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<br /> . . . :Y.,��:,:,� 17.�of the Pra�oa a B�dids!Inter�s4�n Bor�weT.If atl or any part of e paty or eay mtee+est in it "s.:��t,� �,.--;
<br /> �;�::-;-wr�.,°:�.� ` is sold ot uansfe:re�tor if a bene ctal iuterc�t in Bonower is seW or traasfen+ed and�umnwer is not a aamrel pe�son?without : „ �,��,�,. . -:
<br /> - � t� �' � �x-.
<br /> ����;--`Y< ec`c?. ��CCdt`T 8 jf?IQf WfI�LCI!COIl5C1lR. L�nder may. at tt�apttoa. uire lmmodiate paytueat in tiill of at1 snms s�cused by tais �. .� '
<br /> — — = -- � t+�tsL� He�ear?�.�i nnrinn sLa11 not he eaencisel�y Iander if exec�ise is pm h i D it e d by f e d e s a l 1 8w as o f t he d a te � �.
<br /> ex nc�
<br />�. v r ` �a � O���tY IILRITtlIIt4�. . -
<br /> ?"�� If Lender exe�cises this ogt�on..Lender$ha11 give Barrower nmice of ac�tcration.The aot�ee shallprovide a peciod of not 5
<br />- ���:'t�3:...-:.`, tess than 30 d� fmm the�te the notioe is delive�d or mailed withta whIch Borrower must gay all sum9 secv�d by this �� '' `s., ::•�"
<br />- �,`� ' ` Security Ioswm�ent.If Borrower foits to pay thcse suu�s ptfor to ths expiiation of ttis periad.l cader may invoke any ieme�2s �i�F`?` <
<br /> a ,
<br /> ;,?�'' , pemntsed by t6js Se�urity Instrument without fiuther notiae ar demand on Bomawer. `� - `•` -
<br /> ,�,.<� . ' `� . , 18. 8orrowa'e �tight to RetaStata If Hormwer�meets certaia condition�. Eorrower shait have die right to have `�, .:_;�.i:x..:,� ;
<br /> ��`� , et�t'orcement of tivs Socurisy Insmement dissti�inued at atry time prior w ttie easiier af: (a�S days(or such other pedod ac � �., `« � —
<br /> Insmeme .
<br /> °.r.�.� 4 p � aPPlica6le law may spe�tify for teinstatement) Dafore saIe of the PmFen3► puisua4t to aay power of safe oora�iaed in tlus � ` 4. _`` ^
<br /> �� '.__.�_._._:.�_ Seaauaty Iasttument;ar(b)entry of a judg�at eaforc�a,�this Securiry Instrument.'[ltose oonditions are tHat Borrower:�a)FaYs ,_, ,f , � > � ..
<br /> �, Lendey'al! suws which then wouid 6e duc under this Securiry Instrumem and tfle Note as if no ecce2eratian tffid oocarred;N) ,T f:,
<br /> '� ° y�.:.� aues any defaWt of any ather covenants oT agieemeats;(c)PaYe all eapeuses in�med in enfosing this�ecurity Insu+►meat. <n t�. �:. , ;:
<br />-- '� ��� ' .�:. , ' inclnding. 6ut not limitad to.teasanable auomeys'fees;and(d)takes such action as i.ensier may reawnably require to assure ,:;�;�_„� , : '.:':t:-
<br /> ��'r� �' t6at the tien of this Secvri Losaument.Lender's ri ts in tDe Pm and Soaower's obligation oo pay the sums secured by � '° ` �
<br /> �,� l tY gh PertY '-��•,x=:�--•�� ,
<br /> ,.- tbis Securiry Instzumeat shalt ooniinue �nct�anged. Upon reinstatemextt by Bomuwer, this Se�urity. Instiument and the � � �$�'�''-'€�?-�`_ _
<br /> /1 �v C `s r;.','i,�t�_
<br /> o6ligations setured hereAy shaU remain ful[y effective as if no aoceie�ation had aocurre�}.However,tIIis right to reinstate sliaU �>�:�sF.t�_ . �- , t�r:..;
<br /> e a :�fi�� x:.; � •
<br />- ', , not apply in the case of soeelerat�oa nuder paragrdph 17. K�°'�`:� ' .�' � .
<br /> —� �;�,= •': 19. Sate o�Note;Cbaage of I.esa Sesvtc� The Note or a Qartial inte�est in the Note(together with this Security .. - .� ;
<br /> ` tnsuv�)may Ae sold o�or more times without prior notice to Bormwer.A sale may resWt in a change in the entity(imotim .�`.'�` �� .
<br /> Y . ,•.[ as the°Loan Servicer')tAat callects montbty payments due uader the Note azW this Secunry Instnunent.There also may be o� -:�•� :. • .=,
<br /> ��:�•<
<br />��`�.� �.:�'' _._� .;?��, or m o�se c b a n es of the Loan Servicer uure[ate�to a saie af the Note.If the�is a change of the Loaa Scrvicer,Sorrower wUI 6e r.:., � ��.;
<br /> r g uu -
<br /> ,,, givea written nodoe bf the change in acoordance a+ith paragrapb t4 above and applicable law.The notice wiil state We aame and �
<br />� .,a 3 < addsess of the new Loan Servicer and the add�+ess tu which paymeats should 6e made.Ttie notice wiU also oontain a�r oiher � �� ;° F �� .
<br />_, '. :�` '�J•'� � inforalation required by appficable taw. �. � -' �, t° ��'`
<br /> )`;''' ` ?A. Hezardous Substsiaces. Borrower shatl not cause or pesaut the presence. use.disposat. storage,or retease of any � � �.:�::< `�-�
<br /> r
<br />�—-?_=,-==—�-=`-�=��-=- Hazandous Substaaces on or in the Property. Borrower shaU not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the _� ••. ; ,-
<br />�:�-:''=:��.=:��• Property ti�at is in violation of any Enviro�►mental Law.The preceding two seateaoes shall aot apply Lo tQe presenoe,use.or - "".;�A;.
<br /> �%.. ',;:-�Y • . ..` storage on the Property of sinap quantities of Har�daus Substanoes that are geaeraUy teoogaizea to b�appropriate to nomrel - ; `f � ".
<br />�' . °' . tesidenrial uses and to maintenaace of the Propercy. ..
<br />�:�:.'. .�`�� .,.. . �
<br />� ,. • Bo:rower shall pmmptty give Ixnder wrieten norice of any investigation,claim.demand,lawsuit or other action by any _
<br />�;�,;:- .....0�::�•.; gove�mental or cegulatory agency or private party involviag the Progerty and any Ha�andous Substanoe or Environmental Law . � :-'.��
<br /> .` , ,'„ - of wt�£ch Homower has anual knowledge. 1f Borrower teams.or is notified by any govemmental or regiilatory authority.that � '' °
<br /> _ � : .. any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affectiag the Pmperey is neoessary.B omnwer s h a ll pmmp t l y take ' I '.;� � ;
<br /> ,., �",��� ;:� all necessary rem a d i a l actions in acoo c�d a nce wi t h Environmen t a l I aw. , �..:�.::�.
<br /> '.. `.`.. _. . :<.•�' As used in this patagraPL Z0. "Ha�antons Substances'at+e those substanoes defined as toxic or ha7ardaus subsrances by . : _,°': . :�':,,
<br /> '�.�;..,. ;`.°:`.; .� ;� Environmental law and the following sL:irsssances: gasoline, kernsene. other flammable or toxic peuoleum products, toxic ��,.��_;=
<br />_' r•li':•-:... � :� � ��n:(: .
<br />�. J;.,�.;�;, .. ._ ,.�;.',e•; pesticides and her6icides,volatile solvencs.r�aterlals rnntaining asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials.As ased'w . ._ � :.
<br /> this paragrapB 20, 'Environmental Law" means fedetal laws and laws of the jurisdiction�vhere the Prnpeny is loc�ted t1�at °+�,;:'
<br /> � t?. • : :�'�` �� _ m£ate to ttealtb.safery or erv'rxonmenta}protection. �.;_ ' .-: • ��
<br /> .. ". i��_ �.��_._
<br /> � � :. ' NON-IJNffORM Cm'C�SANTS.Bomower anc�f:�nder further rnvenant and a�r�,e as follows: r�•���,�� • � �;•..
<br /> �•':^:'>: �;.;:.. � . Zl.AacederatEoa;�t�malles.Lender shall give no8ce to Borro�ver pdoe to esce�eratEon feflowipg�o�e�s breach ,�3�'�:�: � ���,r:
<br />- _: " ' � � �ff�ay co�e�mt or agre�m5ent in t N s S e c n r ity I n s a v men t (b u t ao t p r tor to a c c e I e r a t i o a m�d e r p a r a�a p h N�1 e� • •,;:,.;_.,
<br /> ;: T....
<br /> .+ ';
<br /> �• ��eable{a��rn�ides orth�vlse).Tlte aot�ce shall specify: (al the default;(b>tiie act[on.required to cure the defa�I;
<br /> � �.' �.(" .�, (s�i a date,ao�f�s t6an 3�alays from the date the nottce Ls given ta Borrower,Dy w h t c h the defanit muct be c u�d;s�d . � • •��?_,
<br /> ��}that faUure to care 8&n�adefau[t an or befom the date speriTed in tDe natdee may resu[t ia acceleratton of the swns � • �``' . •� ;�
<br /> : • s�t�ed by thiv Securlty�ment aad sale of tfae Pioperty. The natice sha9!Purt�er inform Bornower of the right to `��_
<br /> � �� retnstate after acceterahmm a��.!Be �t to bring a oonrt actcoa to asseet tde non�xisteace of a default or aay atder � , • � -
<br /> : r � � �:.*� defense of Bosrower to a�a2tera19oa a��sale.lf t�e default is nQt cnred on or before tRe date sgectfied tn the nottc� • ;�.,}
<br /> � � I.ender,at its option,may r�qa�re�cmediate pa��cens in ttill mg s@k sums secured by t6ts Security Inshvment withont .
<br /> � �• :,:���+ farther demand aad mey im��o�:e the powcr oY sate aad aay other ee�edies permttted by applieubte iaw.Leader shall be � �
<br /> : 4 •' { ' '.,,' e�ttued to mllect all expeas�s acecurred in pu�suiag�he�aedtes psUb�ded[n tb�s pueagraph 21,inciud�CCg,but aot limited . � . ,
<br /> • ��°i�f� ¢o,reasonable attorneys'fe�s and costs of titte ertde�oe.
<br /> ` ..i}.,;, e• ,
<br /> � �� • � ' � �,,.• If thepower of sate is invoked,Trustee shall record a caotdce of defa�Ct in each county ia whIch aoy part of the . , .
<br /> � ` ' ;�'�``�' �p�y tv[ocated and shal!mail wpies of such nottce in the a�aoaaer prescr�6ed by appllcable law to Borrower aad to .
<br /> 4 -.,. . .:i':�'. �C��y . . .
<br /> . .���`�'� the other persons prvescrl6ed by appl�cabte taw.Atter the ttme re�i�ed by appltca6le la�v,Tnistee shall gire publte notice "� . �
<br /> "• �_�;:_;;• ' oYsa2e to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicaSe[e Qak.Trustee,withnut demaad on Borrower,sliaU s�e7l , .
<br /> ,� ,�,..�� :; the Property at puDltc a�rctdan to the highest 63dder at the tirae aad�tace aQd under the terms designated in We not�ee of
<br /> - � , sale in one or more parceis and in any order Ttvstee determines.Trostee ota�postpone sale of all or a»y parcel of the '��� �
<br /> ,s;�� ' � �.;�•., Properiy 6y public annuuncement ai the time and place of any dac�evtousiy sc6eduted sale. Lender or its desigaee amay ��,C,. �����
<br /> ,;" • �� .�,`�-';� the Property at any sate. ' .,;,•, ;
<br /> • �>:,•:�>: P�ase �;.i;,:,
<br /> t�,» ����L'�• ' �
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