J '^� ; ti-vt,� •fa��te+w>t+5i �; .. `1�.. . ,. . , t ' � ..._ L� --
<br /> .
<br /> ..� Z _ . , _ . � « � .
<br /> � �� , � j' ' '�=r�__
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<br /> 1 . . �w„ „_ _ _ - -� -
<br /> . . _ _,�' _ ._..a �-.:__.1_._....7.L.._.._.F..`� _ _ "�"cy��v--^---- - - — -_ = —- -- �-- -
<br /> � ...,f ~'���:��Y ` ., • � � .� . � � .� . � , _ , � � � . ., _ � - - -
<br /> _ - . `S. �or F►+npeaiy tdsnrtin�'6oitawer �1:n1� keep`tt�e ta�rAvemcncs eo4��d=r�1�c�rc��rected,oa tt�e -
<br /> --- — � Frop�sty i�aured ogatnse tosa by flre:h�d�inctuded wlihlo tho ttma'exteads�cavCmgo"c�nd a�►tlthrr ttoiards. insludii�g ,� �
<br /> —� �flnads or Raadiqg.fo�which l.cndcc requlrcs InxurenFe..'i9t�s tnsur�mc ehn11 ba awintniac�io tt�e�unounts end for ik��Crlo� �
<br />__ --____ --� -= --- --� -_iri�trutt�r�r�r��`�:i�� r ' 'm-'��5����t�tts�-l�+s�e�'v��;,�.:o.t--.._-- ,; — _ _
<br /> - — ` ' wDtch s1�i!nai de urue�san�bty withficid. tP EEorcower.fnit�ta mai�tn cavcmgo desc�l6ed�bQv�, l.endct tn�y.ut �endet's �_
<br /> _—_— — ,� optin��.obt�ie oovc�e ro ptaiec�4ender's rigdte itt N�t�Uper�K in a�odrda�teo wttb pae�gcoph'1, . `
<br /> , A!1 insumna�poltc�es►and renawuis el�nli ha aocs�tuble to LetuUer and�sAnil indado a etandacd.mort�gage�c[ause.Lec�der �_
<br />_- -_- _-= = shntt huv@ ihe Hght to Aatd the Qottcics und reae�vata. I�Lendec nequiies.Borrow�r shall prompdy give a l,cmde�u�t cereipta of .. ------
<br /> — --- __ patd premIums and c+eaewat aat�Ces.tn che event of tass,Borrower sAalt give pmmpt notIoe to tho insumnee carrter and 18nder. " - -
<br />_ = Eextder may meke pr�af of toss i[aot mad�p:omgtlY bY�atrowet. . . - --_ _--
<br /> '� � UNes§Lendzr snd Sorrower othenvise agc�c ue wrtting,insuranee pmceeds s6a116e aqplied to mstoradon or repair of the
<br /> -� _; , _�.. ._. ; . � . � .
<br />�_-�.--�-,�-- Pro�eKY damaged,if the�stomdoa or siopair is ecoaoa�fcalij►feasi62e arcd I.ender a sor.vrity is unt t�essene�:I�tlie�resforaRon oi ,� - e-
<br />��� ' r�air is nat eoono�nicaliy feasibte or l.ende�'s secvdty woutd be�essene�l.the insutanoe prooeeds sha]!be appfled to tho suros - __ _
<br /> a, , s o c u t e d by t h is Security I n strumeat, w he Wer or tmt t hen d t s e.wi t b any excess p a i d to.B orrower. I f B ormwer a b a a doas t fle ------ --
<br />- Roperty.or does�t enswer wtthin 30 days a aottee from L�eades t�at the insuraace carrier 6a9 offered to�ettie a claim,thea _� __
<br />= Leader may coIIect the insurat�oe proaeds. Lender may use the prooeeds to repait or cestore tAs Prnperty_or to pay sums
<br /> soaind by this Securiry Instrittneat.whether or not Wen due.The 30-0ay period wllI begin w9en the noti�is given. —
<br /> Unless l,eader aad Borrawer otherwise e�ree in writing. any application of pmceeds to principal sh�lt noi extend or . - -
<br />_ th
<br /> postpone the�ue.date of the manthiy'paymenta ieferred.to in patagrap�s 1 and 2 or c,�ange t�e amout�t of tl�paym�►ts..If --- --
<br /> under paregraph 21 the Property is aoqaired.by Lender,Borrower's right w a�r insuranoe polides and pmogeds resNting from ==--- -- �
<br /> ---- dam2ge ta the PmPertY Prior to the aequisition sGall pass to Lender to the extent of the a�ms secured by this Seauiry Insuument' --
<br /> �__ •� '� imnasdiateiy prior to the acquisitiaa. �c�-�
<br /> ��"'�"`�m--,� 6.Ooa�pancy,Fr�eevatton,Ndafntenaace and Pretec#on of the Pmpert�;Borrow�'s Luan Appltcation;I�old� _
<br /> ������4"�;�'^ . . �'• -
<br />- "`: '�`;;�'s:-` Boiroiver shBU ooa� establisb and nse tIIe as Sorrower's riaa al c+esidence withite s e�a s.after the execuuon of , `'•�=
<br /> _��r.�,';.w°;:�!;v,�•A..-:.'�! �� + � p p � � •
<br />���;�;%£�"�.'��_�= th[s Sacvriry rneh.»„pnt and shall rnminae��daupy the Property as Homt�?er's principal resideuce�'mr'�Ieasc one qear eftr"r. �`�"`-.-__
<br />�`�,a ;;' the�e of oavpancy,unless L�ender v�zgrees in writing,wiucL�:�.shaji a�t,be unreasdma�y withhet�;��r ;��s��; --
<br /> — v 'f , .�.� ::� � ext�i�ing cincumstances exist �h a:e 6eyond Bomowec's controt:���tcam�ivYes s�aot dc�tmy. damage�of�`�tt� �,.�:
<br />` ��� ! -`'"•����'�• pca���aliow the Pmgeriy w deteriorate. or oomnnit waSEe ctte ihe Property. Bor��;:sdall be in default if a�r'i.`'+�feiture
<br /> {<.tis-•s:,. �ti • :.__:_.
<br /> `:`saz{.z',!*���€.s —__=__-
<br /> '�.s�;':�,�j;��;; aaion or p�cooding,whether civr�or criminal,is begun tS�iri Lender's good faitB�t�d�tent cotild result in forfe:.iie of the �..
<br />-'��`:,,':::-`;':�'!�:'`� Pcoperty or otherwise materially impair the lien crrdted by dus Security Il�raament�qr fi�er's security interest.Borrower may �'""'�-
<br /> rra
<br />- '-F ; r'� „�i.-� cut+e sach a defauit and reinstate.a�provEded ut paaa�raph 18,Dy catuing the action or px+�o�eding to 6e d�cm;��wi+t5 a niling ---
<br /> ;.,;;:,1:�� �, ,r� � that,�,�.Ixnder's gaod faith d�ation, g�eci�cdes.fc�'e�cue of the Borrower's ia�n� in the Property or�material �,��,��
<br /> ' �r� `�,''�y�'�,'`.T' � l��p t o f t h e l i e n�e r e a a e d�u r,�:s.S e n i r i t g I�m e i u��.e n d e r's s e c u ri ty i n t e�s��v.R t o w e t s h a ll:a l s o 6 e.��i t i f +��,+s •
<br /> ;'�r"'�i 4SC���)��t:ri�rnY�;s, ���� --
<br /> ' � cr,h, �:r�, .Bur�c±mer,du�in g the taaa a p p�icaYc�.y�t�acess,g a ve materiaFi,gr�atse or inaccurate idforma�z+a�states,,es'u�s ta���4x faited ��s,;
<br /> �-' �� '° "' , �z= . �� to provlde Lender c��ae�y��atec�infiorma�aa}:�n connection with the taan evidenoed by the Note.iacfaiding,`(�t��iimite�_ "��t--'
<br /> _ .,.,. . , �,�;s�_.
<br /> � . t �. to.irpzesentations cor�ming�or.vwer's accuFancy of the Propecty as a principal residence.If t6is Secnrity Insm�ax"s on a ��"� --
<br /> � ���.t� �� leaseha2d. Borrower shall comRI� with all the pmvisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title w the�ty, the �'�`�"���'�'
<br /> •; ;.; - �_•,---
<br />_ ��'`�•�: ��� °• • leasehotd and the fee ude shall not me e nnless Lender a to the me er in wrltin . '�=��:-�.:'-
<br /> .; ;; .t`: .: � � �B 8 �• -�`�? .-.
<br /> �� - 7.Protedioa of Lender's Rtg6ts in the Property.lf Borrower faiis to perform the wvenants and agr+eements rnntained in �"��;
<br /> .1 .��.4•.�,.:
<br /> s� � ' ,'.��� ° `+ ��• this Security Instrument. or there is a legal praceeding that may signifccantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a � ;,°:„�
<br /> ' . , .�::
<br /> � � �;., ; '. , proceeding in banduuptcy.probate. for candemnation or forfeiture or to enfon�e laws or regnlations),then Lender may do aad � -�„�,�k;��
<br /> � : � _ , .. pay for whatever is necessary to pratect the value of the Property and I.ender's rights in the Property. l.ender's actions may ' �, :�:;�.�',`
<br /> ' � � . . include paying any swns secumd by a lien whic8 has priority nver this Security Instcument, appearing in court. paying ''�'�''1
<br /> a„ _
<br /> � �� : reasonabte attomeys fees and entering on thc Propeny to make repairs. Although I.ender may take action under this patagraph � � _
<br /> � 7,i,ender does not have to do so. � �h=
<br /> • � �`��� Any amaunts disbursed by l.ender undcr this pamgrapA 7 shall become additionul debt of Borrower secured by this �"'��:�'`. 1��`
<br /> '� � . Socurity Instcument. Untess Borrower and Lender agme w other tertns of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the � ��t'����•` `_ -;��>-�
<br /> �, • date of disbutsement at the PIote rate and shall be payable. with interest, upon nouce fram l.ender to Borrower requesting �-r����j�'�•� .' = -'-
<br /> a ,�,�e1�•` ,ta?. .
<br /> ' � :�>�,��r.:;;' .. . pay�uetit. ,, .
<br /> ' ' ?'"`�t?��' , 8.Mortgage Insura�ce.if Lender required mortgage insuranee ac a condition of rnakin�the loan secured by tF�s Security _ , `
<br />=:� ; ' , Instrument. Borr�er shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mti�age insurance in effect. if, for any aea5on. the � �
<br /> �� •� ,',�:� ' ,:. ' mortgnge insurance mverage required by Lender lapses or cear•es to be in efi<ce.Borrawer shull pay the pmmtums mquired to ;:: � :: '` .
<br /> , ... . .,����.�.
<br /> -'� - obtain�verage substantiully equivalem to the mortgage insurance previously in e(fcx¢.�.c a cast substantially equib;,�mt to the ',",1?=r�.:' . �,y'S
<br /> _ : , *ti..� e e �, �� ,
<br /> �- � ; ^ co s t to B orrower o f t he mortgage insumnc�e pmvious ly in e f fect, from an a lternate rs4er_gage insurer approv e d E m: 9 x n der. I f '��T�f'�' °..•�:•?�4'•-!.: :"
<br /> '•� � ` ' -•''•' '` ' substantially equivatent mort�e ir•sur�nce coverage is not available.Borrt�uer shalt Paz eo i.ender each month a sum equal to � �
<br />- i�".•,.: ',. _ . one-iwelfth of t�e y�riy mortg2ge insu�anc�e premium being paid by BorruKer when the�nsurance coverage lapsed or ceased to �+!' ' �,:•- .��
<br /> �< .,..-: • 6e in effect.Lender will aaoe�st,u5e and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieo of mortgage insurance. Las�� reserve �� ` � " � • •
<br /> ��a ._�.`�;. . . `'i•,: ;S, . .
<br /> �;'. _•;; . • Farm 3U28 9180 `,i����`'�' �
<br /> i•� Page 3 of 8 '
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