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<br /> `- ���.;�;6i� .�9[�epe��� Ptattpw�x'rt�at�fc�`tbe i�uFrav���s c�r�3�c�,1�aa���'t'°�'p�`�'tha <
<br /> 0.`' ��an�r in�d+�aicat tasts bji t�e.�ar�¢a�incfu�wit�ttre s��'�c�Q ao.r+eu����+a��her�ds.ip�t�yt�� ,
<br /> —'` � �Qoads or Q�t����r�uhiCft I�det�+qttl�i�c.�iisl�:a�al�be m�iriinea�od it►tfie�a.aad t�s�.t�a``pe�a�ds : ��� >
<br /> _� — - � __ _ . .. .... .. . . , .�. � � -� ^4 `aa�woeu�f� .—.
<br /> ���
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<br /> ,yr. - {ROfWa�����4'����M�i ������`` � � 'ti r ..- _' . .. ti�' .
<br /> - Qpt�OR.�AO�w . _ .
<br /> _?=:; . - `� 1�}�l�G��l6711QN'i{�6�.bG aLYl�t}RS t0`�i�1;�811i��DICIWdC�S�Q�[�;�01�0 Ct�BC•.�O�.Ty.'�:�
<br /> '� 88it��'�1iV'a t�C I�lt W����[CRCK°�Sf,.������s�I��Ki'd 6��InR�I.�iW3 tQ�li1tJiF 9�lEt�:�1E9 d� .
<br /> — - , — ` ��DYit(�[At�t�il�9EWl11�.IA i�2 C11E�Of�e�,�Ogi�OMfGt EbiII`$�YC�t IIt3L�Cb td t�0�CCi�!!Il'Eli1i���.
<br /> `' t.�a t�3►�P�af t�r�s i�n�tt�e�3►Dy BasYowcr. . . . �: _ _ - ": � ' _ -
<br /> —.----- -- -- --.--- . . L lJo�s dsader�.B[�ra.wer aLettv�isc agce�i in.m�,ins�auc�.�ds�� �7�!ta =�� _ __
<br /> 6e ieStia�Fan o t�i�;
<br /> , ���t`y dan�ged,if t�e�+estuiat�ar tepair is esann f���n�r"e sa��Y, no�te�o���t� '�:;a�':'- ---
<br /> — t i�mt eronQmisallY fe�'bL�:vt I.dn�ar's senirIty wnnld ke t�d:�Yee iuu�rauop�sm11 ba appl��?t�e sr�its. --.
<br /> sacaro�hy tI►is Secutiry tnsuume�t.w�r or iiat tl�a-�Ync..witIr apy�e�cetss pa��to�orroweQt If Banro�T�'sti.iit�RQ�,"t'ke -
<br /> Peappty,or dats mt�mswer witnin 3Q days Q natia ftamn,�eade�,r that tLe ias�uan�e t�tet�S offe�ext ta se��'a;�iif:��� .
<br /> iei�der t�yr�oflxt t�c imnr�atr ps�eoeeds. i,ead�r may i�tit���tiat�,� tn rt�air a:reston d�Prope�ty.�a�s,to�;+�q'ti�amt���.: .-
<br /> seaupd by sIIfs SecurIty Ipsuunmt.�+2i�etAer oz not t�en due.Tka;3Q'id��p�tic!w�l begin when�t�t�is 8�v�u;�::' ,`� �.; � ';=::,= .r. _
<br /> L�ht�s L,ender aad�iiro,wcc.att�wise�ee�n�wrhit�t��un'�,'a���2�ti9n of,Rraadeds tQ pr�ipa� sh�tbtt�tex�t��r.,:�.�:.;-;,�-�: -
<br /> past�ot�e i�e dna date of tt�r�aarhiy pay�ts�+afemA.so-�ai��'�Y aua 2 or cbauge thc am�ouni:a€�t8!�g��,t��>:,,.<:.:=::::
<br /> amer.p�aph 21 d�Pmpeny is ac�vired Dy i,euder,��',s��t�:a�is��t�a�Olides um�proaeeds��8�:�r;> � ___�_--
<br /> d�ge to We PcaP�Y Onor toth�aQquisition s�6all pa5s to T.�i@r�ttw ax�ft pf tt�su�s seau+ed 61F tbi.s Sqcurity�os�tcmat�t•a: -
<br /> immodia0ety p�arto tIte aoqaisidou. , � ��.�• � . °-
<br /> � 6.Oacaptne9.�n,lbiaflrt(aa�e�A+atc���.itui��'h'+:�n+u�s Loure,�p{�'�tlun��tdb::.. ., _
<br /> � ��_�A�.
<br /> Baaawer s�afl oocupy.establasQ,and ase.tt�Pmg�r�u9 t�trod�r spriaeipal rgs3dea�e 9���Y�aftier th�e�rl:o€, .
<br /> -- .�� - --- � dusSecun'ty Inswment aad sha!!oouti�m uocupg•thtr�ir�t.as B�nEaive�'s p�CiPa�re�dettoe farat�t�t�F:wm�ye�r�af��� � T �- -�
<br /> the da2e of oaupat�cy,nniess I�der ati�vise ag�ees ia�wxa�"�rnj��h oorc�shall nut 6e uat+easaiQU61��.wittsf�eld.:u�tmlasa< ��
<br /> �tating cir�nees eaist afiicb are 6eyro�d Bormwrr'a ��:Sora�pwer s�all not des4�a��dumuge.ue��imp�ir:tbe. _---_-
<br /> Pcoperty.altow the Fmperty to deteciorate.or aommi4�ar�ts.oto We.Frrp�tjr:$orauwer s�WG�ba�ia.dofanlo�if arry,�fot£eiul� �y�_.
<br /> action or proaoediag,.whetIIer civil or criminal,is begim:thttt ia;3�euder'a goad fait��Sadgu�nt eauLi,¢+eattt in,f��itat�af�&o:� �=-�=
<br /> � — t�e liea cceated 6 thia S�xirir��fas�DOr•L�der's security iaterest.:�nro�et uu►}+:� ����
<br /> — Fropeity or otbeta+ise�impair y�hi ' '�- f ----
<br /> _ � r'"��.�
<br /> - � ctine sudi a defauit and�n� °as provided in pardgraph'18:by'ea�iag tlt�,�ctFatrar�te�g co be.dismissed widCucvlin8"_. '.. ��-
<br /> -- - - d�t.ia 1�ndds good�ai�d�mination:•�Preclades forfeit�ue.of ttte Surco�r's:interest iu�tE�a�PtuPe�ty+ur�oWer�mutatiat+• ': �LL
<br /> v—`_��:-.+;"�" impairmeue of the lien cmated b�t tbis 3�ty.Insenm�eut�arL�eader's saeoti+ly,��1tece�t:Botzoa�,�r�shttU�at��1ho.imd�fac�IG:iPo:�.. ���-_--
<br /> �=-.;: • x
<br /> �,�s�%�.,-y.' . _.
<br /> �ti
<br /> Bonower.during th�toan applkatian pmoess.gave auuoci3lP��fals..or innoa�us�ta infurmatiauorsqtamcnta:t+O;I�CriIIP.f'(Qfi�fftL� `�`
<br /> F',��'.,r�,�"��,.�;�'��'"'' ro pr�vide lender with any�erial informadon)in�cam�etxiuirwi�ht8e,totwt•cwidena�dby.tha Natc,inclndidg��:�qtFAot�(ilhited ,�._�
<br /> %?'�^:;��";'';��;;.".- ta,repnseatations oonceming Borrower's occupancy af Wn.��Y:as'a.Pr�acipal residanoe If this Se�ear�ty�.Gi�tmiuent,isema :.:;�-
<br /> `'"• ` . teasehold, Bormwer sl�all comply with alt•the pmviniana�oF�the,lease. IF,Borrower acquit�s fce ritta:to th�-Pntp�rty:tha ~.,'.r��,�
<br /> — ;^.`-�.'� � ';}::'i leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless Lender a$teesio_tHo�m�3n�wridng. ' ; ".:''�,��`
<br />'����:it.�.t�}^f��� . .t :v[..`.'��v,t'�"._
<br /> ,.,..,�,_�::. 7.Pt�nteetion of Leadei's Rig6ts in the Prn8eri9�i833umauwc�tildtaperform the coven�wtsaad a�contained ia ., _ .
<br /> u
<br />,.::r�:�,va:f�,:s�: ... �: , ; :. ... -_
<br />�; ,� ;r„�r�,•�;::. Wis Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceEding�thrt unqy�signif�mntly affect Lenders rights in the Pcvperty<such as a , , ���
<br /> ; . . ,•� .�=
<br />�.: ��;_ •., '• � ;`�; Proaeeding in banknuptcy,Pmbalc,for ooIIdemnation�ar-•farf.ritbt��or�eo.cafoice laws or tegulations).thea I.ender may do aad <..�Y,�., ���•--
<br /> `��. � ' ' � ,;; pay for whatevet is nec�s�azy rn pTOtect tPie valuo of��ho�Ftvpeat3t�atid Lender's aghu ia tha Property+.Lender's actions may � �� '
<br /> a
<br /> �'• • � ' � inctude aying�y sums secure� by a li� whIch�•h��priaritp�over tdis Security Instnunen� appearing in oourt. paying - � � -
<br /> a . .�; P . : �;:--
<br />- � ' •r . ceasonable auomeys'fees aad er�ing an the Property•ta,mtilce repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragraph •j:�:• .
<br /> ,� : rjYi��_.-
<br /> - . '.. : . �...•, :;,.-:_:�-_
<br /> � , '`�r`�";.' ,, 7.Lcadcr dces not have to do.sa. , ' : '.. ,,;��:
<br /> i�:i< ,., � �'�'•�;� ,.:.,;.��,..lAy.;�-
<br /> T ��.���i*��.:' �;' �;�,:,�:, Y.,;,:;.}:..����t:,�
<br />_ x•. ., .�.. . /§�y a�nounts disbursed 6y� Lender under this pardgrdph 7 shall become additional debt of Somawer sec�-ed by this �5;���t:��,.ti.,,,�4, '•ti�:i�:�
<br />- ' ':. • � , Seet�.*aty i�ment. llnless Borrower and Lender agree rn ot6er tetms of payment.these amounts shatt bear iau�t from the ='.-3�4;��•:,�'°•�:;�`'�U�}ti4:�
<br /> � � ' date of disti��usem�.'c�t at the 1Vote rate and shali be payabie,with inner�� upon notice from LeIIder to Borrower requesdag �r'�>L�:�s���,
<br /> . Y�� , ��:` `���.��f.� 4
<br />- . . . ' . PaYment. :�.';(:.y'.,. .�' . ` :
<br /> '` ' 8.Mortgage Insu�arsr�e.If i.ender requiced mortg�e i.tsurance as a conditiaa of making the toars sact�nd�sy ti�is Security �.•::a�.. ,•L .. . .
<br /> � ,,`,�`'t Insmunent. Bomower shall pay che premiums[equirad to maintaia the mortgage irisur�ce in effett. If. for�mr reason,the It�;�:��s1�_. � �;. •• •
<br /> }'� .
<br /> ��,�;, � !;.\`��?�.. �..•� �+•
<br /> ��� �'{' mortgage inswance coverage cequired by Lender lapses ar c�es tu be in effect.BurruwPr shalt pay the premiums re�uirod to _ :
<br /> �� �„= • .. .`}�s� �
<br /> � obtatn oove e aubstantiall uivalent to the mort y in effect,at a cost�.anGall '�'�'�'�� '` '
<br /> � � Y�t g�,c inswance previousl y equivalent to the >>,; `
<br /> �i.. ',;.�' ` " oost to Borrower of the mortgage iasur�nce previously in effect. from an altemate mortgage insun.�approved by I.ender. If _ � ....��.��� �
<br />- ,�. ;, ' subscat►tislly equlvalent mortgage insurance covetage is n�r available. Borrower shall pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to , � .
<br /> ` �ii��`� ` u�welfth of the yeazly mortgage insurance premium ineacg paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage tapsed or ceased to �
<br /> :�._;��.���. . ..
<br /> � ` ' • . . _ be iR effect.I.ender wili accept.use and retain these paya;ents as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve �-
<br /> .;� .'� .
<br /> ;:; form 3028 9190 : ' -
<br /> Z.t••� �." .. . � Pape 3 0l 6 . .. . ,
<br /> .: .,�� , .
<br /> } t..�n� �.• .���. .
<br /> F�.,::3
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