;i ���'��} . �. .. 'it� ` `�. , t _ �' _ _ i .�z
<br /> � 4.`�. .
<br /> _k� ..a J ��_ _ ;...]� _c�.,�.'. __.______ �T''!a'Z�'c{ a' . � .�,{.. � �.y." ; - U -.
<br /> `�. . �� ��`'— .�; �4 ___ .. .' ' --' . _e ti.o.aa _ ._-.:.a =- _ - .,.. _� .
<br />=t-. .. d`, l.=y°�,.� ' . � .. , .
<br /> _�.-_.��:`�� �_���� � . � 93�io -. , --- _ --
<br /> _�:���. � _
<br />�: .
<br /> � ;,; �'Oti�t'HER WI'i'H all the impruvemepts now or tie�sRe� etacted;�on ttte property: etsd fl1i easetnents: righfs.. — —
<br />��� �' "' aPPurtenssices.centa,r+oyatties.minerel.oi1 and gas dg�ts and pmfits.wtuer�tights and stack and�11 fiamres aotiv or heseafter a —__:-
<br />= _ `��� �art af the pmperty.All�!��a nnd addIdans shall also 6e mvered 1sy,ttils S�tsdt�-I�,i�ument. Ali of the foregving is- ' --= _= —_
<br />-- r,° � �-, cefer�i ro in this Se�uiry Inswment es the••Property.•• . -----
<br /> _ „��•: • =-- ---�
<br /> ' � �� BORROWER COVENAN'TS that 8umower is lativfnlly seised of the esmtC�hecetiy oonveyed aad has the right w grant aac! -_ --
<br /> "•� ?�. ti , �°; canvey the Pmperty and that tha Property is unen�,vmbered.except for ertcus�btances of reoot+d. Burrower•wanants and will ��� : —
<br /> ,;� _ , �� =-
<br />="� �-.•.��- ;:. � defend geuetaliy the dtte to the Property against el!claims and demands.subjecfto any ennunbrauces of�+ecard. �` ----
<br /> �;�_
<br />__ -f. -��� gy��, . . ' �� _=
<br /> ,� ' � ��`�, i.Aapmeat of Petndpal,Inte+�t and Late C � `"� �,�i '' R
<br /> , Large.Bomower sh�lt paye•when due the principal of,and iniei+est oa,the . ,�,�
<br /> ,� p . . ' debf evidenoed by Ehe Note and taiect►arges due ander ihe Note. - .. } - - .
<br /> ``j c� _' SLy� _F, :' .` _ `•:' � �_
<br /> .� Z.Monthly Payme�tts of Taaces, insuranoe and Qi�':'£fiarges,-�+3�iwer shall uiclude in.eash mon`��;r_i�'�?s!t, - .� � ;_
<br /> '4 �� ;, together with the.piia�agal and�t as set farth in the�Ia'te�a�H���p:ges,an instak�.�ent cs€��a�t2�es a�spe�r�i: : �`£,� ` -
<br /> ��tt"t Y� a��'s_f�¢�'FSr:�•�ea�'�gainst the F��} 4'{�l Ee.��oId payi�ents or got�.c�ES'a�.ct�•�;•.��f� � y � `�
<br /> efCf �1+�,�.!' �47'c` .�Cal1i:,��L�,T�l����I1Q� . ' . ,. t �,.. �� _
<br /> fi' ti `� 4� �� �� ,. . •- '� x i�'���
<br /> �4` • ' �' � ,�' ., .w, .
<br /> '�yy�������r `�' � �Each mondily ias[allment for items(a).(b},and(c)shall eqnal one-twclft�of the annual art�ounts,as reatoaably estimated �,.r
<br /> � •�'� - -�� by I.ender.pleu an aatount sufficient to maintain an additional balanoe of not�.mur�e than one-sixth of the estimated amounts.The •�y Y� _
<br /> ' �Y� `= "� �' "' full annual amount For each item shali be ascumulated by Lender withirt.0 period ending one month before an item would �"'� ��� `�
<br /> p ` 6eoome delin uent. l.ender sha11 hold the amounts colle�ed in trnst ta: a itema (a), (b}� and (c) bcfore the 6ecome �-�'�°"`
<br /> �:. � y � 9 � Y' Y • :�_
<br /> . '-'�� detinguent. � . ..4.�''��_
<br /> �� . _ Y�.:-
<br /> : : ,,� .. ;.+,. .R;-��:-,+
<br />— �:�,`�_ `: ,_ • If ut any time�hc total oi'the payments heid by Lcndcr fi�r ltens�{;s), (h>, unJ tcl. eogethc� with the PuWrc aumthty ��:>'•
<br /> - ,° _ .. . � u paymm�ts fiir huch itemx payabte tn Leader pri�tt tu the due datrr uf sua�itemr.exrecds by more tNun une-�ixth thc estin�ted , . "��' _
<br /> • ' ` ( amaum nP paymcnt�rryuir�!to pay bu��h itcros whtn due.und if p�y�itnt.r�m thc Natc urc currcnt. then t.emter shail either � .;�
<br /> ���� ° � - � rcf1uW �he cxacs�ovet une-sixth of the estfmatod paymcnt+��r crcdit �fa:caccxs uvcr onc-siath at the estimatad payments to '4 � . '� �-
<br /> � , : � .:r _
<br />- , ,_ .� <��.:; eubseqvent pnyments by Bum�wcr,at the aptiUn uf Bumuwcr. lt�hu toWl uf thc paymcn�s niade by Borrower for itc�n la).(b). � , . : ;. ;
<br /> ° : �� or (c> ii insufticiem to pay the item when dae. then Bimower bhull pay ta Lender uny tunaunt necessaasy to make up the _ �` ��
<br /> eces ' _ ��-
<br /> - '. . . °' deftclency oa or betorc the date the Item bocomes dtte. �. �o.,;'.:',�t .�,'.
<br /> . .. �:- ��--
<br /> • � � Ax used in thix Seeurity Instrumen�. "Secretary" means the S�cre�ary of Housing and Urban Development or his or her ' � �� .�t�': •
<br /> .; . .' designee.in any ycar in+vhidt the Lender mvst Qay a mort�ge insut�nce pnemium to the Serretary(or any year in which sucb � '• '�'.`
<br /> � _. � .. Lit.,'_
<br /> - ' � ��' premium would have b0en requimd if the Lender still hetd the Securit�'.Instrument).each monthly payment shall also include `�";='';.;��• �
<br /> .�`"�'` "° " either: (i)an instaltment of ihe annual mortgage insurnnce premium ta 6e paid by L.ender to the Secnetary. or(ii)a monthly , , .
<br /> :�� � �� ' charge instead of a mortgage incurance premium if this Security instnernent is held by ihe Sec�etary.Each monthiy installment �. '�
<br /> y_n._<.:`_'_.;,.�.�_ of the mortgage insurance premium shall be in an amount su�cient to accumulate the full annual mortgage insurance pmmium ��'��� � `•• =
<br /> • ° =�� `` with Lender one month priar ta the date the full annuat martgage insurance premium is dae to the Secretary. or if this Security ..' `,V' ' �-=�' `
<br /> n.y'.._ '..... '.
<br /> • � � , Instrument is held by the Secretary,each monthiy charge shall be in aie amount equal to one-twelfth of one-half percent of the ���.�.•
<br /> . . � ' ,' . outstanding principal balance due on the Note. ..• ;�k
<br />