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<br />�� � � .� �
<br />—___'.�'._4""��r'� ": ' ,•,
<br /> — _ a. �
<br /> 'rOQBT�R�VfFH alf tge lmprnveme�ts now or heneafter erectod an the ptopErty.antt���te► ��1� ..
<br />- Bxtures now or hereF►fter a part of We pr�yerty. Alt replacemems a:td ct�ltions e6�f1 nl�a 6� oovett�d.fij5:tht�;S�t�t � �
<br /> ��° Insuument.A!!of tho forcgoIng la refort�ed w in Wa Secudqr ioswt9tent es the°Pruperhr.° r . '
<br /> _- =- �:.� �
<br /> - — ____El3FLa�S�P�-S'Ll1i.FNs4�3l����i�sl��ll�rs�ts_md_nit�8_cstste.hem�umtls6y�d0it¢1t�5�th3�i.ttr�tt��[Ht=„-- • _ -
<br /> - — --- -- � oonvcy tho Finaerty aail th�t tt[e Prn�eny ta unena�►ber�.eacept[or cncumbranc�s of too�il. Bmm�ver w�ite cmd wiU � `_ _
<br /> _ -- __ defcnd gencraJty ilte dtte to thct P�rope�tyr ogolnst nl!ctaims und denmct�s.su0,�ect to aoy en�mbmn�ot caou�f....':;, �
<br /> _ - -- ` THIS SECURiTY INSTRUMSNT combfnes uniform wvenonts for nsitionsl�uso aod natt-unlfnrm no���is�yv[th timtted .
<br /> - ----- _ - variations by judsdFctfoa W oonsttwte a unlform security insuutnent covcrlag c+eal pmpetyr. � �__
<br /> - - UNiFORM CbVBNAN'i'S:Bormwer end Lendcr oovenant sad ng�ee as fo8mvs: ' � __ --�_ _--
<br />�` - -- - - l. P�yafea3 of Pttactpal and Int�resl;Prepaymene and i.�te C6ar�es. Bomu�vcr shstll pron►P�ty�Pey';•w�ti�due the,-. - -- - ---
<br /> - -
<br /> _� principal of and intetest oa the debt evidenoed by the Nate attd anY P�Ymem a�d iate chs�gas dua undcrthetNat�t.: . . `�'� �.
<br /> - �a�°` �.� - t.Fl�ds for.'Faass sad Inss�rano�Subject so applicuhta ls�ar_oc.to.a writtet�waivez by�Le»de��atr�►�sb:l1_l�aY tn .._ ���� �;
<br /> . '� . �r ��._
<br /> ;_ . �� i,ender on the day monthly payments az+e due under the Note,untit the Notc is paid in fiill.a sum t"Funds)fatc:(�.yeariy taxes �r; :. �;iti,:-
<br />_���-��- L and s�__m_�ts wlrich may attain priority over this S�tY Lutnjment as a t�e�on the PmA�+:(hJ Yea�iN.lta�bld payments ���.- _-�'�.-
<br /> -- or urd maus on the Pro tty.if an tc)Year1Y ha�ard or iasuranoe mmiqms:.(d)Y�ttl}�tlaod l�suzanoe premiums. f�°`�'X'=-
<br />� ���#�� � Pe Y� Pi'aP�Y P �"� ___
<br /> if any:(e)Yea�iY martgage insurance pr�niums.if any:and(�any su�payab2a by.Bamm^�ta•Lendt�in a000rQance witD °_:�
<br />- ; tlte provisioas of Fatagraph S.in li�of the paytaent of mortgage insuianoe p�emiums.:Ttp����a�e cal2ed'Fsctow Items.' �:��r�===_-
<br /> :.,�:..r Lender may.st any time,aallect and hold Funds in an amount noi.ta exc�d�ttt:°,�im amount a lender for a fede ' �` .•... �-�
<br /> rdlly .��`°:�.
<br /> ��a�, tdamd mortgage toan may�equire for Baanw�'s�+nw a000unt under di�teit�ttl�lieat Estate Seutement Procedntes Act of �r'`J �°
<br />-�'�'`�r-'� .: t9'/4 as siaa�cded fl�ame co time. t2 U.S.C.Section 260t erseq.('YtBSPA71;unf�ss aaother law that applies tn the Fuads _ _-__----
<br />�[4�x3':�-;�:.�..;� ��_ =
<br /> ��r;--�.�-`,:.. s�s a tesser am�n�.If sQ.L.euder may. at anyr tira�.aouect:and h�nld Fnu�ls.in:au�amonnt not to exceed the tes�er amaant.
<br /> .�•�;,�:: _-�..�ic.
<br /> ,_
<br />� _�?'=f�-°. � I.eader may estimate the amount of Fuacis due on the basis of auzr.at.daas mod�t�soaable estimates of expenditu�es of fuutre ;:�:
<br />'���. ..: �,,Y � Emow Items or othetwise in a000rdanae whh applirdbte law. : :• ... . -.�; :=;;
<br /> �.'�--�'y;;�;,. :'�. x 'f4ie I�nds shall 6e held in an inst�tion wi�n�d�aesjts at�in4tired by a�fedeial agency. inswmcntality. or eitity �'�"�--
<br /> �::•,,.•_
<br /> �: ('iadudiag i euder,if Lender is such an in�7iRition)oc in�y Fed�al�Hmme Loan Bang.Lender sba11 apply the Fimds to pay the n::�._:a N,�-.�.__-
<br />�3: , �- t =
<br /> ;��';e � ;�' Fsao�v ItemS.Lender may not charge Barr��c for Qoldit�and a�Ipiug the Fnnds,anuusiIy analyzing tlte�crow a000um,ar '` �_:•�° __ ___
<br /> -t���='��"-t�'` tne Fscnnw Items.�mless Ixnii� �s'Somoiverimterest o�t�e Funds_and licable iaw mits I.endeF to snalce s�� *'�`°—_-
<br />�s;`rs��'`.-,`,.�,:•'=`�:�"�r:��?k 9�8 P�1 � P� :.����.. . _ -
<br /> �°'`": .,. .-:� -,t:: a dra�ge.However.Lender m3y zac{uire Horruwer ta Fap.a one-time sharge for aa i�,.�endtnt rea'estate tax ceportia�service ,;":Y��,:'�:��
<br /> �` � a�� • � : ---
<br /> ,% , �� used by Leader in oonr.ection wiW•this.toan, uni�.�2icabie law pmvides:�vise. Untess an ag�r is made or � �i. t _ --
<br /> ��`'" �` • hcable law. �s i�e�cst ta 6e � � ` �
<br /> , •.� ;:;.. aPp' �tni iss pafd;Lender s�atE u��be req�iid to pay 8ort���rany inteiescor•��s o�t the Fttnds.:.
<br /> .'V B orrower a a d L�e r�}!agree in�rri t i�,i sowever,c h a t i n t e m s t s t t z�.�e p a i d a u c h e F u n d s. L e n d e r s�+a 9 t��i v e t o B o rn n w�r' � ' ��''
<br /> :, ;.'�� cvithout cicar�e,.ac3 anm,eat'�ncountIng�a��he Funds, shnwing craiitsand debits�ta�ihe Funds aad the ptttj��us�fne wf4els:ea�ts . `�°r;.�;. �'� -
<br /> � , �-` debit to the Fuads+c�as�.�e Funds aze pladged as additiona}security far all sams secttred by this Secur::-�:.II�me�. ,�� h�r4,,:' - ---
<br /> : � if the�mrds fietd hy��er exoead the amounts pertniued to be heid by appticaDle law,Lender shall aci�oua�R t�r.l�aar j•:,;,;•�� : -'�—
<br /> � ��� � - --`��� fordre exc�ss Fands in aooardaeice with the iequiiements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by�I.ende�ac arig : '"�:�;•''-�
<br /> '�`��. . .�''-.�� time is nat suf�deae ta pay.the&ccov�:Items when due.Ixnder map so natify Eorrower In wridag,and.in such case Borrow�r , `'�`_����'� ',�;:
<br /> • � , shall pay to Lender tlie.ara�ount•nece.csAry to make up the deficiency.Bocrower shall matce up the deficieacy in no mo�than `• � "
<br /> :,
<br /> `. . . . ttvelve mo:tthly.paymeats:aFdxnder's soie discretion. ` - ="' f� :
<br /> � Upon paymerct in full�of all sums secured by diiH SecWriry Insttument. Lender shall pmmptly �efund to �omawer any °`�' ``°���
<br /> ,';`��-'•" , • . Funds held by l.ertdet. if,umter paragraph 21.Lender yha!!acquioe or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisition or sale - � ` •��ti"+�
<br /> f...: ., ... . :�;��
<br /> �
<br /> � of the Ptopeny.shall apply any Fund�held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as A credit against the sums securad by ,_ , „;�f
<br /> � this Security Instrumtnt. ^ ��
<br /> i••. � � 3.Appitcatton of Pnyments.Unles.c applicable la�c prm ides othenR ise.all paymentti received by l.ender under paragraphs ' �. . ;
<br /> ;.�•. . 1 and 2 shaU be applied:first.to any prepayment charges due under the Nc►te;�c.rnd,ta amounts payable under paragraph 2: _ . .
<br /> ,,; � . • third.to intere.st due:faurth,to principal due:and last,to any lato charves due under the Nata. � � :
<br /> 4.G�arges;Ltens.Borro�ver shali pay all taxes.assessment�. char�;es. fine+:uid impn�iti�ns attributabte to the Property :° _ . ' '� `i9;,,
<br /> � i�: . , which may attain prioriry over this Securiry instrument, aad teasehold pa}�ment�ur gmund nents. if any. Botrawer shall pay . _ . ` �
<br /> � � ' ����;' these obligations in the manner pmvided in parugraph 2.or if not paid in that manner, Borru��•er shall pay them on time directly � �.��'; ':: ?��
<br /> ' � �.,�.�=.� � to the person owed payment.Borro�ver shall prumptly furnish ta Lender;ill nmi��c.r uf amoums to be paid under this paragraph. �.
<br /> IF Hormwer matces these a�ments directl Borroa•er shall rom tl fumich ta Lender recei tc evidencin the a ments. • `,.�,,;=;� ��
<br /> � ' �' � P3 Y• P PY P S PY
<br /> �� �• Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien�vhich has priority o�•er this Securiry Instrument unless Barro�ver: (a)agrees in � � � •."
<br /> ''e� ; .�
<br /> :,7 • - � writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a marener acccptable to L,ender,lbl cantests in good faith the lien , . .. '
<br /> , {�•..;., ` , by. or defends against enfarcement of the lien in. legal procuxiin�s which in the l.ender'ti opinion operate to prevent the '�. ,:t�.• � �
<br /> - ��:, ' �� enforcement of the lien;or�c)secures from the holder of the lien;ut agreement satisfactary to Lender subordinating the licn to - ' . .
<br /> �1 - � � � , �is Security Insuument. If Lender determines that any part af the Fmperty i.subject to a licn which may attain priority o�er � �-
<br /> � ;:.= ?� :�•..r;.,�: @�is Security[astrttrne�t.Lender may givc Barm��•er a notice identit"yir�the lien. Barru«�er,hall satisfy the lien or take one or �� , • �
<br />- �� .. . =�'l:�i��. �rore of the 2aaoQS set fonh aboveµithin i0 days aP the gi��ing af no�ice. . : . � '
<br /> iti�,< ,��:'.�:';�`�� .
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