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<br /> _ ' . '-'• ��--��.�ii.'i'.�'�s_smis-_-ev=:_�__ —„�-��--- ."_ __ '—_ -' ...
<br /> 8ud fixtinns rittw oz RaeaRer a put o€t�c pmpeny. �AU trpl�oanents at�d additimea�h�11 etso be wvetecfTy t�us'�e�uttty ti
<br /> Inswme.nt.�Aii of the for�goiA�ia cefen�d to tu ih3s Sec.vrlty Insauuaent es Ne�"Ptapacty."" � ° ��,- . ,. . , t=`
<br /> ,,:
<br /> BQRROWt�dt�0�'�1�?AS�S that Botrower is lawli�lly setsod of the estat�heteby oaavpye8.snd[sa�th�xight to grar►t '�, � �
<br />_ - and eonvay t8e PYopaty and.thst the Pmpccq►is�acum.�red.excapt for encumtuancss of e{�aad Banbwer tr�ar��, .
<br /> - i�W.dcfaad geaceaaUy thatidesuthePtepertyagainstalistaims anddemattds�su�ect to enq encum�esuf t�ord .. � , _
<br /> - � 7WI3 SECiJR1TY INS'�RUMBIVT comDimes w�ifmm povena�rts for aAttona!+�e chd nonainifonu oaveaanty�a�i� � ` ' ,_ : _
<br /> - I I Wldted variations by jmisdic�an co oa�tsttsu�a unit`arm�tcy insu�e��av�reol groperty...�: : �. . - .
<br />_ dQ �,..
<br />� " UN]F�RM�OVBTJAPITS..�EOIIOR'6T 8IId L+CRt�Ef COYCD�tt 8l1S1 S�,[EC 83 fQIID�Y� ' _ - --- ------
<br /> -- - '=-- ' - - -- �
<br />- r. _��0��`Ili�j18�•AlldTll��iffiCII��ii�i� .�'$�9.�1[�W!'J,6�gIU�ujt�W�II�iiEL�C-;-- _
<br /> - Pmicip8t of eri0 iatecest.on We de�i evIdenoad by the Note and enY F�PaYmeat�aqd tate d�8tges due�sttder tt�Note. . . .
<br />-.: �. �Lnds for'IB�tes�nd Insurano�Subjeci to applicable law or m a wriuen�vaiver 6y L�sd�r,Borrower shall pay to. ,
<br />- I.euder oa dte day monihlg payments aie due uader tAe Note.iia�Me Note is paid in PoU.a sum f'IBmds`7 for.(a}yeaziy.
<br />= taaea end essessme�ots whicb may atmin Friority over�this Seauiry�as��ent es a lien on the Fmpetsq;tb1 pe.ar1Y 1�uld
<br />; paymeats or gromtd ceats on tha Ptopeciy, if sny: {c) YearlY Qazard or prepertyt insu�anoe piemimns:{d?Yes� tlaad ,�
<br />- � insatanee pcecniums.�if aay.(eJ YeaziY mongage iasursnne premiiums►iF any;aad t�an5► s�ms PaYable Dy B6aower ta.
<br /> l,endsr.in eeooidanoc with th�pmvisions of paragtaph 8.in Geu of t�e payment of mortgeg��giemimms..Tltese
<br /> _ ' ioems are called�"F�saaw Item�° 1�der maY,�a4Y tune,collect m�d 6oW FbnQs ia aa emount r�ntt�.ea�l ti�mnxim�
<br /> - - -
<br /> amount a iead�ri for a fedeaaUy c+elated mortgage loaa may req+iire foi�onower�s eswow�acooinnr mti�i t�e fe3eaal R�i�
<br /> Fstate SettleDieat.Ptoc�educes Act of I974 as amende�fmm 6me to mne.IZ U.S.C.�2Cs�t er seq.("RES�1a"3.�E�sa�nother �
<br />-��?��: Iaw that applies ta the�mds sets a Iesser amouuL If so.Lc�dec may.az aag ffie,colIeat and hoId Rinds ia an aaiouns aot w . .
<br />�r±����� exceed the tesser amoimL L�der may estimate the amount of Fimds d�te an the basis of cunent data aud�asvntsble -
<br /> � estimates of e��iwtes of fuaue Escrow ItQms or oshervvise in acoo�dzauewiW agpficab2e taw. . �- •
<br /> �?:�'i,� Q .
<br />�'r. �� • .�-
<br />=�r::._�•�!���yF , '[he PLnds s�alt be�esd in an institutic�whase deposits are iasuca8 by a federal ageaey,ins�anpeatatity.or eariry . -.--
<br /> "'i 2:��':�`° ����' (istcla�Lestder..i€Leader is�s�c3�an�a)orin aay R�ttetal Home I.amm Baz�. Leader shati_�kjr ffie�rist��t��Y_ - _ —
<br /> =�`�'=�"`��-�-�'�=�` the Fscrow Items. Lenderma aot�j�e Borrowet for.hot�=n^�nd��{7�1�'}�Q the Ftmds,ann anal��.. . p��n rescrow —
<br /> _— .. " �. x. �'awab �$ "CC�'�'O � 3:.d•�'�!°L,_
<br /> �.��*�'�_`��:.�'; aocount.or ve:ifyjng the Fscr�w Items. unless I.endcr pays Bomnwer intec�st oa the I�nds and ap�ticabte;da�':peimiffi
<br />�",— `` "�•.�:�.���:-� r..... I.euder to ma&e such n charge. However,I�ader may iequue Bomuwer to gay a oae-time charge,f�ait e�t�peudeat ieal
<br /> _ :�:.{,� ..:�. • .:. .
<br />�T�.�j,�,:$T;:�.:1,�:�.�;.��;E estate tax�epoiting setvioe used 6y Lender arroaaectlon arith this foan,uWess appiicahle law provi��s� Untess an
<br /> �;���,,_.t?;.�;;:;_,:;;�v agroemeut is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid.Leader sha11 not be�equireA to pay�astro�ver any mtem,st or _
<br /> eamings on the Fmnds. Bnmower end Lender may egree iu writing,however.that intecest sheU be paid on the I.ender
<br />_ � ` ::`''�a\"�"���'''L:� sdall give m Bomnwer.wIthaut charge.an annual accounting of the FLnds.showing credits and debits to the�and the -
<br /> `�. ..- �:\Fy�,!'"`:���[yy _ � l.
<br /> � . .�;������• °� - pucpose for which eacb debit to the F�ads was made. 'Ihe Rinds are pledged as addi6onal sec�uity for all sums;s�s.rued Dy �u;���
<br /> .�._ ':.:.z�b.¢_;,Y;!:.; dus Sec�ty IasuumeTtt.: ':�:':;
<br />