'�����.�t����•'� �•�i� � _.r. - � _v c L�z:. —
<br /> `=3. � �+t�`t'�'ZC:,`:,.� ': � '•''_r .�._C� _ .:r � — ..�.._�_-�-�—.—
<br /> � tt_ � F s`,`��`_.� ' c . _U, .. , : � . .. � 2 ry ' � - c r �
<br /> Z ` : ,.< .. c. .F ; `
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<br /> : � - � � . _ ° �, � ,� . Y ty c�. , , � .' ' � ` • ��w�� � � , ,'
<br /> — �� D�_���'.7]!C f3�Ul�19GD CpttEef��IO�`EhC IR�A�i�Qd Cffi�fe���!'t?1'IF�t`blt `�gdCl1�C�� � s ' - —
<br /> — ------ �•- �OisUfe��sivtis�p��cetRw •�_ — .,.1,,.� .
<br /> , w °...�` . . . i
<br /> . '}�e�rt��i obt�in csav�r�ge ta�ect�,�t��igt�t�in��3 eT i�+c�cddsn�e�=pi�A�rqplr:7• �� . .
<br /> . � 8 o n�►lZofinsuta�Po�a�i craawats a�ll De euc#eeliall iacIude a�t�tnaRB�e�'Sil�e.��I�e�s` . .
<br /> � `sAa!!tnnre the'r�igT�ta 6otQ tt�apo��nd a�new�I��rea&r ae4�ir�+,�+9.r+e�we�i�b�l!p�p��?.=�va ro tander'�ii tax'i�
<br /> , ' • �of q�d naaw�datkx,i. �p t6e aveat o�to�,Bon+a�er a�l giv�pro�npt�o`tioa m.�Ito ins�o catr�as.�3 . . , ,
<br /> tn
<br /> . �� , .
<br /> d .I,excdcr �ety�er a�y a��aof Qf lt>ss tf t�ot m�de&�o�nPUY bY���� � - : _
<br /> � U�less I.�n�and�orM�ra atDetwisa ag�Itt wzit�ng,ttuvru�oe shatt He ep�tidd to�eatau�oa ot�nt -�
<br /> --- — _ ..-- --'�01��-d�arAg�if t�c�an�r:tep�tr is�it�ity€�-�����'�i�-s�F�.�-�'�-= - ---- ---
<br /> cestoiannn or cepait Is aa�"�n�a1IY feasIbk or Le�r 9 s�n r lty�w o a l d D a I e a s x n e d,�d t e�s�a�o c�s s h a l i 4 p
<br /> 1— _ ----app�dtQ�sums seru�stlsyr�S�adty-I�sd�mae�`w�eth�es uei-t��-�It;aaBr,ea+c-��€���=�----- ----
<br /> - . Bomb�v�r.�baztd�s tRe Ptapeny.or dbes nat at�wer wi�30 days a�notI�ce fcam t.�ndar tAat tflc insuesrnt�e.c�srter�tan:
<br /> offered�to seule a cl�iim��d1�n I.endermay coII��dte iasu�a�ds. Letidet may usa tt�e g�s,co cep�ir ar rest�re. _ _
<br /> she Pcaperty dr w pay swma sec�ued by d�is Secu:ity Insteumen�whathu�hot�an dua. 'Ihe 30�day peaod�D begt�#whm
<br /> t@a notioe isgivea : .
<br /> . Untess L�ader aad 8otmwer otixatuvIse�e in writing�ahy appli�tio�of prooeed�m pr�ncipal shal�'�tai ext�nd or '
<br /> _ _ postpoae tfle due date oFttta munthly paym.°nts zefeaed to ia g�mgxaghs 4 and 2 or changa tfie uawunt of tt��aymtnt�.�f .
<br /> ' � iinder pacagaph 2t tha', Is soqnited Dy I.Ead�c,Burc+ower�iight oa any insuraaoe.polides and pra�ds;tssuihn8
<br /> 8
<br />-= - - .. .frnm da�age to t9e Ftei�ig. . or to tLe aoqnisrtian.shalt pa�s oo Lender ta vhe exteut�th�sums secured dsi'�his SeC�uit�► �
<br /> ........ . . . .. . .. .... ...._. _
<br /> Instrument immediately�stior oa th�acqttiSYdan. � � - �
<br />- - 6, ��tc9, Q�rv�;�MefIIEeaeuce and Fc�on aP f�:Lt�+ep�ri Horro�ver's Los��+�PP��+
<br />-- - ie�d�ds. Boaowa st�a�aoer��ablish.aad use the Pna�y as B��r�;�l msldence aritbin sixty days aRer . .
<br /> �the exe�aion of this Sec�rity�it sad�iati cQ���Y tt��y,es�rrower's princIpat�idence fur,ei
<br /> least on� year aftes � daUe of'�uPaneg;,`i;�ess Leac�r;�auise-_�g�ees ia wnting, wbich consen&t�alt aoi�e
<br /> " ` ` �u�soaabIy withl�..o�anIess exteavatiag cie�nse.s�i�Ich a�iaeyond Bomower�oonuol. Bo�aawer ahall not
<br /> . :.
<br /> -- —. ....,. �—
<br />- dest�oY:damaSe oi i�np�ir iae��ertyi;�itow the Fioperty ta�teaorate.ot cammit waste on the Fropeny. Bomoarer snall
<br /> . i;e in defanit if eay�arfeiaue.�or prooeeding,whether t��ciiminal.is beguo.ttmt u►Lenderb good f�sth judgmet►t
<br />- cauld iesult in�sfeituce af tI�e�;roperty or otheiwarise mateiiatly unpat�the lien cr�by tbis Sea�iry:Usuuanent or
<br />- L.ea+�r�s security.in��est. Bcno�r may cme snch a defaWt and nemstat�.a4 provided ia ga�agtapb 18.by cu�ing the satan __
<br /> . or p�noe�din8 w be dismissed with a niliag that,in Leaderk good faitb de3eaainatioa.gcecl�tdes farfeiuueof�tLe Bomower'�
<br />-- inse�est in the Pmperty ar other material impaitment of th:lien c�try t�is Secnaty Instrument or Let�er�saauity
<br /> ittt�, 8ormwer s�all also 5e ia defaWt if Borrower,d�uu►g the loan applit�tion.pr�ss. 8ave �LeriaUy false or
<br /> ' ina�eafe infoimatiaa or�.ta Lender(or faited to pzavide Lender with any ma�a�infonnanon)in car►nectian wi�h
<br />-_ the im�evIdenoed by the.Ne",�,=usciudiag,.but not 1'naited t�rep:esentattons coaee�,Bo:rower5�oc�aacy m'the
<br /> - Propeity as a principal cesidenoe::.T�d�is S�ui�Y InsuumeQt is oa a leasehuld,Hoanwer sb�t!'rampty wIth aIS che provisioas
<br /> � of t6e tease. If BuiGe��arer aal�ites fge titie co�.�operiy,the ieasehold a�t�e fee titie sHaii not merge oa�ess Leader ag�ees
<br /> - � to the merger In vrc�:r�. ' : � �' . .
<br /> �� 7. �Prote�tio�a'ot_Leade.'S�igl►ts tn We Property. If Bonower�a to Qe�QIm the coveiaa�amd agceements,
<br /> 2° � contained in tAis Securiry�rient.•or there is a legaf pracceding that may si�y affect Lender�rights iu the
<br />�� • � Pruperty(such as a proceed��im���inuptcy,pmbate.for condemnation or forfeitu�e.orur enfocce taws or r�WaBons).then _
<br />- l.ender may do and�r fot w3s�ever is necessary to protect the vatue of the:Ptoperty:?ad�LeudetSs rights im the Ptoperty.
<br /> F Lenderls actions c�ip aa�hide payiag any su�as sec�ued by a Uen whicd has par'ndty over this Serurity Instr�at,appeazing
<br />-- --- ,;F,,,,,�M,� in coun,payinS�riable attomeys'fees and enteting on the PmpertY to�ice repaire.Ahhaugh i,eader�ay take acNon . -- --_--
<br /> Y ��� under this paragraph��,Lendar does not have to do so. -�-----
<br /> �. �;.i,<�i,r;���-a' • A np amaun t s d is b u z s e d b y�e nder under this para g�a ph 7 shall become ad+ditiaaat efebt of Bomower secured by this ��'���N=
<br /> � � ;�Z��:'..n'f.' Secaiicy Insaument. Ualess Bc�m„�.sr�s and Leader agree to odtesr.e�sas pf pay�ent,the��nts shali bear iaurest&+om tha �-�^-;-_
<br /> �,�,��::• '=�� date of disDwsement at the Note.sate attd shali ba p�yable,wi�it iaee�esc.upaa noti��!a�i.eader to Borrawer cequesting ��t�""=--
<br /> $_��__`..
<br /> . ��b,:�r t ' payment. .• .,.
<br /> 8. Mortga���suranee. If I,en�dei z+�ui�ad mortgage insurance as a�coudidmm of making the iaatr secured bY this � "?,r --
<br /> -.�+ , ,>r ;' Securiry Insaumeat,Barrower s�aU�aY the Pnmiums req�ued to maintain-dte mo�e insuiance in ef�ect. If,for any � . 3},r -
<br /> �,,��a��� ;: rea5on. the martgage insurance a�overage reguired by Lender lapses or ceases to 6e ice effect. Bortower shall pay the �••��=��+�a�-_
<br /> �•��:�x t--�
<br /> :.":,.-'�`+���'� � premiums requued to obtain co��r.uge substandally equivalent to the mortgage iasvraac�p�evious1y in effect,at a cost ''•;:�„�j��.
<br /> _ .._..:.•.:.i'��: t�n:�:�"� ,_ �t:�„�---_
<br /> _.. „'����.�;;... .,: substantiaAy equivate.r.t to the«r�so Borrower of the mongage insutance previousiy 'uc effec�t.from azr aioemate mortgage . -1,:s.___
<br /> " •f� �`�<'� ' - insumr approved G�Mnder. If s,�3staatialty equivalent mortgage insurence coverage is rtot avaitable.Botrower shall pay to � ��_
<br /> �` i•°-�-' "��; '' '�:�,-: Lender each manth a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yeariy mortgage insumnce p�emium be�ng pai d by Borrawer w hen t he �$� __
<br />-- ,r s•��5. ,, .���_.
<br /> �� ��,A��,;k�f�.;;,:: insucance wverage lapsed or ceas�to 6e in eff�t. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a Ioas neserve in lieu
<br /> �'` ���1�Sy;����i-� of mortgage insurance. Loss res�cse paymeects may no longer be requiced,at the optian of Lender,if martgage insurance � • ��':
<br /> *;�r'�dy 'n•.,,,t ,2>�,..
<br /> 7 ,.��.•q�o�•.� �.1- coverage(in the amount and for the period L�4�.e l.ender reqaires)provided by an insurer a�proved by Lender again t�eeimes , ::.����;�.,� �
<br /> �,. `'•`'���-�'��:'�'�'•°-'� available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay�.��premiums required to maIntaun mongage iasveance in effect.or to ptovide a • `���;`:•>�,�,,�,: _; -
<br /> *".•�• ';• toss reserve.unti!the requirement for mortp,�;g�insvrnnce ends in accordanoe with any written agmx�crrent between Borrower � �`"�• _
<br /> � .�''�•�.�r;•�. and Lender or applicable law. ••�r `.; , "
<br /> '� '�'`" � 9 Inspectlon. I.ender or iu agent may make reasonable enaies upon and inspections of the Ptaperty. Lendet shall :�';;�;k;:;.:
<br /> � '��';��� � � ve Borrower norice at the dme of or nor to an in on s if�n reasonable cause fix ahe ins ction. :'3'�°<,t,•
<br /> "�:��;1�`�;�?�`. S� P� � P� Y g Pe �:'`.�,•�.:,::.. .._. .
<br /> . �. tc.'�� 10 Coademaatton. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or conses�uential,in connection with any �,=.;�=;i;`,• �. .
<br /> � . . `'.� .,;,,. '•. ati�� ,•. : .,
<br /> ; . � .� _ , ����1�,.
<br /> ;t, t':,;'.:?:;.;'_°;., '� ` Singie Fnmiiy--Fannte M8elEfeddie Mae U1vIFORIN INSTRUMBNT—Unifarm Covenants 9190 IpaRe 3 of 6 poRe�l .
<br /> , .
<br /> '��'? �1��;."" � � To 0cdr►CaI1:Ifi�3Q�t43P0 Al[81•814131 „
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