<br /> 3 �.. �J`'`.�,=T � � �' �."` Tp,tc , y • .
<br /> � �.��' h �S .- �`.° . 'c'ae - ��i� i" . . �,.� "A =_—
<br /> .r �� ' ' _ t �pF O�- - _. ? �t.i'6 _ _ _ _
<br /> _.� . � _ . _ _ =i_.r — _—�F3�'�T�.�,�-. �,�„i _ - .—... ^ - �
<br /> �'t. . . � --- ... . _ . . . . _ . � . .. . — . �.�:r_-_
<br />���s"�i�� ' � � ' : � ' `,.
<br />�� � � . � • ��3�a fQ9�3��1.: .
<br /> -�� � 'it30B7�iER W119�i al!t4e impmvzments now or hemaftec erected aa�th�Pro�ienY.ana all easemcats.ap�wtenaaces. � . . �
<br />_ ' _ . - -__�s a��x:�r�parc_of t'6e.pnopert�gli mplaceme�ts end�ans�hs11.etsu.b�coverieQ Qy_cbis�eeuricy__�_. ._--•--
<br />_ , Inst�meni.Ail oithe foregoiag is refared to in tfiIs S'ecnriry�iisdumeiu ss the�--" -- � --. ----
<br /> r,� BORR0INBR'COVBNANTS thut Homuwet is IawtWiy setsed of the esta4e hec�e�y wnveyed aad has tAs rlght m�grant
<br /> and convey the Qtoperty attd tbat dte Propeny is wzze�sumhered�except fo:encumbiances of cecord. Boaower watrants aad
<br />_ �' ttt
<br /> sub o �na�m6rances ef m�ard�
<br /> will defend eaetall the Hde W the Pco all ctaims aad dEmands, ect t an
<br /> �,•.-Y-. s y . �m►� 1 y ,
<br /> � " 's''�-'��::>r�."' 'fl{IS SECtIRPi'Y IIVS"I1tiJM�P1'�oomDines uniform oovenants for aational nse aad aoa�ueit'oim coveaants artth - -
<br /> � '��-'��, Umit�d vatiadons Ay jurisdiction tu constitute a unifotm sec�uity inswment covet3�g reaf P�'oPenS►•
<br /> '��k���`; � . _LiNiPpRM COVE[JAN'f�. Somnwer and Lender coveaant ead ag�ee as�ollows: -
<br /> �.. ���- `-�- . L'Faycaento�'Pr�c[galaadE�tere�prepayment.andi.ate�arges.;Bcnmwersi�►11.F�P�XFeYvyhenduethe �_
<br /> �. _i, � - - m :� ....--
<br /> �; �, h 4 ,�� priac�pai of aad inte�est on ihe debt evidenoed by tt�e Note and any prepayment aad late c6a�ges due nnder the Note. �
<br /> ��'`� K -`: a. Flmds for�8ses aad Insurance. St�bject w apQHcabla�uw.or w a wriuen waiuer Dy Lender.Bomower shall pag w
<br /> .� � , �'��_:_��_
<br /> ;..�n,,:-�`":`��Y.::�;•- �----`�-
<br /> _ , ..� Lender oa the day munttily paymeats a:e due under the Note,umil the Note is pa�d in tUll;a sum('Funds°)for.(a) y
<br /> t�'�� ,•,':::,Y:�t..<;� taxes and ass�ssmeats which may'at(ain piiority over this Secu;iry.Instrument�as a liea on tite Pmpettyt:(k?Y�Y 2easehold __-
<br /> - #�"•°:.•;:�.��..;>�. P8Ym��S�uad �nts on the Ptopary,if any;(c)Yeariy,hazarQ or progerty iasuranoe �miuin& idT yeariy tlood
<br /> _ � ,:='� .� .'`:�.. � insura�ace ptemiwns. if any:(e)Yearly mortgage insuiance.premiums,if eny:aad(fl any sums payaDte by Bomower to
<br />-- ::_��:.::: : �.' �:�;• Lender,In aa:otdance with the provisions of paragtapA 8.ut;lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premeums. These
<br /> - �a���-i',sc;�,:4�:._,.,:,�.:�.;.
<br />- ;jYaa.�;�.�,f�_.c--..._.!:-�,.V ltems are called"Esc�ow Items."�Leader may.az any time.collect and hotd Fimds in an emount not to exceed the maximum
<br />- =�'` ; ;�. .,.::,; ..,, amount a lender for a fedeially�elated mortgage ioan may c+e�ire for Bomnwer�escrow aa:oum wider the federal.Real --=--
<br /> �.;..r . .�:., -
<br /> t. .�:. Fstate Setdement Prncedures Hct of 1974 as amended from time w time.l2 U.S.0§Zb01 et seq.("RESPA");unless anather _
<br />�� �`�..r u�_,`° °�;k���.� taw that applies ta the Ru�ds sets a lesser amount If so.Lender may,at azty time,ooIIect aad hold t�ads in an amount nat to "�°--°- -- -
<br /> �,�.-_ :`;';` ';"' exceed the tesser a�unt. I.eader may e.ttimate the amount of Fhnds due on the Dasis of cumnt dard and ieasonable _
<br /> �--° .�... ._�.�:� �,�a�ates of espenditu¢ps of future Fsccow Itams or othernise in accordance witL applit�bla Saw � .
<br />�'� ����=Q�•?' �.- : 7he�nds shatl be held iu an instiMtion whose deposiu are insu�d by a fedeinl,�gency.insaivmentality,�ar entity o-
<br />�`: �::,���:,�� .���° Cmciading Lender,ff I.euder is s�cL aa instiniaua}or in any Federal Home Laan Bank. Lender shall apply the Fvnds to paY ===-
<br /> �.-.. � � r_���° °-_---- —
<br /> • : �:�o°.,;_:.•;:;,, t he E saow IUems. L.t o der may nat chatge[i�m ower for ho l d i ng aa d,a�rQ t v i ng t h e R i n d s,ann u a lly a n a lyzing t h e escro w
<br />�s���. ti:""�.,:.:,`,.r.�.;�' . account,or vesifYing t�e Fscmw Items.wdess Leader pays Borrow�u�etest oa tue Fvnds and applicable taw pemat�
<br />-- `�� ";;�' I.ander ro make such a charge. However.I.ender may require Boiroweei•�to pay a one-time cLarge for an iadepeadent�eal �-__
<br />��-°,, ;. �,.,��t..,,,.�...�• . es�ce rax reporting service used by L.eader in conrtecflon widi this toan,nnless applicabte law provides otfterarise. UWess ao
<br />�� ��.t: .::. �, :�:,:
<br /> � v.:.r�i...,.i�tN� .�.
<br /> _��;.:::_:;::;:r«4�,��`;;-,-:_�;:,. . agreement is made or applicable law reqniies inteiest to be paid.Lender shall aot 6e t�quined w pay Borrower any interest or -
<br />_�:: �..._'.>;;:;r;-�f;f,��,,r:,, eamings on the Fittids.Bmmwer and i.ender may ap�ree in writing,however.that iniecest shall be paid on the Funds. l.ender _
<br />-=:..: : .'a";;�,.,�:f�tZ,`,.' shall give ta Bosower.without charge,an annual acoountiang of the FUnds.showing credits and debits w the�nds and the --
<br /> ("'. . -���'•f�,� ti':t?��t�•
<br />- �.t� • '�.�':�;i r:;�.y,��;;�, putpose for which each debit to the�nds was made. 'Ihe F�nds are pledged as addidonal security for all sums secured by
<br /> - ��.:�.�>.:�,:�g.��k".�:�, ,,: th3sSecurirylnsCivneenL• . •.
<br /> ..::�j;:�s�.��.'".:.<..'.
<br />- `�. tit;z,�._,: ,, -,. If dte Ftmds held by L�exceed the amounts gecmitted W be held 6y a�nble law,Lender shall�uat w . -
<br /> ' ..�t�l��.;: .�-.'�t �oaower for the exceas l�uds�.2ccosdatice witit tAe req�csements of applicabter�ac� �f the amount of thc F�°.�s:�held by
<br /> - •,r.:�.,•.: •;�: s, ,, ,.
<br /> , :,-° F�nder at arry time is aat suffi�e�to pay the Escmw:Tce�when due.L:eader�i sa uarify Borrower in writiag.�and.in
<br /> .. :.�4.... . r —
<br /> " � - such case Horrower shalt pay fo L,e�t�er.tue zmount rieoessary m make�ttce�de�tciency. Bormwer shall maire up We
<br /> =� - �•���`� deficiency 3n no more than twelv�montfily payments,at I.endeY�s sole dissetion. ` ' � �;`..:
<br /> ':�;;-"_,::.;� ": -:_'� - Upon payment ia full of alt sums secuc�ed by this Seauity Instrument.Lend�shatt•tnomptly refund to$mxawer any -
<br /> �- �{•�-:�.�'; �ii�uds held Dy Lender. if,ur�es ParagraPh 21.Lendec shall acquire or seU the Prope�y,Lender,Prior to the ea�qis,ition or `.-;,_-
<br />- . - saSe af the Pcopeny, shall ap�pig any FLnds held by Lender at the time of acquisiuoa or sate as a credit agaiast,a�e sums �;�`�-
<br /> , . LL sa�c�by this Security insVUmen� ;`,�zs7�'��.�
<br /> � . . .;; 3. Appllcatio��of Paymenis. Untess applicabte taw provides othenvise.aU paymenu mceived by Lcader under '.,��. .�--
<br /> ' ' '` - paragraphs 1 and 2 shalZ be applied:first,[o any prepa}�ment charges dus under the IVote:second.to amounts payable under � -"°
<br /> �� �� paragraph 2;�hird,co mteresr dne:fourth,ta principal due;and tast,to any late charges due under the Note. . ��,:•-: *-�__
<br />-.� � - 4. Charges; I,iens. �arsawer shall pay all taxes.assessments.chacges. fincs and irnposiaons aun'buea6le co the �.".s�"•'°-
<br /> ��:.;' Fta�perty which may attain priorsy over this Security tnsmunen►,and lease6old paymea[s or ground renu,if azry. t3r�rower
<br /> } �.:_ : shall pay tfiese obligatiwis in dm manner pmvided in Qaragraph 2.or if aoi paid in tha�manner.Borrower shati�rray t�em oa `<:'
<br /> ' i.`:`'. '. � ame direcdy to the persofl owed payment. Borrower sAall promptly furai�to Lende:all norices of amounts to be gaid under y� ��'�?_�
<br /> :: ; . this pacagraph. If Borrower makes these p�,rnents direcdy.Bomower si�a1J prompcty fumish to Leatl.r recei�x�videncing , ' ''°} ' `�±�`-
<br /> , . : . . , �e paymenu. -� - .
<br /> '�� t,.� . �omuwer shall promptly discY,arge any iien which has prioriry over this Security la�ument unIess Borrowe�:(a}agrees .- , .;.�: ...
<br /> in w�sting ro the paymnnt of the o6ligation secured by ttm li�in a manner aweptabt�to q,ender.(b)contests in good faith the ; .
<br /> � lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in.teg�t proceedings whish in[he Lender�opin:on operate to prevent the � • .
<br />-'s �`�,:;;`...,..-��,. � � �:� enforcemen�of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of�e tien an agreti�ment satisfac�ory to LettCes snbordina!ing the lien ��. •.�:,:, .:
<br /> to this Security InsmimenG if Lender deteanines that any part of Wse Pra�erty is sabject to a lien w5ich may attain priority •
<br /> � `;�: j� i ,; .� over this Securi lnstrumen�E.ender ma ve Borrower a notice ide�hf in the liec�. �vrrower shali sadsf tke Ii�n or take � '
<br /> tY Y 8� Y 8 Y �:. .
<br /> � -� . � oc�e vr more of the actions set�orth above within 10 days of the giving of notioe. : `
<br /> ,�'.•.`.., . . .: ' S. Hazard or PtogeeEg IImsuranee. Batrawer shaU keep the improvemeats now existing or.hereaft�ec�cced on the
<br /> _*, �;�,_.;;4. � ]�to�crty insured against loss by fire.hazaNs included within the tezm�x�ended coverage"and arry o�'ie�t�azards.including • ,•:r
<br /> �:_j t`�� � . �:� i`I�ods or tlooding.for which Lender requires insurance. Thls insuraace shall be maintained irr�atnounts and for the • `,';�,
<br /> .1 �'r�_'� . .`��j L�. ,"l, ' .\�
<br /> t.• .��qa�� . Farm3078 9/90 fpa�e2nf6pogesl .,.�,�:':' .
<br /> .: _:�t,��� ...,
<br /> ,�:t"���� . . ���.
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