�oe�[Bat rnllaccs monthly�payments dux under the Nous.ead tAia Security tnswm�..31iec�aiso � --
<br /> � .��:n'�.-..�;'`��. ma be m1e or more cban es of the Loan Servicer untelated tu s sale of the Not� If�heie is a change of tha�Loae�Servioer. __- -�
<br /> ,.ti t ;���F Y 8 =- ----
<br /> =;.�'.,s..,.
<br /> _ '_-�y�,�:� Bomnwea w�l be given mluen norioe of the change in a000rdanoe with paragaph i�d above aad applicable taw TDe notFce
<br /> a ,:.:L�.,�.. ; . , will sta�a st�e aame and address of tLe aa+v.�an Se:vioeraad the addcess to w�ich pAytaents should be,ma� 'R�aorioe will
<br /> :�_ .�.�;=;{' also oantain any at�r inform�tion tequi�ed b�r e�li�tble taw. —
<br /> - ,s:y;:: � 20 �aas Se�Dsesaoe� Baaon�et sI�all�not cause or pemiit the p�nse,disposat.storage.or release af aag
<br /> - �y���.�'` � Narardous Substaaoes on or u►ti�e Pcopatty. 8omoaes sf�ll ant do,aor altow aayoae etse to do.anyvring a�'ectittg th� ---- -
<br /> �`-� -• Piupeity that is iu vioiation of any�avimnm�.al I.aw.Tde pteoeding taro senoeaces shali unt app2y to th�p�etEo�ase,or _
<br />- ��'�':-�`;�'� an wbe tonmma! -�---------
<br />-�. � � : storage oa the Propaty of small quantities oFIiazardoe�s 6ubsmnces chat are genetalI�•�cogniTed �pm�ate �°�--"°-
<br />_ - ' �'`` �esidentiaiusesaudtomaint+enaaeeoft8e&openy. � ------
<br /> Y ��°�`��' ��z� Boanwer shsll promptiy�ve Leader wriltea noriee of any invesdgarion,ciaim�v demaad,lawsuit ar a�er asHon by aay �� ;o�.—
<br /> � ��''.�:�;:�'�'' `� tal or or vate mvoi the Pm and an #1a7ardous Substaace orBnvimnmental �:,.�:�"�-
<br /> .• t 4 ;v,;� �� �� �8���Y lm P�' via8 Pe*�Y Y
<br /> -�����^ �,� ; . •.Law oP wtdch Bomower has acwsi kaowtedge. If Bomuwer leatns. or is nm�ed Dy any gov�ta! or regulatory �� _--
<br /> r � za s t �,�;�°' autttority,t�at any�emoval or other remediation of any�Haraidous Substance affect�g me Progerty is aeoe�saq►;Bmtuwer '' -'_
<br /> .�,�4r �f ��,,,,� a�ws�i-_:--._. .
<br /> �f� ..':-t�1�� shall pm�r��,,C,iyy2_ta�t�ce.7 all neoessaty.f preme�aS actioas in aocoidanae wuh F�vironmental�aw. �
<br /> 8�YFjxH��Y.'�.. '� ` ` AS�'1.��c l�!YuS�IBIggISpL W:"t�a�itous Sabsmaces"-sie thoss substances defi�ed as touc orl�ardous su�stances by� `��=:-:�.-°_
<br />- R fz,�a.'.<�:%;�t�.z :. Env�ae�al Law and the foltowing snbstauces: .gssoline.kemse�e.other flammzt'ble or touc petmleum pm�ds.toxic =
<br /> ra _..�
<br /> ` ��� � a,:, 3 ;'i".` ;�Sdc��s�nd herbicides,volatile solv�ifs.maGe�ieLs containiag asbestos or fc�r:�nldebyde,aad tadioaaive m3terisis. As �
<br /> . ` �., saa,.,;s .��
<br /> 1• ;�- .��.,;Yµ v .�,,_ �i�t�paragraph 20,"Environmeatal Law°meaa,c federal laws and Iativs o€ctte,�risdic�ion whe[e the Pt+ap�ty is la�ated � -�
<br /> ••l (
<br /> ��: ��,l,��`"'.. .��i�a bealdi,safety or environu��pmtection. . `��
<br /> ',` , r���?5��; .tvQ:12-1ttlVIFORM COVENAK�. Bnirunrer and Leader fiuthes cova.vazu�r�as foilcews: .�,� ��E:
<br /> F�grgf��,3��;;,�. � : .2L f��Ieratlon;Remedi'rs �nder shtill�give nottc+�to�arr��-�i�fst�r.ta�n foUosfing:8orruwes's ,F:'r.:,,����_
<br /> ��, ��e �-,.,� � b�b iu�y�ovea��'_�e�t in t6is�Becue4tg�Instrmmeat(4�t.avfi�av¢m�ian and4r�t�ragraph 1T ����{ --
<br /> :r����,� �t���; ov
<br /> � :`i�"�L '�'�:.r,�?'�,���.1, � �a�ml�sa�1�ble ta�'�e+�es aat��lsc?. T�e aotioe shall sPe�fy: (a}t�e�1bD�astinn rs�m5�to care tbe * ��.=
<br /> Q�
<br />_" ,t�s ��{`::.;`;:���'�;st, � . de�nf�[c�S.dafir:maAS��i�na 31��ays tlrom�th�dote tite not�ce i�c g�'eat IIm i,�t�wea';!3?�fch tt�d�nit must be �ss���,i s� �
<br /> . ?"r�` = ���y± cured;and34���atf�a�tortuiEt�edefaWt�000rbefurelhe�s�'ati[�i��aerk�ce�res�iltinacoeterationa� T�, ,,, �-
<br /> • � :��� the subu s�n ed b this Secare�F IIm�trument and sale of the Par�ari3. T6e iwtke,eh�E�Stb¢r in�Parm Borrower Qi "�as"�:
<br /> �.r .G .•A�i�:f 9 '.w.�;, .
<br /> h��:::` •' �. .�.,� the rigbi ti�reinstate after acce[eraiion and thb right to bripg a�nrt adtoa Qo�rt��a.acr��xistence ot a d�anit or . . �•. ^
<br /> , ,.:. , _.,�..,, �•�-..
<br /> � . L > any other ddense of Borm�rer to a�ceteratton•and•sal� IP tde default Is not cuned ar mx�before We da3e spedfied tn •,._-�,��}:: x:
<br />_ `f ���,���.:=.�.. ��. � .'����; the nottc�1 ender at its op8aa may requtre tmmediute pAyment in iuU of att s�a sec�ued by tdis Se�vnity�instrum�nt =;- -
<br /> ,i ..:-:.. ."• , -:_ . ,r%'a' . '
<br /> �,�;,,. ;::_ .t.��. withaut fuHher demand and may inrotse the�po�rer of sa�e and any other recaed.�u•permitted br apPlica6le[aw ;;:r':�:. .:,:;.
<br /> - :. ::�.;:�;;�;;...�� �. Lender s5ai1 6e enHtled to mUeet all�expeaces inwr:ed fa pursuing the maedbes•g�rovided ia this ptuegraPb Zl, - ���-
<br /> y'"'�'�' ` ��'-'� iactudiag,Dnt aot timited to,eeasons6te attameys'tees aad costs ottitte evid�mce. � - '°���'���'-
<br /> ,r�.,.;<.,-,,.. ... ,...
<br /> � :�", •��:,. � � �: It the power of sate is invoRed,'IYuste2 sh�ili record a nottce of defauGS im��achcaunty ia whteti any part of the • . .-
<br />_ +n• il •�
<br /> � ,,,;i ..; ' �• . Property is tocated and shall mail caples of suc�aotioe in the manner presc dDed a�r�p]tcable Ia�r to Borm�ver and to . �;�.,.�'c• ��-
<br /> j ?. F ' '.?"� �,•,` the other persoas prescdLed by appiicaDle law After the time required by apQO�ob6e Isw,71�ustee shFill'gtve public • .
<br /> � ��� >�
<br /> �• ,,.�;•,'�;r-�. .�:•:'° nottce of sale to the persm�s and in the mtmncr prescribed by appliq6te tav� 7Truate�withont deraand on Borrowe�, ` `; ' 3
<br /> � ,,, .
<br /> • • � �'`�``'= shatl sell the Propeety at publtc audIon to the bighest bidder at the time an�pQace e��ader the teems deslgnated In � . -
<br /> �:. , �:,......,`,:�;:.�r.s,R�: � ' •-
<br /> �-` ' - ��-,��� the notiw of safe in oae or more puncetsand in any oMer 7Yastce detern�taes. 11ru�tee.rc�ay postpone sale of all or aay � • •� •
<br /> t � �-t:�i�.':rs.:t`'�t::�+�� .
<br /> >��. :�,,:::t.�;��,�� parcel�r�xe Propeety by publEc anaouaoement nt the time and�taee of any pvev{utrslj�scEaeduted sala Lender or its ,
<br /> . � :
<br /> ���;z� ,'_ destgaee mm�ay purcQose the Property at aay sal� �..�:' �: �� : .�
<br /> .;E ��;�,���.��';...,.:•� ,: • U p�a r e c e i p t o f p a y m e n t o t t h e p r�ce b l d,7 l r u s t e�e s 6 t il l d e�iv e r t o t t i e p a�c h a s e c'fnutee s deed conve yIn g tRe � •.�• �
<br /> _ ` Property. '�Ile redtaLs tn the 7lrustee's deed s6uil be prima facte ev��ence ot�tbe truEh�ik¢statecnea�ls made thereicr. ��ti v�i� �' �'�`'
<br /> � �� P P Y P 8 � g R o �`���'��;,;�1�;.:
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