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. � , . ., ,. . <br /> . <br /> ��..�. n : ���i' � i � -- _ <br /> ; t - � ' .. . , . <br /> � � � - � <br /> . <br /> . . . , r.� .. . . <br /> . ., . . � <br /> • • �--� - - - - -- - - <br /> �- ,,- ' <br /> .. <br /> n--�L.— � _. ..._ ' _. '_ ___ _`:, —¢ —__. . <br /> ��" _ ' __-_,� `� .±�"' ' u>:�� !' '_' "'._'.. .._. ' ' . <br /> �.��, `�� �j _� "..-- ___ ` . _. .__. _c . " ' . _, ___"_'__, _ "_'— _" ' " _ . . _ . . . . - �-�__-- _ .—__ <br /> .--,_.._��:_—, — : , . .. . - ����� <br /> - F���Y ao loager ba�u� the opttan o�3Rntter.if mongage insur8ane oQVeniBe tin � e�for tfle Feri'od - <br /> - - - - tbat Lenater requir�}provIded by an iasaner approye.d b3+l.euder�a�nin�eOOmea availaDle aad is ob�d�Bqmnwa'�ta1�.1�Y <br /> —_- - - ffie pi+�t�ns t+eqn{tad tv mai�ain ruostgage insuisace in e�ct�or ta grov�de a�ass re�ve.aatil�e r�qairem�ut for mottgAge _ , _ <br /> - --==�iv��:��ri�••-°�r�it� : -- ... ._ -�,- _ - --- -- _ - <br /> - - -_-- --= g.�ospec3ton.Lender oc iss agem m�Y matce t+casom�bte entries apon�and inspections of the�rope�ey.l�ender shaU give� <br /> — --- --- � Baa�wer notica at tne tta�e of er p�iar to an iaspeaian spedfg+tn8�Cnabie i�se for the ipspoction` < : --- -- <br /> -- --_-- — • 10. �nd�on.'FQe praoeeds of eny awaM a:ct�im for da� or o�asequcnHai. in coaaection with any --__ ---- -- <br /> .��� _— ooademaahon or other taidqg of any�art of the Proparty,or for aanveyanoe iti liev of Qandemna�an,s�e haeb�y ess�gn�aad �;�r___—_.�__ <br />� --- aBa116ep�id to Le�tder. < . : . : ` � =` — ^------ <br />`=� In t�teeveaea of a wia!ta4Ic�of�tt�Pm�ecty,t�e gmoeacta shall he applied to the sums secace0 Dy t6is Se�uity Insttament.. _ -- - -_ <br />= __ _ __ ._wbeiher or noi tGe�d�e,with aqy_exoess paid w Borrawer. In the event of a gartisl tatvng of tbe Ptoperty in whicL the fatr -- „�„'� <br />_� market va[ue of the Pcopeaty immodiatefy before the taking is equal�o or @�atec tUan t�e annount oi�he sams sec�ned6y-�is -- _ _- <br /> Seauity Instmmeat ii�nediatd�t before the ta&utg,untess Bormwer attd Leader otheiwise ag�ee in writing,tIle suma sacared by �: � <br /> I� �:��.a.m.� <br />:-� tIIis Seau�ry inst�meat shail be coduced by t�e emwnt o f the p m c e e d s m u itip l i e d by t h e f o l lo w i n g�fl a a ion: (a)t L e W t a 1 ��--�=_---__ <br /> amuunt of the wms secv�d immediatdy 6efore the raking,divided by N3 the fair marla�t vaias of the Pmge�ty im�ediately �"°�--. <br />� beface dee takiag.Aay 6alaaoe shaq be paid to Homowa. In the eveat of a partial ta[da8 of the Property in whtch the fair �� <br />���`-� market vaiue of t�e pmperty immediately befoie the taging is less thaa the amoum of the snms secured immediatdy before tde =—-� <br />��� - �� - - <br /> _---- takin$,unless Baaower and Leuder aiheaa+ise ag�ce iu wriwag or�mless applic�ble law atherwise provides,the proceeds s�ai1 �.___ � <br /> ;,���,���.Y �` <br /> _���;� - 6e epplied tn the sums se�vred by this Securiry Ias�ument whether ur not the sums aze th�n dae. <br /> - - If the Roperty.,is aDandoned by Borrower.or if.after aorioe by Lende{�_Bormwe�thai the ooademaor offezs to make an �—�� <br /> � z-��••-�-t awsrd or seute a claim for dacnages, Borrower fails to mspond ta L�a� 30 days after the da�the notioe is given, �����. <br /> E��'ti <br /> ePP Y P='v�ds, �� �' �� , <br /> �k� �' • Iea�r is authori�l m collect and 1 t�e at its opdon,eitt�et u�e r�ration q air of the , or m the sums 3, .� <br /> - �-,•����� semu+ed by this Sewsity taswment,whether or not thea due. �. - �;_: � ... � ;'=:�� �. :- �G'`' - <br /> ,:.� 6 •' Unless I�enQer and Bomnwer atheivvise agcee in writing,.$pY�i�:ini of pxoc+eeds to principa! si�ll nd�_�d or , - <br /> :;a a ' ���' postgo�ihe dae daie of tde atontLly payments zev�c�ed w in�bs k��i��ange Ette smouat of suc�s paymeats. ��--�-:-_- <br /> --�-�`�-�'.�`�•- - - --_ <br /> �,�,�j==;T�` 11.Bon+nwer Not Rdeased;Forhea�sa��j r�L e n d�'Not a W a i v���io�v�s,�e t i m e for��e n t o r m o d i 8 c a t i o n .�- <br /> $� `�'f•����°"�` af amorti�adon of the sums secured b tHls S Tnstr�ment b �rider�� sLinoessor in s,.�,'^'.a'�st of Bomower shaU "���. — -- <br /> ,,�.:, �.. - Y �9 8�� Y ���`.. �`''� - - <br /> ���� �°�- - <br /> _�.;,;,�, ��'° � uot operate to celease ttte liability of the original Hormwer or Borrower's see�oessors i��^�st.Lendec s�iail not be�quired to � <br /> ' �'�=.-°�•'�•,•�,` oo��e saoressor in imerest or zefase to extea�tune for pay�at or oti�cwise modify amortiration `� <br /> -�_.• :.:�.;;,.,- .., pmoaedings a8ain.�t anY � . <br /> ':�,c j 4" v ' of tae s�mv.secured by this Security Insaua�t�by reawn of any demaud made by the original Bormwer or Bormwer's '``• '- <br /> .� �_ <br /> ;'�r--�t 4�'; ~ `' suooessors in intes�st:Any forbearaace by Le��r in exerdssng any rig6t'��emedy shall not be a vvaiver of or pieclude the �_,,,,. _- <br /> � � . <br /> - '� ti = :.►yri�.orremedy. � , { , Y,��_.._ <br /> ? �.��, <br /> = �s. i. -„" ..1lZ�..'Suco�sms aad Asdgos Bound;doiut and Sev�a!Liahility! lCo-sigae�a The covenants and a�of this --- <br /> gae s. � ;:3. <br />_ '� � �,�...: •�;�;';.:. ' Secu�ay�tcumeau�shall bind and benefit the successors aad assigns.of Lender and Bomnwer,subject to 1}te_�,-�r�ams of ,:`r;*�7���,�.� <br /> ,�:; i , ' : �saragcapfi 17. Boi���'s oovenants aad agreements shali;be j4im a�ct s..veral. Any Borrower who oo-si�s�t�s 5�c�uity .�fi� ,�,�; <br /> 'r. S8I8 <br /> Instrument but daes uoF execute the Note: (a)is oo-sigaing this�Se�vricy ltri�aument only to mortgage.�t and o�vey that +�• <br /> ` x - Borrower's interest a��e�Property under We te�nns of this SeSw�ctY Insuq�'",.�t:(b)is not personally obug��red w psy"the sums �;-ti �;�`;: <br /> - • ` -;:.1�,, sec�i+ed by this Security Instnim�t;a�d(c)agc+ees that Lead«r and any othei Borrower may agree ta exte��,mod�fy.�oa3�ear or �,��S-�,� ; <br /> .N�_ •, <br /> s ; - .:���'.�:�- make a�+aocommndations with regand ta the terms of tLis Secuuty Instr�ment or the Note without that BoR+oRer's caz�nt. ,� ,�ah���.i<<ti;rt�. <br /> r.� r�'11. �F ���R f <br /> • . , 13.Loan Chatges.If the loan secured by this Securiry Insuument is,subjact to a law which sets maximur�i toan chatges, ��•��:^;�'<`° <br /> + ' and that law is fina!ty iaterpreted so that the interest or other toan charges oollected ar to be colleeted in connection with the ':' `� •. : <br /> t '�� � Ioan exceed the per�mitted limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be neduced by the amount necessary to reduce the ctiarge � . ` "'' <br /> }( , .����� .. � to the p�mitted litnit:and(b)eny swns almady oollected from Borrower w5ich exceeded permiued limits wiI[be c�fuRded to �.•� . �� <br /> f�' ,�1��.�tl+�� •,.h.�, - <br /> ` ,., .�;.- Sornou.,s. I.ender may choose to make this refimd by reducing tde principal owed under tAe Note or by matdzg.a direa �":'t�,;,;.;;''. <br /> ..:''s"�:'.;,: . � pnr�r�nt to Horrowec. If a refund neduces principal, the reduction well be veated as a partial prepay�nent Ai�'�t any ' ,. . <br />- �� `• •� prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> •� ;•�� �°`� , 14.Nottces.Any nodce to Borrower provided for in this Security Instcument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing .• . . <br /> ;... _.... _. <br /> - -.,�>. it by 6sst ctass maii wiless applicable law reqaires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the P�vpe�ay Address ..,,,.L,. ����. � <br /> : P.� � . "�:?.... �. � - . <br /> or any ather address Bortower designates�y notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shal!be given by first class mail to '��';.��;��;�•:,�. .. <br /> +,�• : ` ' Lender's address stated herein or an other addiess l.ender desi nates b notice to Borrower. M noti� rovidad for in this :•`���`'$��`;.�• •�: � <br /> � . Y S Y Y P ..,,y,�,.t•;�;,� . <br /> � , ` � _ � Security Instrument shall be deeme�to have beea given ta Borrower or l.ender when given as provided in this paragraph. ':•''}��r:'�r' •�< ..i;�. <br /> : . • �r� .� <br /> • 15.Goveming; Severability. This Secudry Inswment shal3 be govemed by federal ia�v aad the law ofthe � ���`�E� ''�` •'�':` <br /> "+,� � �' . jurisdi�ion in whicb the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security instrument or the IVote :<��:'";���,�' ,•��' <br /> +� " ' � conHicts witb appticab2e law.such rnnllict shall not affect other provislons of this Securiry Instrument or ttte Note w�hieh can be `'�'??� <br /> � • �`. '�;;��;;� <br /> :` �� � . . '�)� . given effea withou�the oonflicting pmvision. To this end the provisions of this Security Inst�ument and the Ivo[e am dectared . , ; . <br /> -; z,•:.'' �.. to be severable. � <br />-..?�, ��� '� ' ��. I6.Bora+m��cr's Copy.Bomower shall be given one confortned copy of the Note and of this Securiry dnswment. `" . . . �` <br />''' .,�1' . ' Farm3�28 9190 ::�.. � : <br /> �S • . P7g0 6 Of B , . . <br /> '�t., .{1�, . . <br /> � '<.. _ ��' ' " . : <br /> .ItL''i� �,�, � . . _ . . . . .. . . . �. . ' . � . <br />_ .4� •�f . - . . .. . . . .. .. . .. �., ... . _ _ � _ � . . . . � � � , - • .� . I'��� .. _ ` . . <br />�. J-�_ . . , " �. .. . . ` ' .` . . . . , . .. . ' _ _ . _ . . . '� .. •. �' � <br /> � <br />'tt w�'�'�n�.-''{+�,; .1-,`� "' ' ` � '' � : , . ' . � ' \A , .- . ' . . . ` . ' ` ' � • ' . - - . <br /> j ,i}St+i.•.�.�• . . . . . ' ' . .. . _ - _ ' . '! � . . - � - � __� . <br /> '{_�'.'�( . . • . ., . . . � y Cx.i .. . ' ' . , <br /> t�y'I' ' tl- . _ ' ' ' _i_ . - � . ' . <br /> _ . '� ... �t;;- . . . <br /> � r � '�' 4t . . . .; ` � ..'��'VI.�- . _ • . . . . • . <br /> •k-� �'~ . . 11�5 . ,,T'�� ' ' • � - - �. . - , . . , _ <br /> . �N ��i 2 41'�}rI . ' : ✓,�� ''� i .P� ���'� ' � �' >��. � - �. - � - , . ' . ' <br /> . �C� t � ;�\_ _. , - � � . <br />— i ; y��. � ' . S� " . .. .� . Y'�� � - } .. • -��t`�. . . . '. ' . <br />— 7� �� ., .� , ' �- . . . • .. _ j . . , ' • �j��:� . . � . <br />_ _ .i . . ��;- . . . �, <br /> ' <br /> .. ! � - -� . . . <br /> 5��,'... _ _ ,� . ; . - . . . ' .. . .. � . � . . <br /> . . <br /> . . . .. _ ' .� _ • . . . - . <br /> . <br /> . <br />. . i�t� �- -.' _ ._ _�- f.i . -.' . '. _ "` _ _ <br /> r •. .. <br /> . . ,t. .. . , _ ' . . _ _ . _ .-+.� , ' �. _ .— 1' ._ <br /> ��, , . . 1. � .�. " - .- - �! ^� . , . <br /> _ r�; -.y: . . ._+ ' . . . t . ' - }. ` , ' _ . . . <br /> ` fLµ`r. -k.� ` � s, . • ' � _� .1. - � - �' -` t . � � , . ' • <br /> _t �i.�sa:3:Y:: -ilrm':.i'r `�lY1�iii.-c. � - � ' . � ..�. �_ . • • . . <br /> s: __...�.�..,,i''. � . � . . . _._ ._„ . _, . . ..,_. . . . . . ._. . . _—_. . <br />