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<br /> �_. . _. . . .. _ . . _ _ . � . ` �1,.�n 11�..�.rn�n�fl��f#he.ltt��l11S'1t�Q1�_�1t�g- -
<br /> — --�y5Ia6��liss: , bsfOYlr��33�t�t't�$�..._......�_. -- - ---- ___---_.
<br /> Sxgtlty�i�►before tBe ttaicinnig,unIsss�omnwer aad i.eader�e=wiscrg�ee�;?�►ritia8+tDe�o�s�b�t�"
<br /> ..this'S�vlty ra�nme�`shall.ha'fednt�ct fii►t�e aan�o�u of tbe 9rvanr�xs cm�ipliod bY t�e folE�a$.fr�ion: (a}tlt�:so�at.�,
<br /> . am�uuat oE,t6e sums sowr�d immedi�ai�t before t6e raldng.divided by(b}tt�6dr ena�i�d v�o�tbe Propeety imrr�diatel�+��
<br /> = 6efarG slse:nlang..My�atano�sball b�PaiO ta Bmmwe:ia the evart�af a garti�t talcirtg of,th,A+op*.et�ut�whics�t}�:f�,:
<br /> mailoat.vatue of t6a Pe+ogecty immedi�etY b�t'o�the tat��is I�ss ihan�tlis��ma�nE of tha sumg sewred immadiat�iY�efoi+a`t�s:.�
<br /> taJapg:wQ1C;s Bon+v�e�:and�Lmdeirpshc�+ise a�rae in wciting or pntess app�taar ut�ecqvise'�vid�s.tLe ptoaecis.sbqlE�'
<br /> be appiied to tt�e sums seatre�d Dg i�is'Se�aity�nir�t_vVhei6et oinnt t9e sums ate tt�eu�!ue. •' . -'
<br /> Nr tbs pr�eity ts aba�oned by Bomower,or.if;after�ntia bX i.�er to Borrov�es tT�t tha co�denmur.oitbrs to mak0:aa .
<br /> aw�rd or sdtte a daim fos d�ages.8o�iav�faita.w t�spond W I�nder wirbin 3fl'days aftei tlda daCa the aotIoe is gCve�, :
<br /> , ;;;-�is autbo�iud to ooT[eca a��tY�P�atits opt�on.cit�er w►cstor�tiaa os sepair of�he Pmper�y ar to the�s
<br /> `;.c;;s�vrcd(iy ttis Seaadty tnsunm�t..wtjether or aayt t�ddue. : ' . , , .. '
<br /> . '� ficatioa oi. w ai shall�t�cte�d adr... .
<br /> �` Valess Leffier aad Bonawer oth�r.wis�agree'Sn w�iting.a�F gPP P�S P�P ,
<br /> _ —� ' ne tl�sa due date of dze mnmhl �fercadto in � 1 and 2 or cbanSs the atnouat Qf such PeYments- .
<br /> .
<br /> �� 9� . . � — --- - -
<br /> � 11.Han+dwar Not Rdeasad��'�'�$�_.�de�r Not b��Yv�:BxteasIan of the tima for payn�cnt or aa�ifiration
<br /> .�of�ort of the sum�saau�tly:t�s�`�-ara�ent Sranied BY Leudei Fn suy sto�ssor jn inte�e.st of Botrower shalt .
<br /> . , :;_�ot ape�ate co zetea�e t��ia�ilicy uf ehe,,�.'�,��?r os 16omuwer's succ�ttrs in iu�e�est.lenaer sball noi be requued w .
<br /> r�p����Y "•��•: or refi�se to exte�d d��r or otHeians�modify amarti�dtion
<br /> .���.;. sa�?x:raF;� P�Y� �
<br /> • of tAe snn�c seaued bl+this Socvrityr����fi�s°n of anp d� made by the origii�al�Borrower or Bormwet's
<br /> , z :
<br /> �•. sucaessors in iatapst.Auy foibea�anoe by i��pr.?,xeirising as�y_right or remedy sLall not be.a a�aiver of or p�ecIu e
<br /> ,��.exeacis�of aa�y rtght or remedy. ,,�._,,;�..:., �
<br /> � 12.Suoe�aiid Agigas Bout�d#�mi��evarallda�ty:C�gnees. '�4te oovenams and agnee+aents of this
<br /> S�rItyr Instzument sLall bind and b�t,t�.�attd ass3'gas of Lender&ad 8om�wea. subject w the psovlsions of
<br /> - --__- P�Ph 17. Bortower's mveaa�s'ai��,s�1�e taint aad seveial. Aay Borr��x wha co-signs thia Security - ----_ -
<br /> —.�:°
<br />