.p{;•,.��T,- . ..� . e � .`� . ii� � . " ?.i .
<br /> +#.. ^ . I� ' ''r-`'. �� r nti .�_� ' . . `J:, 'F 'e-_
<br /> ^ �J ���� �`.1' ` •t, .t � ��J� ��.:�., � � ' , �� Gns
<br /> ��. .` `� , ` i �:;x'� r ' _ x� _ _ t'�
<br /> ° : _ , _� `=,
<br /> �
<br /> S . _y�T �.� 1^'- . 'l� x� .� . . . - _
<br /> ; • �� � . . : �..,:�v.( _ _ ? � -'C .v.S[w�e�'V1�.:P`-.' --�,.�{4"..x:+.. —_______ . .
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<br /> ���;���_��� � �93� i�s��.o
<br />- _�->���;�.�':: � . � . __ -
<br /> - «i4�`�_. periods thaY Lender cequiras.Ti�e ins�uance cacrier pmviding the insumnce shalt be choseu Dy Bonower subject ta.l.efldza�� -____-
<br /> '`S �' ' appraval wh[cd shall not De unneasoaably wit6held. IY Borrower fails to maintain cave t,a�e descrii�ed abuv�.I.endu:�,st, • - __-
<br /> - � •Y .�-_—: - • LcuderTs opt�on,obt8i�cov�ge tD proiect%eitder�egi�ts m the Pr+opelty in acodi�ance wl�psrograph 7. ��= �
<br />- _�,s;��`';��c;r` ! p�l i n s w a nce po l icies an d cene�wats sball be aaceptable w l.ender and shall include a standatd m o i t g a ge ciawse..Lead�e, .. -- -- --- ---
<br /> �'�;'�`� '3e . shaii�ve the rigl�tt to hold the poficies and Rnewals. If Leuder requires.Boiz�ower shall promptiy give to Len��atll reoeiipts� --
<br /> ��`�" c � ' • of paid pn�ninms aad renewal aotioes. Ia the evsm of loss,Boirower shaU give prompt notice to the iasurane��tie,�aAd. � �-_°� -
<br /> . �., . .
<br /> -.,�:.',:'��. °-`. f`:s - LCRdCL Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower ��,_�;,�.,�-.°�.—
<br /> . -Untess Lender and Bolmwer otherwise ag�ee in writing.insurance pmceeds shall be applied to�storation as�repairof..:� r �
<br /> .`- �_•._ ��� the Propecty damaged. if the restaration or repair is eoonomically feasible and Leaders securiry is uo�lc�e�9d.. If!!�: ,��_�,`-�.��,- '__
<br /> �� .�"' -;�- restolation or repair is not emnomicaUy feasibte or Lender�s se�uriry woutd be tessened.dte insuraace p�oceeds.s�qdi�Q: :=, :�.:.�,�_,.s,.,:;�
<br /> '`. _ = t�ed to-the sums sec�d b this S �f..
<br /> . � „ � �<:-- �i►P� Y e�eriiY jnstr�une�,wheiher or nat dten due.witD aay excess paid to-Bamatti'�'a�:if , -� _
<br /> � � �- = Bmrower abandons tIie P�operty, ar daes not answer within 3Q days a notice from Lender tbat the insurano�.c�utier has t ;:
<br /> :�„ "�, ` `� offered m settte a claim.then I.eader may collea the iasutance p� Lender may use the pmceeds to tepair as+,c�tore
<br /> �;, � �� the Pmperty or to pay sums secaue8 by this Secmity instruaient,arhetDer or aat then due. The 34day period will E�egSit when ` . =
<br /> '• �.T.�, , , �a the noticeis given. � °.::,
<br /> >.'', • Unless Lender and Borrower otheavise a�cee in a+ritiag.anv applicadon of pmoeeds to principa!shaU�cdaiiextead ar ;,,.{.;.:.: .: • -..�_
<br /> � ��� � '� � postpone the due date of the monthiy g�r�ents nfe�d to m patagcaphs 1 and 2 or change the aznouat of the g�yments. If u � ; _
<br /> r- `F��,�.`�,o�` � underA�,�ara.�g:ap h 21 t he P i roperty is e c q�6.T e d by L e n der,Sorrower's t i�ht to any insutance goi:,cies and pso�{�eds resWtia}g� - � .
<br /> •�.g��f:���` �4' rv�C- ' ��:b i'��C-'� "'^► .. p� 7` 7 4 ' .�(_ r ..
<br /> r > � ,�i from Qe to the Pto r to atie u�sitton shail tu Lender to the extent of the s�ns secured D ihls Securi ���
<br /> ` ,; .�x�;�,z°�.��.� Ins�t.unmediately priot to the xquisidon. �� `:':r � .�
<br /> ` ' `�•'���-.'�x; = 6. Orcnl�suC9� Pr+2servatEoa, Maintenance and Y�+otect�on oR tP.� LPo+c�esty, Borro�es's Laan�•�lppuc�fon; �..�,:: . -.
<br /> �: ,..�,�t' Q �. � z:.: .<
<br /> -,, .,�.� F..`��:°Y�:;r 1.easeFtolds..Bozrowrr s1�aU axu establis and use the as Somaue�'s ci al iesidence wit�n da s after :�";�...�: ` �.�,.. •.
<br />-: _.,:�. PY• h. �� � P �?Y Y 3;sr.-:. -. ,�.
<br /> � "<.�: .`�z€.�•�: the execution of dris Security Insbr�t and si�all coatinue w ocsupy the�,�as Borrower�s PrinciPal t�sideace for at �. �
<br /> � .�
<br /> '. � ' F�,;� - least one year after the date of o�ancy. unless Lender otheiwisz ag,�ees.m writing. wizich consen;�,shari aot be � ' ,4; <<� _,� ---
<br /> �" � tmreasonabl wiW�etd,ar�rafess e�*�^,��;•� circumstances e�eist vi+�ich are be ond Bomower's cc�trol. Btirnnwer shall no2 . �� .: ¢ k.�- o-rt-
<br /> - :> • _ � �.; . Y S Y a.,s� -. •t�,t�"r-;.��=
<br /> • destmy.damage or impai��e Property.allow the�perty to deteriorate,or co�waste aa t�e PrnpeAy: Borrower shat
<br /> ` � • .s.� :�- �a�i,�
<br /> ���`;��,.-}: - ' :be in default if any for#'eituee ecction or proceeding,.arhether civ�or criminal,is i�egua that ia l.ender's goQd faiW judgment. 7`° ;,,�'� <fi�`�l !
<br /> . � e
<br /> �`. � -could resnit in forfeit�re of the Ptogerty or otherwise materially impair the lien created B_�•this Seauit�••instsument or ��;,' :��` t� �'y _-
<br />_ ' ' .. � Lender�s sec�uity intezest Bomnwer may cure such a defau[t and reinstate,as provided in paragc��h 18,by causing the action ,a•: , ;:. '.�e����
<br /> �''-��_' or prooeeding to be dismissed with a niling that,in Lender�good faith detecmination,prectudes�`orfeinue of�the Borrower's �.-2� ��'
<br /> , � `'��E��' interest in the Propeny or other matereal impairment of the lien c�+eated by this Securiry Iasxsmera or Lender�security ��'� ,�:��
<br /> L , j''���� ' inte�+est. Bomower shall also be in default if Borrower.ducin the loan licarion iacess. ve maretiall false or ��. ':-• ��.•n
<br /> ,. ` r•: ; S aPP P 8a Y ��.
<br /> , �., •= . inaccurate infotmadon or statemeats tv Lender(or failed to provide Lenderwith any material imformatiort)i�a cannection with :�,:� '•-�� < < y
<br /> � ; ,c,r.� } the 2oan evidenced by the Note, including,but not l'united to,rapresenisrions rnnceming Horrower�accupaacy of the :;:��':5`;,; s� ' : g�-
<br /> � s����,-,-� Yroperty as.a principal zesiden�. If tlus Seciuity Listrument is on a Ieasedold,Borrower sttatl ernmply witb al!the pro vi s ions. S ' � : �'} -
<br /> �.: fi � l �c�
<br /> ; �'��'����:;. of the leas�. If Borrower acqtii�res fee eiFIe to the property,the leasehatd and the fee tide shalt a�c raerge untess Lender agrees , ..`y �• �
<br />- '. ���S to the rreerger in writing. : °} n�
<br /> ; „ •• � t:;.,� �:.:.
<br /> r. �+
<br /> €•;3��` . T. Proteetion oY Lender's RuL'L�4s in t[te Property. If Borrower fails to perforcr the covenants and agreements � ?�✓, •
<br /> ,f�:���.'.. contained in this Sec�riry Ltsmimenc,or there is a legal proceeding that may significantiy at�ect L.enderis rights in the -• ; �
<br /> _ .�'z- .. ` x. � 'y �
<br /> � PropeRy(such as a pmceeding in banlQUptcy.prabate.for condemnatioa or facfeic�ue or to enfone laws or regulations).then � �-
<br /> _ >,-
<br /> ,�:�� ' �- ;: �,; Lcnder may do and pay for whatever is necessary tn protect the vatue of the Progerty and Lender's rights in the Hnperry. �:;•;° -• ' ��''��, _ •
<br /> � °`••'�•'�,' � Lender's acaons ma include a in an sums secured b a lien which has nori nver this Securi In.9uumen� '� '`' �'��� -'
<br /> •„�:•.. .• Y P Y � Y Y P� tY t5+ aPpeazinS - �-;-
<br /> - , in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repaiis.Atthaugh l.end0rmay ta[ce action `�`-=
<br /> �, � •, under this paragraph 7,l.eacter does not have to do so. � ' t
<br /> 8
<br /> `�' a. ��;` My amounts dis6ursa3 by l.ender under this pFUagmph T shall become additional debt of Borrower secuied by this �.=
<br /> ' � � � � • Securiry Insuumern. Unless 8ommuer and Lender agret to other tesms of payment.these amounu shall bear interest from the : ' ''`'';��-
<br /> � � . date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payabte,with interesY,upon notice fivm t�►der to Bortower requesting - � : `� `�
<br /> � t . . payment , :i�': :,. :.,.
<br /> - ± ' 8. 14aortgage Iesurauce. If F�c�der requimd mongage insuranoe as a coadition of mal�g the loan secuned by tIus :�:�;��� � ''
<br /> �'+� : ' Seturity Instrumen�Bornsstier sha11¢ay the pr�emiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for�c ;,��� ' �""
<br /> ��:���T� � reason, t he mn rtgage insr�:re coverage requ i r e d by l.en der lapses or cease�c�b e in e f f�t. Borrower s h a l l pay�e� � '� �•
<br /> �isF�;i3, ��•: • • '- P �9 � Y eQ g� Pne Y in effec� at a ccrss �.`.t`: ;: .
<br /> �� • remiums uired to dbtain cov e substaritiall uivalent to she mort aee enswance viousl � �
<br /> � �. � �• ', • substantialGy equivatent to the cost m�domower of the mortgage ins.wanoe pm�iously in effect.from an altemate mort�:.�e ':�'�y�:; • ��:
<br /> ` insurer ved b Le�der. lf subsra;.a�ll utvaIent mort '"'�'l'.
<br /> , }, • • .. ap� y y eq gage iavuance coverage is aot av�1able,Botrower shaU pay Yo ;�.�kr�t`,+ .,
<br /> Leader each month a sum equal to one-tweltth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> � ���� � insw�nce coverage lapsed orceased to be in effect. Lender wiU accept,use artd_retain these payments as a toss reserve in lieu � ' ` ��'�
<br /> �' . of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required.at the aption of Lender.if mortg3ge insurance ��' � . �
<br /> . _ ' . coverage(in the amount and for the periad that Lender requires)provided by an insurer appmved by L.ender again becomes '
<br /> `�.:��^�.;. availabEe�d is obtained.Bort�wer sh;�t!pay the premiums reyuired to maintain mortgage in.sarance in effect.or to provide a � �.;Tf;H.�
<br /> loss cesen�-e,undl the requirement far cnortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written ag�ement between Borrower � ��`i`'�
<br /> .I,.. "' . : and Lertder or applicable law. �.•. ' ' .
<br /> '�` .;�': 9. Iospecdon. l.ender or its egeat may make reasoAable entsies upon end inspections of thn Alvperry. [.ender shall � ' �
<br /> 1�: '.��' : • . give Borrower nodce at the time of or prior to an incpection specifying rea4onable cause for the inspection. ' , ,. . . � .
<br /> ; �' � 10 Condemaatioe. 'itie proceeds of any award or claim for damages.direct or consequential.in connection with aay � . ,
<br /> i! ` ---1i�1:'� . . '
<br /> 'i�"r� ^�S` Si e Famil Fanale Madl��+eddb 1�ac UNIFORM I:YSTRU!1fEAT—Unifortn Co+cnants 9190 ( a r 3 0 6 �sl '
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